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Sharda asks Preesha why didn’t she inform her that Saransh is her grandson. Preesha apologizes and says it was Rudra’s decision as he didn’t want to hurt Ahana revealing that her husband had an affair with Mahima and has a son from her. Balraj asks her if Rudra knew Preesha is not his real mother. Preesha says Rudra thought he is Saransh’s real mother, so he married and brought Saransh home to give him the right he deserves, he came to know she is not Saransh’s real mother only after Mahima revealed it; he suffered a lot to protect Saransh. Sharda emotionally tells Balraj that their grandson was in front of their eyes and they didn’t know about it. Balraj reminisces hating Saransh and scolding him repeatedly. Nurse informs Vasu that her husband is awake now. Yuvraj says its a miracle. Vasu with Preesha and Yuvraj walks to GPS’ room and meets him. Preesha says he is fine now and everything will be alright.

Rudra returns to his parents and asks about Preesha, if Saransh is fine. Sharda informs him that she found out that Saransh is her grandson, Rajiv son’s and Rudra’s nephew. Rudra asks who informed her about this? Sharda says Mahima revealed everything and even Preesha confirmed it. Balraj cry that his grandson was in front of his eyes and he misbehaved with him; Rudra was right that all their wealth belongs to Saransh; he is feeling very small even being an elder; Rudra fulfilled his responsibility as an elder; if something happens to Saransh, he will not forgive himself. Rudra hug him and says Saransh will be fine. Preesha returns with Vasu and Yuvraj. Balraj apologize to her for misbehaving with her and Saransh. Mahima walks in and says its too late now, she will not risk Saransh’s life in their house and will take him along once he gets well. Rudra try to speak. Mahima says she is Saransh’s mother and saw how safe Saransh was in his home, she will love Saransh so much that he will not stay without her, and she will even go to court for Saransh’s custody. Yuvraj says she will get Saransh’s custody as he knows as a former judge that mother will get child’s custody easily. Rudra says a mentally ill patient can not take care of her son. Yuvraj says they will prove that Saransh is not safe at Khurana mansion, good Saransh jumped from 1st floor and if he had jumped from terrace, he would have died. Rudra gets more angry. Doctor informs Rudra that Saransh’s operation was successful and they can meet him in the morning. Balraj hug Sharda, Rudra, and Preesha emotionally. Yuvraj thinks he should leave as his work is done.

In the morning, doctor lets Rudra and family meet Saransh. Preesha emotionally pampers Saransh. Saransh apologize to her for trying to steal money, jumping from window and troubling her. Preesha ask him not to say that. Doctor informs that only 2 people can stay with Saransh. Everyone say they will. Finally, Preesha stays back with Mahima. She asks Saransh if he stole money to give it to Mahima. Saransh says he saw his friend’s father giving money to his real mother and sending her away, so he wanted to give money to fake mamma and send her away. Mahima gets hurt and try to leave. Preesha stops her and tells Saransh that he got 2 mammas like Krishna and should give Mahima also a chance to express her love. Saransh agrees. Mahima emotionally pampers her. After sometime, Rudra walk in and asks Saransh how is he now, pampers him, and offers him soup. Saransh says he is angry with him as he heard him saying he will leave mamma. Rudra says it was his mistake and he is ready to bear any punishment. Saransh asks him to do situps and say he will not leave his wife. Rudra obeys. Saransh rejoices. Preesha and Rudra feed him soup. Balraj looks via door unable to gather courage to face Rudra. Mahima and Preesha take care of him next followed by Sharda and Rudra. Family bonding continues. Serial’s titile track continues playing in the background.

Doctor remove Saransh’s forehead bandage. Rudra says its a magic, Saransh has healed completely. Doctor says his forehead injury has healed, but leg injury would take time. Rudra asks when can he take Saransh home? Doctor says he can finish discharge formalities and take him home. Rudra takes Saransh home with Preesha and Mahima on a wheelchair. Saransh gets happy seeing decoration and toys in his welcome and thanks Rudra. Rudra says he didn’t make these arrangements. Saransh asks Sharda if she made these arrangements then. Sharda asks him to guess. Balraj says whoever has done it, did Saransh like it. Saransh says he loved it. Balraj asks if he loved the toys, he can ask whatever he wants. Saransh says these are his favorite toys and asks if he will play with him. Balraj emotionally hug him and says he will if he teach him. Saransh says he will teach him all games. Ahana and Mishka are shocked seeing Balraj’s changed behavior towards Saransh. Mishka says its Preesha’s black magic. Preesha take Saransh in to get him ready for online class. Ahana asks Balraj if he is fine as he used to hate Saransh before but is now pampering him. Balraj says he feels he did wrong with Saransh by scolding him and making him jump from window. They both stand shocked.
Preesha takes Saransh to his room and says he can not skip class. Mahima ask if she can get Saransh ready for class if he agrees. Saransh agree. Mahima happily gets him ready for online class. Serial’s title track plays in the background. Preesha bakes Saransh’s favorite cookies and takes milk and cookies to his room, doesn’t find him in his room and search for him. She hears his voice in parking lot and walks out. Saransh enjoys riding wheelchair with Mahima and insists her to push it more, calling her Mahima mamma. Preesha feels sad hearing that. Saransh asks her to join and gets happy seeing his favorite cookies. Rudra brings medicine for him. Saransh says Mahima mamma is pushing his cart and he is enjoying it. Rudra gets angry hearing Mahima mamma and insists him to have medicine. Saransh resists. Mahima powders medicine and sandwiching it between cookies makes him eat. Preesha tells Rudra that Mahima fed him medicine between cookies. Rudra says whatever Mahima try, he will not give Saransh to her. Yuvraj calls Preesha and informs her about Mahima’s psychiatrist appointment. Preesha informs same to Mahima. Mahima asks who will stay with Saransh. Rudra says he is there for Saransh and she need not worry.
Preesha takes Mahima in a car. Mahima asks Preesha if she felt bad when Saransh called her mamma, she asked him to call mamma and will stop him if Preesha doesn’t like it. Preesha says she is happy and doesn’t mind Saransh calling her mamma. They reach hospital where doctor tests Mahima and informs Preesha that Mahima is almost normal now and is not getting delusions or sleeping spells, its a miracle. Preesha says Mahima is happy after meeting her son. Doctor suggests to let them stay together as Mahima’s mental illness will vanish completely. Mahima comes out, and Preesha says they should inform about her recovery to their parents. Mahima agrees, they reach parent’s home, and Mahima excitedly informs Vasu that Saransh is bonding well and calls her mamma now. Vasu gets happy and takes her to room. GPS asks Preesha if she is feeling bad seeing Saransh’s attention towards Mahima. Preesha says she is very happy as Saransh is accepting Mahima as his mother. She returns home and informs Rudra that Saransh is bonding well with Mahima and Mahima is recovery from her mental illness speedily, its so good that they all stay together. Rudra says Mahima has come take away Saransh and he will never let that happen. He goes and sleeps on bed. Preesha stand crying.

Precap: Saransh plays with Balraaj. Ahana and Mishka get jealous seeing that. Mahima gets Saransh’s court custody notice to Balraj. He shows it to Preesha and pleads to some how stop Mahima. Preesha begs Mahima not to go out of house as she will handle Rudra. Saransh asks where is Mahima mamma going, ask her not to go. Mahima says she is going for a few days and Saransh wanted to stay with her, she has made all the arrangements.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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