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Aao Saheb says lakshmi came to our house in real means. Sarthak says you said right. He says nobody can separate our Gungun from us. He hugs her and asks her to hug her Aai. Gungun hugs Anupriya. He asks Kalyani if everything is fine. Kalyani asks Gungun to go out and play. Aao saheb says I know that we introduced Mihika as Anupriya. Kalyani says she is thinking something else. She says since Aparna came here, she was searching Aai and when she came out, she introduced her as Madhuri.

Sarthak asks what we shall do? Kalyani says we shall call trustee again and shall tell him everything. She tells that she is thinking something wrong has happened. Sarthak agrees with Kalyani and tells that she can never think wrong about Anupriya. Kalyani says we have to get all her documents in a black bag. Sarthak finds the black bag missing. Kalyani says Aai’s documents? Mihika is having all the documents and calls Aparna. She tells that Kalyani is desperately searching for it and asks her to take it from there. Malhar, Kalyani and others search for the documents. Malhar says we shall search in other room. Aparna asks Mihika to keep the bag safely. Aao Saheb also searches for the bag. Anupriya comes there and takes the bag. Mihika asks her to give the bag. Anupriya refuses to give. Mihika asks her to give bag. Anupriya doesn’t say anything thinking Kalyani asked her to be quiet. Malhar tells that Aparna took that bag 100 percent. Sarthak says it has just Anupriya’s real identity. Kalyani says Aparna wanted to get Aai’s identity ends and that’s why she introduced Aai as Madhuri. She says we shall search the bag with Aparna’s partner. Anupriya runs out. Malhar says how to find out who is Aparna’s partner. Kalyani says I have an idea. Aparna calls Mihika. Mihika tells that Anupriya is running with the bag and is going towards the well. Aparna asks her to snatch bag from Anupriya and pushes her in the well. She says this is my last conspiracy, until she is alive, I will have danger on my head. She says when you are getting a good chance, then use it, snatch bag from her hand and kill her. Mihika nods her head.

Kalyani searches Aparna’s details on the NGO. Gungun comes there and tells that Aai went somewhere while playing. Sarthak asks where? Gungun says she didn’t say. Kalyani says I asked her to be silent for an hour. She asks what is in your hand? Gungun shows the frock which Mihika was wearing and tells that Aparna’s partner was a girl. Mihika and Aparna’s pic come on the website. Malhar shows it to Kalyani. They all see it shockingly. Mihika asks Anupriya to give the bag. Anupriya runs. Mihika asks her to give the bag. Anupriya stands on the well. Mihika asks her to give the bag and threatens her. She then pushes her in the well. Kalyani comes there and holds the bag. Anupriya is about to fall, but is holding the bag. Kalyani asks her to give her hand and manages to pull her up. Mihika pushes Kalyani and Anupriya both. They fall down. Kalyani rushes to Anupriya as she falls on the stone. Anupriya gets an injury on her head. Kalyani says I will not leave you Mihika. Mihika burns the bag which is having Anupriya’s ID proofs and smirks. Kalyani tries to set the fire off, but in vain. She gets worried.

Kalyani sit at Anupriya’s bedside. Malhar asks Kalyani to come and get medicine on her injury. Kalyani says I am fine. Mihika comes there and asks Kalyani to have juice and says you will feel better. Kalyani keeps the glass on the table and twists her hand, takes her hand. Aao Saheb asks Gungun not to worry, tells that Anupriya will be fine. Kalyani brings Mihika to the hall and asks what is this nautanki? Mihika acts as Anupriya and asks what are you saying beta? Kalyani asks what is your and Aparna’s plan? Mihika asks did I teach you this? She asks Kalyani to tell what has happened and asks her to share with her Aai. Kalyani asks her to do her drama infront of someone else. She says you are not like the dust of my Aai’s feet. Mihika says whoever I am, I am your wife now. She says you have proved this. Kalyani says it was my life’s biggest mistake. Mihika says all the proofs are burnt which can prove who is Anupriya and tells that she is Anupriya now. Kalyani slaps her. Mihika holds Gungun’s hand and tells that they will not stay here anymore. Sarthak says it is enough of your drama Mihika. Mihika says she is Anupriya and Gungun is her daughter too. Kalyani asks her to leave her hand and says if you touches my sister again then I will break your hand. Anupriya gains consciousness. Kalyani asks gungun to go to Sarthak and threatens Mihika not to touch her sister again. Anupriya comes there and asks what is happening? She asks Kalyani to leave her hand. Gungun calls her Aai. Sarthak asks Anupriya if she got fine. Kalyani thanks God.

Anupriya comes to Kalyani and slaps her hard. Mihika is shocked. Kalyani is also shocked. Anupriya says how dare you to raise hand on my daughter and tells everyone that this girl is hurting my daughter and you all are watching. She asks Malhar why he didn’t stop this girl and asks who is she? Kalyani asks what are you saying? Anupriya refers Mihika as Kalyani and keeps her hand on her head. Mihika takes her inside. Kalyani talks to Doctor and tells that her Aai is not recognizing her. Doctor says it happened due to injury. Mihika tells Aparna that Anupriya is addressing her as Kalyani and slapped the real Kalyani. Aparna says it is mother and daughter’s drama. Mihika tells that Anupriya has supported me and slapped her. Doctor tells Kalyani that they shall wait for the MRI report to come. Aparna asks Mihika if she keeps eye on her all the time. Kalyani comes to Anupriya’s room. Anupriya asks why did you bring my medicine? Mihika makes Aparna see on the video call. Aparna asks her to bring Anupriya to her, and says she will kill her. Anupriya tells Kalyani that she will have medicine with her daughter’s hand and asks her to go. Mihika comes there and asks Kalyani to give medicine, says she can feed medicine to her Aai. Anupriya eats the medicine. Mihika smirks. Kalyani goes.
Later Anupriya does the puja and takes Aao Saheb’s blessings. She then feeds prasad to Mihika. Kalyani looks sad from a distance. Anupriya tells everyone that she made poha of everyone’s favorite. Mihika calls her Aai and asks her to sit. Anupriya says today I will make you eat. Mihika eats it and says it is very spicy. Anupriya says I have added only little amount of chillies. She gives her drink water. Mihika thanks her. Malhar gets upset and goes to Kalyani. He holds her hand and brings her to the dining table. Anupriya asks Mihika who is this girl? Mihika says she is my friend. Malhar asks Kalyani to sit and have food. Anupriya serves food in her plate. She tells Malhar, what was the need to call Kalyani’s friend here holding her hand? Sarthak says she is not Kalyani’s friend. He stops. Malhar says I have work and goes. Sarthak says even I have to go. Aao Saheb and Gungun also leave from there. Anupriya says don’t know what happened to everyone. Kalyani gets up from the chair. Mihika tries to make her fall down and the spoon from Kalyani’s plate hits Mihika’s forehead. Mihika shouts calling Anupriya. Anupriya scolds Kalyani. Kalyani says I will get the first aid done. Mihika asks Anupriya to lock her in the room. Anupriya locks her in the room and goes. Kalyani turns and looks at Malhar, Sarthak and Aao Saheb standing there. Malhar says you said right that if Maayi identifies Mihika as Kalyani, then Mihika will get fooled and will take her to Aparna, then it will be easy for us to trap her.

A fb is shown, Anupriya gains consciousness and asks Kalyani why is she crying and why she is wearing her clothes. Kalyani tells her everything and a fb is shown. Anupriya asks what we shall do? Kalyani says only Aparna can prove that you are Anupriya, as Mihika has burnt all your identity proofs. She says Aparna will try to kill you and then we have to catch her red handed. She says nobody can save Aparna and Mihika from you Aai. Fb ends. Anupriya signs Kalyani and takes Mihika in the car. Kalyani says nobody can save Mihika and Aparna from us.
Anupriya and Mihika are in the car. Anupriya asks if she is feeling pain? Just then the tyre gets punctured. Anupriya thinks to tell Kalyani about the change of plan, as the car punctured. Mihika says we will take lift from someone. Aparna comes there in the car. Anupriya sees her and says you. Mihika forcefully makes Anupriya sit in the car and they leave. Kalyani, Malhar, Sarthak and Aao Saheb are in the car and stop seeing Anupriya’s car. They check the car. Kalyani gets Aparna’s call, who tells her that she had made a good plan, but failed. She says I know that Anupriya can’t raise her hand on anyone even if she is very angry, says she overacted. She asks her to search for Anupriya and save her if she can. Anupriya is seen tied to a chair. Kalyani tells them that Aparna said she came to know of our plan. She tells whatever she had said. Malhar says I will call Pawar to search for her. Kalyani says she heard the hammer sound and says it seems to be a factory. Sarthak says there is an old factory here. Aparna and Mihika tie Anupriya to the iron rods. Anupriya asks her to leave her. Aparna says that family is mine, whom you are calling yours. She blames her and then shows the exercise machine, on which bomb is tied. She says until you walk on this treadmill, bomb will not explode. Aparna makes Anupriya stand on the treadmill. Anupriya asks why are you doing this? Aparna says you people have done a favor on me, so I shall do. She increases the speed and says if you stop then you will lose your life. Sarthak brings Kalyani, Malhar and Aao Saheb to the same factory. They find Anupriya tied. Anupriya asks Kalyani not to come infront as bomb is tied here. Aparna keeps knife on Aao Saheb’s neck and says if anyone goes to Anupriya then I will kill her. Sarthak asks Aparna to leave Aao Saheb. Aao Saheb asks her to leave Anupriya. Aparna says Aao Saheb never cared for her. She asks Mihika to check the phone. Mihika checks the hatred message from her fans seeing the Anupriya’s kidnapping live. She thinks how did this happen? She finds mobile kept there and everything was live. Kalyani keeps hand on her mouth. Aparna tells Anupriya is not getting tired and tells that she will activate the bomb. She calls Mihika. Aao Saheb regrets to have given birth to her. Kalyani brings handcuffs and ties Aparna’s hands. She then asks Sarthak to hold Aparna. She asks Aao Saheb to stand there. She goes to Anupriya, frees her hand and pushes Anupriya from the treadmill. She then stands on the treadmill and asks everyone to go. She says she will not let anything happen to her Aai. Malhar tells that he will not go leaving her. Sarthak says we shall take everyone out and then think of saving Kalyani. Anupriya refuses to go out. Malhar tells Kalyani that he will return after taking them inside. Anupriya runs inside and collides with something and the lamp falls down, making the fire igniting around Kalyani. Malhar tries to rescue Kalyani. Aparna laughs. Aao Saheb slaps her. Mihika comes there and pushes the water barrels. She tells that she has been ruined, her 5 lakhs followers are gone, and they sent hatred messages to her. She says her career is ruined. Aao Saheb says this was destined. They ask Kalyani to have strength as she gets tired of running on the treadmill. Sarthak asks Malhar to set off the fire using the water. Malhar smells it and throws on the fire to set it off. Anupriya stands down holding Kalyani, while Malhar deactivates the bomb. Kalyani faints. Police comes there and arrests Aparna and Mihika. Aao Saheb tells Aparna that this is family, who is ready to die for each other. She says I am happy that you are going away from us and says she will name her property on Anupriya and Kalyani’s name. They all return home.

Aao Saheb calls Kalyani and Anupriya. They tell that they have brought sweets. Godaveri comes there and keeps the gifts. Aao Saheb says it is good that you have returned, family is complete. Kalyani says you are showering much love on your jamais. Malhar comes there and asks why are you jealous? Sarthak asks what was the need to do all this arrangements? Aao Saheb says I couldn’t do anything before so trying to do it now. She asks them to sit. Kalyani and Anupriya tie turban to Malhar and Sarthak. Kalyani and Malhar romance and tease each other. Aao Saheb gives sweets and gifts to Sarthak and Malhar. Gungun asks for the gift. Aao Saheb says even you will get after sometime. Anupriya prays to God that her family shall not get any bad sight.

Precap: A lady comes to interrupt their celebrations and asks where is her son Ajinkya. She says you have called my son to PS yesterday and since then he hasn’t returned home.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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