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Meet Ahlawat dressed as police officer and acting as Bollywood actor simba says come with me and stand here, Singam will be coming. Light switch on and see Tej dressed as Singam. Tej scare Meet Ahlawat and they both start acting infront of her. Hoshiyar also walks in front of them acting ask Jailer from early period. Meet laugh at him. Duggu acting as police officer and dancing in front her says I’m Robin Hood Pandey. Raj walks in as Vijay Denanath Chauhan. Meet Ahlawat makeher wear hat and everyone salute her. Rest of the family members come out and clapping for her. Babita looks at everyone and walks away and start eating. Meet walks to her says are you not happy with my decision, uf you ever feel I’m not being responsible as wife then you can say me. Babita says I know police job is tricky and I never have any issues with the house responsibility, hut remember there is athin line between balancing work and house life if you cross that line by mistake whole life changes, you can do anything but don’t harm the happiness of our family. Meet says if women always be on same side of line then many bad people can harm them. Babita says nobody can debate with you and leaves.

Duggu going inside. Sunaina stop her says let’s take a selfie, she click picture. Duggu says to her I need to have pastry and walk away. Tej walks to Sunaina with Ram Lakhan. They ask Sunaina to click picture. Tej says wait let me come and they click picture. Tej looks at photo sats don’t this look as complete family photo. Masum listing there conversation. Sunaina says did you notice one thing I cannot smile in this picture, if this is family then you will feel as complete but I won’t. Tej says try to give them one chance, Ram Lakhan are not kids of this house please one time for me and our relation. Sunaina says okay just because of you. Tej thanks her and hugs her. Masum says whta Ram Lakhan will be there kids I won’t let this happen.

Ragini walks out to barbeque searching for the plate of ladoo. Ram looks and see plate is with Ram, Lakhan and Duggu he rush to them and says this is for Meet not for you. Duggu says why Meet will eat we also want to eat. Ram Lakhan says yes we also want to eat ladoo. Ram says we will give but other one and give that plate to Meet. Meet says so you kids hijacked my ladoo. They says yes . Lakhan says we need in return if you want ladoo. Meet says I have better option what if I share with you guys. Ram says no no Ragini made for you with love, we will give them other. Meet says no worries they are kids. Ram says no and thinks how will I make them understand that they cannot eat this ladoo and say don’t worry we will give them other ladoo and ask them to eat nachos. Ragini take ladoo and says I’ll give her first ladoo and she eat it. Meet Ahlawat says and second one I’ll give because nothing will happen to her with one ladoo, the love mixed in this ladoo will make my wife more strong and give her ladoo. Meet eat second one too.
Everyone sitting together and enjoying. Meet feels sleepy. Ram says I think Meet should go and take rest she have her ecam tomorrow. Meet says wait let me sit I’m enjoying. Ram says no you have to take proper rest go and sleep. Raj says yes Ram is correct you should go and take rest. Meet says okay as you say I’ll go and sleep. Ram think’s go Meet you cannot faint in front of everyone. Meet Ahlawat I think so I should also sleep. Ram says where are you going you are always with her 24hrs, tomorrow she will go on gher duty make habit of this and ask everyone let’s watch our favourite movie. Everyone says yes. Ram says then let’s go to TV room.
Meet in her room she walks to window and see tent caught fire she says it’s spreading I have to stop it. Everyone in TV room watching movie. Meet walks out to stop fire but she is falling asleep, she says what is happening to me and I have to stop this fire from spreading. Meet Ahlawat in TV room looking at his watch. Meet outside trying to take out fire but she drops her things and think what is happening to me my head is spinning, she fall. Meet Ahlawat looks at his hand and see the heart made by Meet. Ram says to Ragini I’ll be back soon and walks out to see Meet.

Ram in corridor see iron rod in store room and remember Hawa Singh saying him to kill Meet. He walk outside and see Meet on floor he was about to hit her but remember he is her family member and remember the conversation with Hawa Singh and says I’m not a murder, what am I doing he drops the rod and says I have to do something so that you cannot give test, he take burning stick in his hands and says I’m sorry Meet I don’t want you should become officer and ruin the happiness of this family, takes that burning stick to her legs. Raj calls Ram, he get up and leave her there.

Meet Ahlawat looking at his watch again and again. Tej signals Masum to look at Meet Ahlawat. Tej ask him what happen why are you so tensed. Meet Ahlawat says I was thinking about Meet, she have test tomorrow so thought of go and check on her. Tej says why are you so worried of such small tension, go and check her. Meet Ahlawat get up to check on Meet. Ram walks in and ask him where are you going. He says I’ll go and check Meet. Ram says she might be sleeping it’s been 1 hour since she went in her room let her be alone and start practicing to live alone let’s go and watch movie. Meet Ahlawat sit down and watch movie.

Meet outside start waking up, her leg is burnt because of the stick Ram left, she see a stool with earthen pot on it she push it. Everyone in TV room hear the sound of falling. Babita ask what happen. Raj says I think so something fall. Meet Ahlawat get’s up and walk outside, he see Meet on floor and rush towards her. Everyone in shock after seeing her condition.

Meet lying on floor. Meet Ahlawat run towards her. Everyone see her wound on leg. Meet Ahlawat try to wake her up. Raj ask Babait to call doctor.

Meet in her room. Everyone around her, Doctor says I gave her injection she will sleep for some time and when she wake up she will feel less pain. Meet Ahlawat ask doctor how is Meet and how’s her leg. Doctor says it’s deep wound she needs bed rest for few months, she should be in complete bed rest if she will walk then whole pressure will come on leg which may increase her infection and we might have to cut her leg. Meet Ahlawat panick aays nothing will happen she will be all right. Doctor says you need to think of her bed rest for now I have to leave.

Meet sleepi. Meet Ahlawat says to her you always took care of me but you didn’t give me any chance now I’ll take care of you and you won’t be able to stop me and he in tears. Raj walks to him. He hugs Raj . Raj says to him according to her condition she won’t be able to give her test when she gain concious you have to explain her. Meet Ahlawat crying says how will I tell her that all her hardwork will be waste of time, how I’ll tell she won’t be able to fulfill her purpose. Babita walks to Meet Ahlawat and hugs her says we all are thre to support her, I feel so guilty why I was not there, I would have stopped things. Raj says don’t blame yourself, everything happens with god will he must have written something good for her and says to Meet Ahlawat keep faith in god and tomorrow I’ll ask guruji to give his blessings don’t worry everything will be fine.

The next morning Meet Ahlawat sitting beside her, he walks to pin board and trying to remove the chart. Meet wakes up and ask Meet Ahlawat what are you doing why are you removing chart. Meet Ahlawat rush to her says do you want anything. She says no. He says come here sit take rest. Meet says tell me the time, she looks at watch says it’s 4 why didn’t you wake me up. He says no just take rest. Meet says no I have my test and try to get out of bed and fall down, she ask him what happen to my leg it’s paining. Meet Ahlawat says nothing happen to you and help her to get up and make her sit. Meet ask him what happen yesterday in party and shouts in pain. He ask her not to move your leg. Meet says tell me why is my leg paining. He says doctor gave you pain killer injection that’s why it’s paining noe. She ask what happen. He remembers what doctor said about total bed rest and her deep burn to leg. Meet says I have to go give test and get anxious. Meet Ahlawat says you cannot move leg you have to take rest please. Meet crying hugs him.

Ram in car remembers how he burn her leg. Hawa Singh on back seat says you had chance but still you didn’t kill her, why are you so scared, this was not your first time. Ram says I’m not a murder. Hawa Singh says I’m you true reality I know what you did your whole reality. Ram says she is member of our family and you wnat she should not appear in exam, don’t worry I have taken care of it. Hawa Singh says not now but tomorrow she will find another way to come to us, I don’t know why I’m scared when she will know the truth then she will holding your neck, try to understand things is her life important or yours and get out of car.

Everyone in hall having lunch. Masum thinks everyone is behaving like someone died. Ragini walks down. Hoshiyar ask her are you going somewhere. Ragini says I’m going to return police costumes, we all were so happy for her. Meet beside on wheelchair her holds her hand. Ragini ask her how are you. Babita walks to her ask what is this. She says I need your blessings, I’m going to give my test for that I need your blessings. Everyone in shock. Sunaina and Tej says you are not fir for test. Meet says my leg is burnt not amputated don’t worry I’m fine. Babita scolds Meet Ahlawat says what happen to you how did you allow her for test. Meet says he knew I can pass and I already took the injection you no need to worry. Babita says your careless can make you loose your leg why I shouldn’t be worried, how will I explain you your leg is more important then your test. Ram says Babita is right we care about your emotions but you have to be practical. Meet says I’m lucky that I have family like you who care about me a lot, bu5 if I sit down then my enemies will win and they can’t win every time. Babita says enough, I’ll call raj and ask Ragini for phone. Meet Ahlawat says please leave it. Babita says Raj is worried about you and went to Guruji for you and you are being stubborn. Meet says this means I have gurujis blessings and I shouldn’t be worried at all. Babita says there is no point in arguing with you and says to Meet Ahlawat she is your wife you should be worried about her. He says if I’ll say no she will not go but she will feel suffocated and whatever I’m doing is after the consultation of doctor so please give her blessings. Babita says when you don’t care about the feelings of your elder then why need need blessings and she alks away. Ragini says to Meet don’t know is your decision right or wrong but still I’ll pary for you and everyone wishes her luck. Meet ask Ram to give her blessings so that I can punish my father’s murderer. Ram give her blessings. They both leave.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat at police traning academy ground. He take her inside the ground. Her wheelchair get stuck. Few girls passing by stop and make fun of her condition. Meet says to him says don’t worry aboyt them they are getting mad because of heat and you have faith in your girlfriend, when I’ll win will tell them. Meet Ahlawat pick her up and take her at registration table. One of the officer get up and ask her to walk and says this test is for physically abled person you can go back. Meet says but in guidelines it was written that’s it’s test of mental fitness too, I know I’m injured but still I want to give test. Officer says try to understand it’s not and easy test if something get’s serious then. Meet Ahlawat says if something happens then it will be our tension not yours, if you won’t let her appear in eaxm and participate then it will be your tension. Officer says I cannot allow you. Officer senior come and check her form and says what do you think we will go easy on you because of your condition anything you achieve from sympathy is a looser. Meet says I didn’t came here to buy something I came her for admission in police I also trained same way like everyone must have done here, let me prove I’m capable of giving test.

Meet at physical ground says to officer I know im injured but I will be able to appear on my mental state, I’m perfectly fine on that part please give me permission for test, I’ll prove you that I’m capable enough. Officer ask his junior to grant them permission. He approve her form and give her 9number cloth to wear. Meet Ahlawat tie that cloth around her body. Two officers discussing about Meets injury says how did you allow her, he says sir told me to teach her a lesson.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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