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Sarthak drinks wine. Aparna comes there and keeps the custody papers. She says I came to give you these papers for what you are yearning. Sarthak says you can fool others, but not me. Aparna says I can sign now itself and signs on it. She asks him to do as she says, then the papers, Anupriya and Gungun will be his. She says I promise that nobody can separate your family. Sarthak asks what I have to do?

Mihika asks Kalyani what is she saying? Kalyani says I know that I am asking you to keep fast for Kaka. Mihika says ok, I have kept fast 12 times for films and agrees to act. Kalyani gives her saree to wear. Gungun asks Aao Saheb when the puja will start. Aao Saheb says in sometime. Aparna comes there and asks Aao Saheb to call Anupriya and Kalyani. She says Anupriya shall sit first being elder and tells that she will go and call her. She thinks today Kalyani has to bring Anupriya out. Kalyani comes there with Mihika and tells Aparna that she has told her that she will win. Aao Saheb asks Kalyani to come and start the puja. The NGO lady comes and says I wanted to get Aparna sign some papers. Aparna says you came at the right time, puja is not started yet. She tells Kalyani that game has started. Aparna tells Sarthak that she thought to give them something nice, and that’s why brought the gift. She shows mangalsutra and asks Sarthak to make Anupriya wear it. Sarthak gets tensed as Mihika is standing indisguise of Anupriya. Aparna tells Gungun that she knows that this is not Anupriya and says if your Baba makes this lady wear mangalsutra then what will happen. She says if real Anupriya comes out now then this will stop. Sarthak goes to Mihika. Gungun tells Aparna that she is going to bring Aai. Aparna smirks and goes behind Gungun. Sarthak holds the mangalsutra in his hand. Gungun says nobody can take my Aai’s place. She knocks on the door and asks Aai, please open the door. Aparna asks if your Aai is inside. Gungun says yes. They hear Anupriya crying. Gungun says she must be Aai. Aparna asks her to open the door and tells Gungun that they shall push the door. Mihika stops Sarthak and takes out the mangalsultra which she is wearing.

Aao Saheb asks Kalyani to make the NGO lady have juice. Kalyani says I forgot due to work pressure, and takes the juice glass. She makes the juice falls on the lady’s saree and says sorry. Aao Saheb scolds Kalyani. Kalyani says I have done a big mistake. Aao Saheb asks the lady to come with her and says I will give you other saree, we are the manufactures of sarees. She takes the lady with her. Malhar brings Anupriya there. Sarthak gets happy and emotional. Kalyani informs Anupriya that they have to do a special puja today and asks her to sit and do as she does. Gungun and Aparna enter the room and find the tape recorder. Aparna says crying sound is coming from the tape recorder. Anupriy completes the puja as told by Kalyani. Sarthak gets emotional. Mihika looks on. Aparna asks Gungun if she fooled her. Gungun laughs and says she is already fool. Aparna raises her hand to slap her. Gungun threatens to complain to orphanage authorities, and says my Aai must have completed puja by now. Aparna runs and sees Mihika standing with Sarthak. Kalyani tells that the gift is looking nice on Aai. Aao Saheb comes with the NGO lady and asks if the puja is done. Kalyani says yes. The lady leaves. Kalyani asks Aparna to take the prasad. Sarthak tells Aparna that what she thought that he will get afraid by her threat, and says Anupriya and I do this puja always, and we will do it every year.

Kalyani tells malhar that they shall not underestimate Aparna and tells that she is hiding her big conspiracy through her small tricks. Malhar says she wants property. Kalyani says no, first I thought she came for Pillu, but she cares for him. She says she has targeted Aai till now and says we have to find the truth before something happens.

Aparna comes to the kitchen and is about to attack Mihika holding the knife. Mihika drops the water glass. Aparna catches the glass. She then slaps her. Mihika says sorry and says they fooled me too. Aparna says I brought flop and bankrupt actress here so that you can help me. She asks her not to think that she has done a favor on her, and says you are doing this for your advantage too. Kalyani comes to Aparna’s room and tries to search proofs against her. She finds her purse.
Kalyani search for Aparna’s purse for the proofs and don’t find anything. Mihika asks Aparna why is she after Anupriya and says Kalyani is teaching her everything about Anupriya, will very soon teach her sign too then she will transfer property on her name. Aparna says you don’t have any mind and tells that people will agree if we say that you are Anupriya, but the latter can return and ruin us, so we have to kill this danger for forever. Mihika is shocked and asks if you will kill Anupriya? Aparna says yes and says Kalyani’s plan will prove costly for her, and her lie will have the stamp of truth, she has made you Anupriya for new days. She says I got Anupriya’s birth certificate, ID card, passport etc for you, so that even law thinks you as Anupriya and then even Kalyani can’t refuse the law. Mihika asks where are those papers? Aparna says it is with our destiny changer who guides us. Kalyani prays to God to help her know about Aparna. The papers are behind the Bappa’s photoframe. Kalyani doesn’t see the papers and goes to the kitchen hearing the noise. Mihika acts as Anupriya seeing Kalyani there. Kalyani asks Mihika to come. She tells Mihika that it is not safe to keep Aai here, I have to hide Aai far from this house, else Aparna will see her. She thinks why she is behind Aai and thinks I have to take Aai far from here, before she reaches Aai. Aparna drags Mihika who is dressed inguise of Anupriya (in frock) and shouting calling Kalyani as Aai. Kalyani comes out and asks Aparna to leave her Aai. The asbestos falls on Kalyani’s leg injuring her badly. Anupriya hears her scream and wakes up. Aparna asks Mihika to go before anyone sees her as Anupriya and thinks Anupriya will come seeing Kalyani in pain. Malhar wakes up hearing Kalyani’s screams. Anupriya comes out of house. Kalyani thinks then who was with Aparna, if Aai is here. She asks Anupriya not to come there. Malhar comes and moves asbestos from Kalyani’s leg. Aparna comes to Anupriya and tries to come near her, but Sarthak comes and stands infront of her.

Malhar, Kalyani, Aao Saheb and Sarthak hide Anupriya behind them. Aparna sees Mihika standing and says how you came here, I saw Anupriya here. Kalyani says she is Anupriya, my Aai. Aparna tells that she knows that they all are lying. Kalyani throws her stuff and asks her to pick it and leave from here. Aparna holds Gungun’s hand and says if Kalyani throws me out then I will come here with orphanage trustee and your lie will be caught, and Gungun will be gone from here for forever. Kalyani asks her to leave Gungun’s hand and says I will see how you make us stay away from Gungun. Aparna tells Gungun that today is the last day for her. Kalyani pushes Aparna out and locks the door.

Gungun hugs Kalyani. Kalyani says don’t cry, your Kallu will not let you go. Sarthak says I have decided that Mihika will come infront of trustee as Anupriya. Malhar and Kalyani doesn’t agree and tell that they shall tell the truth to trustee. Mihika smiles.
Kalyani tells Anupriya that today they are going out. Anupriya says if I go out then will lose. Kalyani says now we can go and meet everyone, as today is an important day. She says few people are coming to our house and you have to behave good infront of them, else they will take Gungun from here. Anupriya says no, I won’t let anyone take Gungun from here. Kalyani asks Anupriya to stay silent for 1 hour or more. Anupriya agrees.
The trustee comes with Aparna and tells that she has made serious allegations against them. Kalyani asks him to understand their situation. Aao saheb brings Mihika there and tells trustee that Aparna is mad and asks him to talk to her bahu Anupriya. Sarthak signs her.

A fb is shown, Sarthak comes to Aao Saheb and tells that even he is not getting sleep. Mihika comes there and tells that he shall present her infront of trustee as Anupriya. Sarthak agrees. Mihika smirks. Fb ends. Sarthak tells that Aparna doesn’t want to sign on the custody papers, when he and his wife are here. Mihika tells Judge that Aparna is lying. Aparna shows Mihika’s pics as the heroine and tells that she is not Anupriya. Mihika starts acting and tells that she has hidden her family life from the world to become heroine. Kalyani is shocked and tries to tell the trustee. Sarthak shows Mihika/Anupriya and his marriage proof and shows other fake proves too. Aao Saheb takes Kalyani inside and tells that she has started this game and they will end it. She tells that she can’t let Anupriya and Gungun separate. Malhar tells Kalyani that they can get jailed for their lies. Kalyani says she is sure that Aparna is playing a big game and tells that they have to bring Aai infront of everyone.

Anupriya sit in the room and playing with the doll. She says Aai will come to take us and then we will go out and enjoy. She says what to do till then, I have to play with you. She says we will do jump jump. She throws the doll in air and it falls down. Anupriya asks if it got hurt and says sorry. She throws it in air again and it falls and gets stuck on top of almari. Anupriya takes a stick to get the doll down. The electricity wire comes out and sparks. Malhar calls Kalyani and asks her to bring Maayi fast, as the trustee got sure that Mihika is Anupriya. Kalyani goes there and sees the wires on the door. She shouts asking Anupriya not to walk infront. She thinks she has to do something. Anupriya is about to touch the wire. Kalyani switches off the fuse. Anupriya touches the wire. Aparna tells trustee that he is doing a mistake. The trustee says you are accusing a good family and asks her to come and meet him tomorrow. He tells Sarthak that gungun is his now and says he is going. Kalyani comes there with Anupriya. Sarthak says all the formalities are done. Aparna introduces Anupriya as Kalyani’s Aai Madhuri and says her mental condition is bad. Kalyani says she is my Aai. Aparna says sir doesn’t need to meet her, he has signed on the papers. She asks him to go. Kalyani asks him to listen. He goes. Aparna tells Kalyani that it was her plan to make Mihika as Anupriya and asks her to get happy, as her plan was successful. She says you are trapped in your own plan. Kalyani says there is something cheap behind your smile and I will get to know it.

Aparna asks her to find out about it. Aao Saheb does Gungun’s aarti and applies tilak to her. She then makes Gungun wear the gold anklets. 

Precap: Kalyani sees the open sparking electricity wires on Anupriya’s room door while she is inside and is about to touch it. Kalyani shouts asking her not to touch the electricity wires. Kalyani warns Mihika not to touch her sister again or come near her again. Anupriya comes there asking what is happening. Kalyani smiles seeing her normal. Anupriya slaps Kalyani shocking everyone.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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