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Ruks is wondering if Jalal got her gift and his whereabouts.

Adham sees tanim(young girl that he is eyeing) in her house and comes to that girl’s house, she welcomes him. They say they nothing to give him, adham says you have much to give me, he ask her mother that you are shahi servant then why you are poor? Girl’s mother(shahi servant) says that my husband is addicted to drinking, he takes all my money. Adham goes to see husband and thinks that he is addicted and i will take advantage of it, he says to drunk man that i like drinking also so come sometime we will drink together, man says i am nothing in front of you, adham says i want to take your family to malwa , i will appoint your husband there, they thanks adham, adham says do come in jalal’s bday celebration and bring tasnim( young girl of servant), he gives them some money and leaves, tasnim praises him.
Jalal and jodha are walking in village in ordinary clothes, they see all are happy bcoz of jalal’s bday, he says to jodha that look people celebrate my bday, if i wouldnt be wearing these normal clothes they would have recognized me, jodha says wrong if you had you sword and turban, they would have recognized you, jalal ask the meaning. Jodha says they are afraid of your sword, jalal says so they should as i am a king, some man recognize jalal, jalal says to jodha look they recognized me without sword, jodha still believes that they are afraid of him. They move forward and see some men praying, jalal says lets go i am thirsty, jodha says 1st listen to them they are more thirsty,Jalal asks them about their worry and they tell him about the water. He announces that a well will be dug up the very day and they will not have any issues in putting forth their queries in open court hence. jodha is happy.
Jalal asks Jodha about the gift but she says that he will get it soon

Ruks is thinking that why jalal didnt come to me yet and where is rahim, some servant gossips that rahim is very naughty, he make us running all the time, hoshiyar says he is just a child, search him. Ruks sees dates lying on ground and thinks rahim like it very much, she finds rahim and ask whether he told jalal about clue, rahim doesnt remember so ruks says i will complain to salima that you didnt do my work, he says it was our talk so why include salima and says i told jalal about tulsi.. Ruks ask tulsi or neem? Rahim corrects it saying neem, ruks thinks then why jalal didnt come yet, rahim offers her dates, she denies having it.

Jalal comes back to palace, adka wishes him and ask why are you wearing these clothes, jalal says i also dont know, only jodha knows it, he ask adka why are you tensed, adka says you were missing so i was tensed, jalal says you are experienced and you know wives like to make husbands keep walking behind them, adka smiles, he ask adka to make well in village, adka agrees and goes, jalal looks at jodha, she ask what? He says i cant understand women, he ask for gift, jodha says wait for some more time, 1st you should find ruks gift, he leaves, jodha keep smiling looking at him.
In night, Jalal is walking in palace, all gossips why jalal is wearing these clothes, rahim comes and ask why is he wearing such clothes? Jalal says to give respect to jodha’s gift, rahim ask whether you have gone to neem plant? Jalal says you said tulsi plant, rahim says you heard it wrong and i had to bear the wrath of ruks, now go there, jalal says ok, jalal comes to neem tree and sees arrow towards a room, he opens it when bright yellow light comes out, he says subhanallah its best gift.

In the hall, all are waiting for Jalal to start celebration, he comes in, all gets up, he is dressed in unique shiny yellow dress. Ruks is happy, hamida says to ruks your gift is amazing, jalal comes to ruks and says no doubt this dress is amazing as it has gold work which will protect me in war and i will shine as a king, he says in court I always say that ruks has amazing sense and her gift is great. Adka says common people want to see you, jalal comes in balcony along with other mughals and jodha, people say you did great by ordering to dig well, we are greatful to you as now we will get water, may god bless you. They chants Jalal’s name, Hamida ask what did you do today? He says nothing i just ordered to dig well, hamida says its not small thing for them, jalal thinks of jodha’s words that you will get your gift, hamida says for a king, people’s blessings is everything, maybe he it will not protect you like gold cloth in war but their prayers will keep you save in battle field, I am happy that both your wives gave you great gift, one increased your honor by gold cloth and other increased your respect as a king, Jalal thanks jodha silently.

Jalal comes in hall and announces that I was wrong ruks gift was not better then Jodha, all are shocked, he says she gifted me people’s blessing which will be with me always. Servant brings that ordinary suit gifted by jodha, jalal says jodha made me realize what it is like for a common man to wear these clothes, she made me see their problem, which is a must for a king, today i know that king is not known by his cloth but by his respect in common man, he ask jodha to come and sit with him to increase respect of this ordinary cloth, jodha is super happy and gets up to sit beside jalal.

Ruks is in rage and breaks mirror of her room, she is uncontrollable, hoshiyar ask her to calm down as jodha has no brain. Ruks says i know there is nothing between her and jalal but she is very much clever and played a game which paid off well. ruks is very angry and says she(jodha) did competition with me, i know she is nothing in front of me but i will make her suffer much that she will not be able to stand in front me.

Outside jalal is in thoughts. In her room jodha sees bansuri and feather of peacock and thinks how she said its best gift ever. She puts both on kahna and prays.

Outside jalal remember his encounter with jodha like gangaur, jail etc when he first gone to amer and then the gift of jodha that is his people chanting his name. Soul talk- jalal’s soul says you changed my life that day mariam zamani, you waked me up from sleep that day, ruks gift was eye catching but you made me realize that for a king clothes are not important but his respect in people, you did magic in that one moment, jodha says one moment is enough for life, jalal says i kept thinking about you and couldnt control myself, i wanted to talk with you so came in your knowing you may not like me coming in late hours- soul talk ends.

Jalal comes in jodha’s room, she ask you here at this hour? Jalal says i couldnt stop myself till morning, he says i want to thank you so much, your thoughts are great, he says i also thought i have everything but you proved me wrong. Jalal says when i gifted you that bansuri and feather i thought no gift can be better then it but you today made me realized the responsibility of a king, its not just to win battle but to feel pain your people, to care for them, jodha says i didnt do anything you ordered for that well but i waked the human inside you and today i got to know that you are a liar, you said you dont have heart but you felt their pain, jalal thanks her for waking him up and prays to god looking at kahna, jodha ask what you prayed? He says i prayed that i will get gifts like this in my life every year from you. He leaves. Jodha’s soul says that day i was happy as you indirectly asked me to be with you for whole life.

Moti gives some kadha to drink to jodha, she tells about Jalal’s visit and she teases her.Rahim comes and Tasneem comes looking out for him, Jodha tells Tasneem about Rahim’s hideout, Jodha gives some meva to Tasneem.

Ruks accuses Jalal that he is getting swayed towards Jodha, but Jalal goes romantic and Ruks smiles, Jalal tells that i find that Jodha is also like a good friend, Ruks asks if she will take her place, he gives her a roundabout answer and leaves.

Adham is taking massage when someone throws stone at him, he ask soldier to see who is doing that but then himself goes out to check, its non other than tasnim who is trying to catch kite from tree. He comes to her, moti and jodha sees him with her, he ask tasnim why you threw stone at me, she says i was just trying to get my kite, he says i will help you, tasnim is reluctant, but he holds her from back and lifts her and ask to get the kite, tasnim says she dont want it, he leaves her, tasnim runs. Jodha says to moti that you were right adham has wrong intention.

Jalal is playing chess with ruks, she ask him that why you are not concentrating on game? Jalal says my mind is stuck in politics, after sharif sudden dissappearance many states are without ministers. Ruks says dont appoint one person for all four states if they are outsider, just break power and divide it into different man and those who dont share good rapport with each other so they will not stand against you. Jalal says you are good at politics, i will also discuss with maham, ruks says she will suggest adham’s name, he is not competent, he is not able to do ministry of malwa, jalal says he is a good soldier, ruks says but for a minister cool mind is needed which adham dont have. She says maham loves you but not more than adham, jalal ask her not say a word against bari ami she agrees. He defeats her in chess, ruks says i want you to win every battle.

Maham is discussing with resham about her interests in politics And how Ruks is against Adham, According to Maham Adham is best suited for the 4 states nagor mewar surta ajmer Etc

In court Jalal then selects husain quili for nagor as suggested by Adka khan, Jalal misses Adham in the court, he orders Adka khan to find out why was he absent
In his room Adham is dreaming of Tasnim.. Maham reminds him of his duties but he does not move
Adka khan then receives orders him to nominate the names than Adka khan tells him jalal selects ministers
Resham then informs Maham that Jalal had given away all the four ministry to others and none to Adham
Maham is furious that Jalal had taken a decision with out consulting her she feels insulted

Jodha prays to kahna, moti ask what are you thinking, jodha says i am thinking about adham, tasnim is very young even then adham has eye on her, its only about thinking. Moti says it is in fate of women and we servants have to bear this as a women. Jodha says but i am queen and i will not let this happen, moti says no i wont let you do that, adham is very powerful, he will take revenge. Jodha says i am a queen if he is powerful then i am also powerful, its my duty to save, i am going, moti ask her where are you going, jodha says she is going to tasnim house, moti says she will also as she is her servant. They comes to tasnim’s house and tell everything to tasnim’s mother but she says that adham has done alot for us, he has given job to tasnim’s father and gave beautiful necklace to tasnim. Jodha ask for these things you will give away tasnim, she says we are small people we cant do anything, we have raised tasnim but we cant do anything as adham is a great man and we will follow him. Tasnim says she dont like adham at all, he grabed her from her back, her mother ask her to shut and jodha to go.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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