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GPS gets happy and emotional seeing Mahima and asks if she is alive. Mahima says she is really alive and hug him apologizing for not coming early. GPS asks why didn’t she come early, she doesn’t know how they lived without her. Mahima says how to tell them, looking at Saransh and his parents. Rudra sensing her uneasiness takes parents away. Preesha asks where was she till now. Mahima says she was helpless; they all know that she loved Rajeev and wanted to marry him, but his wife didn’t leave him, she got pregnant thinking Rajeev would come to her, but his wife denied to divorce him; she went into depression and wanted to commit suicide, but she had to live for her baby inside and joined baby care classes and during class she was mentally disturbed, so her doctor suggested to go visit a psychiatrist who suggested to chang her place; she went to Chennia where Preesha was studying and Preesha knowing about her pregnancy took care of her; she had lost all hope and was feeling she would die, so she took promise from Preesha to take care of her baby like hers and Preesha promised her; then her broken heart stopped beating. She goes into flashback where she gives birth to Saransh whose heartbeat stops and when Preesha touches him, his heart revives; her condition worsens and insists Preesha to promise to take care of baby and dies. Out of flashback, she said she died, but when they were taking her for her last rights, she came back to life; doctor said its a miracle and she will inform her family, but she stops doctor as she was mentally disturbed and she didn’t want to pose a threat to her baby. Vasu says she would have come to them. Mahima says she didn’t want to make their life worse and with her mentally disturbed condition she tried to harm her fellow patient and tried to harm herself also, so doctors sent her to mental health clinic. In mental health facility, she tried to commit suicide by hanging to a fan, but doctors saved her and kept her under sedatives; she was like lifeless body for 6 years and when she saw Rudra, Preesha, and Saransh’s pic in newspaper, she saw a ray of hope and told doctors that she doesn’t want to be under sedatives as she wants to get well and return to her son. She got well with her determination in 1 year; doctor gave her a good news that she is completely well and can return to her world. She says she wanted to return to her normal world and meet Saransh, so she called Rudra many times and messaged him, but he must have thought her as a crazy fan and didn’t reply; she decided to visit Khurana house and found out via Yuvraj that Preesha and Rudra has gone to Ooty, so she came to Ooty with Yuvraj and was near Preesha always. Preesha fumes thinking Yuvraj knew everything, but didn’t inform her. Mahima continues explaining her ordeal and says now she wants to take back Saransh’s responsibility from Preesha and become her son’s mother again, so Preesha should return her son to her. Preesha stands tensed. Mahima says she is alive for Saransh and wants him back.
Mahima requests Preesha to return Saransh to her. Preesha is shocked hearing that and asks what is she saying. Mahima says she got well for Saransh and cannot live without him. Preesha says he considered her his mother till now and he will be mentally hurt if he finds out that she is not his mother. Mahima says they have to tell him the truth somehow, she gave her Saransh and wants him back. Ahana standing outside house tells Mishka that she can not go in and find out what is happening because of Saransh. Mishka asks to use her brain. Saransh says crackers got over. Ahana says Mishka has kept extra crackers for him in her room and takes him in. Mahima continues insisting Preesha to tell the truth to Saransh and return him to her. She asks her parents to explain to Preesha. GPS says she should keep herself in Preesha’s place and feel that Preesha considers herself as Saransh’s mother and its difficult for her. Vasu insists Preesha to convince Saransh and tell him the truth. Saransh walks in asking what they want to say. Ahana with Mishka follows him and asks Preesha to pretend as if they are not there and continue their chat. Preesha says she will not be there as she is going to get crackers for Saransh. Ahana walks away fuming. Preesha tells Mahima that she has to speak to Rudra about it first as Saransh considers him as Rudra’s son. She walks away sadly.
Rudra informs his parents about Mahima’s story and her sufferings. Balraj says that woman suffered so much. Sharda also feels sad for Mahima and Saransh. Rudra thinks Sharda doesn’t know that Saransh is her grandson, Rajeev’s son, and Rajeev used to love Mahima a lot. Ahana with Mishka takes Saransh to Mishka’s room and tries to keep him busy, fuming on Preesha as she sent her away. Mishka asks what will she do now. Ahana says she will find out via Rudra.

Preesha walks to Rudra and informs him that Saransh is not her son. He says he knows already. She stands surprised and asks how. He remembers DNA lab incident where he goes to exchange Sharda’s DNA and found out that Saransh and Preesha’s DNA don’t match. Preesha hugs him emotionally and apologizes for not informing him before. Rudra says he was under guilt thinking Preesha had an affair with Rajeev, but found out the truth later that Rajeev loved Mahima and he is Saransh’s father. He hugs her again and says now everything is sorted out, he, Preesha, and Saransh will live happily as a family. Preesha informs that Mahima wants Saransh back. Rudra panics hearing that and says nobody can separate him from Saransh. Preesha try to explain to him, but he walks away to speak to Mahima. Ahana walks to Sharda and Balraj and asks about Rudra, then blames Mahima for the new problems. Sharda says Mahima suffered a lot and informs that Mahima is Saransh’s real mother. Rudra walks to Mahima and says he wants to talk to her. He knows she suffered a lot, but she cannot take Saransh away from him. Preesha asks him to speak calmly. Mahima says he is giving verdict without talking to her. Rudra continues pleading with Mahima.

Precap: Ahana informs Saransh that Mahima is his real mother. Mahima insists Rudra and Preesha to return Saransh to her or else she will file a custody case. Saransh hearing that says Preesha is his mother and not Mahima. Saransh is crying. Mahima promise Preesha and Rudra that she will not interfere between them and Saransh and returns home with parents. At night, she consumes sleeping pills and falls unconscious. Vasu gets worried seeing that.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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