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The Episode starts everyone getting shocked. Anurag asks Navin what will he say about the pic now. Mohini asks what are you doing. Anurag says this woman was with Navin that day in hotel. He asks Navin will he call this a misunderstanding now. He says Prerna, this woman was with him in hotel. Navin says its nothing like that. Anurag says I always misunderstand. He questions Navin. Moloy says we want answers now, tell us Navin. Veena asks who is this woman, what’s this. Navin says Mohini, I love Anurag, as he is your son, but he did this again, I know he has a misunderstanding, this is very funny. Mohini worries. Navin says my in laws are here.

Rajesh says we will become inlaws when marriage happens, you have to answer us. Shekhar and Veena ask Navin about the lady. Veena says this relation ends if this woman is there in your life. Navin says mummy ji… Mohini says I want to know who is this woman. Anupam asks Navin to say fast, then they can resume party. Moloy says it means Anurag was right, you tried to cheat Prerna. Anurag says I m calling the police. Nivedita says you can’t call police. He says I knew Prerna deserves the best, he isn’t right for Prerna, she is Rajesh’s daughter, she is my friend also, of course I have to care about her. He asks Prerna to say it, she isn’t marrying by her wish, Navin doesn’t deserve you. Navin scolds him. Anurag says everyone has known the truth, you are a cheap man. Navin shouts stop it. He says I don’t care what others think, I care for Prerna, I will just answer her. He says sorry Mohini, Anurag is questioning my character, just Prerna will ask me. Anurag recalls Navin’s favor. Navin thinks Prerna won’t ask me anything, she needs money, she is ready to get engaged with me. Navin says everything is sorted, she didn’t say anything, she is silent, it means everything is okay. He laughs on Anurag and gets taunting him. Prerna asks who is that woman, tell me, I m also asking you, everyone is asking. Anurag gets glad. Mohini asks Navin to say it, she wants to know it too. Rajesh says tell us.
The lady comes and says I will answer, I m Madhuri Chandra Chattopadhyay, I m Prabhod’s wife, the person in this pic is my husband, Navin is not my husband, he is my brother-in-law. She says Prabhod and I loved each other a lot, family didn’t accept us, so we married in a temple, just Navin supported us, Prabhod and my relation caught bad sight, he suddenly ran away from the house, family blamed me for snatching his son, they ousted me, they broke all relations with me, Navin showed humanity and helped me, he fulfilled all my needs, I m unlucky for separating a son from family, I was coming here to bless Prerna, my bad luck reached before me and ruined everything. Mohini asks her not to think so. Madhuri says I just came here to bless you. Navin says don’t cry, everything will be fine. Madhuri blesses Prerna. She says Navin is a nice person, he is Devta, he loves you a lot, when he hurts you, he cries like a kid in front of me. Navin says don’t worry. He says Anurag I was upset because of this, its family matter. Anurag says sorry, I have seen you with Navin that day in hotel. Madhuri says yes, maybe, I have went there to meet him, he wanted to show me the ring he got for Prerna, I know his new life is beginning, he will have new responsibility, its not a big deal if he forgets us. Prerna says this won’t happen after marriage. Madhuri thanks and hugs her. Mohini asks Navin why didn’t he say her about Madhuri. Navin says I didn’t wish to tell them. Anurag asks isn’t it funny, why do you call your Bhabhi as jaan. Navin says you also call Tapur as jaan. Mohini says its not a big thing, just let it be. Madhuri thanks Mohini for giving her respect. She says I heard a lot about you, you loved Prabhod and Navin as real brothers.

Mohini says yes, Navin is my fav, I m upset that he didn’t tell me about Prabhod’s marriage. Madhuri says I asked him not to say. Mohini says your shadow is really good for us, no need to hide, we are your family now, I will introduce everyone. Madhuri says I know everyone. Mohini resumes the party. Mohini says Prerna, you should trust Navin. She says I need to talk to you and takes Anurag along. Shivani says Mohini won’t spare Anurag today. Mohini says we doubted on Navin because of you, this is really not done, I have forgiven you, why are you doing, what do you want to prove, Navin said she is his Bhabhi, he is helping her, such a nice man. Anurag asks why did he hide it. She says he told you already. He asks do you believe it. Moloy comes. Mohini says Moloy you heard everything, tell him. Moloy says they cleared all confusions. Mohini says enough, I won’t tolerate if you say anything against Navin.
Moloy is not listening to Anurag. Anurag says trust me, how shall I explain you. Mohini goes. Moloy checks out and shuts the door. Madhuri says Prerna is looking at us. Navin nods. Mohini asks Rajesh and others to get ready, engagement ritual will begin. She asks Prerna to be ready for engagement. Navin says Mohini is a Devi, don’t worry. Mohini asks Navin to come for engagement. Navin says we have won. Madhuri says congrats. Moloy says your mum was listening, she is gone, now tell me, what’s in your mind, you really want to save Prerna, or do you think Navin is saying true. Anurag says I just know this isn’t happening right, I feel Navin is cheating Prerna and Madhuri, when Madhuri is supporting Navin, it means they are together, I thought I will show the pics, but then Navin and Madhuri denied the proof. Moloy smiles. He asks Anurag not to lose, life is also like a game, game is on till the person loses, you prove Navin and Madhuri’s lie. Moloy tells him what happened when he went to marry Mohini. He says I took Rajesh’s help and started my own paper against Mohini’s dad’s publication, Rajesh showed belief in me, I m here because of him, your belief can change Prerna’s life, Rajesh sacrificed a lot for me, now its our turn to give return gift, if you really think Navin lied, prove it, I will handle mum if you are right, else… Anurag says then I will handle mum, thanks, I promise I will not leave Navin. Moloy says my good wishes. He gets Mohini’s call and says danger ringing. He goes. Mohini asks is Anurag fine. Moloy says no, I scolded him in anger, I m feeling bad. She says you did good, come with me. Navin looks for the ring. Shivani asks Anurag to come and save Prerna, engagement is happening, Prerna isn’t saying that she has the ring, Navin doesn’t remember that he gave ring to her, she needs you, ask her not to do this marriage. He asks do you see fear of defeat in my eyes, I didn’t lose, I promised myself today, I promise you that I will not let Prerna marry Navin. She smiles and asks him to stop engagement. He says Prerna isn’t happy, let her do what she wants, but I won’t let this marriage happen. Shivani says once engagement happens, none can stop marriage. He says when I expose Navin, everyone will ask Prerna to back off, I don’t want to come downstairs, but you are right, I should be there, I want him to know that I m with Prerna.

Mohini asks whom did you give the ring. Navin says I have given it to Prerna. Prerna says yes and shows the ring. He scolds her for not resizing ring. Madhuri says maybe she forgot between many things. Pandit does rituals. Navin and Prerna exchange rings. Everyone congratulates. Madhuri praises Prerna. Navin sees Anurag and thinks you aren’t able to do anything, I defeated you. Anurag thinks its your misunderstanding. Madhuri hugs Navin and says you have won Prerna’s heart, your dream got fulfilled. Navin says now Anurag won’t come between us. She says I shall go now. Mohini asks why so soon, you can’t go. She asks everyone to have dinner. Mohini congratulates Moloy. Moloy thinks I wished Rajesh and my friend turns into relation but I m not happy today, Prerna’s groom isn’t the one which I thought. Anurag thinks of Prerna. Navin comes and gets sweets. He asks Anurag to have sweets. Navin asks why are you upset with me, sorry.

Anurag says save this sorry, you have to say sorry to everyone, Prerna will learn that you tried to cheat her. Navin says you can say anything to anyone, remember this, don’t try to brainwash Prerna else… Anurag asks else what…. Navin says you don’t know me, stay away from Prerna else you will fall in trouble. Anurag says I make less friends, I can do anything for them, Prerna is one of them, even if someone threatens me. Navin says I m just giving you an advice. Anurag says I advice you to stay away fro her. Navin laughs and says its too late. He shows engagement ring. Anurag says I had doubt on you, so I got proofs, now its an open challenge, you can’t think what will I do now. Navin goes. Prerna looks for Anurag. Nivedita says finally, you are engaged to Navin, congrats, I know what’s going on between Anurag and Prerna. Prerna says there is nothing. Nivedita says I don’t want you guys to meet.

Precap: Shivani says we can appreciate Anurag’s efforts, he is going against his family. Prerna turns and sees…. Navin says Prerna should be in our control. Anurag hears him. Navin says you remember how I married that UP girl. Madhuri laughs.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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