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Anupriya is in the kitchen thinking this is what she desired, and it is the day when her NGO would finally start, Aau Sahib asks where her medicine is, Anupriya seeing it in the kitchen takes it to her explaining she once again forgot it in the kitchen, Aau Sahib asks her to make something sweet as Godavari is also coming to the house, Anupriya agree. Kaka comes with three different dresses which all have some problem, he questions what he should wear, Anupriya advises him to go back to the room and she would be their in a minute, Gungun comes demanding pancakes from Anupriya because she is tired of eating the same dish, Gungun rushes to Aau Sahib thanking her, Anupriya leaves to the kitchen, Kalyani coming turns off all the stoves, Anupriya exclaims there is a lot of work, Kalyani says that she would take care of everything while Anupriya should go and get ready as it is a really big day for her.
Kalyani introduces Anupriya in front of the guests who have come to the opening, she asks Aai and kaka to sit when Gungun comes saying to Aai she needs to go to the washroom, Kalyani asks Aai to sit while she would take Gungun before asking Malhar to introduce her, he exclaims that he has never seem any women like Anupriya who is always caring and doesnot think wrong of anyone, Kaka also says even if he was not married to Anupriya he would always be ready to accept that Anupriya is a really strong women.

One of the reporter asks Anupriya if she feels she is capable of taking the responsibility of an NGO even at this age, Anupriya replies why not because in order for one to achieve anything their only has to be determination, and to open an NGO was her dream, they ask if he would not work as a lawyer anymore, Anupriya mentions that she feels she would be able to better run the NGO because of her profession, they ask who would she help with her NGO, she replies the NGO is made for those women who do not have anyone to support them, Kaka exclaims they should also see the NGO but Anupriya says they should wait Kalyani and until then the reporters can ask any more questions, they ask who was the inspiration, so Anupriya says that Kalyani was the inspiration for the NGO as she is her daughter who has always been with her, without her she would not have been able to cover such a long distance, Kalyani exclaims this is just her thinking. Anupriya makes her wear the title of the best daughter, she along with Aau Sahib and Kalyani formally inaugurate the NGO Tujhse Hai Rabta, Anupriya explains it was named after her relationship with Kalyani.

In the morning Kalyani is wearing the band which Anupriya presented her, Malhar enters from behind she smiles when he sees her, he exclaims it is nice, then asks what do they say when they are about to forget the things, Kalyani replies it is fovour, Malhar exclaims he feels he doesnot know what is happening as Aai presented her with the satchel and she was also writing the timetable, Kalyani mentions he is sounding like Gungun and Pillu to know everything, he replies he is a police officer so should know, she reveals that the satchel was also a surprise for her and she was writing the timetable because she wants to know at which time all the work is done because Aai would be busy at the NGO and she will work in the house, Malhar exclaims that she would not be able to fulfil the task of the house as it is not possible, she exclaims if he thinks she is not capable and Kalyani starts fighting with him, Aau sahib calls Anupriya, Kalyani leaves saying she will come and finish it, Malhar also mentions he will come back from the police station to fulfil the argument.

Kalyani asks what has happened, Aau Sahib replies she is looking for Anupriya, Kalyani replies she went because of some work, Aau Sahib asks what has happened because she will do all the work, Aau Sahib asks how will it happen as she is not ready to work and cannot do anything herself, Kalyani replies she knows she doesnot know how to work but can do anything after she learns it from Aau Sahib if she teaches her, Aau Sahib agrees to teach her praying she also desires to learn.

Godavari comes with her husband; Kalyani asks her to come inside but Aau Sahib insists that she must not come inside because they have to first perform the pooja, Kalyani mentions she has now learned so will bring the thali, Aau Sahib performs the ritual asking Kalyani to perform the pooja while she leaves to burn them, Kalyani asking Godavari to come inside asking what is she planning for her honeymoon, Godavari is quiet then she hugs Kalyani, who leaves after taking a selfie, Ajenkey asks Godavari to not say a word to anyone in her family.

In the police station Pawar kaka is asking the women to say the truth otherwise they would not be able to help her, she is crying when Malhar asks what has happened, Pawar kaka explains she has come to file a complaint, Malhar asks what the complaint is about, she reveals she has been raped, Malhar asks the lady constable to give her some water then he questions if she knew about the rapist, she replies she was coming to meet her relatives but they are out of town which is why she was searching for a hotel when she was raped, Pawar Kaka exclaims how would they find the culprit when she cannot help them with a sketch, Malhar scolds him to talk politely as it is his duty and not her tension, Malhar explains he will take her to an NGO where she can live peacefully.
Malhar is accompanying the victim when he bumps into Ajenkey apologizing for not being able to come for the function, Ajenkey replies there is nothing to worry about and he is in a hurry so will come back. The victim starts crying exclaiming she cannot ever forget this voice, Malhar understands she will be talking of Ajenkey.

Kalyani asks what Godavari is saying, she replies it is the truth and Aau Sahib would be thinking she is happy however she no longer wants to live with him, Kalyani suggests her to think it through but Godavari exclaims if Aai was with her she would have listened to everything, Kalyani thinks she would have to sort the matter, Kalyani questions if he did anything to her, Godavari replies something wrong happened at the first night, Kalyani tries to explain that she must give him some time because he might have gotten mad because his mother was arrested so she might give him some time, Malhar explains it will never happen then reveals that he has raped a girl, Malhar reveals that the victim recognized his voice and he would have to arrest him, Godavari pleads with him to not arrest her husband, she even places the gun on her head saying she would kill herself if he arrests him, Kalyani tries to stop her but she doesnot listen, Kalyani is forced to snatch it from her hand asking what has happened because she is no longer a child, Kalyani hugs her, Godavari asks what should she do now. Malhar asks Godavari if she has any proud that her husband is innocent, but Godavari asks him to believe her as she cannot reveal the truth, but Malhar is adamant to arrest him if he has the proof, she asks Malhar to leave and asks Godavari to reveal the truth, but she leaves the room. Kalyani receives a call from Aai who is worried everyone and so asks what has happened but Kalyani doesnot tell her, Kalyani ends the call and so think she would have to sort out this matter before Aai returns.

Kalyani exclaims she is sorry for calling him at this time, Ajenkieh asks where is Godavari jee, Kalyani asks Malhar to learn something from him, she sends Malhar away and starts performing the pooja, Malhar asks Pinki if she recognizes him she denies his voice, Kalyani asks Malhar to bring her inside and then goes to light the Día, she requests Ajenkey to help her sit, Aau Sahib coming asks what is happening, She apologizes to him saying Kalyani doesnot know about the rituals, he assures there is no need and leaves saying he has some work, Aau Sahib doesnot even let Kalyani explain so questions what is the reason she called Ajenkey at this house, Anupriya coming from behind questions what is happening she asks why is Aau Sahih scolding Kalyani, Godavari stepping in front says she must first ask her daughter why is she trying to ruin her house.

In the night Anupriya asks how Ajinkya can do anything of the sort, Kaka explains that there is no telling what a person can do even if they seem innocent and there might be a reason Godavari doesnot want to go with him, he feels that Ajinkya is taking revenge, Malhar explains there is another problem that Godavari doesnot want to accept that he can perform rape.
Kalyani reveals he was also acting strangely, when he came to meet her in the morning, he was really fresh but in the evening was tensed and nervous, Anupriya exclaims whatever is the matter the suffering is of the girls, on one side is Godavari and the other Pinki. She decides to talk with Godavari alone, she in her is thinking they have in just two days given her room to Gungun and do not consider her as the daughter, Anupriya replies to this room will always belong to her, Gungun will soon go to Moksh’s room, Godavari going to Aai exclaims this is not what she meant, Anupriya coming inside exclaims she said it in anger, Godavari replies she cannot understand how to in form her, Anupriya exclaims she doesnot have to think and should just say what is in her heart, Godavari explains the entire situation, Anupriya is shocked.

Kalyani in the hall exclaims that Ajinkya has called twice asking why Godavari is not answering his call what can she say, Anupriya replies she will talk with him but Godavari will not leave the house, Kaka replies it is after she tells them what has happened, Anupriya replies she cannot tell them, Malhar asks if this is because Godavari knows that he is the rapist but Anupriya says it is not that, Malhar questions then what is the matter and if she knows about the rape then why is she hiding, Anupriya confirms that Ajinkya has not raped anyone, she leaves without listening to anything.

Kalyani is not able to sleep so in the night, she sits up recalls when Godavari insists that Ajinkya is not a rapist, but Malhar exclaimed they have recognized the voice of the criminal. Kalyani goes to the room of Shilpi to find out the truth, she doesnot find her so thinks she might have gone to the bathroom, she waits thinking of not leaving until she has a conversation with her, Kalyani is standing, someone coming from behind asks if she was going to reveal his truth, he tries to kill her but she manages to fight with him, Shilpi comes asking who is in the room, Kalyani asks here to not be worried as he will take care of the situation, Ajinkya starts to strangulate Kalyani, Malhar comes from behind and starts fighting with him, Ajinkya is able to run away and Malhar asks if she saw that he was right.
Godavari exclaims that this Ajinkya was not the person she started loving, he is a changed man, Aai asks her to make her life with him as she is now his wife, Malhar and Kalyani come saying that Ajinkya is the culprit as he is the one who raped the girl, Anupriya insists that there is nothing of the sort, Godavari also asks Kalyani to stop blaming her but Kalyani asks them to see the marks on her neck which are a proof that Ajinkya is the rapist, Anupriya doesnot believe them saying it cannot happen as he has come to meet Godavari and is in the bathroom, Ajinkya comes out of the bathroom, Malhar immediately takes him by the neck pushing, Kalyani separates them, Malhar asks them to see the proof as he scratched his hand and their would be the marks of his nails, he asks Ajinkya to open his sleeves but they are shocked to see there are no marks, Kalyani requests Anupriya to reveal the truth because they know something is wrong between Godavari and Ajinkya but Anupriya exclaims she cannot tell her, Malhar leaves in anger.

Kalyani rushes Malhar who is angry, he even hits the vase then Kalyani starts dancing with him trying to make him smile but he asks her to stop these childish acts because he cannot be calm when the rapist is roaming in their house, Kalyani asks him to trust Aai as if she is not telling them, it would be something really important.

In the morning Indu jee is in the jail asking if she can even get the water but Godavari explains she deserves only poison because she has ruined his life, Indu jee asks her to not be so rushes as she is her mother in law, she was the one who begged her to allow the marriage and this is what happened, Godavari replies that she had some desires but they all were ruined, she has made her life a hell after the marriage when she thought of living a peaceful life in her own house, she forced her to live in her family’s house, Ajinkya places his hand on her shoulder she leaves in anger, he asks his mother so she says he should not worry about her, someone from the corner calls Indu jee, he comes and it is Ajinkya’s twin who explains the drama was worth seeing but Malhar scratched his hands, he will have to pay a heavy price for his actions, Indu jee advises him to make them pay as she is in jail because of them.

Ajinkya is trying to stop Godavari who is really angry, he requests her to stop even offering to drop her back to the house, she insists on going alone asking if he was really there, Ajinkya asks how he can be their when he was with her and Aai.

Godavari asks Aau Sahib why she is giving so many gifts, Aau Sahib replies that it is her house and even asks where is Anupriya because she has to perform the rituals, Kalyani asks Godavari if she is sure which worries Aau Sahib who asks what has happened, Kalyani explains she feels there are some problems amongst Godavari and Ajinkya so she should not leave, Godavari asks her to not comment about her husband, Aau Sahib ordering them to stop asks Kalyani to perform the ritual but Godavari refuses to allow her, there is someone at the door, Aau Sahib opens it to find Ajinkya standing there, he takes her blessings and even greets Kalyani who is really angry, Ajinkya replies he has some work so they need to hurry but Aau Sahib assures he can leave after the small ritual but Malhar says he cannot leave the house.

Ajinkya explains he needs to be some place important so has to leave, Aau Sahib replies he can leave after performing the Rasam, Malhar from the corner exclaims he will not go anywhere but just the jail as he has the arrest warrant against him, Malhar takes out the handcuffs when Anupriya comes out and says nothing would happen.

Indu is laughing with her son, exclaiming now they would see what happens with them because they have ruined the family, her son exclaims they would also be shocked to see how Ajinkya can be at tow places in once as on one side he was with Anupriya but was also trying to kill Kalyani, they laugh exclaiming that now they would ruin the family because they all would have different sentiment and even Kalyani would not be able to be stand with Kalyani which will ruin the family.

Anupriya comes, Malhar asks why he cannot take Ajinkya as he has the warrant, Anupriya replies she also has the court order, Malhar starts beating him and doesnot even stop when everyone tries to stop him, Godavari asks Aau Sahib to stop Malhar, she is able to saying the only reason she cannot say anything to him is because he is also the son in law of this house, Kalyani seeing Ajinkya turns to bring the medical box but Godavari asks her to stop this drama as she at first did not come to stop Malhar but then is showing care, Aau Sahib asks them to stop and says that Godavari should take Ajinkya into the room.

Precap: Aao Saheb tells Anupriya that enough of her NGO. She doesn’t want anything in that house that causes fights in her house. From today, her NGO is shut.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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