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Godaveri tells that Anupriya and Kalyani have an argument as Malhar had beaten you. She asks why you stayed silent then? Ajinkya says I was helpless. He says Tai was right that there was two people. He says Tai (Kalyani) was unaware that she had sent Akshay to meet Aai. He says Akshay had kidnapped me and had stayed here all day. He says he threatened me not to say anything. Godaveri says I think I shall tell all this to Kaki. Anupriya says we heard all. Sarthak tells Anupriya that he had told her that Malhar is right and says you got him suspended infront of media. Kalyani comes to the room and calls Malhar. Malhar asks Pawar to search Akshay and says he had come to meet Indu in PS. Kalyani asks him to have breakfast. Malhar refuses. Kalyani says it is your favorite breakfast. Malhar asks her to sit and says I am sorry Kalyani, I can’t eat, I want to catch Akshay. Kalyani says Akshay will be caught, asks him to have food. He asks where is Maayi? He asks did you talk to her?

Sarthak asks Anupriya to go and talk to Kalyani. Anupriya says she shall talk to me. Malhar asks what happened between you both. Kalyani says nothing. Malhar gives his swear. Sarthak says Kalyani is our daughter, you shall talk to her. Godaveri says you are wrong Kaki. Kalyani and Malhar come there. Malhar comes there and tells Sarthak it was all drama between them both. Sarthak asks what? Anupriya says why did you tell him. Kalyani says Malhar gave me promised. Anupriya says Akshay wanted us to fight. Malhar says this means you both knew what was happening. Kalyani says if we had told you that you wouldn’t have raised hand on Ajinkya. Sarthak says how we will know, who is Akshay and who is Ajinkya? Kalyani recalls and a fb is shown, Ajinkya tells her that he wants to leave from here, as Malhar Dada is angry with me. Kalyani says Malhar ji wants Shilpi to get justice and says Aai wants to help you too. He says he couldn’t return her favor. Kalyani hugs him and keeps tracker in his pocket. Fb ends. Kalyani takes out tracker from Ajinkya’s pocket. Malhar asks what she wants to prove. Kalyani says she wants to prove the theory that they are two, and when he went to godown, she was sure that he is Ajinkya. She apologizes to Ajinkya.

Ajinkya says it is good that you have realized that I am not criminal. Anupriya says Akshay will come here. Kalyani says Akshay wanted us to fight and will come here to attack Ajinkya, he didn’t know that we are waiting for him. Akshay comes to Godaveri’s room. Gungun asks what is he doing here and asks him to hide somewhere else. She says Kallu must be coming to catch me. Akshay thinks that loser is playing hide and seek with them. Kalyani calls Gungun and Ajinkya. Akshay hides. Kalyani goes. Akshay opens the door. Anupriya comes there and says I had told you that my NGO wants to help you. She asks him to come with her. Sarthak and Malhar also come there. Akshay says I am fine. They bring him to hall. Anupriya says all your worries will end. Akshay asks what do you mean? Sarthak says your stress will end, which you have for your identity. Malhar says Anupriya’s NGO will give him employment too. Akshay says he is fine now and will go. Lakshmi Tai (A kinnar) comes there and says everything will be fine, when my hand is kept on your head. Kalyani greets her and says he wants to get included in your community and asks her to bless him. Lakshmi Tai blesses him and applies tilak. She says you are mine now and is about to make him wear garland. Akshay pushes Lakshmi Tai and is about to run away, but Kalyani holds him and asks Akshay not to be afraid and says this is right place for you. Akshay says I am fine. Kalyani says you don’t need to feel ashamed of your identity. She faints. Akshay runs away. Malhar, Sarthak and Anupriya hold her.
Kalyani gain consciousness and asks Malhar to catch Akshay, as he is eloping. Malhar asks her not to take stress and says she shall not worry. He says your face is glowing. Anupriya comes there with Aao Saheb and Godaveri. Kalyani asks what is happening? Why saas and damad are smiling? She asks if Akshay is caught then tell me? Anupriya does her aarti, while Aao Saheb takes bad sight off her and asks Godaveri to burn the chillies. Kalyani asks them to tell what happened? Anu priya says I always tell that I am proud to have a daughter like you and says likewise, even you will get a chance to say the same and tell that you are going to be a mother soon, you are pregnant. Kalyani gets happy and smiles. Anupriya asks Malhar to take care of her. They leave. Malhar locks the door and comes to Kalyani. He says I came to talk to baby. He says I am Malhar Rane, your Baba. Kalyani smiles. Malhar thanks her and hugs her. He says thanks for giving me an amazing gift, but I am scared a bit. Kalyani says why? He says how can I handle two, can’t handle one Kalyani. Kalyani asks how do you know that this is a girl. Malhar says who is Baba? I know. Kalyani says I have an idea to catch Akshay? Malhar says he will catch him. Kalyani says she will talk to Aai. Anupriya comes there. Malhar says Kalyani has idea to catch Akshay. Anupriya asks her to sit silently. Kalyani says you can execute the plan, I will just say it. She tells the plan. Sarthak comes there and brings 4 boxes of sweets. Malhar asks why did he bring 4 boxes of sweets. Sarthak says happiness is big, I will become Dada today and makes Malhar eat sweets. He says Madhav Dada will be very happy today, if he would have been here. He asks where is Kalyani? Malhar says I made her sit in room with great difficulty. He says Kalyani has come up with a new plan, to trap Indu in her own lie. He says if Ajinkya tells everything then Indu will have no option than to tell the truth. Sarthak says why Ajinkya will do this infront of media. Godaveri says I will convince him. Godaveri thanks Ajinkya for helping them. Shilpi comes there and touches his feet, thanking him for getting the culprit caught. Ajinkya says he wants to meet Kalyani before doing this.

Anupriya massages Kalyani’s feet and says she is doing this for her grand child. She cries and says Atul and Madhuri are not with you today, to see this day and feels bad. Kalyani says they are not with me, but you are with me, my Aai and Baba. Anupriya asks her to take care and not to do stunts for the baby. Kalyani promises her and says this is unfair Aai, you love this chotu more than me. Anupriya says interest is more dear than principal. Ajinkya and Godaveri come there. Godaveri tells Kalyani that he wants to talk to Kalyani Tai. Kalyani asks if he thinks that when his truth comes out, people will taunt him. Ajinkya says he is worried for Godaveri and asks if she can face people’s taunts. Aao Saheb comes there and says she will do, she is doing the right time, she is our responsibility now. She asks Ajinkya to help them to catch Akshay. Ajinkya promises her. Aao Saheb says Ajinkya that he can’t be her damad, but can become their son. Ajinkya takes her blessings and touches her feet. Kalyani calls media at home. She says whatever happened is known to you all. Reporter says we know how Malhar had beaten Ajinkya in godown so brutally, for which he is suspended. Kalyani says you didn’t know the truth fully. She says Ajinkya wants to tell the truth. Ajinkya says he is the only son of Indu and she knew that he is a kinnar, but then also she got him married to Godaveri, by emotionally blackmailing him. He says he has ruined Godaveri’s life. He says my Aai used to feel shame of my truth and don’t want it to come out, but Anupriya and Kalyani helped me and Malhar and Kaka gave me courage to reveal my identity to everyone. He gets emotional. Kalyani gives him water. Reporter asks why did his mother get him married? Malhar says I hope whoever sees this interview, gets courage. He tells everything. Anupriya says if something had happened with your daughter, then won’t you get angry. Kalyani says Indu will be punished for her deeds and tells that they are with Ajinkya. Reporter thanks Kalyani for bringing out the truth and says Indu shall be punished. Pawar shows the interview to Indu and says you will be trapped now. Indu says they have done this intentionally and wants to ruin me and wants me to tell everything about Akshay, but I will not do this and will not let them win. Akshay gets calls and gets angry. He says they want me to take step so that they can catch me. He says Kalyani is very happy to be pregnant, you have wiped out my identity, I will wipe your baby’s identity.

Kalyani comes to room and calls Malhar, asks where is he? Malhar and Anupriya are already there, and says surprise. Kalyani gets happy seeing the decoration. Malhar pulls her cheeks. He gifts her necklace. Kya kehna song plays. Kalyani hugs him.
Malhar and Anupriya give special treatment to Kalyani. Malhar presents gift to Kalyani. Kalyani is surprised to see necklace. Anupriya also presents her gift. Akshay looks at them from outside. Kya kehna song plays….Godaveri, Aao Saheb and Sarthak bring balloons and gifts for her. Kalyani pretends to be upset. They all make her have icecream. They dance surrounded her. Anupriya asks Kalyani to sleep and says we all will go and sleep. She says I forgot to give you something. She tied suraksha thread to Kalyani’s head. Kalyani asks Malhar to bring water. Malhar says water shall not be taken after having icecream, but have a little bit water. Anupriya asks Kalyani to lie down on the bed and says Malhar will be bringing water for you. Akshay aims at Kalyani. Anupriya looks at the spot light falling on Kalyani’s neck and shouts Kalyani, jumps on the bed to save her, when Akshay shoots. Anupriya faints. Kalyani ask what happened to you Aai. Malhar also comes there. Anupriya gains consciousness and gets up. Malhar sees bullet hole on the bed and shows to Kalyani. Kalyani says bullet. Anupriya says I saw red light on you and understood. Malhar says someone shot at her from outside and has escaped. Kalyani says you jumped in to save me. Anupriya says I am your mother and it is my duty to protect you and keep you happy. Kalyani says she will not leave Akshay. Anupriya says nothing happened to me, you are going to be a mother so think about this baby. Malhar gets a call from Pawar and gets shocked. He tells Kalyani that Indu gave the statement that she has two sons and she got bail till next hearing. Kalyani and Malhar get tensed.

Malhar asks how did Indu get bail, she has done many crimes. He says though I am suspended, I will find out. Kalyani comes there. Malhar asks where is she going, looking so beautiful. Kalyani asks him to move back and tells that she is fasting for ekadashi and have to go to Vittal temple too with Aao Saheb. She says we have to come home and decorate the inhouse temple too. Malhar stops her. Anupriya says Godaveri, Gungun and I will do the work and asks her to drink milk and rest. She asks her not to keep the fast. Malhar asks her to rest. They hear some noise coming and ask her to rest. Malhar goes. Anupriya asks Kalyani to finish the milk. Malhar asks what is happening here, seeing Indu there with media. Indu apologizes to Malhar and says I am apologizing for my sins. Aao Saheb comes there. Indu apologizes to her and says now my eyes are opened and I have realized my wrong doings. Anupriya says you are scared of going to jail. She says my case is going on in court and says if I rectify my mistake then I can be peaceful. Anupriya says we don’t want to listen. Media asks why you don’t want to listen and asks them to listen. Malhar asks Indu to say. Indu tells Aao Saheb that she wanted her son Akshay to enter politics and that’s why got Godaveri married to Ajinkya. She says she wants to rectify her mistake. She says she wants to get Akshay and Godaveri married and will make sure that he takes care of her well and will give her all rights of a wife. She apologizes to Godaveri and asks will you help me. She says you had loved Akshay and I want to complete your love. She says give me a chance to rectify my mistake. Anupriya says we don’t want Godaveri to marry Akshay. Aao Saheb says it is the matter of her life. Anupriya asks if her life will get better with Akshay, after whatever he has done with Shilpi. Shilpi comes there and says I shall get married to Akshay. Anupriya asks how she can marry Akshay. Indu agrees and says I know that Akshay has done wrong with Shilpi. Anupriya tries to stop her. Media reporter asks Anupriya to let him give a chance. Indu smiles. They leave.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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