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Maham says its better to kill her or to get benazir married to someone so she will be safe, benazir says who will marry me? if snake doesnt have poison even than people get afraid of it, this allegation will not allow anybody to marry me, she says only one person can marry me and that is jalal himself, only he have the guts. jalal says dont you dare to forget that you are talking about a king and you are a mere bandhi so this cant happen, ruks gets and says why not? you said that her death is you insult so save her by marrying her, jalal says rukaiya. ruks says i know what i am saying,Ruks says shehenshah do nikkah with for sake of friendship or to give support or political deal. Jalal ask what are you saying? ruks says to save benazir the only option is you do nikkah with her.. and about bandhi she will become begum after marrying you, jalal says what are yoy saying, ruks says which is truth, you should marry her, jalal says anybody else can marry her, ruks says yes because of your fear anybody can marry her but jodha’s mere allegation has spoilt her life and its your responsibility to save her and for that you were giving me divorce so why not marriage, show people that a king can do anything, make a prince nothing or make a bandhi a shahi begum, jodha say no dont do that she will kill you, you are my husband i cant let that happen ruks says so you remember that jalal is your husband, what have you done as a wife? jalal says ruks is right, you dont have rights of a wife, 1st your sister broke my brother and now bcz of you benazir is in danger, i will fulfill my responsibility unlike you, Jalal says mirza didnt got married but i will. He orders to make benazir ready for marriage. Jodha is stunned. he says i will make a bandhi a begum, he make benazir get up and leaves.

Ruks praising Maham for her idea maham thank her for her support, Ruks says she had to control over Jalal’s mind, Maham says Jalal is doing this nikkah for putting down Jodha, Ruks says she is very happy that once benazir becomes begum then she would become special in place of Jodha and she will be thrown out of Agra, Maham tells ruks to make sure that the nikah happens fast.

Jodha is very much worried and says to Moti she is going more close to Jalal with each passing time and now he is even doing nikkah with her, if anything happens to jalal I will not forgive myself, I want to protect him, Moti says don't lie that you are worried as jalal is doing nikkah with benazir but because you started loving jalal, jodha says stop it, moti says face always shows whats in heart and your worried face is showing how much you love him, and you also know why he is doing this marriage only to make you jealous, to take revenge as you pushed him earlier, Jodha is thoughtful.
Jalal says to Atgah time is short but prepare everything on time, Atgah assure him, Atgah ask why you seem worried? Jalal hide his feelings and says its because of cold weather nothing else, Atga leaves. jalal is thinking.

Moti says whether you says is it your worry for him or he says it revenge but I can see that its only love, the day you pushed him he is not smiling, he lives alone, he seems worried all the time. Jalal remembers how Jodha had put two conditions before marriage and how he accepted it. Moti says even you are not happy from that night. Jodha says nothing like that. Moti says then why are you worried if he is marrying? jodha says i dont know but i cant let this happen, i have to stop it, I have to save him as l… she stops from blurting out anything, Moti ask you what? Jodha leaves to meet Sharif.

Benazir is in her room and is all dressed as a begum and telling Zakira how her plans had come to bear fruit zakira ask why she jumped in pond? benazir tells her How she had jumped into the pond how she shed fake tears to gain sympathy of shehenshah and fooled ruks Maham. And jalal … Into agreeing to marry her to The shehenshah, they laughs.

Jodha comes to meet sharif, he smirks and welcomes her that without my message you are here to meet me, jodha says i have to save jalal at any cost he is marrying benazir, sharif angrly says how much you love him, jodha says be in limit, sharif says what you want from me? jodha says i tried to expose her but she escaped and now all thinks that i am jealous of her, tell me what should i do, sharif says there is a way but its very difficult, will you be able to do it? jodha says i can do anything for hi, sharif says you have to expose her once again, she needs snake from time to time, you have stop snake supply and then she will react. jodha says ok and leaves.

Great Priest in his home gets up from sleep and says to his son I am feeling that something is wrong in Agra, son ask should I inform Jalal? he says no need, soon son will rise and two entirely different individuals will become one, they will see that new world and will write their name in history, soon jalal will change and will know the meaning of his name MOHAMMAD. The Eternal love has come at the doorsteps of time.

Jalal says to Hamida I am doing this nikkah to save benazir, hamida ask him to think again. Jalal says the other option is to give her to people and you had seen what they did in case of adham. Benazir comes and says I had wish to get married but knew that it is impossible for a bandhi but thanks to you. My mom use to say that one should visit jumna darbar before marriage. Jalal says its a good thing we will go there, salima is also there. Benazir is happy and leaves. She comes to zakira and says you gave me brilliant idea you have given to me, zakira says this is our last cahnce so make sure you finish your work, near jumna you will have to cross the river, you both will be alone and you can finish your work there, benazir says i will kill jalal and will jump in river s nobody will know about me then mali will free himself and will be mine.

Salima comes to Hamida and ask for suggestion, they both thinks about jodha’s words and hamida says her allegations proved wrong. Salima says Jodha never say false things and never put wrong allegations on anyone. Hamida says but she was proved wrong. Salima says if one doesnt have proof that doesnt mean she is not saying the truth, hamida says if thats the case then we should keep an eye on benazir, she ask Salima to provide support to Jodha as she is all alone, Salima assures her.

Jodha is complaining to kahna for not listening to her, Salima comes and says I was worried for you thats why I came here. Jodha says you also believe I am wrong? Salima says I believe you, Jodha says that means you believe that she is poisonous, salima says she proved herself but if you are saying that you have seen her then i believe you, jodha says i am very happy that there is someone who is always with me, like me jalal is also important for you and we should make sure that benazir stays away from him, salima says opposite is happening as jalal and benazir are going to darbar as benazir had a wish, jodha says not wish she just want to kill jalal and got a chance, i have to do something so jalal doesnt go alone with her, what should we do to save jalal from her poison?

Its dark, jalal and benazir are sitting in boat, benazir slips but jalal holds her and ask her to careful, she thanks him and says whenever i am about to fall you always save me, Jodha and salima sees them from far, benazir is about to kiss jalal, jodha points arrow weapon at her and fires the arrow, benazir gets stabbed, jalal is shocked.

In night, at river bank, jalal sits in boat, benazir waits he doesnt give hand at first but then gives, she sits and says can i sail this boat? jalal says whats the need, benzir says i can easily sail, jalal ask sailor to get down. she starts sailing boat, its dark. benazir delibrtley slips but jalal holds her and ask her to careful, she thanks him and says whenever i am about to fall you always save me, Jodha and salima sees them from far, benazir is about to kiss jalal, jodha points arrow weapon at her, salima says what are you waiting for, jodha says you are right and fires the arrow, benazir gets saved(jai kali plays), jalal is shocked and shouts benazir. benazir again tries to kiss but jodha agian fires arrows, jalal ducks her down, soldier comes, salima says now what? jodha says i know how to escape from here, dont worry, lets go.

Salima and jodha are in palace, salima praises her for her bravery, jodha says i took training in amer, salima says you saved jalal and that secret way? jodha says Jalal once took me from that way, Salima says God is with us, think you hit arrow at right time and we reaching palace at right is not just a coincidence but blessing, Jodha prays it remains like this. jalal comes with benazir and ask atgah to find about the matter, jalal looks at jodha and goes.
In court, jalal ask atgah about the culprit, atgah says they ran away but i find out the arrows and these are mughals. jodha is stunned. Jalal says so he is our own. atgah says maybe it is mali’s trick or maybe someone from palace is on his side. Jalal says no its not mali’s tricks because i was not attacked, benazir was attacked. I think he thinks that benazir is poisonous lady, jalal says anyways find about this matter, he ask all to go but stops jodha. He ask her what you think who did this? jodha says your enemy, jalal says no he wasnt my enemy as he didnt attack me, he says remember when we were going amer one man attacked and i saved you, me and benazir were and was very close. jodha sees wound in his hand and ask how you got this wound, jalal says while saving benazir. He says someone who thinks her as poisonous have attacked but you also thinks in same way so did you do this? jodha is shocked, jalal says not you cant do this, you cant attack me, jodha leaves. jalal is thoughtful

Jodha thinks jalal get to know about my attack, salima comes and says thank God jalal left you free and he didnt know about it, jodha says no he got to know about it, his talks was mysterious but he didnt scould me only asked me to go. Salima says maybe he loves.. jodha cuts and says its not important now soldiers will around jalal, salima says so benazir will also be away from him, jodha says not for much time, she will attack again, we have to think how to stop her.

benazir says to zakira that we dont have much time, she ask about the man who was coming to help her in her mission, zakira says he cant come in palace, benazir says we have to think something and do our lass attack. Jodha comes and says last attack? i will not let that happen, benazir laughs and says you will stop me? have to say you have guts, you came in poisonous lady’s room all alone, jodha says i am rajvanshi dont get afraid of anything, if snake itself comes then i will crush him too, benazir tries to touch her but jodha says dont touch me you ugly women, benazir says jalal wants to marry this ugly women, i should thank you that because of your allegation i am marrying jalal’ he is dying to get killed and you will not be anle to do anything, jalal is accepting me. Jodha says you are trying to satisfy yourself because you failed everytime, its rule that truth always win and i will show your true face to world than you will be crushed, benazir says i will do my work and will leave form here, you will be just seeing, now go i want to get ready as i want to look like begum, jodha says try as much as you want but remember till jodha is alive no one can harm jalal. Benazir says wow what a love, jodha says my promise, when i married him, i promised that i will be always there for him. Benazir ask you dont get afraid of me? jodha says you dont know about meera bai, i am rajvanshi and i will not let you win in this, its a promise she leaves. benazir says if its my last then i will bite her too before i die, she says i have to meet that guy who came to help, i will go and meet him.

Hakim is asking jalal to apply medicine, jodha comes and says i have made remidy, i will apply it. Ruks comes and shouts that where were you when he attacked and what about culprit, one soldier says he was from palace only, ruks says from now one jalal’s security will be tight. Jalal ask jodha why dont you let hakim do his work, your this habit is amazing first give the wound then apply medicine, jodha looks at him stunned.

Jodha says you got it while saving benazir i didnt give it, jalal says you are behind it, jodha ask how? jalal says for a clever person only clue is ebough, ruks comes and ask why you didnt accept extra security, jalal says i know you are geniunely worried for me not faking it(taunting jodha) but stay calm and see i am safe, ruks says i am worried for you and i cant stay qiute, jodha says 1st apply remedy, ruks says yeah you should, jodha is about to apply but ruks stop her and says i will apply it, ruks says i am special begum because jalal even doesnt cut in betwwen my talk and when we two are together i doesnt allow third person, jodha is hurt and looks at jalal for support but he doesnt say a word, she leaves. jalal feels bad for her.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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