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Madhuri asks Naveen what was the need to challenge Anurag? If he takes it seriously, then things will spoil for them. He says it’s just about 3 days. Ronita is waiting for an auto. She gets shocked seeing Naveen. She recalls her marriage with Naveen and screams. Naveen and Madhuri get shocked. They wonder what she’s doing in Kolkata. They get in car and leave from there.

Anurag asks Prerna what she knows about Naveen. Madhuri is.. Prerna says his wife, right? He asks she knows. She says he can say anything to break her marriage. Ronita comes in. Prerna asks what happened. Anurag brings Rahul. Ronita tells them that she saw person who ditched her and tried to sell her in London. He was with his first wife and ran away. Rahul says they at least found out he is in this city.

They just need to catch him now. She tries to recall car number, but can’t remember it well. Anurag gets some doubt and asks name of that person. She says Pradeep Basu.

Naveen is driving wildly. Madhuri asks him to calm down. Just forget Ronita. She won’t be able to find him. He says what she’s doing in Kolkata. Anurag is behind him like crazy.. what if he finds her. Madhuri says just 3 days are left in marriage, she won’t be able to do anything. She asks him to take Prerna for shopping now and gets off.

Prerna, Ronita, Anurag are leaving. Anurag gives his number to Ronita. Naveen comes to pick Prerna up. He gets shocked seeing Ronita. Ronita looks at the car, but can’t see Naveen’s face. She says this car.. Anurag says that’s Prerna’s temporary driver. Prerna says that’s her to-be husband Naveen. Ronita hopes her husband doesn’t turn out to be like Pradeep. Prerna sits in the car. Ronita realizes Prerna left her phone and goes to give it to her. Naveen turns his face to other side and talks to Anurag. Ronita fails to see him again and he drives off. Ronita tells Anurag that Pradeep was driving same car. Anurag says there many cars with same color and model in the city, but tells her not to worry. Pradeep will get punished for what he did. Ronita leaves. Anurag wonders why Naveen was acting weird and thinks to go home fast and try to find any proof.

Naveen and Prerna come to the mall. He asks her to go and do shopping. He will wait there only. She asks whether he’s alright. He says yes. She goes. He calls Madhuri and informs he saw Ronita with Anurag and Prerna. He fears they are planning to expose him tonight. She asks him to calm down. Ronita married to Pradeep. If she says anything, she will take Pradeep’s name. He says names are different, but face is same. If anything happens, he will go straight to jail. She asks whether he trusts and loves her. He says yes he loves her, but he has taken advance from London party. She tells him to let her think then. Prerna comes back and hears last sentence. Naveen senses Prerna coming and changes the topic and disconnects phone. Prerna asks him who he loves? and what he meant by London party? He says he’s marrying here, so he will have to give party in London. He will introduce to her. She feels he’s acting strange today.
Anurag checks Naveen’s room. He finds some box that’s locked. He feels there must be something inside. He tries to open it. Mohini and Nivedita are passing from there. Mohini tells Nivedita to drop something at Prerna’s house. She doesn’t want to go. Anurag hears them and hides the box. Mohini asks what he’s doing there. He says he was filling up some form for Naveen and needed passport number. Mohini gets happy knowing he’s helping Naveen. Nivedita tells him to help Mohini as well and drop gift to Prerna’s house. Anurag says okay.

Naveen continues acting strange in car as he can’t get Ronita out of his mind. He drops Prerna to her house. She feels something is wrong for sure. He was in a lot of tension and it can’t be about marriage.

Madhuri comes to Ronita’s mother house and sees Ronita there. She decides to introduce Pradeep to her.

Anurag comes to Prerna’s house and chit-chats with Prerna’s mother. She says he is so different than his family. She then asks about him promising Dadi about marrying Prerna. He says Dadi was very upset with Naveen-Prerna’s marriage, so he just said like that. She asks him to try and convince Prerna to call off her marriage with Naveen. He says he will talk to her and goes to her room. He opens the door and she’s getting ready. He says sorry and will come later. She says it’s done. He turns back to her and asks how it’s done. She says she only need to tie blouse’s dori. He offers her help. While helping her, he says he wants to confess something.

Anurag helps Prerna with her blouse dori. He tells her he wants to confess something. First he used to think she’s very good looking, but then he realized all credits go to her mother. His hands touch her bare back. Both feel current. Prerna goes away and starts wearing bangles. She asks did he need anything. He says he felt something. She asks what. He says let it be. She asks he felt strange? He says yes, but didn’t feel that strange. He asks himself what he is saying. He tells her that he came to give that box which his mom gave him. He was about to leave. She holds his hand and stops him. He turns back. She asks him not to leave her. He’s confused.

Madhuri calls Ronita and asks whether she would like to meet her up. She must have a lot of questions in her mind. Ronita asks why she would call her to meet? Madhuri says so she stops running behind cars. Ronita says she wants to meet Pradeep. Madhuri says he will come too. Ronita goes to meet them.

Anurag asks Prerna what she means. She says today it’s sangeet. He must stay by her side and not get lost like last time. He says he won’t get lost, he will be with her only. Beside her, where else he can go? He leaves and then comes back to tell her that she’s looking good.
Ronita reaches the location. She calls Madhuri and asks where is Pradeep. She says he’s coming. Naveen is in car. He asks his driver to kill her. He speeds up car. Ronita runs. The driver follows her and then suddenly stops the car. He tells Naveen that they can’t kill her now. Police often do rounds in that area. Naveen tells him to let him drive, he will kill her. Naveen speeds up the car and hits Ronita in front of public. He runs away from there. Shivani runs behind his car and notes down the car number. Anurag takes Ronita to hospital.

Naveen comes home. Mohini asks where he was and asks him to get ready fast. Naveen thinks he has won against Anurag. No matter how hard Anurag tries, he won’t find any proof. Just then Ronita is brought in on wheelchair.

Naveen comes to his room and calls Madhuri. He tells her that it was very hard to kill Ronita. She asks whether he fell in love. He says he can only love Madhuri, all others just have good face, but no brain. Out of nowhere, she thought Ronita will have to die and they finished her. Anurag comes to his room. Naveen asks whether he got any manners or no to knock the door. Anurag says he thought he wasn’t there and he needed that room. Naveen says after his marriage, he will leave. He can take his room then. He makes fun of Anurag by reminding him again and again that only 3 days are left. From mirror, he sees his stuff messed up and asks Anurag how dare he to open his bag and check his stuff. Anurag says in 3 days he can do a lot. Madhuri asks Naveen to not argue with Anurag and concentrate on his sangeet. Naveen gets quiet. Anurag asks why he stopped as if someone ordered him to. Driver tells Anurag that madam (Ronita) is waking up. Anurag tells driver to take her to his room only. Naveen wonders which friend Anurag brought home and tries to see her face, but fails to.

Ronita thanks Anurag for helping her. Anurag asks her whether that was accident or someone tried to kill her. She gets panicked and becomes unconscious again. Anurag calls doctor. Doctor says she needs proper rest and she will be fine. Anurag asks if he can come and check her once. Doctor says ok. Mohini comes and asks whose that lady. Anurag tells her how Ronita’s husband tried to sell her and now she’s fighting against him and she got into an accident. Mohini says she’s proud of him and asks him to get ready in her room.

Naveen tells Madhuri that they will need to do something about Anurag. He wishes instead Ronita, it was Anurag under his car. She asks him to calm down and not say anything which would put them into trouble if someone hears it. She tells him to wear blue for his sangeet, blue color looks very good on him. He says after Ronita, now there is no one who can possibly harm them.

Precap: Anurag and Prerna are in kitchen. Anurag has flour all over him. He touches his face to Prerna’s and make her face dirty too. They then realize what they were doing and look at each other. Anurag says I think a lot about you, you are not Rajesh’s daughter for me. Prerna asks then who am I?

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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