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Jodha and Salima comes outside. Salima is smiling, Jodha ask the reason, Salima says whenever there is problem coming I start smiling. Jodha ask which problem? She says Jalal called us along with his special wife Ruk but I am happy that he called you also, she ask Jodha whether she did like Jalal trusting her? Jodha remain silent, Salima says sometime silence means yes.

Ruks and Maham face off, Ruks says she is very important for Jalal in political matters. Maham reply that she should leave the politics to Maham and ruks should keep herself to harem’s problem and she was the one who asked Jalal not to give states to Adham ruks says so you are taking revenge for that and puts Maham down by saying she is just one baandi, Maham retorts that she is no more the begum e khaas(special wife) and there are two more but bari ammi is only one and for life and says to Ruks that she should expect more begums in Jalal’s life, Ruks is stunned.

Jalal is standing with Salima and Jodha when Ruk and Maham comes in. Maham says as per your order they are here. Jalal says the matter is about respect of a woman and you 3 are wise so I want your suggestion. Jalal says to Jodha you wanted to say something in court but Hamida stopped you as you were the one who came with complaint but now you are standing as my wife here so tell what you want. Jodha says I am thankful you consider me as your family. I am not against Maham or Adham but I want to tell about the appalling way in which women are treated in the entire country by all religions .. Women are treated like material things to be possessed ..used .. And discarded. I one is rich he just buy women like material and if parents are poor so they just sell her off to get money or to solve their problem but let me tell you women is not a material, she is the one your daughter, your mother who gives you birth, your sister then why this behavior with her? Jalal says i understand your points but its society rule that 1st women have to follow parents then her husband, he ask for salima’s suggestion. She says according to law i think maham is right and nikkah is done like this but for women, jodha has got a point. Jalal ask for ruks suggestion, maham says she know about politics alot so she will agree with me, ruks says no i am with jodha as its about women’s respect, it is totally injustice that we do nikkah of not adult girl with aged man, i think you should talk to tasnim, her decision should be final, maham is stunned. Jalal orders maham to bring tasnim in court tomorrow.

Jodha is sitting in her room and thinks about salima’s words that i am happy that jalal has started taking you as special one. Jodha thinks i dont know what is in his mind. Sometime he becomes angry and sometimes he give me respect, today he included me in special… Moti comes running and ask jodha whether you are ok? Why you called at this hour? Jodha says i am fine and wanted to talk with you. Moti says i am not your servant but friend and sister also. Jodha says today jalal called me, ruks, salima to talk about adham-tasnim.moti ask so what? Jodha says he called his 3 special wives and i was one of them. Moti hugs her and says you deserve it. Jodha says but i dont get it. Moti ask whats your problem. You want to be special or not? Today you will not sleep as this happen when you become special from common. Today jalal didnt took this decision from mind but from heart. Jodha looks at her. Moti is about to leave, jodha says i want to talk about tasnim also. Moti says jalal thinks you as special so he will give justice to tasnim on your demand. She leaves. In night, jodha cant stop thinking about jalal.

In morning, tasnim comes in court where all are present. Ruks says dont be afraid, jalal wants to ask something, tasnim says parents talked na. Jalal says but i want to talk to you beta. Jalal ask what do you know about nikkah, tasnim says when priest ask you just say qubool hai and you get good clothes also, Jalal ask do you want to do this nikkah? Tasnim says yes, jodha says these are only rituals what you know about institution of marriage? She says you will get good food and will live in palace after marriage. Jalal says you only know this? She nods. He ask her to leave. Ruks says to jalal that i hope you got the answer, decision is yours now.

Jalal is in thoughts. Other side jodha says tasnim said yes to nikkah under her parents pressure but only jalal can save that innocent now.

In Tasneem’s village she is being called to play by her friends but She declines .. Her friends find Tasneem crying, They ask her why, She says is upset because of her marriage. Jalal comes there in bangle seller disguise, Tasneem’s mother invites him in, She demands good bangles for her daughter who is getting married soon . Her mother is not worried about the cost as Adham would give them lots of wealth, Tasneem’s father is drinking and says Adham had promised him a job at fort And endless supplies of alcohol, Tasneem refuses to select bangles when mother ask her as She did not want to get married, She says adham khan is very bad man . Her parents slap her and say that she had to let the money flow into their house and not stop because of her unwillingness. Tasneem says she had said yes in the court because they had beaten her. Jalal is shocked then scolds them for forcing their daughter against her wishes. They insult him and throw him out of the house. he comes out and also notices another child being married against her wishes to an elderly man.
Jalal comes back in palace, He witnesses the gardener saying how a young rose plant if transplanted would die, adka greets him, jalal discusses with adka khan about child marriages Going on since ages. Adka says if you find this wrong then rules would have to be changed. Jalal asks if his people would follow his rules. Jalal then says he would make rules against child/early women marriages. Adham over hears Jalal Adka khan discussion And says that so this was the plan To make rules against child marriages .. He thinks of a plan that would shock jalal and every one else .

Jalal comes in court where all are present, jalal says i took 1 day to take decision but now i will give verdict, i wanted to go to depth of this matter so took one day, history witnessed that many kings changed many rules, my father also did that and now i am changing rule of early marriages of girls. The rule is that girls cant be married before 14 years. All are stunned, jodha and ruks are happy. Jalal says this rule will be implemented to all states, religion and caste. Adka present written rule to priest and he accepts it saying its a good rule. Jalal signs the rule and says now adham cant marry tasnim.

Adham says i have objection to this rule, this is injustice. Adka says remember you are talking to king, maham interrupts and says adham has all the right to present his point. Jalal ask adham to speak. Adham says this rule is out but still there would be marriages in all over country of young girls. My case was presented when this rule was not there so it is not implemented on me, jalal says rules are for everyone, adham says so it should be implemented on jalal also. Adka says enough, king has immunity to all rules. He is law maker. He is zil e ilahi. Only he has the right to change rules or implement them. King is shadow of God. Adham says if shadow dont follow rules then what people will think? Priest says we agree with adka. Jalal says but adham has got a point. Jalal says i announce that i will follow this rule, i will not marry young girl. All are happy. Adham says very good but you have already did sin. You married immature girl, ruks, she was just 9 years when you married her so isnt it illegal marriage. Jalal shouts adham. Maham is about to slap adham when he stops her and says you are not my mother here but chief minister so you cant punish, only jalal can. I think if this rule is applied to all so there marriages before it should be considered as illegal.

Ruks is furious and she comes in the middle of court and asks how dare he declare malika e khaas’ nikkah illegal. adham says coolly that he was following the orders as per rules, He says shehenshah should accept the new rules and declare his marriage to Ruks illegal . He should give divorce to Ruks and obey the rules
In jalal’s room. All special women are present. Ruks shouts that adham said all rubbish. He insulted me and asked you to give me divorce why you didnt stop him, were your sword became heavy there and hamida also didnt said a word for me. Hamida says its a rule of court that person cant present his point, ruks says but he insulted, hamida always stands for jodha and jalal on jodha’s request changed the rule which made fun our relation, jodha tries to say something, ruks cuts her off and says it is all because jodha, jalal says listen. Ruks says oh now you cant listen a word against jodha, jalal says listen to me. I didnt do anything there as i was king, i know i ignored all his deeds as he was my brother but this time he did a big thing. Ruks says means you will divorce me. Both are pained. Ruks angrily tells Jalal that Jodha had complained So he had changed the rules of the sultanat just to please Jodha, Now she wanted shehenshah to be strong enough to make new rules Because now Ruks herself would complain against the shehenshah …. She wants to see what decision would jalal take. She challenges jalal, Jodhs is shocked while Jalal is surprised.. She leaves.

Adham is drinking when maham comes. Adham says beat me beat me. Maham says i would have beheaded you how you can think of this divorce? Adham says i listened to adka jalal discussion. Maham kisses his forehead. Maham says you thought like me. Now we have to what jalal will do, take jodha’s side and give divorce to ruks, in that case all blame will be on jodha. Or if he dont give divorce then you will get tasnim. Adham says but he can do nikkah with ruks again. Maham says he cant as it is against law. Ruks will have to do nikkah with other man, spend sometime with him then take divorce only than jalal can marry her again. this will not be accepted by both. Maham is happy and proud of adham and salutes him.

Jodha is sad in her room and says to moti that i curse my fate. Whenever i try do something good, wrong happens. I tried to save tasnim but end up hurting ruks. Ruks is rightly angry , she loves jalal a lot and her relation is being questioned because of me. Moti says its all because of that adham, jalal would have punished him in court only. Jodha says i am thinking about ruks, i hurt her. Moti says you didnt. Jodha says i know whose mistake is this moti ask who? Jodha says leave it, go sleep. Moti goes. Jodha cries with pain in her eyes.

Jalal is in thoughts and thinks this matter is getting entangled day by day, 1st jodha’s complaint, then adham’s nikkah proposal and divorce then ruks furious. Suddenly hoshiyar comes crying and says ruks has become uncontrollable. Jalal goes to her and sees her room being messed up. He ask what is this, ruks says why you cant see my heart burning, you thought about jodha’s complaint, adham’s point, people welfare but what about our relation. she is accuses Jalal that he gave utmost importance to jodha’s problems .. He listened to every word of Adham even when he insulted Ruks in full court But only when it was the matter of Ruks his childhood friend …..his wife .. His partner in happiness … In his good and bad times … could he allow this to happen to her ?.she is inconsolable. I always gave suggestion in political matters and now my relation is at stake. Jalal says it doesnt suit you, control yourself. You are queen.

Maham says to resham have seen anyone winning game without playing, resham ask whether jalal will divorce ruks? Maham says no but happily discusses about her upper hand as Ruks was now out of the way as Adham khan had set every thing in position, She is very happy with the situation. She is sure Adham would marry Tasneem .. Only no one should leak that Adham had bribed Tasnim’s parents into submission ..Resham is sharing her happiness and MAaham is warning her .

Ruks cry and ask Jalal how can you be calm? What will you do to give me peace? Will you make me go away? Jalal hugs her and they remember their childhood, where Jalal says to ruks that how can you read and write? I am not interested in this, ruks says its important for king but i will help you whenever you need i will come, Jalal says no need to come i will not allow you to go. Fb ends. Ruks says i am still with you, i want to be with you. Jalal says i know you know me best and you know I have responsibilities as a king, ruks says i know you will take right decision tomorrow, and give adham hard punishment, she cries

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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