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Preesha tells Rudra that Mahima akka is very intelligent and will not reveal her truth at all, how will they prove that Mahima has disappeared Gautam. Rudra says they need to find some other way to make her reveal truth. Preesha gets nurse’s cal from hospital saying a patient took truth serum tablet and is blabbering since then. Preesha asks how did he consume tablet. Nurse says he was playing a game with friends and they make him to consume it, since then he is blabbering continuously. Preesha asks her to keep the patient under observation until tablet effect wards off. She then tells Rudra that they can use truth serum tablet on Mahima and make her confess truth. She explains how it works. He asks how will they do that. Preesha says she will ask appa/GPS to mix truth serum tablet in akka’s sweets during pongal festival. Rudra says its a good idea, now Mahima cannot escape. Preesha thinks as a doctor, its unethical, but she has to do it for the family.

At Khurana House, during breakfast, Balraj tells family that today is lohri festival and they should celebrate. Sharda says Mahima made all the festival arrangements. Mishka says since Preesha is not here, Saransh can celebrate with them. Saransh says mamma is coming as Mahima mamma invited her today. GPS calls Mahima and invites her for pongal festival tomorrow. Mahima says she cannot come. GPS insists saying she is back after many years and she has to celebrate festival with them and should even bring Rudra along. Mahima informs Rudra that appa invited even him for the festival. Rudrda says he will not come as he doesn’t like to see Preesha. Saransh insists him to accompany them as he likes patti/Vasu’s prepared sweets. Sharda says he should go for Saransh. Even Balraj backs her. Rudra agrees.
The next day, Preesha with Saransh and Rudra reaches her paernt’s house and apologizes Mahima for hurting her feelings. Mahima hugs her saying they are sisters and shouldn’t bother. Preesha thinks she has to act to expose her truth. Mahima thinks she knows Preesha is acting. GPS and Vasu walk in wishing happy pongal and give gift to Saransh and insist to check it. Saransh opens box and sees pongal dress. They ask him to go and change. Preesha says she will make him change. He gets tensed thinking she will see his injuries and insists that he will wear dress later. Rudra says she shouldn’t when Saransh doesn’t want to. Saransh relaxes hearing that. Rudra takes Preesha aside and asks if she brought truth serum. She says yes and shows it. He asks to mix it in sweets then. She goes to kitchen and mixes it Mahima’s sweet bowl and hoping Mahima should eat it takes sweet bowls to family. Yuvraj tries to take Mahima’s bowl, but Preesha stops him and gives another. She gives bowl to Mahima and says its to celebrate their sisterhip. Mahima says now they won’t fight again, but resists to have sweets saying she will have it later. Preesha asks if she didn’t forgive her. Mahima says she already did. Preesha feeds her sweets. Yuvraj says Preesha prepared tasty sweets. Mahima says amma prepared it. Yuvraj says Preesha mixed her love in it, so its tasty. Mahima feels unwell. Preesha says akka needs checkup in hospital. Rudra says she is right, so lets take Mahima to hospital. Yuvraj says he will accompany them, but Preesha stops him and GPS backs her. Mahima says she will rest at home, but Rudra and Preesha insist and take her along. Yuvraj gets suspicious.

Preesha and Rudra take Mahima to a secluded area and wake her up. Mahima wakes up and asks where did she come. Rudra starts recording video. Mahima says she Mahima Srinvasan and lives in Lajpath nagar. Preesha says Mahima’s mind is not under control, so they should question her. She asks what did she do with Arjun. Mahima says he was her ex-boyfriend and reveals that she threatened Arjun to kill his wife if he reveals truth to Preesha and family. She reveals how she conned Arjun and many others. Preesha asks what about Gautam. Mahima says Gautam was the most richest man she conned and describes how he tried to help Preesha, so she tried to kill him many times by making his accident and giving him poison, but he escaped. Preesha asks how did she find him. She says she put tracker on his shirt and then killed him. Preesha stands shocked. Mahima feeling more dizzy sits down. Rudra continues recording her and asks why did she return to them after so many years and what does she need. Mahima says she needs Saransh as she will get 50 lakhs per month from his trust fund.
Mahima under the effect of truth serum continues revealing truth. She says when she found out that Preesha married rockstar Rudra, she returned to Saransh to claim him back, she is his mother but really doesn’t love him, she is just behind is trust money and doesn’t care for him. She feels headache. Rudra says he recorded her confession and she will go to jail now. Out of flashback, Mahima is still unconscious after consuming truth serum while Rudra tries to record her confession and Preesha tries to wake her up. Mahima acts as asleep and thinks Preesha wants to record her confession video, but she thinks 20 steps ahead of her. Preesha wakes her up and asks what did she do with Arjun. Mahima asks who Arjun, she doesn’t know anyone. Preesha asks about Gautam. Mahima says she doesn’t know anyone. Rudra angrily walks out and asks Preesha if she gave truth serum to Mahima or not. Preesha says she herself mxied it in Mahima’s sweet bowl. Rudra asks why didn’t it work. Mahma says it would have worked if she had consumed it, she never did. Preesha asks why did she fall unconscious then. Mahima laughs saying she was just acting. They both stand fuming. Mahima reminisces Yuvraj hearing Rudra and Preesha’s truth serum plan and thinking if Mahima reveals truth, she will reveal even about him, changes serum with plain water. Out of flashback, Mahima lies that she heard Rudra and Preesha’s plan and acted, she thinks 20 steps ahead of Preesha.

Mahima continues laughing at Preesha and asks if Rudra is not with her, then what is he doing here with her and why was he recording video. Rudra shouts that he is with Preesha from before and forever, he even knows Mahima’s truth and knows how greedy and cheap she is and can do anything for money. He continues that she should know that he didn’t marry her at all and will never let her near Saransh, he loves Preesha and Saransh and Preesha are his family and will not let Mahima harm them. He threatens to tell her truth and what did she do wit Gautam and Arjun. Mahima acts as pleading not to harm her and then laughing says she killed Arjun and Gautam and they cannot do anything without proof. She continues laughing on their foolishness and says they were acting as hating each other, but were together always; she knew about their plan from before, but was enjoying it. Rudra continues shouting. Mahima says she is Saransh’s real mother and has his custody, so she can go on a long endless holiday with him. He shouts to dare not think of Saransh or else he will kill her. She says he can just threaten, but she can really kill and who knows what will happen to Saransh. Rudra angrily strangulates her hearing that. Preesha stops him saying Mahima wants him to make a mistake and then go to jail and be away from Saransh. He spares Mahima. Mahima walks away warning to kill them both. Rudra panics and cries cries hugging Preesha. Preesha says they need to protect Saransh from Mahima. He says she is right, they will send Saransh to her parent’s house for a few days until Mahma’s issue is solved. She calls GPS and asks him to come to Balsa lake.

Precap: Rudra panics finding out Mahima torturing Saransh and informing Preesha about same goes to Mahima and slaps her. Preesha goes to check on him and stands shocked thinking he cannot do that.  Ahana shows a video to Balraj and others saying its embarrassing.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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