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Yuvraj after hearing Preesha and Rudra’s plan says Saransh is unsafe with Mahima. Preesha says that is why, they need his help to save Saransh from Mahima. Yuvraj thinks Mahima conned even him, if she takes away his ATM Saransh, what will he do. He tells Rudra that he is ready to help for Saransh, but needs some money to spend on the plan. Rudra agrees and warns him that its just a drama and he shouldn’t dare to touch Preesha, else he will kill him. Yuvraj agrees but thinks he will stick to Preesha. Out of flashback, Preesha thanks Yuvraj for his help. Yuvraj holds her hand and says anything for her. He frees hand and asks why did he put his hand around Preesha’s waist during fake wedding. Yuvraj says he did to make the wedding look real, even Rudra touched Mahima’s hand. Rudra repeats he will kill him if he touches Preesha again. Yuvraj says if he touches Preesha, she herself will slap him as she has become slapping queen; thinks he will not lose a single chance to touch her. Preesha asks Rudra to forget the mad man. Yuvraj reminds that her fake husband got her fake divorce papers. Preesha goes into flashback where she gets signatures on divroce papers and asks Rudra if they are doing right. Rudra assures that their divorce is fake and even wedding would be fake to fool Mahima and save Saransh from her. Out of flashback, Rudra asks Preesha if her cheek hurts after Mahima slapped, her wanted to trash Mahima right there. Preesha says its okay as even Sharda maa also slapped him. He pampers her cheeks. Yuvraj asks to stop showing PDA in front of him at least. Sharda calls Rudra and informs that Mahima is waiting near door and wants to perform graha pravesh only with him. Rudra disconnects call saying he is coming and tells Preesha that they have to handle Saransh somehow now. Preesha says she knows how to handle her son, now she will go home as her parents must be waiting for her. Yuvraj holds her hand and says let us go as even their graha pravesh must happen. Rudra warns him again to dare not touch his wife.

Rudra reaches home and says they know reason behind this marriage, so there is no point in performing graha pravesh, they just need to think how to handle Rudra now. He walks in without graha pravesh. Mahima says he is right. Ahana yells why everyone are bothered about Saransh so much, he is just a brat and they should slap him and control. Sharda stops her and takes her in. Mahima kicks rice bowl and performs graha pravesh herself and thinks her plan succeeded after her hard work, now Saransh is only her son and his trust money worth crores will be hers, apart from that she got rockstar Rudraksh Khurana; now she doesn’t have to con rich men for money. She remembers seeing Rudra, Preesha and Saransh’s pic in newspapers while conning a rich man and reads news that Preesha married rockstar Rudraksh Khurana and adopted her adopted son Saransh, now Preesha will get 50 lakhs each month from Saransh’s trust fund, thinks she is Saransh’s real mother and should get that money. Out of flashback, she thinks she planned that day to enter Saransh’s life as his biological mother, but before that she had to erase all the evidences against her, hence she burnt the hospitla itself. She remembers the incident where she enters hospital hiding burns it. She thinks now she will fake story to Preesha and trap her in her plan. She will execute her next plan and will do what she came for.

Saaransh refuse to accept Mahima as Rudra’s wife and locks himself in the room. Preesha gets worried and tells Rudra that she has a feeling that Saaransh is unwell. Rudra says you are thinking right. Even I have the same feeling. We shall start our plan. Mahima hear him.
Few hours before: Preesha and Yuvraj are in the car. He says everything happened as per the plan. She says I am worried about Appa, as we are going to stay as husband and wife. She says Amma will bear, but Appa can’t so she has decided to tell truth to him. Yuvraj says if Appa tells Amma seeing her worried. if Amma tells everything to Mahima, then what will happen? If she understands that this is your plan to trap Mahima then what if she eloped with Saaransh. He says if you wants to tell Rudra then he will also agree for this plan. Preesha gets convinced and says I will tell Appa later.
Saaransh asks Rudra, where is his Mamma? Rudra says Mamma is fine. He asks where is she? He asks him to say. He says he is angry with them for not celebrating in the party and leaving in the middle. He says he is upset with his Mamma. Mahima comes and says Saaransh. Saaransh says anniversary is of Mamma so why did you wear this garland? Ahana tells that Rudra’s real wife is Mahima and not Preesha. Saaransh says you are a bad aunty and says rightly. She asks him to ask Mahima. Mahima says Saaransh. Mahima says she is not lying, I am Rudra’s real wife, we are married now. Saaransh refuses to believe it. He says I called you Mamma as my Mamma asked, and played games with you, but will never accept you as Rudra’s wife, only my Mamma is his wife. He says I will never accept you and runs to room, locks it. Rudra blames Ahana and says you had told him two times, that he has two mothers and says you are really heartless. She says she was just telling the truth. She turns to Papa ji and asks why did he call me heartless? She says until when we will hide from Saaransh. Papa ji says he is a boy, how can you be so rude with him and tell him everything. Preesha’s mother refuses to accept it.

Saaransh cries in his room. Rudra asks him to open the door. Saaransh asks him to call his Mamma. Mahima thinks I have to close this boy’s mouth, my life is going to be set and he is spoiling it all. She acts and asks him to talk to her. Saaransh refuses to accept her and asks Rudra to call his Mamma. Rudra says I will call your Mamma, but come out. Everyone asks him to come out.

Yuvraj and Preesha come to GPS’s house. GPS says Mahima told me that you loves Yuvraj and that’s why married him. He says I am your father and can’t believe on this. He says he is the same man who killed Rajeev and accused you for his mother, you have reached the jail because of him. Yuvraj says you just spit fire. He says Rajeev’s death is just an accident. GPS says you had just loved Rudra and not anyone else. Rudra asks him to come out. Ahana asks Rudra to let him be locked in the room and get hungry. Rudra is shocked and tells that he is happy that Rajeev and you have no children, seeing your this avatar. GPS asks Preesha about her decision to marry Yuvraj. Yuvraj says he loves her since long time, they shall be happy as they are happy and asks him to accept. GPS refuses. Yuvraj blackmails him and says we have to stay on the street. GPS says my daughter has bear enough because of you and I will not let her suffer more. He says he will never believe that she married him and there must be surely a reason behind it. Yuvraj says atleast you accepted it. Ahana says rudra. Rudra says you have no motherly love in you. She asks how dare you? He asks how dare you and asks her not to teach him how to behave with his son. Mahima and Rudra asks him to open the door. Rudra says I have to call Preesha here. Mahima says you will call her, who has done bad with you. Rudra says yes, but I can’t let anything bad happen with my son. he says you have won him in court, but win his heart here. He says I don’t want that betrayal woman to come out, but I have to call her here.

Preesha is worried for Saaransh. Yuvraj says Mahima will handle him. Preesha says he is my son and must be missing and calling me. She gets Rudra’s call. Preesha picks his call and says I have a feeling that Saaransh is crying. Rudra says Saaransh is behaving like you thought and asks her to come and handle her son. He says I am feeling alone with you. He sees Mahima coming there and asks her to handle Saaransh and leave from there. he says I don’t want to see your face. Mahima thinks Rudra, Saaransh and their money are just hers.

Precap: Preesha calls Rudra to her home. Mahima takes Saaransh to Preesha’s house and rings the door bell. Rudra and Preesha are dancing and looks on. Rudra over phone asks Preesha to meet him. Preesha calls him home. Saransh insists Mahima to take him to Preesha, she agrees and takes him to GPS’ house. Rudra romantically dances with Preesha when he gets tensed hearing door bell.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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