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Mahima gets Arjun’s call who says he told whatever she asked him to say and now she should say where his wife is. She gives him address and warns to leave Delhi and dare not to be seen around Delhi and if he tries to meet or help Rudra and Preesha, he and his wife will lose their lives. Arjun promises to leave Delhi forever. Mahima thinks she will see from where Preesha will find Arjun, she will spoil Rudra and Preesha’s plan and Rudra will be forced to stay with her. She calls journalist Chetna and offers to give exclusive interview of her and Rudra, reminding her of taking Rudra and Preesha’s interview and making them famous. Chetna says she will think and call her back, thinks its strange that Rudra left Preesha and married Mahima, who is this Mahima by the way. Mahma thinks she will see how Rudra will escape from her counter attack.

Preesha thinks why did Arjun back off, he is not at his home, akka must have done something for sure. She checks diary and seeing Gautam Shukla’s mumbai address thinks how to meet him. GPS walks to her, and she hides diary. He says Vasu told him what happened, if she knows what will happen with her allegations on Mahima. Preesha says she told told. GPS says he knows as whole world may think her wrong, but he trusts his daughter. She emotionally hugs him. He says Mahima is selfish since childhood, that is why he didn’t want her to stay at Khurana House; he wants to know why she married Yuvraj after divorcing Rudra when she loves only Rudra, he wants to know the truth. She says she didn’t marry Yuvraj and its all a drama to expose Mahima. She explains all incidents happened and showing diary says it has many other names. GPS says he will help her and looking at Gautam Shukla’s address says he thinks he has handled his case and gone to his address. She asks if he has Gautam’s phone number. He goes to check. On the other side, Mahima hugs Rudra and informs that journalist Chetna wants to take their interview, is he ready for that. Rudra says he doesn’t want to as he doesn’t want to hear Preesha’s name there. She thinks he is also a good actor and says she already said yes as she thought he would also say yes, she feels its time to tell everyone that she is his wife and not Preesha. He agrees thinking she is intelligent and if he denies, she will find out his plan. GPS gives Gautam’s number to Preesha. Preesha calls Gautam and says she wants to speak about Dhwani. He is shocked to hear about Dhwani. She says Dhwani’s real name is Mahima and she is Mahima’s sister Preesha, they are Gopal Krishna Iyer’s daughters. He says he knows their father. She says she wants him to come to Delhi and expose Mahima’s lies. He says he is busy and will come next week. She says she will come to him if he gives his address. He agrees. On the other side, Rudra calls his designer to stitch clothes for interview and asks her to stitch same cloth for Saransh. He gets Preesha’s call and picks it going aside. Preesha informs that she found Gautam Shukla’s number via appa after informing whole story to appa, Gautam agreed to meet her tonight, so she wants him to accompany her and record Gautam’s statement. He says he has TV interview in the evening, but will come with her. Preesha books flight tickets.

Mishka seeing arrangements for interview at home reminds Ahana of the drama happened last time during Preesha and Rudra’s interview. Ahana says there would be a bigger drama happening tonight as Rudra will announce Mahima as his wife to the whole world. Rudra walks to Saransh and seeks his help to handle the interview till he returns. He then reaches airport where Preesha is waiting for him and they board a light and reach Mumbai. They meet Gautam and thank him for agreeing to meet them. Gautam says he should thank them instead for helping him take revenge from Mahima for conning him. Preesha records his video while he explains in detail how he met Dhwani/Mahima via common friends and how she conned him and escaped with his money after spiking his alcohol. He shows Mahima’s pic and says this lady should be punished and they should show this recording to police. Preesha and Rudra thank him and assure that this recording will go to police.
Chetna introduces herself to Mahima before starting interview. Mahima introduces herself as Mrs. Mahima Rudraksh Khurana. Chetna says she wants to know how did it happen, everyone just know that she is Preesha’s sister. Ahana says Mahima is a better human being than Preesha. Chetna asks where is Rudra as she needs to start the show immediately as its live. Ahana asks servants to call Rdura. Chetna starts it and says today she is taking interview of most famous rock star Rudraksh Khurana and his new wife Mahima. Servants return and inform Ahana that Rudra is not at home. Chetna asks where is Mr. Khurana. Saransh walks in saying he is here, he is Jr. Rudraksh Khurana. Mishka asks Ahana why is this kid acting smart. Ahana says she should look at Mahima’s humiliated face. Chetna starts interview and asks Saransh why he calls Mahima as Mahima mamma and not mamma. Saransh says his real mamma is Dr. Preesha Khurana and continues interview while Mahima tries to stop him. Chetna ends interview and says it would have been good if Rudra had attended interview, its more entertaining to take power couple’s interview and Rudra should have announced Mahima as his wife. Mahima says Rudra called and informed that he is stuck with some important work. Chetna leaves.
Balraj asks Sharda how can be Rudra so irresponsible, he should have informed if he doesn’t want to give interview. Ahana taunts Mahima that its humiliating and its proved that Rudra doesn’t like her, she should keep trying though. Mishka says she can understand Mahima’s pain and feels really sorry for him. Mahima thinks Rudra sent Saransh for interview, now Saransh will be punished for Rudra’s mistake.
Mahima walks into Saransh’s room and closes door. Saransh asks how did she like the interview, Chetna was repeatedly addressing him as junior Rudraksh Khurana, he felt really good. He twists his hand and asks why he felt good, he should tell where Rudra is or she will continue punishing him. He shouts its pain and she should leave him or else he will complain Rudra and Preesha against her. She picks belt and threatens him. He runs towards door shouting in fear, but she catches him and warning him not to shout asks where is Rudra. Saransh reminisces Rudra asking him to give interview in his place and not tell anyone where he is going. He says he doesn’t know and just gave interview on Rudra’s order. Mahima locks him in bathroom and brutally trashes him while he pleads not to beat him. On the other side, Rudra drops Preesha home. Preesha says she is worried for Rudra. Rudra says even he is and Saransh must have finished interview by now. Preesha says she sent him Gautam’s interview copy to be on a safer side. Rudra says tomorrow morning they will hand it over to police and expose Mahima’s truth and hopes Mahima doesn’t create any problem till then. Preesha gets out of car and enters home.

Mahima changes Saransh’s shirt revealing his bruised body and warns him to not tell anyone about this or else she will trouble Preesha and Rudra. Rudra returns. Mahima asks where was he as she was worried. He says he got stuck in some important work. She says never mind as Saransh gave interview well. Rudra thinks good she didn’t doubt him and is in good mood, walks towards Saransh, but she stops him saying he is sound asleep. He goes to change. She warns Saransh again to not tell anyone about today’s incident. Next morning, Saransh joins family for breakfast, afraid. Sharda asks if he is fine. Mahima says he is and looks tired due to overplaying video game. Balraj asks where is Rudra. Mahima goes to bring him and seeing him bathroom checks his mobile and is shocked to find out Rudra and Preesha visiting Mumbai. She further sees Gautam’s interview and thinks why they want to die. She deletes video and thinks how to delete video from Preesha’s mobile if there is any. She then smiles and thinks why didn’t she get this idea before. Rudra and Preesha reach police station and complain against Mahima revealing how she conned many men. Inspector asks proof. Preesha says she has video confession of one of the connned man Gautam. Inspector asks her to show the video. Preesha checks and finds it missing.

Precap: Preesha gets a parcel sent by Mahima. She opens it and falls unconscious smelling fumes from it. Mahima brake fails Gautam’s car and its meets with an accident. Vasu with GPS returns home and finds Preesha unconscious. GPS and Vasu bring Preesha to hospital. Mahima and Rudra join them. Doctor informs that Preesha fells unconscious due to toxic fumes from a box. Inspector asks Preesha if she knows Gautam Shukla as her phone number was last dialed from his phone. She says she doesn’t know him. Inspector says he met with a bad car accident, but escaped.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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