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Maham says to resham have seen anyone winning game without playing, resham ask whether jalal will divorce ruks? Maham says no but happily discusses about her upper hand as Ruks was now out of the way as Adham khan had set every thing in position, She is very happy with the situation. She is sure Adham would marry Tasneem .. Only no one should leak that Adham had bribed Tasnim’s parents into submission ..Resham is sharing her happiness and MAaham is warning her .
otherside, ruks cries and ask jalal how can you be calm? What will you do to give me peace? Will you make me go away? Jalal hugs her and they remember their childhood, where jalal says to ruks that how can you read and write? I am not interested in this, ruks says its important for king but i will help you whenever you need i will come, jalal says no need to come i will not allow you to go. Fb ends. Ruks says i am still with you, i want to be with you. Jalal says i know you know me best and you know i have responsibilities as a king, ruks says i know you will take right decision tomorrow, and give adham hard punishment, she cry.

At night Jalal is thinking that one side is jodha’s complaint, otherside my relation with ruks and then adham’s trap. Jalal sees weight balance and imagines one side he is sitting and other side ruks in balance. Jodha comes there. Jalal ask her to speak, jodha says you told me that you dont weight your relation in this balance. He nods. Jodha says then why are you weighing yours and ruks relation. You wanted better for the people but Adham in attempt to hide his deeds trapped you. Jalal says you are right, I had gone in disguise to Tasnim’s house and got to know that they are forcing her to marry Adham. Jodha says everything is clear, punish adham. Jalal says i saw one more thing that young was married to old man. Thanks to you. I can stop adham but i want betterment of the people. I want to save young girls’ life. Jodha says but you cant put your relation at stake. Jalal says as a king i have to think about the people. He gives example of a king who plucked a fruit from garden then his forces destroyed the whole garden. So 1st king have to follow rules. Jodha says I agree but you cant change the past because of new rule. He says but i want to set example for people that king is also under law. You said it right that women are being treated as material, rich can buy them, poor can sell them and some just gift her. All do this whether its Adham or Jalaluddin. Jodha is stunned. Jalal ask why stunned? You married me to save your state and now Tasnim is giving herself to save her family. Why do women always have sacrifice? Jodha says i dont have answer. But i know one thing is that you cant change past because of new rule, Ruks loves you alot. To give justice to tasnim you cant do injustice with ruks. She leaves.

In Harem begums are gossiping about jalal and ruks divorce they are laughing as hoshiyar try to supress their gossiping, they make fun of hoshiyar that he will also go with ruks.

Jala is discussing with Hameeda she too wants Jalal to look after his relation with ruks as she is not only Dughter in law but her daughter too. Jalal assures his ammi that he would take care of every thing and his ammi’s and ruks’ happiness too

Ruk is smoking hokah in her room, she is thinking of the moment Adham had asked Jalal to divorce her, Maham comes there to sympathise with her, Ruks accuses her of taking her son’s side. Maham then try to say that jodha was trying to mislead jalal ruks then accuses Maham about her son insulting jalal when adham had ordered jalal to divorce ruks, Maham then tries to divert Ruks attention to Jodha, tries to impress Ruks that Jodha was trying to get closer to Jalal and trying to usurp her position, Ruks get impressed with Maham’s words. Maham then tells her that Adham is suffering too as he is in love with Tasneem and could not become father. She gives example of glass which is filled with water and she can make place by putting finger in it but if she takes out even then glass is filled same way if she is in harem then have her place but if she goes then someone else will fill her place and she know who it will be.Ruks is thoughtful

Jodha and Moti are praying in her room singing bhajan of kanha "Hey muralidhar” Ruks barges in furiously and orders her to stop all this fake pretence. She ask her to show her true face Jodha is shocked
Ruks comes to Jodha and is furious. Jodha ask what? Ruks what? You are asking this. Jodha says what do you mean? Ruks says ok I straightly says to you that what you wanted have happened, you used Tasnim then put matter of divorce in front, you back stabbed me. Jodha says Adham talked about divorce not me. Ruks says but you wanted that. Jodha ask why would I? Ruks says because you are the most beneficial of this divorce, jalal had included you in 3 special wives and jalal dont consider Salima as wife in that way, so your way is clear to become mariam zamani, you used tasnim and adham, showed world that you hate jalal and made place in jalal’s heart. I think whether this saying is wrong that rajvanshi dont back stab or you are not rajvanshi. You want to throw me out. Jodha says stop, enough. You first slapped, I bear that as you were broken that time then yesterday you insulted me i bear that because it was women’s voice in you, but today you crossed your limited. First- i dont hate jalal anymore but that doesnt mean that i love him. Second- i dont want to become mariam zamani. Third- rajvanshi attacks from front only. I didnt know that adham would turn thing like this. I only wanted justice for tasnim. Its not about you, me or jalal, its about innocent tasnim and many more girls like her. Dont you want justice for her? Ruks says enough, i dont care about tasnim, adham or you, i only care about jalal, my relation and my position. If i get insulted in court today so only you will be responsible. she leaves. Jodha thinks how can I tell you Rukaiya begum that reason of distance in your and Shahenshah’s relationship is your ego, your love for your own self and power.

Adka says to Jalal everyone is present in the special court. Should we start the session? Jalal says today in special court the decision will be taken on the permission on Adham Khan. Adham Khan wants to do Nikkah(marry) an immature girl names Tasnim and my decision is.. Everyone looks startled. That this Nikkah can’t be done. Ahdam says then I will say that i am not served with justice. Jalal shouts quiet. Everyone stands up. Jalal says cutting me off over and over again won’t be tolerated. I was talking. I am in the cicle of law too and my decision is that I will divorce Rukaiya begum Ruks and everyone seems to be dazed. Jalal says so the message will be made in the entire kingdom that no one will ever marry an immature woman. It will be illegal for everyone. Follow my order. Rukaiya is in tears. Everyone seems to be bewildered at the judgment. Ruks leaves the court. Hamida begum says to Jalal its a crime to talk against the verdict of the king but being a mother I want to say this. This is not fair. The law which is made today shouldn’t effect the relationships that were made years ago. Adka says she is saying right king this is not fair. Shahenshah is above all the above all the laws you shouldn’t be pressurized for anything. Jalal says I would like to know the opinion of bari ami on this matter. Maham says I agree with Adka on this matter. Being angry on Adham Khan you shouldn’t spoil your life. Your verdict is all respected but we can’t change yesterday for it. Why do you want to end your own Nikkah. Jalal says I am not thinking about myself bari ami. Jalal asks Adka till where are the roots of Mughal emperor spread? Adka says from Agra to Ajmer, Dehli, Lahore and so many places. Jalal says then send the message there that since the wedding of me and Rukaiya all the immature weddings that have been done should get ready for divorce. After the divorce of me and Ruakiya begum they will all divorce their wives, this is my order. Jalal gives a fierce look to Adham and leaves. Maham and Adham look contended.

Priests are discussing about jalal’s decision. One priest says that may daughter has marriage next week it will be stopped, Kaazies discuss that Jalal’s decision was not right, all are thinking about the consequences of jalal’s actions that this would cause unrest in the entire sultanat.
One women in Harem says to maham that you could have stopped jalal. Maham says i tried but what could i do. My one son is becoming betrayer and other made this stupid law. Jiji anga says there is no one to make jalal understand, hamida says ruks is not only daughter in law but my daughter also, she is the daughter of humayun’s brother. Hamida and all leave. Maham evilly smiles

Adham is happy, maham says ruks called me servant now she will be no more here but i will remain as chief minister. Adham says all blame will be on Jodha, she will have to suffer from taunts all her life. Maham says dont take jodha lightly. She says i dont know why jalal had gone to such extent to punish you. Adham says you always called me dumb but it is actually jalal who is dumb. Maham says jalal is not insane and he likes to play games maybe he playing something behind this divorce thing.

Ruks is with all women and shouts that who is he to destroy my relation, it was made by humayun, she ask jiji anga why her husband Adka didnt stop him, hamida says divorce didnt happen, ruks says but what jalal says he do. Ruks ask Salima tell me is it right whats happening? Hamida says i will not let this happen. We will leave with you if jalal gives you divorce.

Jalal comes to Ruks and wipes her tears. He says you know i dont know how to read then why did you give me letter. Ruks says your name is not written but its for you, he ask her to read, she refuse. So he call salima and ask her to read. Letter starts with greeting to jalal, and reads that our relation is going to break tomorrow which was made by humayun, i cant share my pain with anyone so I'm sharing it with my friend. Sadness is not about divorce but sadness is because faith is ending on which our relation lies. If this nikkah is ilegel then all are responsible because all gave their goodwill to this relation. Jalal is responsible for making me dream. Tomorrow i will be alone in this world. If you(my friend) would be there, you would have punished jalal, i am going to separate from this family, maybe mistake was mine, your rukaiya. Jalal gets emotional and hugs ruks tightly.

Jalal hugs Ruks. She says thank you, the journey with you was amazing, you sat me on your eye lashes, when i asked for light you gave me the whole sun, you gave me position of special wife and your friend, thanks for the beautiful memories, i will live with them but what about my breath which is related to you, i think i will die. Jalal stops her, she says we will be separated tomorrow so be with me today, she hugs him and cry.

Salima says to Jodha that my eyes were filled with tears when I read that letter of ruks, jodha says she must be very hurt, salima says she want to meet us.

Ruks comes and says remember when tiger attacked jalal, we all prayed for him and i thought my prayers were most pure and reached jalal but i think nobody prayed for me thats why i am leaving tomorrow. She gives her special wife stamp(for official letters etc) to salima and says i want to talk with jodha alone. Salima leaves. Ruks comes face to face with jodha and says dont be sad as salima is big in age and position, i want one thing from you. Jodha ask what? Ruks says you know how to do make over and all and this is my last night here, so will you do my make up? I never tried it as i thought jalal is impressed by my mind but you proved me wrong. Jalal has no heart it is proved thats why he is divorcing me. You must be thinking why i want make up from you because you are the sole reason of me leaving, you used tasnim and Adham to throw me out. Jodha says its not true. Ruks says dont show fake tears and prepare for my make up as its my last night with my husband. She leaves. Jodha sits and says if you think i am the reason then i will not let this happen, never.

Jodha wants to meet jalal, soldier says nobody is allowed but still jodha goes. She comes to jalal who says you shouldnt be here, jodha says same goes for you. He says I am not in the mood to talk so go. Jodha says do you remember your birthday, gift and people’s blessing. Jalal says i do but these blessing are not with me now, they are hating me for this rule. Jodha says hate is for adham, jalal says they only blame the king. Jodha says so you should tell them that Adham is wrong not you, jalal says i cant, jodha says but ruks can, jalal ask meaning? Jodha says we have to do something so that the culprit is caught and you are free also. People like to see you and ruks together so when ruks will put her points in front of people, they will listen to her, in this way your point will reach to people and you will not have to come in front. Jalal is thoughtful.

Jalal come to Ruk and says I got a solution, you will address the people and they will get emotional then we will do what we want. Ruks ask why dont you address them, Jalal says their cherished queen will address them. Ruk is confused.

Jalal ask Adka to inform the people that Ruks want to address. He thinks i have to see whether Jodha’s idea will work.

The news of Ruk addressing spread like wildfire.

Jodha and ruks meets. Jodha smiles. Ruks says you are happy seeing me like this. Ruks says to Jodha my relation is at stake because of you, I will give you much more pain than you have given me. she leaves.

Ruks comes to nation and address that i am thankful that you loved me. I always thought of your welfare. Some traditions are hurdles in process of success of nation and one is early marriages of girls. Thats why jalal has made this rule so that you people will understand your girls than marry them but adham pointed finger at our marriage that it was done in our childhood so to set example jalal will give me divorce tomorrow. People chants against adham. Ruks thanks them for their love. People becomes raged and shouts Adham murdabad. the entire nation starts revolting against adham that he was a traitor for separating their favourite begum from their shehenshah

In his room Adham is furious that the people are against him and revolting against him .. There is shouts Adham murdabaad … maham try her best to stop him but he refuses as he is not a coward he could face any crowd, Maham then gives him her swear and hides him warns him not to come out .. As the entire nation is turned against him n is demanding his blood .. They want adham to be handed over to them

Adka khan is preparing for the security of the fort.

Citizens talk that they were very happy with their wives why should they divorce their wives because of Adham?

Maham gets hit by a stone that the people throws at the palace demanding adham, inside Hameeda tells jalal that his rule had created rage in the people .. This is not right … Jalal is angry to watch his badi ami hit by angry people, He wants to speak to nation .. Hameeda warns him against it and does not permit him …. Adressing the people during this revolt.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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