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Meet Ahlawat walk inside wearing suit. Meet behind him in white dress. He ask what is this Meet? She says consider this as foolishness so thought of planning a special date and I told you I’ll plan the best date. He ask so did you planned all this for me? Meet says no for our neighbour, it’s all for you. He says it means you didn’t forget my surprise? Meet says this is just a trailer and ask him to wait. She walk away. He follow her and she in garden singing song for him. He remember the time when he heard her singing for the first time and says to her is it your voice, this is the same voice which made me mad, this is what I heard in Robin’s party. Meet says yes I was singing and dede was lip syncing. Meet Ahlawat says it was your voice which made me fall in love, I always want to stay with you. Meet grab a box and says these watch won’t let us stay apart we can talk to each other. Meet Ahlawat says teels how happy he is after listing that voice and forward his hand for the watch. They help eachother to wear the watch. Meet Ahlawat says you know when we got married we were totally apart from eachother and when we spend time we became friends and now you are my girlfriend and I’m your boyfriend, you said one thing anything happen to us we won’t go apart, you know when people go apart from eachother when they stop talking, promise me how bad our time is we won’t stop talking to eachother promise me nobody will come in your life and will promise to eachother that we won’t hide anything from eachother, please promise me you will miss me. Meet says you know in whole world only you can bear me no body can take your place. They both hug eachother.

Meet walk down the stair with bag. Everyone is in the hall waiting for her. Meet thinks everyone is sad because I’m going. Raj ask her what happen. Meet says you know how important it is for me to go for training but I made everyone sad. Raj says they are not sad, they all love you a lot and will miss you, I thought you will feel happy but you became sad, we all love you and this is not important, important is your task which you have to complete and remember whenever you feel you are getting weak then think you have to give justice to your father, so you are going on a new journey so here is a gift for you, when you can buy guft for us so can’t we buy. Meet open the box and see alarm watch. Raj says this watch will tell you the value of time so that you can do your work on time. Meet takes his blessings and says when you all are with me then I’m sure I’ll complete my task. Masum thinks thank god for some days I don’t have to see her face. Ram see Meet taking blessings of everyone and says you took your first step to become police officer but you don’t know that your next step will be your last.

Everyone in hall. Meet thinks where is Meet Ahlawat he is away since morning. Tej ask meet to go. Raj says you should leave if you will wait more then you will be late. Ragini says yes and give her sweet curd to eat. Meet says I won’t go before meeting Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says and I won’t let you go without meeting me and walks to her with poojs thali. Meet says I was waiting for youwhere were you. Meet Ahlawat says I was praying for you to God and do aarti to Meet and tie a thread in her hand says this will protect you from every danger and when you will be back as an inspector I’ll be waiting for you here with my open hands please come fast and they both hug eachother. Meet start crying. Meet Ahlawat make fun of her. Ram standing alone says I know very well that you can go to any extent to find murderers, but I won’t let you go there, I cannot bring my family in any kind of danger, your happiness won’t stay for long.

Meet at police academy turn off the alarm, take her father’s photo says today I have taken my first step of my dreams this way will take me to your murderers and give justice to you.

Meet Ahlawat in his room wake up from alarm and call Meet. Meet picks her phone says you are awake so early. He says you are already awake. Meet says I didn’t slept. He says I thought I’ll wake you up but you didn’t slept only, you ruined my excitement. Meet make fun of him. He gets angry. She says I was just teasing you. You don’t believe that I was awake whole night to wake you up. She says I can see you swelled up face, you get angry on small talks that’s why I was teasing you, she apologize to him and says if you won’t talk to me then who will give me best wishes for academy. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t wish to say but I’m missing you a lot. Meet says listen you know your promise. He says yes I know. Shr okay now I have to leave. He says wait I want to see you in uniform. Meet stand up and show her uniform. Meet Ahlawat is that boy’s uniform. She says I also feel like they have given me boy’s uniform, I’ll go and check other trainees yoo what they are wearing. Meet Ahlawat wishes her luck and disconnects phone.

Raj, Ram and Babita in hall. Ragini brings tea for them. Raj says I’m missing Meet’s tea. Babita says it’s not one day and you are missing her there are still months to go, don’t know why but I’m worried about Meet Ahlawat don’t know he will spend time without her, I’m thinking te send him Hong Kong on vacation he will feel good and make him busy that he wont feel absence of her and I’ll ask him to source design and materials from there. Meet Ahlawat walks in says I’m not going hongkong and give medicine to Raj and says to Babita I know how much you all love me and cannot see me sad but tell me who could make me happy then my family but this is true is miss Meet, it feels like see is somewhere near and will come taking my name, I learnt a thing from her she set her goal if life for her father, after seeing her I also feel like remove dad’s load and take company to another level that’s why be stress free from bow on I’ll handle the company you can sit relax and give me instructions.

Meet in corridor says why I cannot see any trainee and see two girls in different uniform thinks they are wearing full pants there must be some confusion that’s why I got that, she walks to cafeteria and looks at everyone says why only my uniform has changed all girls are wearing full paints. A boy walks to her says you need height in police and get back says she is a girl. Meet says I’m Meet Hooda. He teases her on her appearance. Other boy ask her about her hostel. Meet says I’ll give you all the information afterwards now let me go for some important work and leave. Meet outside says I need to go and talk training in charge.
Meet Ahlawat to his dad give me your blessings so that I can take our pharmaceuticals company to another level. Raj says you have grown old wishes him best if luck and here is a small gift for you, give him keys says my brand new car for you and you have earned this. Meet Ahlawat says you are the best dad in the world but I cannot accept this, I want to make your name shine after that you can give me this. Ram says they way you are upset here I think Meet won’t survive there long. Everyone ask what do you mean. Ram says I mean that she loves him a lot and I don’t think she can be there for long time without him and thinks I have to be careful that I will be reason for Meet homecoming.

Meet in corridor says to guard I need to meet training incharge I want to know why I got boys uniform it’s very important. Guard says he is busy in meeting wait for sometime. Meet says I have to go for my training it’s first day let me in. He says I said you no already. Meet says then how will I change my uniform and go for training. Incharge from inside shout let her in.

Meet enter the office. Officer ask what is the problem. Meet says my name is Meet Hooda batch number 18 I have got boys uniform and my training is going to start in sometime and by mistake someone has given me boy’s uniform because I have boy’s name. Hawa Singh turn and says how can anybody not recognise you Meet Hooda. Meet in shock.

Meet Ahlawat in office conducting a meeting and price inflation because of foreign companies and how middle and lower class is affected.

Hawa Singh says to her what do you think only you can come to here, no I also played my game to come here. Meet says I don’t have time please provide me uniform so that I can reach on time. Hawa Singh says Meet Hooda goon of Shahbadh, you are already doing work of a boy have haircut and can ride a bike like boys you are total boy and afterall girls like to walk tall with boys and to show that everyone is equal, so go do your drill in this uniform. Meet says it’s not about what I can do and cannot it’s about rules of this academy, you cannot go over that rules I came here to ask for female uniform and you have to provide me.
Tej says to Meet Ahlawat if we do pricing to bear minimum then it will affect our profit. Meet Ahlawat says I know you kust be having this issue, we will be targeting two bigger audience middle and lower class and will be doing our social responsibility and this won’t compromise our profit and one day we will be on top. Everyone appreciate his idea.

Babita and raj in bedroom. Raj clapping for Meet Ahlawat. Babita says you look happy. Raj says your son prove how capable he is I don't have to worry more he can handle the company and I can enjoy my life. Babita says wait a minute now you will take retirement sit at home and trouble me on small things. Raj says no I’ll do what you said in the morning, we will go on holiday in Hongkong and we will give all the responsibilities to our son and daughter and we will enjoy our life now it’s our time to romance, just look in paper. Babita looks in paper says that’s why I’m your fan.

Hawa Singh says to Meet go out and wait, I’ll see what I can do for your uniform. Meet leave the office. Hawa Singh is enjoying inside. Meet thinks I need to of think something it’s enough.

Meet Ahlawat see jalebi in his room he pick the box, a note in it says 4 April 7p.m, he thinks is there something special. He looks at Meet and congratulate her. Meet says not me congratulate Methae and tells the timing for new show

Meet leaves Hawa Singh’s cabin angry. Hawa Singh is dancing inside. Meet is waiting outside and says I won’t reach ground on time if I keep waiting here. Hawa Singh says I couldn’t manage uniform so either go in this outfit and make fun of yourself or else step back. Meet sees trophies on table and pulls cloth beneath it. Hawa Singh says have you lost it. Meet picks a cutter, Hawa Singh gets scared. Meet cuts the cloth and ties on her legs to make it look like a full pant. Hawa Singh says how will you stitch it, Meet picks stapler and staples the cloth. Meet says to Hawa Singh, God has given women super power that they can manage every situation, Hawa Singh says but you won’t reach drill on time. Meet says this means you know nothing about me. Hawa Singh says ground is atleast 5 min away and you have only 3 min left, and unlike me you don’t have jeep. Meet says let’s see and rushes out. Hawa Singh calls his colleague and says Meet shouldn’t reach on time. Hawa Singh says Meet’s first day of training will be punishment day.

Hawa Singh’s colleague creates hurdles on stairs so that Meet shouldn’t reach on time. Meet makes her way out and takes a short cut to reach on time. Hawa Singh sees her and says its not possible to reach on time with that route.

Everyone gathers for drill. Hawa Singh walks to drill and asks all candidates to take position and says training will start in 1 min and thinks Meet your Dad couldn’t survive in front of me how will you, and arriving late to training will be first step towards defeat.

Meet sees gate is closed but still makes her way out, her shirt gets stuck in fence, her finger gets hurt but she manages to free herself. Hawa Singh counts last 10 sec left. Hawa Singh says 1 , Meet greets him. Hawa Singh is shock. 

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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