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Mahima orders Yuvraj to kill Gautam if he needs 10 lakhs rs. Yuvraj says he is not a fool and came here to do only that. She says Gautam is in ICU. He says he is going there. She thinks she cannot trust him and should spy on him till he finishes his task. Yuvraj walks towards ICU and stops seeing constables guarding outside, thinks he has to kill Gautam anyways if he needs 10 lakhs rs. He acts as crying and worried for his brother inside ICU and tries to get into it, but constables stop him and ask his ID card. He thinks he will be caught if he gives ID card and lies that he forgot it in his car, but he wants to meet his brother Madhavan at room no 18. Constable says room no 18 is on the other side. He walks away acting and clashing with Mahima asks what is she doing here. She says she came to check if he can finish his task or not, looks like he can’t, so she will kill Gautam at night when guards are asleep. He reminds her to give his 10 lakhs after that.
Sharda tries to feed Saransh. Saransh insists to let him speak to mamma/Preesha. Sharda calls Preesha and asks how is she. Preesha says she is fine. Sharda says she is worried for her and more for Saransh who is not eating at all and is insisting to to speak to her. Preesha speaks to him and asks how is he. Saransh says he is missing her a lot. She asks if someone told him something, Mahima? He thinks how to tell her that Mahima tortured him, stammering says Mahima mamma.. Mahima enters and pampers him. He says he means Mahima takes good care of him and he forgets her when he is with Mahima mamma. She says that is good and disconnects call. Mahima asks Sharda to go and let her feed Saransh. Once Sharda leavs, Mahima threatens Saransh that if he informs anyone about his physical abuse, she will kill Rudra and Preesha, so he should keep his mouth shut and silently finish his food. Saransh afraid starts eating. She thinks she needs to return to hospital to kill Gautam.

Mahima reaches hospital and sits nearby seeing constables outside Gautam’s ICU room. She then sees a nurse coming out of ICU and follows her to nurses’ room. Nurse seeing her asks who is she, she should go out or else she will call guards. Mahima bribes her and explains her plan. Nurse gives her nurse dress. Mahima wears it and thinks she will easily kill Gautam now. Gautam gets conscious and asks nurse to call Preesha Khurana. Nurse says Preesha is in same hospital and goes to call Preesha. She informs Preesha that Gautam is conscious now and wants to meet her right now. Preesha asks her to take her to his room right now. Nurse takes her on stretcher. Mahima enters Gautam’s room and prepares an injection thinking it will induce him heart attack and he will die. Gautam noticing that holds her hand and pulls her mask down. She forcefully injects him and he starts getting heart attack. She yells that even god cannot escape from him, he is nothing. She strangulates him. Preesha reaches outside room on stretcher. Constables stop her. She says Gautam called her. Nurse nods yes. Constables open door. Mahima rushes out and falls on stretcher in a hurry and then rushes away. Preesha enters room and sees Gautam’s condition worsening. Gautam says maa.. Nurse goes to bring doctor. Gautam dies. Preesha thinks she cannot let Gautam die as he came to protect her. Nurse returns. Preesha asks her to bring defibrillator and gives him shock. Gautam revives. She thanks god and thinks of informing Rudra about it. Mahima gets into Yuvraj’s car and leaves. Yuvraj asks for his 10 lakhs and she transfers it. He thinks she is made to kill Gautam and give him 10 lakhs. She thinks he is mad to blindly trust her, this money is to make him her slave. She silently returns home and sleeps with Saransh. Preesha calls Rudra and informs him what happened. Rudra checks and says Mahima is sleeping. She says she is sure it was Mahima. He says they need to be more careful.
Preesha saves Gautam from heart attack via defibrillator shocks. Rudra joins her. Doctor checks and tells Preesha that Gautam is fine now as she saved him on time. Gautam thanks Preesha. Preesha thanks him instead for risking his life and coming to help her. Rudra asks who tried to kill him. Gautam says its Mahima. Rudra says how can it be as he saw Mahima sleeping with Saransh. Gautam says he fought with Mahima and saw her face, she threatened that she will not let him give evidence against her. Preesha asks if Mahima was wearing Nurse’s dress. Gautam says yes. Preesha says its akka for sure and Gautam’s life is at risk. Rudra says that means someone is helping her, they should shift Gautam to an unknown where Mahima cannot reach. Gautam says he will get Mahima punished at any cost. Rudra asks what is their next plan. Preesha explains.

Preesha with GPS returns home. Vasu hugs and pampers her. Mahima enters. Vasu says they were discussing about her. Mahima asks if Preesha was badmouthing about her again, says she will never think of harming Preesha as she is Preesha’s elder sister. Preesha acts as getting inspector’s call and goes aside. Mahima asks Vasu to get her coffee and walks behind Preesha. Preesha acts as inspector informing her that Gautam was attacked again, but is stable now, so he is shifting him to The Yellow Orchid Hotel room number 208. Mahima thinks she will have to reach hotel room before Preesha and kill Gautam.

Rudra waits in hotel lobby. Preesha calls him to be careful. Mahima enters disguised as sardarji and seeing Rudra there thinks she thought police or Preesha would come here, but Rudra is here. She tells girls that rockstar Rdura is here. Girls throng Rudra while she silently walks away. She then disguises as room service girl and rings Gautam’s room bell. Gautam opens door and says he didn’t order anything. Mahima forcefully enters room saying she brought complementary champagne and juice from hotel’s side. She then picks knife and points at Gautam revealing her face. Gautam stands shocked and pleads not to kill her. Preesha enters just then and starts recording video warning Mahima to dare not make a mistake as she planned all this to trap her. Mahima threatens to delete the video or else she will kill Gautam. Preesha says she will not. Gautam pleads Preesha to delete the video. Preesha finally deletes video. Mahima spares Gautam and says he escaped again because of Preesha, Preesha is so good that she cannot see anyone in trouble and sacrificed all her hard work to save his life. She walks away laughing on Preesha.

Preesha follows Mahima and says she saw her cruel ruthless form. Mahima says good then, she should be afraid of her and should return home. Preesha says she knows everything about her and will expose her truth. Mahima asks what she knows. Preesha says she knows how she conned Arjun, Gautam, and Girish who informed her truth and has gone mad after she conned him. Mahima stand shocked.

Precap: Preesha says she will expose her in front of whole world. Mahima agrees to con many men and says she will con even Rudra and then.. Preesha slaps him. Rudra lifts Preesha and takes her home, leaving Vasu in shock. Preesha sees Saransh writhing in pain when she hugs him and thinks he was lying that Mahima didn’t do anything. Mahima sees Saransh writhing in pain and asks if he is hurt. He says no and walks away with Rudra. She thinks why he is lying. Preesha tells Rudra that they should give truth serum to Mahima and make him confess everything. She feeds truth serum with sweets and record her accepting that she conned Arjun and threatened to kill his wife.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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