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Preesha doesn’t find Gautam’s confession video in her mobile. Rudra says she even sent video to him and finds it missing even in his mobile. Preesha says akka must have done it and she is very dangerous. Rudra tells inspector that Mahima is very dangerous and can do anything. Inspector says he needs proof and can not do anything without it. They both walk out of police station. Preesha says she knows its akka definitely. Rudra says they need Gautam here. Preesha says she will call him here. She calls Gautam who asks if there is any good news. She says Mahima got videos deleted from their mobiles. Gautam says Dhwani/Mahima is very dangerous. Preesha asks him to come to Delhi and give evidence against Mahima. He agrees to come in the evening. She informs Rudra who says he will accompany her to airport. She says she will go alone go Mahima will doubt them otherwise. After sometime, she gets a parcel from unknown person and when asked delivery boy says he doesn’t know. She opens box, smoke emerges out of it, and she falls unconscious. Delivery boy calls Mahima and informs that he delivered parcel to Preesha and she would have fallen unconscious by now. She asks him to escape from there soon and thinks its Gautam’s turn now, he will disappear him like Arjun. Gautam gets out of airport and calls Preesha, but not getting her reply thinks of checking into a hotel and calling her later. 

Yuvraj sitting next to Mahima in car says he will not do her work before she pays his earlier Ooty hotel bill. She says he is worried for 10000-20000 rs, but she will give him crores. She goes into flashback where she meets Yuvraj and says he is helping Rudra and Preesha via fake marriage for a small money, but she will give him crores if he helps her. He says she is hallucinating due to her mental illness and should get treatment. She says she saw Rudra in car the other day and Yuvraj disguised as Santa and if he doesn’t agree to help her, she can get him killed like many others. He says many came before her and god knows where they are now. She says she will get 50 lakhs every month from Saransh’s trust fund and will give him 10 lakhs every month if he helps her. He agrees and thinks let them fight like dogs and he will reap benefits from both sides. She calls him and asks to delete Gautam’s video from Preesha’s mobile. While Preesha is asleep, he deletes video and messages Mahima about it. Out of flashback, he asks her what to do next? She shows him Gautam getting cab and asks him to kill Gautam via car accident. He agrees. She gets out of car and thinks he is a fool to obey her blindly, he will be caught if police catch him and not her. Yuvraj blabbering follows Gautam and thinks he is making hattrick in performing car accidents, earlier Rajeev and then Neerja and now Gautam. He speeds up his car and rams Gautam’s cab from behind. Cab hits electric pole and catch fire. Yuvraj laughs seeing that and drives car away.

Rudra plays video game with Saransh. Saransh asks him to concentrate as he is losing. Rudra says Saransh is a champ and thinks he is feeling weird and hopes Preesha is fine and returned from airport with Gautam. He calls her and gets more tensed when she doesn’t pick call. Mahima walks in and insists to join them. Rudra says he is not in the mood. Mahima asks Saransh if he will play with mamma or not. Saransh reminiscing Mahima torturing him agrees. She asks him to convince Rudra to join them and silently switch off Rudra’s mobile thinking she knows why Rudra looks sad, now he will not get Preesha’s call. 

Vasu with GPS returns home and panics seeing Preesha unconscious on the floor. GPS calls Rudra, but his phone is switched off. They both rush Preesha to hospital. 

Gautam wakes up and panics seeing fire in cab, he tries to wake up drier and get out of cab.
Gautam sees his cab burning and thinking it caught fire due to petrol leakage. He bangs windows and calls people for help. People gather and get him out of car. Yuvraj is waiting for car to blast thinks if Gautam will also escape like Neerja, it can’t be. Car blasts. He gets happy thinking he will get 10 lakhs from Mahima and thinks let him call kavvi/crow/Mahima and seek for money. He calls Mahima who is busy playing game with Rudra and Saransh and seeks money as he killed Gautam. She says he will get his money and disconnect the call rejoins Rudra and Saransh thinking Preesha and Rudra wanted to expose her truth, now they can’t prove anything. Sharda rush in and informs that Vasu called and informed that Preesha’s condition is critical and they rushed her to hospital, they were trying to contact Rudra in vain. Rudra gets tensed and checks his mobile off, then thinks he shouldn’t show his concern for Preesha in front of Mahima, so he says why should he worry for Preesha, let her husband Yuvraj help her. Sharda says he can visit her at least. Saransh insists to take him to mamma. Mahima says she thinks they should visit Preesha in hospital. Saransh says let us go. Sharda stops him and says children can not visit hospital. Mahima says he should stay at home and not trouble anyone. Rudra says he doesn’t want to go, but is accompanying her on her insistence.

Vasu and GPS rush Preesha to hospital. Doctor rush her into ICU. Rudra with Mahima rushes in and asks reception to check in which room Preesha Khurana is admitted. Mahima says Preesha Pillai. Gautam is brought in severely ill and unconscious and rushed to ICU. Receptionist says room no 105. Rudra with Mahima passes by Gautam without noticing him and walking into Preesha’s room asks what happened to her. GPS says when they returned home, they found her unconscious on floor. Doctor enters and says there were toxic fumes found in the parcel box which was found near Preesha, she must have smelled them and fell unconscious; luckily she is fine, but her nervous system was damaged a bit and he has started treatment for that. Once doctor leaves, Vasu gets worried thinking who must have sent that parcel. GPS sensing Rudra’s worries ask Mahima and Vasu to accompany him for coffee and requests Rudra to stay with Preesha for sometime, though he doesn’t like it. Rudra acts as agreeing and once they walk away, he holds Preesha’s hand and cry showing his love for her.
After sometime, Preesha wakes up and finds her parents, Rudra, and Mahima around her. Vasu asks how is she and GPS asks how did it happen. Preesha says she got a parcel and when she opened it, she fell unconscious. GPS says there were toxic fumes in it. Inspector enters and asks Preesha if she knows Gautam Shukla. She says she doesn’t know. He asks to think well as her number was last dialed from his mobile. She says she doesn’t know. Mahima thinks Preesha is also playing well, but can not win over her. Inspector says Gautam met with a car accident and car burnt very badly. Preesha gets worried and pray to god to protect him. Mahima asks if Gautam is fine. Inspector says he is saved and in the same hospital, he will investigate Gautam once he gets conscious. GPS says even he wants to file a police complaint as Preesha was sent a parcel with toxic fumes, if both these attacks are made by same person. Vasu says even she feels same. Inspector says he will investigate and will inform them once Gautam gets conscious. Preesha thanks god that Gautam is alive, he will inform truth to police and expose Mahima. Mahima thinks Gautam has to die if she has to be safe. She walks out and calls Yuvraj. Yuvraj asks if she needs his bank details to transfer 10 lakhs. She says he is not even worth 10 rs. He says he knew she would betray him like she betrayed her own sister. She informs that Gautam is alive and is in hospital. He asks how does she know. She says she had come to visit Preesha in the hospital. He asks why is Preesha in the hospital? She says she will tell him about it later and asks to visit hospital and kill Gautam. He yells that he has to handle both Rudra/Preesha, and Gautam now.

Rudra hugs Preesha emotionally. She says she is sure that Mahima did all this. He says he knows and they need to be careful. Yuvraj enters and asks Preesha if she is fine and asks why didn’t they inform him? Rudra asks him to stop shouting. Vasu, GPS, and Mahima walk in. Yuvraj asks why didn’t they inform him about Preesha? GPS asks if he would have called him or bring Preesha to hospital? Mahima says they should return home as Preesha is fine now. Nurse gives medicine prescription slip. Yuvraj takes it and walks away. Mahima walks behind him and order him to kill Gautam if he needs 10 lakhs.

Precap: Gautam wakes up and asks nurse to call Preesha. Nurse goes to bring Preesha. Mahima disguised as nurse injects Gautam and kills him. Preesha with nurse reaches outside room when Mahima falls on her wheelchair. Preesha says they should play a game which Mahima cannot understand. Rudra says they will shift Gautam to a hotel where Mahima cannot reach. Mahima reaches hotel and tries to stab Gautam. Preesha reaches there and warns Mahima not to make this mistake as she has recording since Mahima entered hotel.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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