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Maham says people have a feeling that this is not of Jalal but someone else, this rumor has spread in whole harem, Jodha says its a lie, Maham says I know its a lie. maham says to jodha i will find out who is behind this conspiracy because I have faith in you, Jodha seems to believe her.. I just want to say that dont think about it, it will effect your health, you are going to give birth heir to mughal's heir and I will fulfill my responsibility as Jalal’s mother, Maham turns and think Jodha will not tell the truth of whose child this is, Amer mud is strong but i will find out the truth before Jalal kills Jodha, maham leaves, Moti comes to Jodha and says I am sure Maham has spread all these crap, jodha says this talk was between me and jalal then how can she spread it, moti says i am sure she is behind it and she came to know something from you that she can use against you.

Jalal is outside looking at the weight machine(balance). Jalal- Jodha soul talk, Jodha says I was hurt, Jalal says I was also hurt, like justice had one way we also had to choose one path and our relation were away from one decision that can break it. Soul talk ends. Jodha comes outside and says to Jalal I want justice not from king but from my husband, who pointed at my respect, my soul, you have brought our relation in weight machine and today I want justice from you, if you doubt my character then what should I do and I am not only wife but a Rajvanshi queen, one side of weight machine contains anger,hatred and other side is my character, like stand that balance two side, marriage is same but it's not there anymore, she shows the ring which Jalal gave her and says this ring created relation between us but if the trust is not there then there is no meaning of this, she says to take decision fast, she leave.

In court, Jalal is lost and keep looking at the ring while Adka inform him that they have defeated Abul Mali but he ran away, they chant Jalal’s name for victory, Adka ask Jalal if he is alright? Jalal says yes and says to over court session, they all goes out, jalal orders servant to tell Salima to meet him.

Salima is feeling like vomitting, she thinks it may be due to something wrong she ate, servant inform her that Jalal want to meet you, she says ok.

Gul Badan begum comes tensed to hamida and inform her about the rumor that Jodha is not carrying Jalal’s child but someone else.

Jalal think of Jodha’s words to give her justice, Salima comes and ask why are you tensed? Jalal says I cant talk to Ruks, she will not understand and Khan baba used to take suggestions from you, he tell her everything from that night till the news of pregnancy, Jalal says doctor is experienced, Salima says when Bairam Khan’s 2nd wife was pregnant this doctor said that she was not pregnant but after 3 month she confirmed that she was indead pregnant Jalal ask so what? Salima says I know you are not lying but we cant doubt Jodha’s character I can swear on her character.

Maham come to Hamida and says you can't stop people from gossiping about this, Hamida says I want to talk to you alone, She is horrified, Maham add fuel to fire by telling her that she had over heard Jalal asking Jodha who was the father of her baby as he himself had not touched her.

Salima says maybe you both are right maybe you didnt touch her and she dont have relation with another man, Jalal ask how this can happen either I am right or jodha, Salima says sometime truth is entangled, Jalal ask her to stop and says come with me.

Hameeda rush to Jodha’s room and says as the great queen of mughul sultanat, she accuse her of betraying her, she ask whose child is this, Jodha is shocked, Hamida further says she had fallen from grace by doing such act of adultery, she says she had treated her like a daughter and gone out of her way to keep her happy but she is giving back such things in return, she is no more her daughter and she had no rights to live in the fort and be her daughter nor daughter in law.

Jalal come to doctor with soldiers, she greets him, Jalal says I dont want your greeting, I respect your age otherwise I want to punish you here itself, doctor ask him to calm down and ask what happened? Whats my mistake, Jalal shout your mistake is that you said Jodha is pregnant when I had made no relation with her, I doubted her character but what I saw in her eyes can't be in characterless person, the pain in her eyes was showing that she is right and all this happened because of you, doctor says symptoms was of pregnancy but if they had no relation then maybe she had eaten something that shows these symptoms, doctor says maybe someone made her eat banana leaf, I had this case earlier when mother in law made her daughter in law eat that leaf so that her husband can doubt her and throw her out of the house, doctor says if you remember Ruk had miscarriage due to these remedies also. Jalal ask for any solution, doctor give them one remedy and says it will be confirm whether Jodha is pregnant or not, we doctors can judge by symptoms only and after eating this remedy if she do vomitting of blue color after 4 hour then she is not pregnant, Jalal says how I will make Jodha eat it, Salima says I will take care of it, Jalal gives her the remedy and leave.
Hamida says Jalal was waiting for his heir, this saltanat was waiting, I had a wish to see you becoming a mother, but what we got that this child is not of Jalal, she ask Jodha if Jalal didnt touch you then how come you are becoming a mother, from where did this child come in you, Jodha and moti are hell shocked, Hamida says if you have committed this crime then you have no right to live in this palace, I will not allow you to live here, Jodha says I used to think that only you understand me here but you proved me wrong, you are asking me whose child is this, Hamida says yes I am asking you because my son can't say this big lie that he didn't spend the night with you, Jalal comes and says I spent the night with Jodha, Maham says I think you are saving Jodha, Jalal says I doubted that how can someone become a mother in one night but now I am sure that this child is mine, Jodha says today I am hating my fate, you said you didn't spent the night with me now you are saying you did, earlier you asked me whose child is this now you are saying this child is yours, I can now say infront of the whole world that I hate you the most, I hate this child which is present because of you, Hamida says why did you lie at first, Jalal says I had a doubt that if Jodha made relation with another man, Hamida says you are a king and accountable for all question, don't call me mother, I asked cheap questions from my daughter, Jalal says I just wanted to know if she had any relation, hamida says I came here as great queen and you are a king so I cant slap you otherwise... She says wish you were not a king, she ask him to go away before I forget that I am queen, Jalal leaves. Hameeda the apologises to Jodha very humbly, Jodha pacify Hameeda that elders should not seek for forgiveness from young ones, Jodha and Hameeda hug, Hameeda beg jodha for forgiveness once again.

Ruks comes to meet Jalal, Jalal tells her to shoot her queries, She ask what games was he playing, Did he or did he not touch jodha? Jalal tells her to believe in shehenshah And wait for some time as the truth is about to be exposed before everyone's eyes.

Salima comes to Jodha, she try to share her grief, she try to sympathize with Jodha very sweetly, Jodha is happy to talk to Salima, Salima try to request her to drink remedy,jodha is reluctant so Salima requests her to drink just to please Salima, Jodha drink the remedy and find it very sweet just like Salima. Salima is in her room wondering who might be trying to drive a wedge between Jodha and Jalal, Rahim playfully gives his mom a medicine, just to stop her vomiting, Ruks comes there, She asks rahim what medicine was he giving his mother, Salima tells her about her vomiting, Ruks taunts Salima.

Jalal is again seeing balance and says time is wasted very much now i cant waste a single minute I want to find the roots of this matter, Jodha comes and says dont worry I am not here to say ill that you insulted me because when you can say that much to hamida then who am i, from which mud you are created, 1st took advantage of situation, created relation then doubt me that child is of someone else, i hate you, she leaves, jalal puts that ring in one side of balance and put his other ring in other side, the weight machine is balanced, he thinks that to save you from people question i had to do this, i had to lie for the 1st time but your hatred is justify and I accept it(ishq hai wo ehsas plays).
Jalal entering the inhouse court, Kabul’s minister’s letter was read out that situation is not good there. He orders munim khaan to stay there till the situation is settled there. He declares that when he returned he would be cheif minister, Adham and Shrif discuss that if they had gone to kabul they would have got this position too in place of Munim.

Salima comes to meet Jodha as she is sitting in the sun wrapped up in shawls, Jodha is unwell, Salima wonders if the treatment of doc is working, They talk how bad times pass by but they leave deep wounds, Jodha laments how Jalal insulted her, Salima explains to Jodha about Jalal’s points of view That is why he said lies about sleeping together before Hameeda as He was trying to protect Jodha’s honor but Jodha is adamant about Jalal being wrong, Salima gives example of elephant to Jodha that 5 blind men touches elephant from different sides and all tell that he look like this and that,all had different views but all were right, she says maybe you both are right, just wait and everything will be alright, jodha is thinking, servant comes and tell Jodha that doctor has called her so salima leaves from there.

Salima comes to doctor, doc ask whether jodha had blue vomitting, salima says 4 hours didnt pass, doc says there is someone who is giving jodha that medicine, this medicine will show symptoms like feeling low and vomitting, salima remembers kitchen incident when moti took milk for jodha, she says she saw a women in veil in kitchen and says i have to tell kitchen ladies to take caution. She leaves, doc thinks that meds came from outside of agra. In dark place veiled woman had dropped the medicine by mistake. She think of going to doctor Sahiba for making the drug as it should be given to Jodha.

Jalal comes in Jodha’s room, Jalal puts her ring back on table and says you forgot it in balance and something cant be weighted, jodha says i dont believe you, jalal says I just want to say that king only weight justice in balance not gifts, jodha says if you think you will become good in my eyes by giving this then you are wrong as you have hurt my soul, jalal says i dont want any verbal scuffle, jodha says I will not take it, jalal says it was given by malika azam and its your responsibility to keep it as her daughter in law and i know you fulfill all your responsibilities, jalal thinks how should i tell her why I am doing this, Jodha thinks dont know whats going on in his mind.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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