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Jodha and shivani reaches mandir. Jodha says we reached at right time, aarti is yet to start. You will take blessing for your new life. They come in mandir where tej is also present. Jodha sings bhajan, shivani sees tej who points her to leave. Shivani nods.

In palace all are ready and waiting for marriage, hamida ask dasi where is jodha and shivani, she tells that they went to mandir. Maham thinks its more good that jodha went with her. In mandir, shivani leaves with tej on horse, one dasi see her going. In palace, priest says nikkah time has started. Jalal says bride went to mandir wait a lil. Priest nods. In mandir, bhajan ends and jodha sees shivani missing, dasi tells her that she sat on horse and went with someone, jodha comes outside and thinks its nikkah, with whom shivani can go. She is tensed.

Maham with resham comes to a room and asks a Baandi about Jodha and Shivani she says They have not returned from the mandir , Maham sees a letter kept near on a box she asks Resham to read it , Resham reads the letter , This was written by Shivani to Jodha in that she has written she doen’t want to do this nikkah and have eloped with her Tej , Maham laughs Resham says don’t laugh so much somebody will hear that Maham says she is very happy now Jodha has to take all the blame

In hall, priest says to jalal that time is getting over but bride is no there. Jalal ask bharmal what is this, if going mandir take lot of time then why they left before marriage, he ask atgh to and check.

In market, jodha is highly tensed ANd says with whom shivani ran, if she didnt want this marriage then she could have told me and what about jalal, he will be very angry. She ask servant about shivani who says that they crossed lake and cant be find anywhere, Jodha is terrified that she proposed this marriage and jalal is already angry on me. What I will do, they must be waiting for me and shivani. It is going to be insulting for mughals, what should I do.

In palace, ruks says its not right to make jalal and priests wait Jalal says i know shivani is not mature but jodha she should have thought about time, priest says that nikkah time is over and even if bride comes now nikkah cant be done, jalal is stunned, mirza is heartbroken.

Adham comes to maham who is checking shivani’s letters and says I think she ran away and this is the right time to these letters to jalal. Maham says that I will not give this letters to jalal but to ruks as if I directly then he might ask from where did i got it or whether I knew about it fron= before and didnt inform but if ruks wil show these letters to jalal then it will have more effect on him. Adam says yor mind is great.

Maham shows all letters to ruks who reads and is shocked and ask from where did you got this/ Maham says i got it from jodha’s room. Ruks says this time i will not leave jodha, jalal has given her too much space that she is insulting mughals but not this time. She ask hoshiyar to call jalal. He goes and tells jalal.

Jalal comes to ruks who shows him all letters. otherside maham says to adham jalal will not be able to bear that his wife did it, here ruks says see this proof, jodha used you. Otherside maham says jalal will be hurt knowing jodha did it and adham says that she will also get punishment. Here ruks says you never had control on jodha, Jalal shouts enough. ruks says jodha keep herself away from you and you get attracted towards her, you keep chsng, you have become hunter and thinks that you are winning but no this deer is very clever and she used you. Jalal says enough else.. ruks says you kill me else but let me complete 1st, I ask where is the jalal who used fight against all odds, who had his head high and had control on everyone and now you lost to a women that too your wife. She says if you think i am wrong then tell jodha to read these letters when she comes back. She wanted that her sister also marries a king and used you. She did wrong with you everytime, 1st she took out bullets from your gun then pushed you in her room but now she has insulted mughas. jalal ask ruks to read the letters. otherside maham says jalal will give jodha a chance to present her point, jodha now will ahve to face jalal’s hard questions.

Jodha comes back and tell moti everything, moti says 1st meet bharmal. Jodha says when all will know about it then bharmal will have to face insult. Servant comes and tells jalal is calling you.

Jodha comes to jalal and says i dont know anything about this, ruks says stop this acting. Jodha says i am not lying, I dont know how these letters came in my room. jalal says she is not lying as then shivani wouldnt have wrote letter to jodha informing that she is eloping and that is bharmal. Now i know why he readily accepted for this marriage and why did he sent shivnai here, If there was a problem he could have asked me. I would have set shivani’s marriage with any rajvanshi like i did for sukanya but he played with me and now i will talk to him not as SIL and FIL but as two kings. jodha is worried.
Jalal is going somewhere and remember priest’s words that nikkah time is over. He comes and meet bharmal who has head down and gets flashback when he scolded shivani that to have some shame, he is a common worker how can you like him, he orders das to find him. Fb ends. Jalal says your daughter loved common worker you knew about it? He says i cant see tears in your eyes so tell me. Bharmal says i had no idea that she will do something like that. Jalal says you didnt know then why did you send her here then tried to make relation with mughals and readily accepted for proposal, bharmal says i am your culprit and i insulted you so i am ready for punishment. Jalal says you are my father in law and even then you did that, this is your mistake and as mughal ambassador you cheated this is your mistake so your punishment is that you will be sent to jail.

Mirza ask what are you doing jalal, he is your father in law, jalal says as a king i have to take decision as a king.

In harem all ladies are gossiping that jodha’s sister was characterless and insulted jalal. Jodha listens this. They say that jalal has sent bharmal to jail. Jodha is stunned and comes to balcony where dadi , maham and ruks are also present. She see soldiers taking bharmal away and is pained. Maham says to ruks that atlast jalal took decision, ruks says yes as bharmal was at mistake not jodha. Maham taunts that rajvanshi women are characterless. Jodha thinks it hurts when your own ditches you and i have to bear this pain all life.

In morning, mirza comes to jalal who consoles mirza and says its sad that they are our own, mirza says free bharmal. Jalal says he is at mistake he knew about shivani. Mirza says what about jodha whats her fault, and why we are giving punishment to father for daughter’s mistake. Jalal says bharmal cheated whole mughals and punishment is needed and that girl could have told me, mirza says maybe her values didnt allow her to tell you that she love someone, jalal says values? She ran away with someone. read full updates daily with pictures only at Mirza says she was in love and had to take this step and she did best for me, think if she would have married me than 3 lives would have spoiled, i had to see tej in her eyes whole life. I will come out this pain but not after marriage. Jalal ask why he is doing this? I dont have heart and doesnt understand this, mirza says when he will love , he will know why he is saying this, he will know why shivani did that. Dasi informs that jodha wants to meet jalal. Mirza says they are my culprits so i must decide their punishment and i am asking you to forgive him. He says love can make a common man stand infront of a king. And a king to bow down to someone, when you love someone you cant see them hurt and you cant give them pain, jalal is thoughtful.

Jodha comes and greets mirza , he greets and leave. Jodha says to jalal that though bharmal is at fault but his mistake is not that much big, please free. She keep on pleading but jalal is only thinking about mirza’s words that you cant give pain to your love. He looks intensely at crying jodha and leaves. Jodha is confused.
Jodha is crying and says to moti that because of bharmal not only rajvanshis but mughals got insult. Hamida thinks me as her daughter and what bharmal did, i am cursing why i took shivani with me to mandir. Jodha says should i curse them or my fate, i used to feel proud for being rajvanshi and now i have to bear taunts all life. Moti says they were not wrong but it was situation that made them do that. Jodha says i cant stand with the relation which is based on lie. Shivani could have told me so i wouldnt made this relation. Dasi comes and informs that jalal has free bharmal and allowed him to go to amer. Jodha is happy and says jalal again showed his greatness.

On terrace, hamida comes to meet rajvanshi family. Bharmal and dadi ask forgiveness. Jodha is looking from far. Hamida says i know how it feels when you come to know about daughter’s affair with someone low, dont say sorry. Dadi says no we are at fault. Maybe we couldnt instill values in our childern, look at mirza and his values. We failed in raising our kids. Hamida says no look at jodha and her value, shivani did it in her childishness. She says tomorrow is shubratri(hindu festival), please stay we will celebrate it. Bharmal says sorry but what we did after that we cant stay here and bother you, let us go. We will come. Hamida says ok. Jodha comes there so hamida leaves.

jodha says jalal and mirza forgave but i dont have guts to do that, you could have told me about shivani but you cheated mughals because of you my family is facing insult, you could have told me i could have done anything to stop this proposal so my husband wouldnt be hurt, my dever wouldnt be in pain. jodha says to bharmal that you had insulted my family and this mughal jodha begum will never forgive you, bharmal is tensed.picture6

jalal comes to mirza who is sleeping, he caresses his hairs, takes out his shoes and ask dasi to bring blanket. Jodha comes and gives blanket. Jalal looks at her, takes the blanket, put on mirza and goes out. Jodha comes running behind him. She says i dont wanna ask why you freed bharmal and sent him to amer, i just wanna ask why you didnt taunted me, please scold me, shout on me. My sister broke your brother by running then why are you not saying anything your silence is killing this silence is unbearable. Jalal says correct mirza was silent at time of nikkah, he was silent when he got the news, this silence killed him too. He holds jodha’s hand and says i dont need your permission to punish you but i want to punish the real culprit that is shivani and tej, my power is much bigger and they cant run from me, i will find them. jalal says angrily to jodha that he lied to me, He has hurt my brother and I will punish him. My soldiers are searching him and i will punish him for what he did. jodha tries to say something but jalal says no, jodha looks at him. He remembers mirza’s that you cant hurt your loved one, he doesnt say anything and leaves. Jodha looks on.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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