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Hameeda is offering namaz when salima comes there .they discuss that nothing about Benazir is confirmed, Samila informs hameeda about the boat incident. Hameeda wants to find the truth herself. salima informs her that jodha is in love with jalal and that is why she is investigating for Jalal and protecting him .. Hameeda is impressed with salima for not being jealous of Jodha. Salima says ruks and Jodha are like her sister.

Moti ask did you applied remedy to jalal ? jodha says i had gone to him but ruks stopped me and jalal even didnt stop her, moti says you have hurt him why he will stop her? jodha says no. moti says he is angry with you then why go to him, jodha says because i am not angry on him, moti says he is doing nikkah with benazir and you are not angry? jodha says stop it why are you putting salt at my burnt wounds, what you want to listen yes i care for hi and why not he is trapped against poisonous women and i am doing whats my responsibility is, she leaves. moti thinks both are feeling same but will not accept it.

Maham comes and ask ruks is everything alright? you didnt eat anything, ruks i am not feeling to eat. Maham says how will you go on hunting? ruks says if she leave jalal then i will go on hunting, maham ask her to eat first, ruks says she is cheap and stubborn woman(jodha) jalal doesnt even look at her but she keep revolving around him, she was applying remedy to him but i took it from her and applied it myself. maham says what you applied her remedy? now she will become good in jalal’s eyes, ruks ask what should she do? Maham says to ruks send jodha away from jalal so that her magic goes away. Ruks says magic? what rubbish. Maham says jodha had put wrong allegation on benazir, shivani her young sister broke mirza even then jalal didnt do anything to her, he freed her family too, he didnt give her punishment what is this if not magic? she ask ruks to do something before its get late, ruks fumes in anger.

Zakira comes with water melon and takes out map of jail of palace, she says that guy who came to help(kamal khan) had send it, this is to free mali from jail, benazir says I will go and meet him in diguise, you stay here.

Salima ask jodha about her new step, jodha says we dont know whats benazir’s next step is but because of jalal’s strict security, benazir will definitely do something foolish, we have to keep tab on her, moti sees through window and tells jodha that she is going somewhere out, jodha sees and says she is in bandhi’s dress, they shouts she is taking her next step, jodha says i will go behind her, salima says its not save for you so i will go with you, salima says we also need to go in different dress., jodha says ok and ask moti to bring dresses for them.

Atgah tells jalal that mirza did very well in war and maan singh too fought greatly, jalal says i knew it, i think i should give minstery to maan, maham say he is very young, jalal says he is talented i was too small. Jalal ask what about shivani and tej? atgah says we are finding them. Maham ask who attacked jalal? jalal says i know he/she is someone own and i will find out dont worry, he ask adham about his work in malwa adham says its pretty much in control jalal says ok and ends cabinet session.

Benazir is going in market to meet kamal khan, her anklet falls and she bends to pick it up and sees salima and Jodha too in disguise, she thinks its important to meet him and jodha why is she behind me? jodha says to salima we have to be very careful as she is very clever. Benazir comes to bangle shop and start acting that she is buying, jodha says she is pretending, salima says it doesnt seem to as shop keeper is showing her bangles. Jodha says she has danger in market even then she is buyng bangles when she will get much beautiful bangles from this marriage, salima says this means she knows about our presence and i fooling us. Benazir leaves from there, jodha and salima are about to go but one man start announcing that the pond has become poisonous and nobody should drink water from it, jodha says its same pond in which benazir had fallen, salima says its a big proof against her.
Jodha and salima comes to well where they see the deadbodies and sees a man mourning over his friend's death, other man ask whether they died because of this water? he says yes they drunk water from well, one man says i drunk water last week but i am fine, all deduce that this is not a small thing so we should inform Jalal.

In palace jalal meets hamida who suggests that they should give one chance to jodha, jalal says i dont understand her she always do weird things, nobody tries to talk infront of me but jodha she always stands against me, hamida says maybe she is right, jalal says i now what you are saying i did believe and asked for proof for benzir and she was proved innocent. He assures hamida that not to worry i will always be there for you.

Jodha and salima comes back to palace, jodha ask salima are you afraid? salima says yes and no both. Adham hear their conversation, salima says i was afraid of seeing her poisonous strength as the whole well became poisonous. what if she had bitten jalal but i am satisfied too as you are there.

Jodha and jalal are together jalal says some enemy did poisoned well, jodha says it is benazir only she had fallen in well, i listened to people. Jalal ask why you had gone to market, jodha says i was going to mandir. Jalal calls atgah and adham, Adham informs that yes well was poisonous and it had many dead snakes that made water poisonous, jodha is stunned. They leaves. Jalal says you again said false things, this proves that you are only jealous of her, he ask her to help ruks to prepare for marriage as my new bride is coming, jodha leaves angry. Jalal says seem your jealousy will want to stop me to marry benazir.

Adham says amazing jodha you have talent to recognize people, he remembers how man informed him about well being poisonous. He says mom you always think i dont use my brains but now i have ace card in my hand, it's proved that she is poisonous. Adham says so this news is right. This poison will now kill jalal, adham smirks.

Zakira shows benazir a dress of her marriage, she throws it and says i dont want to do this marriage, adham comes so zakira leaves, he says God has made in very leisure time, everything is beautiful like anger, beauty, brain and poison. benazir is tensed. Adham says hope your step will be right, benazir ask what are you talking, adham says i get to know that you are poisonous lady, benazir says its wrong. Adham says not jodha is not wrong, he remembers how sharif told him that benazir poisonous, he says to benazir that i also got to know that well in which you fell became poisonous, jalal got to know about it and asked me to investigate, she says so you are here to capture me, adham says no the person who is on my side, i dont kill or capture them, benazir ask the meaning, he says kills jalal as soon as possible and if needed take my help, he says beware of my mother though she wants me to become a king but she cant see jalal hurt and loves him so be careful. She ask the reason for his support, he says will tell you some other time, He says do your work asap as jodha will stay quite for long time.

Jodha says to moti that i tried everything to get proof against benazir but i got nothing, moti says believe on Kahna. Jalal comes and greets her, he ask you didnt taunt me today, he says i had put gifts in your room as every begum will give her gifts and i know you might have not got the gift so i had got them you just have to give them, jodha thinks i will not give gifts to that poisonous lady, she says i will not give it, jalal says i know you are jealous of her not because me as you didnt accept me as husband so why you will be jealous for me, you are jealous because a bandhi is takng place of a begum, jodha says its nothing like that. Jalal says remember we talked about that your no is your yes actually so you will give gifts, he leaves, jodha is tensed. Maham and ruks sees them together, ruks says why do he always listens jodha maham says because there rooms are close to each other and jalal have to cross her room to go outside so they talk alot, she suggests that you should do something to change her room. In her room jodha angry on jalal that i am worried for him and he is busy taunting, ruks comes and says as jalal is marrying benazir and she should be given one so i thought of giving your room, jodha is stunned, she says empty this room fast and do come in mehdi celebration tonight, she leaves, jodha says angrily that why they all trying to put me so down, there are many rooms but why room is chosen to be given to her, what in mughals they dont care for begums?
Outside adham tells his soldiers about benazir being poisonous, he says she will do our work and will kill jalal but then mali will try to get the throne, he ask soldier that after jalal is being killed, kill mali too. Inside benazir tells zakira that adham wants me to kill jalal too, she ask why? she says he has a lust for throne and i am doing this for my love mali so we are on same boat.

Adham says to its soldiers tha after jalal’s death, kill benazir and mali till then nobody should know about it, maham comes and ask what are hiding? adham says i was talking about malwa’s war, maham says to soldiers that provide high security to jalal, she leaves, adham says if she gets to know about benazir she will kill her, i will get the throne now.

In his room, jalal looks at arrow and says amazing jodha’s jealousy has taken her to a new level. Atgah comes and says we searched benazir’s room and got one box, jalal ask to open it, here benazir is searching for same box in her room and says to zakira that box has medicine to kill the effect of poison but its in different form so nobody will not get to know it, Here jalal sees the pearls and says these women loves jewelry, i thought to think about jodha’s words once again but nothing is proved, benazir says to zakira that jodha must have searched as she and adham only knows about it but i removed everything from this room, jalal ask atgah to place this box again in her room.

Ruks comes to jodha’s room and sees all things packing up, jodha comes and says i have one request, this diya is palced here from long time, please dont disturb it, it will be burnt itself, ruks says this room will be given to benazir and she may not like it so i have to remove this diya, she is about to throw it, jodha stops her, ruks says when idol will not be there then why this diya? jodha says its not just diya it represent the life of family, it will be bad omen to remove it. ruks says i dont know theses things, jodha holds kahna idol and comes outside, jalal sees her and says so you are leaving agra finally, jodha says no my family will not accept me like this, and i am not leaving my sasural but somebody asked me to change my room thats why, jalal ask who? jodha says if you want me to go from here then i have no issues, jalal ask when did i say so? she says you want this room to be given to benazir i have no problem but its only about diya its not good to remove diya like this but its ok. She is about to leave. Jalal holds jodha and says come with me, he takes her to his room and ask what is this ruks? ruks says now you are going to marry so i thought to give a room to benazir close to yours, jalal says you dont need to think about me, maham comes and says ruks is incharge of giving rooms to all begums and you gave her this responsibility, jalal says yes but i gave a promise to jodha that i will keep her religion intact and her mandir is here, Maham says but its ruks power to give rooms to anyone, jalal says okay i am taking this room and ruks doesnt have power to change it, He says i am giving this my room to jodha and nobody can object to it now. He takes diya and places it in mandir. Ruks says you are insulting me jalal, jalal says i am doing whats right, he says your position is way much higher than jodha's and today by doing this you are putting yourself down, He says to jodha its your room and from today i will not put my foot inside here, i will never look at you even if you are dying i will not look. Jodha is pained, he leaves. Jodha puts kahna back in mandir

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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