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Saransh confronts Mahima that she purposefully slept on his bed and is just acting. He runs to his room where Rudra and Preesha are resting. Rudra and Preesha wake up hurriedly embarrassed. Saransh asks why did they left him with fake mummy and came here, he doesn’t want to go away from them. Rudra and Preesha pamper him. Mahima walks in and look at them. Preesha notices her and ask her to come in. Mahima says she doesn’t want to come between 3 of them. Preesha says its okay. Mahima says she didn’t know when she went to Rudra’s room and slept next to Saransh unconsciously. Preesha say its okay as she must have gone there unknowingly as she loves Saransh. Mahima walk away. Preesha tells Rudra that akka is mentally disturbed. Rudra says they will take her to a good psychiatrist.

GPS tells Vasu that he doesn’t like Mahima staying at Khurana House seeing Balraj and his family’s misbehavior. Vasu says Preesha is there to take care for Mahima, he is worried unnecessarily. GPS says he is worried about Preesha and not Mahima as Preesha may have to suffer a lot there. Vasu says he is worried for Preesha and not Mahima, she suffered for 7 years and returned now, doesn’t he want to see Mahima happy? GPS says he wants Mahima to be happy, but not on Preesha’s stake. Vasu shouts he is worried for only Preesha and not Mahima. He says is she is obsessed with Mahima. She says he is obsessed with Preesha. GPS says he doesn’t want any storm in Preesha’s life because of Mahima.

Rudra gets ready for class and asks Preesha to help him. Saransh also walks in and asks Preesha to comb his hair. Mahima walks in. Preesha asks her to comb Saransh’s hair and goes to tie Rudra’s shoe lace. Mahima combs Saransh’s hair. Preesha looks at them and ties wrong lace. Rudra reminds her. After sometime, Preesha asks Mahima to get ready for a psychiatrist visit. Mahima try to open her suitcase to get her clothes, but forgets code. Preesha asks her to wear her clothes and gives one. They reach psychiatrist office where Yuvraj is already present. Preesha gets angry and scolds hm. He as usual blabbers and walks away. Doctors walks out and informs Preesha that as she said Mahima is suffering from depression and does things subconsciously. Preesha says Mahima is doing exact same thing. Doctor says this can be dangerous, so he will write some medicines which shouldn’t be skipped.
Preesha returns home with Mahima and sees Saransh playing video game. She bring colorful plays and says lets have some fun activity. Saransh joins her. Preesha asks Mahima to join and make paper boat. Mahima is unable to make paper boat. Preesha asks Saransh to help her. Saransh teach Mahima. Mahima gets happy. They make boats float in water and play with water. Rudra finishes his homework and goes to check on Preesha and Saransh. 

GPS walks in to Khurana house. Ahana asks why did he come. He says to meet his daughters. She taunts that his family members come with their bags, he can go and search his daughters up. 

Rudra walk to Preesha’s room and think Mahima as Preesha hug her from behind saying he finished his homework and its time for romance. Mahima push him away and turns. Rudra gets embarrassed seeing her and says he thought she is Preesha. Mahima says her suitcase lock wasn’t opening, so Preesha gave her dress. Rudra apologizes and turns. They both are shocked to see GPS. Rudra walk away silently. GPS tells Mahima that there would be misunderstandings in the future also, so she should return home with him. Mahima says it happened as she wore Preesha’s clothes and anyways she doesn’t want to stay here. Preesha walks in, and GPS says he wants to take Mahima home. Preesha says he should ask what Mahima wants, she feels good here. GPS says a guest looks good for 2-3 days and not more. Mahima says appa is right, she will go. Preesha insists her to stay back, and Mahima agrees. At night, Mahima gets flashback of playing with Saransh, Saransh warning her that she is not his mamma and not to come close to him. She subconsciously gets up from sleep and walk away. Preesha goes to Rudra’s room and sees him and Saransh sleeping. She remembers she did didn’t give medicine to Mahima and walks to her room, gets tensed not finding her thinking if she went out again.
Preesha search for Mahima in the whole house and seeing terrace door open thinks if akka went to terrace. She walks on terrace and sees her walking unconsciously on terrace border and try to stop her, but when she doesn’t listen, she herself gets on border trying to stop her. Vasu wakes up from sleep getting a nightmare about Mahima. She informs GPS that Mahima is in danger. He says she must be asleep by now. Vasu calls Preesha, but she doesn’t pick call. Saransh wakes up not finding Preesha next to him and picks Vasu’as call hearing phone bell. Vasu asks why is he awake at this time. Saransh says mamma is not in his room. Vasu asks him to check in Mahima’s room. Saransh checks and say they both are not in the room. Vasu gets more tensed and decides to go to Khurana House. Preesha risk her life walks behind Mahima and pulls her down just when Mahima is about to fall. Mahima gets conscious and panics. Preesha calms her down and asks to hold her hand and get on terrace.

Yuvraj is busy having egg bhurji at roadside stall and trying his culinary skills when he sees GPS and Vasu trying to repair their car and walk to them asks what are they doing at midnight at a risky place? GPS warns him to mind his business. Vasu ask what is he doing here? He says he came to have food and asks where are they going? Vasu says they need to reach Khurana house soon, but their car broke down. Yuvraj offers to drop them. GPS resists, but on his insistence Vasu convinces GPS.

Saransh wakes up Rudra and informs him that Preesha and Mahima are missing from their room. Rudra worried walk down and wake up all the family informs them that Preesha and Mahima are missing. Balraj fumes asking why should he bother, since Preesha came they are facing many problems and now he brought her sister to increase their problems. Rudra says Mahima is mentally ill, so he brought her here. Their argument continues. 

Yuvraj drops GPS and Vasu outside Khurana house. GPS walk in asking him to go. Yuvraj think there must be a big drama at Khurana house, so he needs to go in and check. He walks in hiding. GPS and Vasu walk in and ask Rudra if Preesha and Mahima are found as Saransh informed them about Preesha and Mahima missing. Rudra says no, the whole family starts searching. Yuvraj hears their conversation and even he starts searching. Ahana and Mishka start their drama and hope Preesha and Mahima are found soon as they are spoiling their beauty by losing their sleep.

Mahima continues to panic that she will die. Preesha consoles her and encourages her to get up holding her hand. Mahima says she doesn’t even know how she walked here and is a problem for Preesha and her family, so she will go away from here. Preesha try her best to calm her down, but Mahima continues panicking. Preesha finally says she will also jump down and die if Mahima die.

Precap: Preesha decides to return Saransh to Mahima at any cost. Yuvraj hides seeing Khurana family gathering in living room. Saransh sees him and asks what is he doing here. Saransh tells Mahima that she is his fake mother and should go away from him. Mahima gets a panic attack hearing that and picks knife. Saransh gets tensed seeing that.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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