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Shilpi apologizes to Anupriya and apologizes to her. She says she couldn’t lose this chance. She goes. Aao Saheb gets a call from Indu and asks Anupriya to give wallet to Indu, she is outside. Anupriya comes out and gives wallet to Indu. Indu says I know that you are upset with me and says what to do, to make you believe on us. Anupriya says she don’t believe them. Indu says you are doing the right thing and smiles. Akshay also smiles. Indu says she will take revenge on her NGO and Shilpi. She says she wanted to take revenge on Godaveri, but she got saved and Shilpi was trapped. She says she got freed even after having non bailable offence, and will be soon out of all charges. Kalyani throws water balloons on him for shooting at her and her Aai.
Anupriya tells Shilpi whatever Indu and Akshay said. Shilpi says I want a good life and asks who will marry me? Anupriya says I will search a good guy for you. Shilpi says I will marry him if he wants to marry me. Kalyani says I will talk to her. Anupriya goes. Malhar calls Kalyani and asks if she had her victim tablets. Kalyani says yes and ends the call. She tells Shilpi that she can’t say that she understand her pain and tells that…Just then she gets Malhar’s call again. Malhar asks if she had juice and asks her to drink coconut water, which he will be sending. Kalyani says if you don’t stop then I will break your head with it. Malhar says ok and ends the call. Shilpi says he loves you and cares for you so much and you are scolding him. Kalyani says it is love and asks if she don’t want someone to love her like this. Shilpi says all wishes can’t come true, she has decided.

Kalyani tell Shilpi that she talked to someone for so long after a long time. Shilpi says she had talked long with her family when she wanted to join Police academy and then her accident happened, and then she couldn’t just help herself. Kalyani says who said this, I will help you. She teaches her self defense techniques. Shilpi asks if a blind girl can shoot? Kalyani says yes and takes out Malhar’s gun and says she had kept trial bullets in it and nothing will happen with it. She says she will make a sound and asks her to aim. Shipi fires and asks if the bullet hits the aim. Kalyani says no and says she will show her other techniques. Malhar comes there. kalyani says she was teaching her self defense techniques. Malhar says Kalyani is an expert. She asks Malhar to get ready for the puja. He checks for his gun seeing the drawer open and finds it missing. Shilpi comes to meet Akshay. Malhar, Kalyani, Anupriya and Godaveri search for the gun. Shilpi tells Akshay that it is good that Anupriya refused to get you married to Godaveri. Akshay asks if she liked the first time. She says she wants to make him as her husband. He tries to get closer to her. Shilpi takes out her mobile and switches on the camera, asking him how did he take his Aai out? Akshay says Aai knew about politician secrets and she threatened them so they ordered her release. Aao Saheb says how can gun go from our house? Godaveri says Shilpi is not at home. Ajinkya says I know where is he? A fb is shown, Ajinkya asks Shilpi why she wants to marry Akshay. Shilpi says she don’t want to marry him for support, but wants to kill him. fb ends. Malhar says Shilpi took my gun. He looks for Kalyani and finds her missing. Kalyani is on the road and thinks Shilpi can’t do this. Anupriya says she must have gone to Akshay’s house behind Shilpi.

Aao Saheb does aarti, while others pray. Kalyani thinks if Shilpi kills Akshay then Aai will be blamed for training her NGO girl, and sending her to kill him. She calls Shilpi. Shilpi picks the call and says I know you came to know about my call, but I will make everything fine. Kalyani thinks to stop her. Aao Saheb does the puja. Akshay serves the drinks and comes to Shilpi, gets closer to her. Shilpi takes out the gun and aims at him. He makes her gun fall down and slaps her. She falls down near the gun and holds it. He asks her to shoot at him and says I will see, how a blind girl shoots. Shilpi shoots at his chest and he falls down. Kalyani reaches there and finds him shot. She thinks she won’t let anything happen to Aai’s NGO. She makes Shilpi get up and takes gun from her hand. Malhar checks Akshay. Kalyani asks Shilpi not to tell anyone. Malhar says he is dead. Anupriya takes the gun from her hand and says I will take blame on myself. She asks Malhar to take Kalyani home. Indu comes home and asks Akshay to get up. Reporter comes there and clicks the pictures. Indu asks what did you do with my son? Kalyani says she has shot Akshay and shows the gun, saying this is the murder weapon. Indu says I will not leave you and tries to suffocate her. Anupriya asks Indu to leave her. Indu says I will get rigorous punishment for you, else my name is not Indu Sarkar. Pawar comes there. Indu asks him to arrest Kalyani and says she has accepted her crime. Reporter says we all heard her confession. Anupriya says Pawar, I will not let you take Kalyani. Pawar says sorry and arrests Kalyani. Kalyani says I am sorry Malhar ji, I am sorry Aai. She asks Anupriya to take Shilpi home. Indu asks Akshay’s dead body to get up.

Pawar locks Kalyani in jail and says I am sorry, I never thought that I will see such a day. Kalyani says it is your duty and I am happy that your duty comes first before family. Pawar thanks her and goes. She sees Malhar and calls him. Malhar comes there and gets teary eyes. He asks why did you do this? Kalyani asks him not to cry and don’t be sad. She says if baba gets sad then baby will be sad too. Malhar asks if she thinks that this is a joke, says you confessed infront of media that you shot the gun. Kalyani asks did you think about our baby name? Malhar says no and asks if this is the time? Kalyani asks him to think of a name connecting their names. Malhar asks what happened there, tell me. Kalyani says she wants to spend time with her husband and baby. Malhar asks how would be Rani? Kalyani says you are thinking about baby girl name and asks what about the boy’s name. Malhar assures her that he will take her out anyhow and says I promise.
Aao Saheb worry about the court case and asks God to protect Kalyani. Sarthak says nothing will happen to her, don’t worry. Aao Saheb calls Godaveri and gets aarti from her. She does Sarthak’s aarti and gives Kalyani’s responsibility to him and says it is your duty to save Kalyani. Anupriya asks Sarthak to bring Kalyani home. Sarthak says Shipi has given me all the evidence against Akshay and I will prove that Kalyani shot him in self defense. Aao Saheb asks him to come victorious. Sarthak assures Anupriya that he will prove her innocence. He says I think that I have forgotten my car keys. Anupriya says I will bring it and goes inside. Godaveri says I will check in the room. Just then they hear the blast and run out. They see Sarthak coughing and his face blackened, and fire near him. Sarthak tells Anupriya that he was waiting for him, when a ball came there and it blasted. Anupriya asks him to come inside and says I will apply medicine to your injury. Sarthak asks Godaveri to get his bag. Godaveri says there is no bag. Sarthak says it had all the proofs in the bag and says the same person got this attack who came to steal my bag. Anupriya says Kalyani is in trouble.

Aao Saheb says what to do, Kalyani’s case hearing will start in sometime and asks what will we do now. Anupriya comes there and says I will fight the case now. She says she will do everything to save her daughter. Aao Saheb, Sarthak and others pray to God.

Anupriya comes to the court and sits with Kalyani for sometime. Judge comes there and says we are doing the case hearing in this private room, as she is ex employee. He says the judgement will be for justice for any other case. Malhar is standing outside and thinks don’t know what is happening, if Kalyani got the bail or not. Indu’s lawyer tells that Kalyani Rane has confessed infront of media that she had killed Akshay and says she shall get rigorous punishment. Anupriya says whatever Kalyani did was in self defense. Indu’s lawyer says they have enmity with Indu and Malhar had arrested her in fake case. Anupriya shows the prove to Judge about Indu. Lawyer asks Anupriya what she will tell about Indu’s kinnar son and Godaveri’s marriage. She says Kalyani has taken revenge from Indu this way. Anupriya says Godaveri and Ajinkya got married by cheat and Indu confessed this. Lawyer says Godaveri used to love Akshay, but she got married to Ajinkya, a kinnar and that’s why Kalyani took revenge. Anupriya says they can’t take revenge, as we all know that Akshay was a rapist and a criminal. Indu’s lawyer asks Judge to punish Kalyani severely. Anupriya snatches gun from Pawar and tells that if this is the only way to take Kalyani out then I will do. Kalyani asks Anupriya not to do this. Indu’s lawyer snatches gun from Anupriya and aims at her. Judge asks them to stop it. Pawar snatches gun from lawyer’s hand. Anupriya I rest my case and says just like lawyer snatched gun from my hand to save himself, without thinking that you are standing here, Kalyani also shot Akshay in self defense to save Shilpi’s respect. Judge asks Anupriya how she can do this in court and insult it. Anupriya says Sarthak was attacked before he was about to come to court and I was left with this option. Judge says this is not the right way, I shall dismiss you and send your client to jail, but after hearing you, I understand your helplessness and freeing Kalyani with respect. He dismisses all the charges from Kalyani. Anupriya thanks Judge. Pawar opens the handcuffs. Kalyani hugs Anupriya and thanks her.

Aao Saheb and others are praying. Anupriya calls Aao Saheb and informs her. Everyone asks what happened? Aao Saheb says court has freed Kalyani of all charges. Pawar comes to Malhar and informs him about Kalyani’s freedom from the case. Indu’s lawyer comes to Anupriya and congrats her. Anupriya says sorry for whatever she has done. Lawyer says I have lost this case from a mother and not from a lawyer. Anupriya asks Kalyani to come home and says she has kept puja for her. Kalyani says you knew that I will be freed. Anupriya says I am a mother and knows all. They go home.

Malhar and Sarthak do all the arrangements. Godaveri says they are doing this to attend the function. Anupriya says men can’t attend the function. Sarthak says Malhar is baby’s father so will be here. Aao Saheb asks them to go. Sarthak says I have lost. Godaveri asks where to keep the return gifts. Anupriya says here. Aao Saheb asks if Kalyani is ready. Anupriya says I will check. Malhar says shall I check? Aao Saheb says no. Shilpi is about to leave, but Kalyani stops her and asks where is she going? Shilpi says you have to bear so much due to me and tells that she shall leave. Kalyani says everything is fine now, Indu’s chapter is over and Akshay is dead. Shilpi says you have always supported me and didn’t let the accusation come on me. She says you shall think about your baby and not me. Kalyani says she thinks about everyone and tells that Aai’s NGO will help her. Shilpi says I will manage on my own and will not take your help. Anupriya comes there and asks if she don’t trust them. Shilpi says I trust on you all more than myself. Anupriya asks her to promise that she will not go anywhere. Kalyani insists. Shilpi promises that she will not go anywhere.

Aao Saheb call the guests inside. Anupriya makes Kalyani ready and says she is looking beautiful. Kalyani is glad to have her. Anupriya asks her to concentrate on her new life and think about her baby. She brings Kalyani out. Neighbor says rasam shall start. Aao Saheb says yes. Neighbor asks who will start the rasam. Kalyani says my Aai will do my rasam. Aao Saheb asks Anupriya to come and do the rasam, but Anupriya refuses. Kalyani gets up. Aao saheb says you had always said that Kalyani is your daughter since she came here and asks why you don’t want to do her rasam. Kalyani asks Anupriya if she is upset with her and asks did I do any mistake, and says if you don’t do the rasam then who will do, says you are my Aai and asks how can you refuse? Anupriya says I don’t have right to do this rasam. Kalyani says then it is whose right and says it is your right only. Anupriya goes from there. Kalyani sits and cries. Neighbor comes there and says if her Aai doesn’t do the rasam then who will do. 

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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