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Meet Ahlawat walks towards the uniform pick the hat and make her wear it. Everyone around them salute Ashok’s memorial. Meet says I’ll start my journey by taking addmission in police academy and then be like you, now Hawa Singh days are numbered because now I’ll be Officer Meet Ashok Huddah.

Babita is hall trying to match her bangles. Masum walks to her and get stunned after seeing so many jewellery. Babita ask how does this look? Masum says it’s beautiful. Babita says I have selected this for Meet I’m very greatful to her for saving Meet Ahlawat so I really want to gift her something special on her first holi, these bangles will look beautiful on her hand. Meet walking in police uniform. Masum says these bangles are very delicate and this borla is also beautiful but Meet can not carry this it’s not her style. Babita says this borla looks beautiful on every ladies forehead. Meet Ahlawat walks in hall and calls everyone says I have a big news for all of you, are you ready for that? Raj says yes. Meet walk inside in police uniform. Everyone stunned after seeing her. Babita ask her what is this? Meet Ahlawat says she has decided that she will join police force. Babita drops the bengal and it reaches to Meet. She picks up. Babita walks to her and says this was not expected from you and what do you mean you have decided, what about discussion with your family? Meet says our motive was to shock you not scare you, we thought of surprising you. Babita says it was a bad surprise and can I know the reason behind this? Meet says when Hawa Singh arrested Meet Ahlawat we all were quiet and seeing that we can’t do anything, people in police uniform are disrespecting it and making a bad impression on the whole department, officer’s like my father are lost in police file and newspaper and their killers are out living with no fear, Hawa Singh is disrespecting the law and running the system according to them and people like Hawa Singh are growing more and more and if you want to clean the system then you have to be part of it so that officers like my father don’t become the victim of these officers, my father need justice, so after becoming officer I’ll punish those killer and will make sure they don’t come out so that others don’t have to face what I did when I was young and to do this I have to be part of the system. Babita says this police force is not hobby classes do you have any guess how many sacrifices you have to do for becoming an officer, you think it’s easy you have to be away from your family for many months with no family vacation and no family time and did you forget that you are a daughter in law of this house? Meet Ahlawat try to say something but Babita stop him and says I’m talking to my daughter in law and says to Meet your dream and gold is not to catch the killer of your father, this is also your house, you have some responsibilities to this house too. Meet Ahlawat says ofcourse she have but try to understand her father was murdered and it’s equally important that her father get justice, we all promise her that we will support her. Babita says yes we did promise but now Ahlawat’s family daughter in law will chase goons in police uniform, if she feel to change the law then will she become the judge of supreme court? Raj walks to Babita and says calm down. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj why are you quiet say something. Babita says nobody will say a word, today Tej and Sunaina are adopting Duggu so I don’t want any nonsense in this house and ask Masum to make the arrangements and ask Meet to change her clothes and help family. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj please listen to me one time. Raj walk away. Meet Ahlawat go upstairs. Masum walks to Meet and says what is your problem can’t you see this house happy why you do something like this when everyone is happy and make them upset and walks away.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in the room. Meet walk to him and says is this the way to take out your anger, someone said to me yesterday you should not work with anger you should work with your mind, you should not be angry with our family because they understand us and support us, after Duggus function we will talk to Babita and try to make her understand and I believe she will understand us and then I’ll get selected in police with everyone’s blessings. He says what if she don’t understand. Meet says but we can believe that we can make her understand and get ready we have lot of work and after all many relations are going to change. He says yes we are going to be Chachi Chachu from Mama, Mami.

Duggu is in his room looking at painting and remembers how Masum scold him and ask him to make new family tree with Tej and Sunaina’s photo. Meet walk in room and look for Duggu and says what are doing here everyone is looking for you downstairs, what happen to you why are you sad? Masum walks in and says he is sad because he don’t have habit of wearing such heavy clothes afterall some people dosen't value good things and she walks to Duggu and ask him not to be sad or else everyone will feel like we are forcing you and ask you only tell are we forcing you for adoption? Duggu look at Meet says yes. Masum says to Meet now if you are free so please help Babita and see is Panditji here. Meet thinks I think Duggu is not happy.

Everyone in hall Masum telling about how Duggu was naughty and from now on you have to face everything and take care of him. Sunaina says I’m so excited for Duggu and do everything a parent does for his child. Raj says good do everything and tell me where is Tej and Duggu. Duggu comes in popcorn box and everyone get shock after seeing him. Everyone sing together and enjoy ceremony. Duggu leave the party. Panditji walks in and says call Duggu and begin with pooja. Everyone is looking for Duggu. Masum says he must be in the room I’ll go and get him.

Masum is in the room. Hoshiyar walks to her and says there is still there time eft think for one time. Masum says there is no time now and looks for Duggu in the room, he must be in the garden. Meet walks to room and says what happen. Hoshiyar says we can not find Duggu. Meet says he must be in the house where will he go, I’ll go and check the garden.

Meet is in the garden says he is not here and she finds sweet Duggu was wearing as garland, she follows them.
Masum is in the room with everyone and says he has become naughty because you all love him a lot I’m sure he must be hiding somewhere. Sunaina says where can he hide, I think we should find him. Meet walk in says he is not in the house, he went out somewhere. Masum says what rubbish. Meet Ahlawat says he must be inside. Meet says I found this sweet in the garden and they are going towards the main road. Masum says you started your drama and last time you were with Duggu what did you say to him. Meet looks at the painting a message was written on that saying I want my mom dad and different one. Raj take that painting and see that says there was no consent of Duggu in adoption and says to Masum he must be in lot of pain he is so young what kind of mother you are? Masum says I don’t know this. Babita ask Raj to bring Duggu back he is so young. Raj says don’t worry and Meet Ahlawat give her water. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat come with me he will be around.
Duggu is in the market talks to himself says I left the house but where should I go now, I have no idea what to do. Meet Ahlawat, Tej, Hoshiyar, Meet are in the market looking for Duggu. Duggu sit somewhere and says I should go back home I’m feeling hungry. Two boys look’s at Duggu says you are here, your mom and dad are looking for you come we will drop you. Duggu says really and walk with them.

Meet ask a shopkeeper did you see Duggu. He says no but be careful because many kidnappers are roaming in this area, till now 10 kids are kidnapped and none of them is found till now. Meet says did that group kidnapped Duggu?

Two boys cover Duggu and try to kidnap him, they run with him and hid after seeing Meet Ahlawat, they keep him in van and run away. Kidnappers take Duggu to unknown place. Duggu ask then where did you bring me where are my mom and dad. A man shouts at him and ask him to keep quiet.

Meet Ahlawat is holding water bottle. Tej with Hoshiyar see Meet Ahlawat. They walks to him and ask did you find Duggu? Meet Ahlawat says no but I found the way to find him. They see Meet disguised as small school student going to kid. Meet Ahlawat says to them after talking to many people we get to know that some kidnappers gangs is activated so to catch them Meet has planned this and he give her GPs tracker. Hoshiyar ask them what are we going to do? They both explain the plan. Tej says sounds good but it’s dangerous, do you believe in your plan. Meet says yes and that gang has to pay for their deeds. Meet Ahlawat ask them did you understand what you have to do.

Meet is in the market shouting and saying mom dad. Those kidnappers see Meet and says today is our lucky day and walk to Meet. One of them push Meet and she drop her lolipop, she hold her hairs and cry for lolipop. Other guy says calm down there you will find more lolipop come with us. Meet says so many lolipop and start walking with them. Meet Ahlawat follows them. The Kidnappers make her sit in the van and take her to unknown location. Meet Ahlawat also reach there. Boys says to boss we got new one, a retarted girl, total we got 11 kids from one area, we are in profit this time. Boss says we will sell their body parts and become rich and boss will be happy, I heard boss has send someone special with a deal of 11 crores. Meet Ahlawat is hearing everything from Meet’s device. Duggu look at Meet. Meet ask him to be quiet. Kidnapper see her and shouts what are you doing. Meet points up and says so many star’s. One of them ask where did you get this defective one? Boss says we just need to number. Meet take rope and acts childish to distract kidnappers and start behaving like a dog. Kidnappers get annoyed and ask to tape her mouth. Kidnappers get busy with Meet and Duggu signs other kid to free him. Kidnappers make her sit near Duggu and tie her hands. Duggu says don’t worry I’ll untie you. Meet Ahlawat enter the room disguised as kidnapper.

Meet Ahlawat in kidnappers room. Kidnapper ask him who are you. He says I don’t talk much look at this bag, 11 crores all are yours but there is a catch if I’m paying you then I need medical of every child. Kidnapper says wait let me talk to my boss. Meet Ahlawat says I thought you have knowledge about business in our work time is money and I don’t feel good when we waste time, you can call your boss and I’ll call mine and tell him how you are doubting me, after that I’ll keep the money and you can keep kids but be quick and ask your boy too. Boss says to his partner call from net because government is keeping everything under surveillance. Man says I’m not able to connect. Meet Ahlawat walks away from there. He ask where are you going. He says we need to send them overseas and you know how much words matters in our profession and I have to check their name. He says okay and try to take bag of money. He says let me check their name first and he walks to Duggu. Duggu shouts at him.

Real Dealer arrive at the location.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet execution is going according to our plan. Dealer enter inside and says what is happening we are real Dealer. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet I think the real Dealer are here. Kidnappers point gun at Meet Ahlawat. He hit him with stick. Meet also attack kidnappers. Kids also help them in their rescue kidnappers.

Everyone at Ahlawat’s house. Duggu with Meet and other. Duggu run to Masum. Masum ask him how are you and why did you run away? Hoshiyar says I’ll tell you, he ran away because of his mother and if a kid has mom like you he will surely run away. Masum says what are you saying? Hoshiyar says I’ll tell the truth and it’s necessary to bring all your lies infront of everyone, her first biggest lie is faking about her pregnency. Babita is shock. Hoshiyar says so that Tej and Sunaina can adopt him get all the property and rule over Ahlawat’s because of her plan she went to give Duggu to them without his consent, he ran away because of her greedy nature. Babita says to Masum how can you be so cold hearted, greed ruined your son’s feeling and ours too. Duggu says to Babita and Raj please don’t scold mom I know she feels sorry. Masum apologize to Duggu. Duggu says I’m sorry and from now on I’ll not run away I promise. Tej says to Duggu I also want to promise you something, your mom and dad will not change ever. Hoshiyar walk to Meet says because of Meet’s intelligence my Duggu came back safe, don’t know what could have happen and she helped 10 more kids and rescue them, I don’t know if I’m wrong or right but her decision of being an officer is right, if you don’t believe come with me I’ll show you.

Precap: Meet Ahlawat stall kidnappers as he is the dealer. Real dealer get in says we are the real one catch him. Meet and Meet Ahlawat fight against them. Meet Ahlawat at house says to everyone she was not in police uniform but still he helped and save every kid, I want that you should give her permission so that she can join police academy.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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