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Yuvraj gets into car with Preesha and says he wants to part of her plan. She asks him to go out. He asks why should he. Rudra enters and asks him to get out of car. He walks away murmuring. Preesha tells Rudra that akka/Mahima is still suspicious on us and they should execute their plan carefully, they should contact Arjun soon. Rudra says he is coming tomorrow, so he will call him and check. At home, Mahima thinks santa was definitely Preesha as santa told a lady went inside disguised as Santa to meet her son; Preesha must have made photos and pics after leaving party, but whatever it is, Rudra is angry on her and she should convince him as he is her biggest lottery, so she should sleep with him and convince. She walks to his room and not finding him in his room and walks to living room and asks maid if she saw Rudra. Maid says he has gone for jogging. She asks at 12 midnight. Maid says goes jogging around house sometimes. She goes out to check and seeing Preesha’s car walks towards it thinking what is it doing here. She finds Preesha and Yuvraj inside romancing, knocks door and ask what are they doing here. Preesha says they came for a drive, Yuvraj asks if she has any problem. Mahima says if they got only Khurana House’s road for drive and insists Preesha to tell truth. Preesha says she came to meet Saranah as she was missing him, so she came here to take her permission and meet Saransh, but Yuvraj told she will not give permission. Mahima says she will not, anyways Saransh is sleeping now and warns them to leave or else she will inform police. Once she leaves, Rudra returns and asks how does that woman find out when they are togetehr and thanks Yuvraj for informing him beforehand seeing Mahim. He reminisces the whole incident and tells Preesha that Arjun’s phone is not reachable, so they should reach his house tomorrow.
Rudra with Preesha reaches Arjun’s house and reminds him of his promise made to expose Mahima. Preesha says akka is trying to take away her son and family for money, so he should come and expose her. He asks if Mahima is her sister. Preesha says unfortunately yes, so he should come home tomorrow and tell truth to everyone. Arjun agrees. Preesha walks to Khurana house first. Ahana and Mishka yell on her as usual. Preesha says she came to expose someone’s truth. Rudra asks who. She says a biggest liar is among them. Rudra asks her to be specific. Preesha says its Mahima akka, she came to tell a lie which Mahima was telling both families since day one, she was lying about her past. Rudra asks what rubbish, they all know that Mahima was mentally ill and was living in mental health clinic. Preesha says akka is not mentally ill and didn’t stay in mental health clinic for even a day. Balraj asks what is she telling. Preesha says she is right. Mahima nervously says she was in mental health clinic. Preesha asks then why did she burn that mental health clinic to erase the proof that she wasn’t staying there. Rudra asks why would she do that. Preesha says akka is a con woman and she tricks and loots rich people; she looted many men as Maya, Dhwani, Anjali, etc. Mahima shouts if she is not ashamed to wrongly allege her sister. Preesha says she didn’t know her akka’s misdeeds and even sacrificed her life for akka’s son. Rudra asks if she has any proof. Preesha says she has live proof whom akka conned and looted money and many others. Preesha calls Arjun in and asks him to tell how akka coned him as Mohini. Arjun lies that he doesn’t know Mahima and he came here as Preesha promised to give him money if he lies against Mahima. Preesha stands shocked.

Arjun tells everyone that Preesha showed her Mahima’s pic and created a story that Mahima betrayed him in the past and eloped with his money, he agreed to lie as Preesha offered him money and he is in dire need of it. He continues that when he came here, he saw Mahima is Khurana family’s bahu and Rudra’s wife, he couldn’t lie thinking his wife is Rudra’s fan and would leave him if she finds out this. He apologizes Mahima and tells Preesha that he doesn’t need her money. Rudra thinks he cannot say anything as Mahima will think he is supporting Preesha. Mahima thanks him and says he saved her dignity being a stranger, but her own sister is alleging him wrongly. Ahana yells if betraying Rudra and grabbing his property is not enough that she is behind her sister now, if she is feeling bad that she lost Rudra to Mahima. Arjn walks away apologizing everyone for troubling them and telling Preesha that she is doing wrong with her sister. Mahima asks Preesha why she is doing all this and hugging Vasu smirks, then continues acting and asks her if she saw what Preesha told. Vasu says she saw and heard everything. Preesha asks Vasu not to believe Mahima as she is a liar. Vasu slaps Preesha. Mahima, Ahana, and Mishka smirk seeing that. Vasu yells that she betrayed Rudra, divorced him, and brought Yuvraj home; her sister came back home by fate, but Preesha wants to kill her again. Preesha says no. Vasu shouts shut up, she trusted her more than god, but she didn’t expect this from her. Balraj says even he didn’t expect this. Ahana says he should except it from Preesha as she is Khurana family’s biggest enemy, yells at Preesha to get out before gaurds come and drag her away. Rudra says he will do that thing and takes Preesha out. He hugs Preesha and apologizes her for not supporting her. Preesha asks why did Arjun lie. Rudra says even he doesn’t know why Arjun did that, she should leave from here as Mahima must have found out their plan and threatened Arjun, even her amma is against her now. Preesha says its bad then. Rudra sees Vasu coming and warning Preesha to dare not come to his house again walks in. Vasu walks away ignoring Preesha. Preesha thinks how did Arjun change suddenly.
Rudra returns to Mahima’s room and seeing her acting as crying thinks what kind of a woman she is, she acts so well and betrays everyone, he needs to act in front of her now. He says now Preesha will not trouble them. She hugs him and says she doesn’t mind what people think, his thinking towards her only matters to her. He walks away saying he will check on Saransh. Mahima laughs saying poor Preesha and Rudra are suffering now. She thinks she doubted Preesha since the beginning and doubted when she saw Saransh and Preesha in samuhik vivah venue, then thought she is telling truth; she doubted her presence in Rudra’s bathroom, then she saw them kissing disguised as Santa, even then she didn’t believe her; her doubt was cleared when she saw Rudra and Preesha in car and realized all their plan. She further reveals how she went to samuhik vivah venue and asked organizer why didn’t he make Rudra’s payment yet. Organizer says Rudra himself came to the Menu and they were surprised to see him attending the event. She asks him to give the details of people who attended the event and is shocked to see Arjun’s pic. She further reminisces reaching Arjun’s house with goons and threatening him to stop supporting Preesha. Arjun denies. Goons pin him down. She reads Preesha’s mesage on his mobile to visit Khurana Houst at 11 a.m. tomorrow and expose Mahima’s truth. She then orders goons to assault him and kidnaps his wife until he lies at Khurana House and speaks against Preesha. His wife and he agree to do that.

Precap: Mahima calls journalist and insists to take her and Rudra’s interview in her chat show like she took Rudra and Preesha’s interview earlier. Reporter agrees. Mahima informs Rudra about same. Preesha calls Gautam who agrees to expose Mahma’s lies. She and Rudra meet him and video record his statement while Mahima and journalist wait for Rudra in studio. Chetna asks Mahima to call Rudra for interview. Saransh comes instead. Mahima tortures Saransh with a lash and asks him to tell where Rudra is. She finds out Rudra and Preesha going to Mumbai

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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