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Jodha comes from the back she try to open his palm , Jalal turns and sees her with an angry face , She says I am coming from temple and I saw you sitting here so I thought of offering you this prasad , I know you are angry with me but why become angry on this prasad, He takes the prasad like a bugged kid, jodha ask now tell me what you didnt like yesterday? Jalal says your yesterday slap has hit my soul, jodha ask what? Jalal says what do you think that i dont understand your intention behind giving that cradle, you taunted me that i cant give heir to sultanat, jodha says because of that cradle hamida gave me necklace and you are thinking this way, jalal ask what do you mean i am thinking wrong, jodha says yes and benazir has painted you and sell it off, and you gifted her so you have a thinking problem. Jalal says oh so you have problem with benazir? Jodha says not me everybody is talking about your closness. Jalal says i took stand for you, always supported you but you made fun of me, my manliness, as a husband i have rights on you so you have thinking problem not me, just go. Jodha is about to say something but jalal ask her to not, jodha goes away.

Moti tells jodha that some women was selling cream for beauty but i didnt take it for you as you are already beautiful, jodha says but yesterday you were saying that benazir is beautiful. Jodha then talks about banazir and her beauty, moti ask her to think about jalal not benazir, jodha says you are right, i think my way may had given him wrong sign but my behavior with him is not right, then she thinks of apologizing to jalal for her undue behaviour .. That he might have misunderstood her, Moti advises her that she should think and worry about jala and not think of Benazir .. Jodha says she wanted to talk to jalal but he was not in mood to hear her out. Moti advises to try again .. Jodha gives it a thought

Rahim is taking jodha with him. Jodha ask him to slow down as shawl which bharmal has sent her will get dirty, rahim runs while jodha try to catch him, he comes to jalal who looks at jodha and says i thought you called me alone. He says you both know how to fly kite so let me learn it, jodha says its very cold, go inside. He says when jalal can sit outside I can also sit here. Jalal laughs and says salima will scold him, servant comes and says salima has called rahim, he goes unwillingly. Jodha says to jalal its really cold here. He nods. She says bharmal has sent me this shawl, jalal likes it. jodha comes behind him and gifts him a beautiful shawl she smiles and says she was thinking of what to gift him and came up with this idea of shawl as its cold, Jalal likes her shawl very much and thanks her. He then says he was wondering what to gift Benazir in this winter and jodha had come with this shawl, it is a perfect gift for benazir and he is going to gift her the shawl, Jodha is feeling very jealous and hurt. While jalal looks at her face with a smile.
Benazir comes in garden and says jalal like this na? Zakira says. Soldier comes and scolds other soldiers for blocking her way. He ask to come with him. He ask zakira to go back but zakira says i am here to protect benazir and i will be with her. Soldier says ok. He says to benazir he is just blown out because of her beauty, benazir says nothing new. He says he has gone mad for her and ask her to just spend one night with him, he will not disappoint her, zakira fights with him, he insults her, benazir says she is not a servant, her name is zakira, i will tell you who am I when I will complain to jalal about you. Soldier immediately changes his tone and ask for forgiveness, benazir says its ok go, zakira ask why you forgive him? Benazir says i dont want enemies here, I just want jalal.

In Javedha's room she is dress as Benazir and dancing before the mirror just like Benazir, Resham is enjoying her dance. Maham comes there and scold Javedha. Javedha is ordered to get back into her own clothes, Resham comes and jokes where was she when Adham was marrying javedha? Maham reply she got misled about her mind by her innocent looks, Maham then shares her dreams of controlling the hindustaan by becoming the all powerful chief minister, Resham says she is already ruling through Jalal But Maham dreams of becoming even more powerful.

Benazir comes to her room and says now time is for letter, zakira says yes your mom must be worried for you, let's write letter. Benazir writes letter with some poetry. Zakira ask whether anybody will understand what you wrote? Benazir says i have mind so i have written but have different meaning. Outside same soldier is checking things which is to be send, he sees benazir’s letter and says i am starting to love her, he reads her letter and doesnt understand what she has written but he deduces that there is some secret massage in this letter and benazir is on some mission here.

Benazir comes to jalal after asking permission. He allows her, benazir says i thought you will say that i need no permission, jalal says i am a king so you always need permission. Benazir says your mood is off and offers him drink but jalal says no need, he ask her what she needs? Benazir says your happiness, i only want that, she touches his hand and tries to touch his hairs but jalal stops her, she sits behind him and whisper in his ears that it would be my good luck if i will give you some peace. Jalal says i dont need you now so just go and sleep. She leaves. Jalal irritated washes his hands and says my plan is not to spend night with you but to only jealous jodha.
In the moring, Jalal is sitting outside when jodha comes, jalal smiles and says i knew it that you will come with remedy after knowing that i have hurt my foot, jodha angrily says you have many dasi for it, he ask dasiz to go. Jalal says benazir liked shawl alot. Jodha says my father had given me that and i gifted you but... Jalal says sorry but i cant take it back from her as its against my respect. Hamida comes there and ask how you got hurt in foot. Jalal says nothing much its ordinary for us to get hurt but look jodha has brought remedy for me and is persistent to apply it on my foot, tell me will it look good for mughal sultanat begum? Jodha makes face. Hamida says its every wife’s wish to take care of her husband. Hamida ask jodha to apply it. She sits and apply it. Jalal thinks i can do anything and can make you sit in my feet. Jodha thinks i wouldnt have done this if hamida is not there. Jalal thinks i am hurt but pain is on her face. Hamida leaves. Jodha gets up and ask angrily what do you think, what you want I will do? Suddenly hamida comes back. Jodha again sits back, jalal complains about jodha’s anger to hamida. Jodha says look he is hurt but is going outside so i was stopping him. Hamida says i came to tell you that mirza hakim is coming. Jalal says I know and try to get up, hamida ask him where are you going? He says i have much work in court. She ask how will he go? Jalal says jodha will help me. Jodha look at him. Jodha gives her shoulder to him, he gets up but sits again. Jodha says hamida told you not to walk but you dont listen, why you always play games with me. I wouldnt help you if hamida was not there. Jalal ask but hamida is not here then why she is helping him. Jodha says because you are injured. He sees benazir and says she will help me now. Benazir comes and ask how are you? Jodha says he is fine and remedy is applied and now you are here you will help. jodha gets up to go. Jalal ask benazir to come and help him. She is helping him to get up and jodha is not leaving, jalal smirks. When she leaves he says to Benazir i am fine, I will go on my own. He leaves. Benazir says you are only using me but i will do something before its late.

Ruks receives the news of Mirza Hakim’s arrival from hoshiyar. She recall they were childhood play mates. Salima, Rahim, Hameeda, jijianga all are excited about Mirza Hakim’s arrival. hamida says to humayun i wish you'd be here as hakim is coming, jiji says he is a very sweet boy.

Soldier meets benazir and ask in which language you write letter, benazir ask what? He reads letter’s first letters and it become that ‘work is not done yet. He ask what work? Benazir says what if i write letter in poetry, soldier warns her that if she didnt tell him what she is upto otherwise i will show letter to jalal, benazir says i am his special gift so he wont listen to you, he says i am mughal soldier he will listen, he says i have one deal for you, just spend one night with me then i will not show this letter to jalal. Benazir is tensed. He says i will wait for you.

Salima comes to Jodha and ask have you seen rahim, jodha says no he has become very naughty. Jodha ask dasi to find him. Salima sits and says you are great, you gifted jalal the best thing in meena bazar, jodha says but he doesnt think like this thats why he announced benazir as winner. Salima ask her not to think like that and you will see this cradle blessing will become true one day, and i will pray that you two become three one day, jodha says for that two have to become one first, salima says right and its responsibility of a wife to bind love, relation, respect between husband and wife, jodha says i love listening to your thoughts, salima goes to find rahim, jodha is thoughtful.

Jalal calls Zakira, she comes tensed thinking whether maqsood(soldier) told anything to jalal, jalal ask whether benazir will come to welcome mirza hakim, zakira says she is having fever, jalal says she was fine in the morning, zakira says she wasnt but she came to see you as you were hurt, jalal ask her to go and thinks so benazir have fever, if jodha can make remedy for me then…

Maham comes and scolds javedha for not coming to her when she was called. Javehda has veil on her face, Javehda reveals that her face was full of allergic reaction due to use of wrong cream used by benazir, Maham advises her to go to hakim sahiba. Maham and resham are scared to see her discolored face, Javedha weeps over her predicament. Maham calls her idiot. Maham fakes her worry for her DIL. But javeda is worried what will happen to the ladies who had bought the same cream from her at meena bazaar, Maham is scared now.

Jalal is in jodha’s room, jodha says if you wanted remedy you could have asked dasi, why are you roaming when you are hurt, jalal says actually benazir has fever i want remedy for her, jodha murmurs she was roaming in the whole palace, jalal says that doesnt mean she is fine, look i am also roaming, he ask her to make remedy for her, jodha says there are many dasi ask them. Jalal says you are expert. Jodha says ok go i will send it, jalal says no what if you mix something in it, jodha is irritated, she is making it in anger, jalal eyes kahna, jodha says you like gifting my things to her but this... Jalal says i wont give this, this peacock feather and bansuri is not her interest, jalal ask her to prepare medicine fast, Jalal says to jodha he will 1st go and give benazir remedy only then he will sleep, jodha is angry, jala informs jodha that his special guest Mirza Hakim is arriving from Kabul he then speaks in pure hindi mimicking Jodha that she should be present as per traditions for welcoming his guest her brother in law. Jodha smiles to herself. Jalal ask fast she must be waiting for me, she is making and he keeps looking at her and thinks i will not forgive you for that cradle, jodha makes it and present him holding bowl fully in her hand, jalal doesnt take it as he might touch her hand, jodha understand and hold it from bottom so jalal take it from top.

In court, Mirza Hakim comes and greets hamida and maham and then jalal, jalal hugs him, mirza says we will go on hunt, jalal nods. He then greets ruks, then he goes to jodha and touch her feet. Jodha ask what are you doing, he says i know in rajvanshis they touch feet of bhabi. Jodha thinks both brothers are so different.

Salima comes to jodha who is making medicine, salima ask for whom? Jodha blabbers for that special benazir of jalal, he can ask for it so i am making it beforehand. Salima says i use to have jealousy of rahim’s mother but when she was dying she gave me rahim and i asked that i am jealous of you then why are you doing this, she said its not jealousy but your love for your husband. Salima says many times there is love hidden behind jealousy, you can be angry with jalal but cant be jealous? Moti laughs, jodha ask whether you think i am jealous? Moti says no how you can be jealous as salima said those who love someone feel jealousy but you only hate jalal. Jodha is at loss of words. Moti and salima smiles.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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