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Yuvraj is shocked to see a lady in temple and think this can’t be. He runs behind the lady. Rudra and Preesha reach Ooty. Hotel manager greets them with garlands and says their honeymoon suite is ready. Rudra romantically looks at Preesha while she shy. Manager says they will not get better honeymoon suite than this. Rudra likes it. Preesha walks to balcony and says such a beautiful environment. He hugs her from behind and asks if she came here to show scenery, she should say I love you at least now. She says she will make him wait more. He insists to say now. She says I..I..I. I am hungry. He asks what.. She says he wants to hear 3 magical words when she is dying with hunger, she says how will tell him when her mind is occupied with hunger. He says its okay, she should tell I love you by heart. He then acts as hurting her finger in door. She worried checks and kisses his finger. He smiles and asks to continue. She senses his mischief and walks away.

Lady pray to Devi maa that she will not back off from doing what she came for and Devimaa should help her. Yuvraj walks to her and seeing her face says how can this be, she.. She says everyone thinks same. Yuvraj asks where was she and why did she come suddenly. She says to meet Preesha and Saransh. He says Preesha went to Ooty. She says she will go to Ooty then. He says he will accompany her and insists.
Preesha with Rudra travels in car and says Ooty is so beautiful. He says he is looking at beauty next to him. She says she is not that beautiful. He says he will manage. She asks what and calls Saransh who suggests her to stop calling her and enjoy in ooty. Tu Haath Me Haath Jo Degaya…song..plays in the background. He says even Saransh knows what she should do and gets more romantic, and she gives up. They stop at roadside stall, and she orders rasam chawal and eats it mixing with her hand and whisking it in a weird way. Rudra looks in shock. Tere Liye, Har Pal Rahoon mai sirf tere liye….song..plays in the background. She feeds him and he likes it. Their romance continues.

Lady with Yuvraj reach Ooty and asks where will they find Preesha? Yuvraj says he will find out. He calls Ahana who is busy chatting with Mishka and seeing his call asks if its Yuvraj Pillai, she doesn’t remember common names. He says she forgot him so easily and asks in which hotel Preesha and Rudra are staying? She throws tantrums and finally says Hotel Yellow Orchid. He with lady heads towards the hotel.

Preesha with Rudra returns to hotel room and says rasam chawal was awsome. Rudra gets romantic, but gets stomach upset due to roadside rasam chawal. He holding stomach rushes to reception and asks manager to get him medicine. Manager asks him to return to his room while he brings medicine. Rudra rushes to washroom. Manager gives medicine and complementary champagne bottle to Preesha. Preesha fumes when she finds champagne bottle and co/rubber packet and thinks Rudra must have ordered them even when his stomach is upset. Rudra walks out of washroom. Preesha yells if he ordered this. He sees champagne and says hotel manger must have. She says he wants to abuse her showing C/rubber packet. He says he didn’t order it and try his best to explain, but Preesha continues scolding him and says she will not let him succeed in his plan and he should sleep on the sofa. Rudra sleeps on the sofa fuming at manager. 
Yuvraj with suspicious lady reach the hotel and asks manager about Rudra and Preesha’s room number. Manager asks who is he? He says he is Rudra’s distant brother and wants a room next to his. Manager gives next room’s keys. Yuvraj walks away with lady.

Preesha wakes up in the morning and doesn’t find Rudra on the bed. She walks to balcony and finds him sleeping on the cough, sits near him, says I love you and she knows he didn’t order rubber packet. He turns in sleep saying I love you Preesha and hug her. Preesha gets nervous and says let us go out as they are here for 10 days. He says they can stay for 20 days in the same room. She insists and asks him to get ready.

Ahana while exercising with Mishka thinks why did Yuvraj take Preesha and Rudra’s hotel address, what is he up to? She calls Yuvraj and asks him the reason, but he doesn’t reveal it. Lady walks to him and says she doesn’t want to disturb or trouble Preesha and has returned for Saransh.

Preesha and Rudra go on sight seeing. Guide welcomes them and says they will see nature today. Rudra says what is in nature, let us return to the room. Preesha says he is joking and drags him for sight seeing. Rudra flirts with guide and praises her beauty to make Preesha jealous. Preesha gets jealous and drags him from there. She says she knows he is trying to make her jealous to make her say I love.. He insists to continue, but she drag him for boating and to make him jealous asks helper to hold her hand and help her get into boat. Rudra gets jealous and offers his hand, but she holds helper’s hand. They start boating and he says she was flirting with helper. She says she likes strong men and chocolaty like him. He reminds her that he fought with goons and Yuvraj and he is very strong, she can come to room and check. She says he should paddle boat first and show how strong he is and thinks she will enjoy pestering him.

Precap: Yuvraj asks lady when will her right time come to meet Preesha and Rudra. She says its tonight. Rudra walks out of his room. Lady follows him. Next morning, Preesha calls reception and asks about Rudra. Receptionist says he checked out last night and left for Delhi. Yuvraj in airport asks Preesha if she came with her husband. Preesha says she had come for honeymoon, but seeing him here she think he has done something. They both return to Delhi. Rudra waiting for Preesha fumes seeing her with Yuvraj and tries to stop Preesha, but she leaves in car with Yuvraj.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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