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Mohan says because I was scared and now I’ll tell the truth, it was 6 August 2018 that day Ashok sir was driving jeep as my wife was sick and hospitilised so he told me to stay with her but I didn’t know that will be our last meet because those people killed him. Meet stumble. Mohan says his dead body was kept in jeep in such way that people may feel that he is alive and pressure me to go on petroling when I deny them they said I’ll complaint to officer and Hawa Singh came infront of me and threaten me to kill my family, that’s why I was quiet, that night Hawa Singh came to take tea and Ashok sir was sitting dead in front seat even Anubha Bhabhi came out to see. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet try to handle yourself. Mohan says Hawa Singh played game, your father was dead on 6 August but they showed that he was killed in an encounter on 7 August so that nobody get suspicious. Meet Ahlawat says this mean Tej saw your father's murder, you were right both the cases are connected you are correct. Meet says to Mohan my father always treated you as family and you never thought of us he use to say the person who hide mistake is also the culprit that time you were scared but didn’t tell the truth afterward you did a big crime with my father. Mohan Lal says I know I did wrong. Meet says god always give you chance to fix your mistake. Mohan lal says yes after 4 years I came to Kurukshetra for my wife funeral ceremony and today I came back to square one it’s a good sign to fix my mistake. Meet says if you want to fix your mistake then you have to help me because I’m reopening Papa’s case in court and only you can help me. Mohan lal says you reopen the case and I’ll give my verdict in court. Meet Ahlawat says thanks to him and taxi will come to take you and nobody will know about you.
Meet and Meet Ahlawat walks out. Meet think about what Mohan Lal said. Meet Ahlawat thinks I can’t see Meet upset and start trying to cheer her up by praising himself. Meet says listen whatever I’m trying to do is because you are with me. He says we will fight together and win after that I’ll take you on a special date. Meet says I’ll take you on date which will be special and memorable after all date dosent know who is taking girl or a boy. He thinks now she came in competition mode and ask her what will you do to make that date special? She says you think you are smart I understand everything you are trying to cheer me up I know everything. Meet Ahlawat says you spoiled everything. Meet says you don’t need to do anything you already gave me what I want and hold his hand. Meet Ahlawat mocks her. She says I’m talking about support and same way the whole family support us, we need to tell truth to family that he was murdered and I believe family members will support us. Meet Ahlawat says yes they will support us now come with me.

The next morning Masum asks for extra butter fromm Sunaina and says this condition has lot of cravings and I hope I am not troubling you, Sunaina says not at all let me know all whatyou need. Masum thinks you troubled me a lot, in the kitchen now look what I will do to you. Raj asks Sunaina where is Tej, Sunaina says he went to Ram Lakhan school as guardian, Masum signs Duggu, Duggu walks to Sunaina and say sorry, for misbehaving, Mom, Everyone get surprised, Sunaina in tears, Masum says look he accepted you, he even made a family tree look and wrote your and Tej bhai’s name in place of mother and father, Raj says nice. Masum says Meet you said Duggu won’t be ready but look he agreed, Meet says Duggu we are happy if you are do let me know if you want to share anything, Masum says why does it look like you are not happy with this adoption, Meet says I have no problem, Masum says but 2 days later we will arrange adoption, Meet gets call and she leaves. Ram asks Ragini did she speak to Meet because she looks so worried, Ragini says I will go talk to her
Mohan calls Meet and says thanks of reliving him of this guilt, Meet says Thank you for helping us, we will come pick you in an hour. Ragini walks to Meet and Meet Ahlawat and ask what truth, Meet says I will tell everyone inside. Meet and Meet Ahlawat walk in, Meet says to everyone, I want to tell everyone a truth, you all will be surprised and may not like it but I need your support. Raj asks what is it. Meet says my father didn’t die in encounter but was killed, and Tej saw that murder, and then Tej was attacked and kidnapped and I heard Hawa Singh accept it, he was part of all this and has destroyed all the proofs but I have found one proof which will help me reopen the case. Everyone is in the hall. Meet says to everyone I found a clue which can help me yo reopen my father’s case but for that I need your support and blessings. Ram says but how can you reopen case do you know how dangerous this could be what will you get after reopening this case, it will only hurt your families feeling, how will your mother feel. Raj stop Ram and ask Meet do you believe your actions will give your father justice, try to understand till now everyone knows your father was martyred but when everyone will know your father was murdered then many questions will come are you ready to answer the question? Meet says yes and ask Raj will you support me? Raj says I believe in you that you will give justice to your father I’m with you in your fight, I know you lost your father and nobody can replace him but remember I was with you and always will I have accepted you as my daughter and this won’t change and hold her hand. Meet Ahlawat also hold their hand and everyone join their hands with Meet except Ram. Raj looks at him and nods his head to join. Ram keeps his hand too with everyone.

Anubha gave her first check to Amma and take her blessings. Amma says this means you are businessman now, go and keep it in front of god and take blessings and says to God in this age she became independent. Anubha says now we will live our life with respect. Amma says will all this be possible if I didn’t support you and gave her sweet to eat. Anubha give her sweet too and says we both did hardwork for business. Meet and Meet Ahlawat at door. Anubha get excited and give then sweets from her first income. Meet says I don’t wish to eat. Anubha try to give her. Meet turn around. Anubha ask her what happen why are you crying you are scaring me. Amma ask her what happen is everything alright I can tell after seeing your face you didn’t had proper sleep from many day. Meet says I have to tell you something, I have decided to reopen father’s case. Anubha says have you gone mad who opens martyred case again, saying anything. Meet says papa was murdered. Amma says are you out of your mind who will kill your father everyone use to love him and respect him how dare you say like this my son was martyred. Meet says listen to me first and tell them what she heard from Hawa Singh and Mohan Lal and says to Anubha that night father was not with us. Anubha fall down. Meet says calm down to Anubha and tells her Mohan Lal is ready to fight with us and we will reopen the case. Amma says this is all lie my son was martyred not murdered. Meet Ahlawat try to give Amma water. Anubha says to Meet Amma is right and says now I understand what happen that night, your father came to house but he didn’t meet me and didn’t come out of jeep. Meet says have some water. Anubha says if he didn’t come I could have gone to him and avoided everything and ask her tell me who did this with your father. Meet says that we need to know on who’s order Hawa Singh did this. Anubha says but why do you feel like that person won’t harm you. Meet says it’s important to give justice to father. Dadi says but that doesn’t mean to risk your life I don’t want to loose you, you will not do anything. Meet says don’t worry nothing will happen to me. Meet Ahlawat try to calm them down and says the danger have to face me first before harming Meet. Anubha looks at Ashok photo and says your daughter is like you stubborn, she never listen to me like you, now you only tell me how to convince her. Meet walk to Anubha. Anubha says I understood your signal and says as you wish, she looks at Meet and says come with me. Anubha takes Meet to pooja ghar and ask her to give her father justice. Meet says yes. Amma walks to her and give her pendent of letter R, says when your father’s body came to house I found it in his pocket must be of murderer. Anubha says don’t worry your father is with you.

At Ahlawat’s house. Raj says it’s unbelievable that Ashok Huddah was killed. Ragini says same here but whoever did this should be punished our Meet have big proof she won’t leave the culprit and I believe she will get justice. Meet and Meet Ahlawat walks to them. Raj says to Meet we will hire the best lawyer in town and says Ram will handle all the legal documents he is the best and ask Ram to hire the best lawyer. Ram says have you kept all the proof with you on the basis you will reopen the case? Meet says yes that proof is Mohan Lal chacha his verdict is our proof and we are going to take him he will meet us at sector number 30 from there we will directly go to lawyer. Ram says till that time I’ll arrange a lawyer and ask Ragini to give them Curd sugar. Ragini go and give them to eat curd sugar as blessings.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat on the way. Meet looks at the pendent says you can not hide anyone more I’ll bring you infront of everyone.

Ram on call says forget everything and keep my work on top priority our Meet daughter in law is a fighter she always complete her work and she believes that her father was murdered so we need to take care of everything.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat at destination. Mohan Lal coming towards them. Meet get’s a call. Someone hit Mohan Lal. He shouts in pain and call Meet. Bike rider run away. Meet rush towards Mohan Lal and says don’t worry we will take you to hospital. He says it’s to late and don’t worry you will win the case and die on spot. Meet in tears and says to Meet Ahlawat it’s not an accident its a murder someone know that we will meet him today who could have killed him? Mohan Lal dead on street. Meet is  trying to wake him up and says to Meet Ahlawat this is not an accident it’s a murder someone knows about us that we will meet him today who could be who knows about us and looks at the locket.

Hawa Singh is waiting with his bike. Ram walk to him. Hawa Singh congratulate him and says your work is done, the timing was perfect and he is dead now, no body can reach you when Hawa Singh is with you atleast hug me and say thanks. Ram hug him and says I’m still facing issues because of one mistake that’s why we are saving each other. Hawa Singh says we will workout same way in the future after all Ashok Huddah is our only link. Ram remembers how he shot Ashok and killed him and says to that day when Tej was unconscious I was scared that he will tell the truth to everyone, I tried to give him injection but Meet and Meet Ahlawat came in between and when I asked goons to do my job. Hawa Singh says that time your Meet came in between again she was about to make them speak who send them but I helped you that time.

Meet Ahlawat is at the police station says I need to report a case, it’s a hit and run case and the senior officer was killed because of that bike. Constable ask him did you see the bike registration number. Meet Ahlawat says no there was no number, it was a sports bike and he was wearing black jacket.

Hawa Singh says to Ram now this case is closed, you should go back and chill after all a surprise is waiting for you. Ram ask what kind of surprise? Hawa Singh says who spoilt your night has to pay and go away.

Meet calls to Anubha and says Mohan Lal is dead and I’m the reason for his death I made my father down. Anubha says you should not loose hope and now you are near the destination so you will not break and now you have to take revenge for Mohan Lal too so don’t loose hope. Two constable talking to each other says Hawa Singh is so corrupt he always take bribe from everyone and buy new things look at his bike it’s with no number. Hawa Singh walks inside police station.

Meet see the bike. Hawa Singh walks to her and says it’s look nice don’t she I call it Avatar it’s imported, your father can never thought of buying this he was honest person don’t let anyone take bribe and god need these kind of people so he called him, forget this and have sweet and try to make her eat. She threw it away and says you took Mohan Lals life the way you took my father’s. He says you are smart but you can’t prove I killed Mohan lal because like this 15 bikes are sold without number how you will prove that this is the same bike, you can file a case against every 15bike, you were trying to reopen a case of a dead man but you can’t do anything your last evidence is also gone and listen to one thing don’t try to mess with police, he grab the stick and give it to her and says idiot girl and leave.

Meet remembers what Hawa Singh said to her and damages the bike with that stick she pour kerosene on the bike and light it up. Constable looks at the bike and says now Huddah sir will be in peace. Hawa Singh come out of police station and see the bike on fire says you did wrong now who will save you from my anger, he walks in and says to constable go and arrest Meet for burning police officers bike. Constable go out to catch her.

Precap: Hawa Singh says I’ll not go empty handed if not Meet then I’ll take Meet Ahlawat and put handcuff. Meet at police station says why did you take the blame on your head. Meet Ahlawat says you have to find the killer of your father this war is so important for us and we can not win if we are behind bars.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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