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Mahima tells Ahana and Miska that she is in a hurry, so shall she go. Mishka says if they say no, will she stop; she can go. Mahima leaves. Saransh opens car’s dickie and hides in it to meet Rudra and get him scold Mahima after telling truth. Mahima gets into car and drives it away. In wedding venue, reporters throng Rudra and ask why did he come here as groom. Rudra says he came to support organizers as they are doing a good job. Preesha thinks Rudra will take time, so she will go and search Arjun. She asks one of organizers about Arjun Verma who points at Arjun. She walks towards him when many grooms pass by and Arjun leaves with them. She informs Rudra same. Show’s organizer thanks Rudra for visiting the mass wedding and supporting the cause. Rudra nervously says yes, he supports this noble cause. Organizer insists to introduce him to brides and grooms. Rudra hesitates, but on Preesha’s insistence agrees and goes on stage where organizer announces that rock star Rudraksh has come to meet them. Preesha hopes they meet Arjun soon. Yuvraj is busy watching TV at home when GPS passes by and scolds him to stop lazing around and do some work as he had become senior lawyer and then judge in his age. Yuvraj fumes in anger, but then sits shocked seeing Rudra in a mass wedding venue and thinks Rudra already went there for 3rd wedding. Rudra clicks pics with grooms and hopes Arjun comes soon. Preesha also feels same.

Mahima enters wedding venue, but organizer stops her saying guests are not allowed. Mahima says she is rockstar Rudra’s wife. Organizer asks to stop joking as she knows Preesha is Rudra’s wife and she follows the couple on social media. Mahima says she is Rudra’s current wife, but organizer doesn’t let her in. Mahima calls Rudra, but he is busy chatting with grooms. Saransh tries to get out of car, but fails and shouts for help. Preesha searches Arun and gets tensed seeing Mahima at door. She wears bridal veil and walks out towards parking lot. Just then organizers push Mahima away and Preesha’s veil flies due to fan nearby revealing her face. Preesha hurriedly covers her face and walks away thanking god. She hears Saransh’s voice and thinks if Saransh is in any one car. She walks near each car calling Sarans. Saransh shouts mamma and bangs door. Preesha hears him and asks not to worry as mamma came to save him. Mahima warns organizer to let her in and speak to Rudra. Organizer says she can’t.
Saransh collapses due to lack of oxygen in dickie. Preesha senses it and rushes back inside venue searching Mahima. She sees Mahima standing with Rudra and thinks how will she take car key from Mahima. Mahima asks Rudra why did he come here. He says he was going for recording but then got organizer’s call and he came here to support the noble cause. Reporters ask him if he came here alone or someone else. Mahima senses a chance and announces that she is Rudra’s wife and came with him. Reporters discuss if he left Preesha and married another woman. Rudra asks Mahima why did she do this. She says he has to announce it anyways as he hates Preesha now. Preesha hides her face behind guests. Rudra announces that Mahima is his present wife. Reporters ask what about Preesha. Rudra says she was his past and Mahima is his present. Mahima thinks her new identity is Mahima Rudraksh Khurana. Reporters question her. Preesha signals Rudra and walks to him. Rudra asks why did she come here as Mahima is here. Preesha says she needs to talk something important. Mahima asks who is this girl.

Rudra asks Preesha doing there as Mahima is in front and may see her. Mahima asks who is she. Rudra says she is Gulabo, his biggest fan and wanted to meet him, asks where is her husband. Preesha in a village accent shows someone and says her dream came true after meeting him. H says let us go. Mahima says she will also accompany them. Reporters question Mahima. Rudra asks her to answer reporters while he finishes Gulabo’s task. He walks away with Preesha and asks what was she doing. Preesha says Saransh is stuck in Mahima’s car dickie. Rudra panics hearing that and says he will get Saransh out right now. Preesha asks him to go and get MAhima’s car keys and bring it near car. He walks near Mahima and thinks car keys must be in purse and thinks how to get it away. He acts in front of organizer that someone insulted his wife today. Organizer apologizes and scolds his assistant. Rudra says he wants his wife to be pleased with bouquet and proper welcome. Organizer agrees and welcomes Mahima with garland and bouquet. Rudra takes purse from Mahima and silently takes out car from it. He then acts that he forgot his phone in car and walks away asking her to stay right there.

Preesha rushes to car and asks Saransh not to worry as mamma is here. Rudra joins her and opens car dickie. They are shocked to see Saransh unconscious and worried shake him up to wake up, but in vain. Preesha asks Rudra to get water and sprinkle on his face. He does, but when he doesn’t wake up says he will take him to doctor. Preesha tries chest compression and fills air in his mouth via a plastic bag. Saransh wakes up coughing. She hugs him crying and Rudra also does same. She asks Saransh if he is fine. Saransh says he is fine, where were they. Preesha apologizes for not coming on time. Rudra scolds Saransh for getting into dickie, he was so afraid. Saransh says he wanted to meet Rudra and complain against Mahima, so he heard Mahima getting into car to meet Rudra and got into car’s dickie. They both pamper him and asks not to do this kind of stunt again. He asks to inform Mahima not to ill treat him. Rudra returns on stage and silently keeps back car keys in Mahima’s purse. Organizer thanks Rudra for coming and says couples will never forget this day. Rudra says even he will not and thinks he needs to meet Arjun at any cost, tells Mahima to stay there while he discusses about something with organizers. Mahima thinks even her work is done, whole world will know that that she is Rudra’s wife and will go home now.
Rudra sees some jodis aside and walks towards them. A bride stops him and says she is his big fan and wanted to meet him. He asks where is her husband. She calls her husband Arjun Verma. Rudra relaxes hearing Arun and asks her to call him soon. Mahima walks to parking lot and gets angry seeing Preesha and Saransh, shouts what are they doing here, what is happening. Preesha asks she should say what is happening, why she ill treated Saransh that he hid in his car’s dickie to meet Rudra, what if something had happened to her, if this is the way she will take care of Saransh. Mahima shouts that nothing happened to Saransh and asks how did he she find out that Saransh is in a car’s dickie. Preesha says he called her. Mahima asks how did she find out that car is in Noida. Preesha stands nervously. Yuvraj enters and says location can be found via mobile GPS, so he and Preesha came here and breaking lock saved Saransh; that is the difference between real mother and fake noe. Preesha reminisces breaking lock thinking Mahima will doubt seeing her and Saransh. Mahima asks why is she wearing bridal dress. Yuvraj says they were visiting a friend’s wedding and Preesha insisted to wear bridal dress. Mahima calms down and acts as pampering Saransh. Preesha asks Yuvraj why did he come here. He says to save her as he knows she would mess up.

Precap: Mahima mixes sleeping pill Rudra’s juice and forcefully feeds him. He falls asleep. Saransh over phone informs Preesha that Rudra is not in his room and he must be with Mahima. Preesha asks him to do as she says. He walks into Mahima’s room and sees her unbuttoning Rudra’s shirt.  Preesha asks Rudra to bring Sharda’s medicines. He sees a note to meet her in bathroom on prescription slip and meets her in bathroom. Mahima walks towards bathroom and sensing someone inside opens door when she sees Rudra inside.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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