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Aao Saheb comes to Godaveri’s room and asks her to listen, what she is going to say. Godaveri asks what? Aao Saheb says I know that everyone wants you to take divorce, but there is a power in women, that it can melt even a stone. Godaveri says she can’t do this. Aao Saheb begs infront of her and explains her that she wants her betterment and that’s why making her understand. She tells that neighbor lakshmi came and told about Salgaonkar’s daughter divorce. She says I have seen how people used to look at Anupriya with disgusted feeling and says Kalyani was with her, but who is with you. Ajinkya’s twin hear them using the Spy cam in Godaveri’s room. He says Godaveri wants to have wedding night and says he will fulfill her wish.

Kalyani asks Gungun to go and says she is feeling sleepy. Gungun asks her to see how she solved the puzzle. Ajinkya is in his room and thinks sorry Godaveri, I couldn’t fulfill your wishes. He looks at her pic and feels sorry. His twin comes there through the window and looks at him.

Kalyani asks Gungun to say and says I am not smart as you. Gungun says there are two jokers, when one hide then other come infront and vice versa. Kalyani and Malhar get thinking.

Kalyani and Malhar get thinking on hearing Gungun’s trick that when one joker hides another comes up. Kalyani thanks Gungun and asks her to go and sleep. Ajinkya’s twin comes to him and makes him unconscious using chloroform. Ajinkya faints. The twin then makes him lie down on the bed. Kalyani tells Malhar that he was right, he saw Ajinkya’s lookalike. She tells that just like Gungun’s magic trick, when one hide then other come. Ajinkya’s twin comes to Godaveri’s room. Godaveri asks what are you doing here? He says he came to give her wife’s rights, which she wanted. Godaveri pushes him and asks him to stay away. Malhar and Kalyani hear the sound and come to Godaveri’s room. Ajinkya’s twin switches off the lights. Malhar and Kalyani come inside and see Ajinkya on the floor unconscious and Godaveri standing holding the knife. Malhar checks him and finds him unconscious. Kalyani brings Godaveri out of shock and asks her to tell what happened? Godaveri tells that Ajinkya behaved strangely and also that he misbehaved with him. Malhar makes him come in his consciousness and confronts him. Ajinkya tells that he came to apologized to Godaveri, when suddenly someone made him unconscious. Malhar tells that he will take him to PS. Kalyani stops him and tells him that Ajinkya haven’t done anything. Malhar asks didn’t you trust your sister. Kalyani says she trusts her, and also knows that Ajinkya can’t do such a thing. She says surely his lookalike must have done this. She tells Malhar that they are right about his twin or lookalike. Malhar asks Ajinkya if he has any twin brother. Ajinkya says he is not aware of him, as his Aai haven’t told him. Kalyani says she knows how to make Indu speak up.

Ajinkya comes to Indu and says why did you bring me here? He says I was happy at my place and tells that you trapped me in this mess. A fb is shown, Indu shows Godaveri’s pic to Ajinkya and asks him to marry her. Ajinkya refuses to marry and asks what about this girl’s happiness. Indu threatens to commit suicide if his truth comes out. He says he will tell that he is not interested to marry. Indu says people laugh at me and asks him to live life like he wants, after her death. She blackmails him to marry Godaveri. Fb ends. Ajinkya tells Indu that now they came to know everything. Indu says it is good, but they will not tell anyone. Ajinkya tells Indu that Kalyani and Malhar are doubtful that he has a twin brother. Indu asks him not to say louder. Ajinkya asks if this is truth. Malhar and Kalyani hear him on spy recorder. Indu tells Ajinkya that his twin brother is Akshay and says if I had told you then you wouldn’t have agreed to marry Godaveri. She says she had dreamt big for Akshay, and fixed his marriage with politician’s daughter, then Akshay’s video with Godaveri got leaked and that’s why I made you married her. Ajinkya asks what was my mistake? Indu says Akshay is planning something big.

Godaveri comes to Gungun. Gungun says she wants to be a lawyer and that’s why drew lawyer on the paper. She asks Godaveri what she wants to become? Godaveri says she never thought about it. Anupriya comes there and asks her to think it now. She says it is never too late and sends Gungun out. She asks Godaveri to move on in life and think of her career. Godaveri hugs her. Anupriya asks her to think about her life and says once you get divorce, then you can go to college and make a fresh start. Godaveri says she doesn’t know what to do? She says she can’t stay with Ajinkya and not having courage to take divorce from him. Anupriya asks why? Godaveri says since Aao Saheb said how a divorcee woman have to face and suffer at the hands of people, I am scared. Anupriya says we have to change the society perception, asks her to stop crying.

Aao Saheb makes a tantrik do puja to make Ajinkya fine. He asks her to give something to Ajinkya in the night. He asks her to give dakshina and then take the powder. Aao Saheb says she will give. Sarthak and Anupriya asks Aao Saheb not to do such blind faith. Tantrik says he will curse her. Aao Saheb says they are kids and apologizes to Tantrik. Sarthak tells Tantrik that this house is of Commissioner and we are lawyers. He asks him to come to PS. Tantrik apologizes and runs away. Anupriya tells Aao Saheb not to do this again and tells that Ajinkya is like this since birth and he has no disease. She says we have to just accept him. Aao Saheb says she will change him. Anupriya says if she does this again, then she will file case against her. Aao Saheb asks will you file case against me and don’t care for Godaveri. Sarthak says we all are concerned for her. Aao Saheb asks how they will do right with Godaveri, by getting her divorced? Godaveri comes there and tells that she wants to get divorce from Ajinkya. They both have their own dreams and can’t stay together. She says you had said that Kaki has Tai, so she handled herself, but I have them both. She hugs Anupriya. Anupriya smiles.
Anupriya thank Ganapati bappa for helping Godaveri choose the way, and asks him to make every way easy for her. Sarthak comes there and gets thinking. Anupriya asks what happened? Sarthak tells that they have solved one daughter’s problem, but what about other daughter. He tells that he feels that Kalyani and Malhar’s relation suffered due to Ajinkya’s matter, before Mahika’s matter and your illness. He says we shall make them understand to give time to each other. Anupriya says ok and tells that they shall do something that they shall spend some time together. She smiles. Malhar comes to the room and calls Kalyani. Kalyani asks if Akshay is found. Malhar says he will catch him just as he switches on his phone. Anupriya and Sarthak come there and blind fold them. Kalyani and Malhar ask what are they doing? Anupriya and Sarthak say that they will tell. They take them from the room to the decorated hall and then asks Malhar and Kalyani to remove the blindfold after counting 3. Malhar and Kalyani open the blindfold and see the decoration. Malhar says it is Kaka’s idea, he is more romantic. Kalyani says it is my Aai’s idea and tells that she is more romantic. They have an argument. Kalyani says she is going to her Aai to thank her. Malhar pulls her and dances with her, while the song I love you plays….Anupriya comes there and says sorry to disturb you, but Ajinkya has some information about Akshay. Ajinkya says Akshay is going to Australia within 2 hours. Malhar says he will ask Police to check at every places. Ajinkya feels apologetic from his brother’s side and tells that he wants to apologize to Shilpi. He comes to Shilpi and apologizes to her for his brother’s doings and says Malhar and Kalyani will get him arrested and also punished. He asks her to forget and move on. He holds her hand sensually. She realizes his touch and gets scared, says you are….He says I am Akshay. Shilpi gets scared. He recalls Godaveri threatening to kill him, when he takes unconscious Ajinkya out and pretend to be unconscious and behaves like Ajinkya. He says Malhar and Kalyani thought that Ajinkya had gone to meet Aai, but it is me. Shilpi is shocked. He says Aai and I are fooling Malhar and Kalyani together. He says they feel that Ajinkya went to meet Aai, but it is me. He recalls and a fb is shown. He tells Indu that their plan is successful. Shilpi tries to call Malhar, but he stops her from shouting and tells that Kalyani’s smartness will trap herself.

Kalyani, Malhar and Anupriya come to the place where real Ajinkya is standing. Malhar aims gun at him. Ajinkya gets shocked. Malhar beats him for ruining a girl’s life. Media comes there and tells that Commissioner is beating an ordinary guy. They accuse Malhar for beating Godaveri’s husband. Anupriya says call the ambulance. Kalyani says we got information that Ajinkya’s twin brother is escaping and that’s why we came here following the location. Other reporter tells that Police and their family members are brutal. Kalyani asks them to calm down. Reporter tells Anupriya that Commissioner Malhar have beaten this guy so brutally and asks whom she will support, Ajinkya or commissioner. They bombard questions on Anupriya. Anupriya asks them to calm down and tells that Police have done mistake, Malhar Rane shall be suspended. Kalyani says it was Akshay’s plan, and he trapped us. She asks how can you blame Malhar? Anupriya says Malhar started beating him without asking who is he? Kalyani says you are demanding for Malhar’s suspension, it was confusion planned by Akshay. Anupriya says do you think that Malhar did right, by beating him. The reporters leave hearing Police jeep sound. DSP calls Malhar. Malhar tells that everything was live telecast on social media, DSP had no option so he suspended me. Kalyani feels bad. They leave from there.
Later Kalyani comes to room and apologizes to Malhar. She says you were suspended because of someone’s mistake. She asks him not to sit in darkness and switches on the lights. Malhar says what to say, I don’t believe on Maayi’s statement. He says nobody thought that I was getting trapped. Kalyani says even I don’t hope from this Aai and tells that whatever she did was wrong. Malhar says I will do what I want to. Kalyani says I won’t be quiet, for a blind girl’s rape and will search Akshay, if I am on duty or not. He goes. Indu sees the news on Akshay’s mobile. Akshay pretends to be a lady clad in saree and says it is a good news. Malhar comes to PS and tells that Akshay is not found. Malhar asks him to bring the list of people, who came to meet Indu. Indu tells Akshay that Police is after him. Akshay says Malhar is suspended and Kalyani is upset with her Aai. Indu says then also Police is after you. Pawar informs Malhar that someone came from NGO to meet Indu.

Pawar inform Malhar that someone came to meet Indu. Indu asks Ajinkya to make preparations to leave the country, tells him that it is good that both Anupriya and Kalyani are fighting. Akshay says Police is everywhere, how to escape. Indu says you can escape if Ajinkya dies or anything happens to him. Akshay says we don’t need that kinnar now, we have used him enough. Malhar collides with Akshay as he goes. He says it ok and goes. Malhar asks Indu where is that person who came to meet you. They realize that saree clad person had come to meet Indu. They come out and find him escaped.

Ajinkya gains consciousness and sees Godaveri sleeping on the sofa. He calls her. Godaveri asks if you are fine? She says Doctor asked me to give you medicine. He takes medicine and drinks water. She keeps pillow behind his back. He says he is fine. She takes out his bandage and applies medicine. She says I will call Kaki to bandage your head. He holds her hand and says no need. Godaveri bandages his head. Ajinkya says nobody loved me until now and that’s why my tears are not stopping. Godaveri says I didn’t know that you are in so much pain, I will care for you and will always be with you. She says we can’t be husband and wife, but can be good friends. Ajinkya shakes hand with her. Godaveri tells that Anupriya and Kalyani have an argument as Malhar had beaten you. She asks why you stayed silent then? Ajinkya says I was helpless. He says Tai was right that there was two people. He says Tai (Kalyani) was unaware that she had sent Akshay to meet Aai. He says Akshay had kidnapped me and had stayed here all day. He says he threatened me not to say anything. Godaveri says I think I shall tell all this to Kaki. Anupriya says we heard all. Sarthak tells Anupriya that he had told her that Malhar is right and says you got him suspended infront of media. Kalyani comes to the room and calls Malhar. Malhar asks Pawar to search Akshay and says he had come to meet Indu in PS. Kalyani asks him to have breakfast. Malhar refuses. Kalyani says it is your favorite breakfast. Malhar asks her to sit and says I am sorry Kalyani, I can’t eat, I want to catch Akshay. Kalyani says Akshay will be caught, asks him to have food. He asks where is Maayi? He asks did you talk to her?

Precap: Kalyani is with Malhar. Anupriya and Aao Saheb come there with diya. Malhar smiles. Kalyani asks what’s going on? Anupriya says Kalyani is going to be a mother. She’s pregnant. Kalyani seems surprised.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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