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Balraj with family walks to Rudra’s room. Mahima seeing him getting ready asks if he is going somewhere. He says none of her business. Balraj says its their business. Rudra asks why he is speaking so rudely. Balraj says they found out about his drama in jail and even media found out about it, what about the drama he did after coming out of jail. Rudra says he doesn’t want to talk about it as he is going to meet Preesha. Mahima says he can’t go as media is coming, he should stay back and reply their answer and stop his father’s year’s hard earned dignity from spoiling. He says he will not and she cannot dare order him. She threatens that she will leave this house and take away Saransh with him. He says he will stay back and asks her to get out now. Mahima apologizes Balraj for speaking ill about Saransh as she wanted to control Rudra. He says she did right. Servant informs that media people came. Mahima asks Balraj to handle them till she brings Rudra.

Yuvraj is sound asleep when he gets Mahima’s call. He thinks why kavvi/crow Mahima is calling her now. He picks call and says her job is done and he got money, thank you and bye. She says he has to do one more job and says her and Rudra’s interview will air on TV in sometime and he should show it to Preesha. He agrees and acting as pampering Preesha takes her to living room and insists her to have food. Mahima with Rudra starts interview and says now Rudra is married to her, but everyone are still stuck with Preesha. Media asks about Rudra’s arrest. She changes topic and continues. Yuvraj acting as changing TV channel shows interview to Preesha, Vasu, and GPS. Mahima continues that Rudra is her husband and her son Saransh’s father, so their relationship is forever and people should stop speculating. Rudra reminisces Mahima’s warning that she will take Saransh with her if he doesn’t give interview. Preesha gets angry seeing Rudra’s interview.
After sometime, Preesha waits for cab to go to hospital. Cab comes and she enters into cab, but sees driver taking her to different route and asks where is he taking her, this is not hospital route. Rudra speaks and reveals he is driving car as a driver. He says wherever he can speak to her. She warns to stop car right now as she saw his interview with Mahima. He says Mahima planned all that and she is conspiring against him. She says he slept with Mahima and blamed Mahima instead. He continues trying to explain, but she stops cab and gets into bus. He gets into bus and sitting next to her tries to explain, but she gets down. He follows her and says she is habituated to misunderstand and blame him wrongly. She says she is blaming for the act he did and leaves in auto. She then reaches her hospital cabin and thanks god that Rudra didn’t follow her there. Rudra disguised as ward boy turns and says he is at her service now. She says he he is not qualified to be even a ward boy and is a singer. He says he will entertain patients with his singing. She asks him to leave. Nurse informs him that an emergency patient has come. Preesha rushes out and sees a pregnant woman in labor and her husband worried for her. She assures patient that she is in safe hands and asks nurse to take patient to OT. Rudra walks to patient’s husband and assures her that his wife will be alright soon. Man identifies him as rockstar Rudra. Rudra says heis even Preesha’s husband and will be with him until he gets a good news. Preesha checks patient’s ultrasonography and informs husband that his umbilical cord is stuck around his baby’s neck and his wife’s BP is increasing, so she can either save baby or mother. Husband pleads to save his wife as he loves her and cannot live without her. Preesha returns after sometime and informs that luckily both mother and child are safe and he got a cute baby girl. Husband thanks and prays for her and Rudra’s togetherness forever. Preesha asks Rudra to leave now, he says he will not. She calls watchman who stands silently. Rudra informs that he bought this hospital and he will be with her always.

Preesha asks watchman to send Rudra out of hospital. Rudra says watchman cannot send him out as he bought this hospital. She stands shocked and asks when did he buy it. He says when she was busy saving a mother and child, he was busy trying to save his life. He reminisces pregnant lady’s husband Vipul feeling guilty for risking his wife’s life and hopes she is fine. He asks Vipul to trust on his love as he trusts his love. Vipul says he saw his love on social media. Hospital’s manager identifies Vipul as hospital’s owner and says if he would have informed beforehand, they would have made better arrangements. Vipul says he didn’t have much time and Preesha is handling the case. Manager says Preesha is a good doctor and his wife is safe in her hands. Rudra is surprised to know Vipul is hospital owner. Vipul asks if he can help him get his lady love Preesha back. Rudra says he may not, then says he can sell this hospital to him so that he can stay with Preesha always and try to convince her. Vipul feels weird but agrees and sells hospital to Rudra. Out of flashback, Rudra tells Preesha now he will be with her always as a boss. She says she will resign her job right now. He says she has to give him 5 crores compensation as she had signed a 6-month prior notice before resigning or else she has to compensate. She says she will stay back but only as professional.

Ahana and Mishka discuss that they should teach Mahima a lesson for trying to act oversmart with them. They walk into Ahana’s cabin and are shocked to see Mahima sitting on her chair. Ahana shouts how dare she is to sit on her chair. Mahima says Balraj offered her cabin and responsibilities to her. Ahana shouts where will she sit. Mahima says she has arranged a different cabin and taking her to a small cabin walks away asking her to enjoy her new cabin. Ahana shouts this cabin is smaller than her bathroom. Mishka says she is right, Mahima is scheming Preesha’s elder sister and is like her, so they need to teach her a lesson. Ahana says Mahima doesn’t know whom she messed with.
Preesha shifts Vipul’s wife to a labor ward and says she is fine and her baby girl is more healthier than her. Vipul walks in and thanking her says Rudra was right that Preesha will handle the case well. Rudra enters and says he had already informed. Preesha says it was her duty as a doctor. Vipul tells her that her husband loves her a lot and he realized the value of love while he was about to lose his family, he doesn’t know what is the problem between them, but he just wants to request her to forgive Rudra as love is everything in life. Rudra thanks Vipul for his support.

Mahima sees a huge sum transferred into Vipul’s account and questions manager about it. Manager says Rudra bought Mother Care Gynecological Center from Vipul. She asks if Balraj approved it. He says no as Rudra threatened to terminate them if they inform anyone. Mahima sends him away and thinks its where Preesha works and she knows Rudra bought it to be near Preesha and convince her, she needs to inform about it to Balraj.

Preesha is busy working at hospital when Vasu calls her and asks why she didn’t reach home yet. Preesha says she had a lot of work pending and will leave for home in some time in a cab.. Vasu informs about transport strike, so she will send GPS to pick her up. Preesha says she will stay back in hospital as she may get an emergency and will return home tomorrow. Vasu informs same to GPS. Rudra enters and informing Preesha about strike asks if he should drop her home. She denies. He insists saying he cannot let his employee in trouble, so he will drop her. She agrees. He hurriedly rushes to bring car. She thinks he will teach him a lesson. He gets car and asks Preesha to get in. She calls all hospital staff and asks him to drop them all. They thank hm. She thinks he will run away and asks if he will.

Precap: Preesha goes near lake to drink water when a crocodile attacks her. Rudra fights with crocodile. Preesha drinks water from jungle lake when a crocodile attacks her. Rudra rushes for her help.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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