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The Episode starts with Anurag saying I don’t know how to explain you, I will try, Prerna, your smile affects me, if you worry, I worry, when you are in pain, I wonder how to solve your problem, I want to protect you, I keep thinking about you. You are not just Rajesh’s daughter for me now. She asks then who am I. He says why Prerna…. why do you always have a question on my answer. She says because your every answer rises a question in my heart. He says look into my eyes, what do you see. She asks what do you mean. He says a question again…. what can you see, do you think I m lying, what I feel for you, is it a lie, is it right or wrong, I don’t like Navin, is there any other reason, you will get all answers in my eyes. He holds her. Ye kya hua…plays… He says sorry. She thinks I know, its happening because of my feelings for you. He says I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. She says no, I know its not because of you. He asks so what did you see in my eyes. She says I don’t understand. He says very soon Navin’s truth will come out and everyone know your choice is so cheap. He goes. 

Navin looks around and goes to Anurag’s room. He sees Ronita and checks her. He says you had died, how did you come back, you ruined my efforts, its not good. Navin scolds her for coming back to ruin his life. He asks didn’t you see how happy is everyone outside. He says you have to die. Prerna thinks what’s this strange feeling, why am I tensed, why don’t I like to look into his eyes. Anurag thinks what’s this feeling and why, what’s wrong with me. He thinks of Sid’s words. He thinks its because of Sid, that’s why I m feeling this. He thinks of Prerna. Mohini comes and asks why are you lost. He says nothing. She says you think I won’t know about it, I know whom you love the most, your studies, sorry, you can concentrate on studies after some days. Anurag says no, Navin… Mohini says guests have started coming, go and get Navin, maybe he needs help. Anurag thinks its good Navin isn’t here, I will see Ronita once, maybe she got conscious. Navin says I will get something.
Anurag says I will just check on someone and come, the person isn’t well. Navin gets a knife and sings. He says I m your husband, and husband is Lord. He goes to stab Ronita. He stops and says I want to release you from this pain. Anurag stops on the way and talks to guests. Mohini sees Anurag with guests. She goes to him. Navin says no, this will have blood shed. He sees a pillow and thinks this will be right, this won’t hurt her. He goes to suffocate Ronita. Mohini asks Anurag to go and help Navin. Anurag says I m going, maybe that lady got conscious, I will just check. She says I m proud of you that you help others. He says you are very sweet, dad would have told you. She jokes. Navin suffocates Ronita. She struggles and screams. Anurag and Mohini are on the way. Ronita shouts help. Navin shuts her mouth. Anurag goes. Navin scolds Ronita. Mohini gets her dad’s call and talks. He asks Anurag to talk to his Nanu. Anurag greets Nanu. Ronita hits Navin. Anurag hears some sound. He turns to see. He says call disconnected, maybe its network issue. Mohini says I will try again, please wait, maybe its someone imp. She asks him to get Navin. She goes. Moloy stops Anurag and asks him to come. Ronita shouts help. Anurag says someone screamed. Ronita tries to push Navin. He strangulates her.

Anurag and Moloy miss to see Navin. They see Ronita. Shivani and Prerna have a talk. Suman ask Mohini for DJ. Mohini says DJs are expensive you see. Suman praises Mohini. Mohini explains Veena about the ritual, groom and bride walk on the floor and leave foot prints, basically it means husband and wife always share happiness and sorrow, and walk together. Nivedita calls Mohini. Veena asks Prerna to come, Mohini is calling her. Anurag checks Ronita. Navin hides under bed. He thinks Ronita is dead. 

Moloy asks who is she? Anurag says I will say later, her pulse is running, she is alive, maybe she fainted. He sees the marks on her neck. He says someone had come here, someone tried to kill her. Moloy asks why will anyone come here, I will check outside. Navin thinks I should have left before they came here. Navin tries to leave. Anurag makes Ronita conscious. Navin hides and gets tensed. Ronita screams seeing Anurag. He says its me, you are safe, don’t worry, did anyone come here, who had come here. She says Pradeep had come. He says okay relax, you are safe. Moloy says there is no one there. Anurag says she is panicking. Moloy says take care of her, I will just come. Anurag says don’t worry, you are safe, I am here. She faints. He calls doctor. Navin hears Mohini and Nivedita coming. He runs to hide. He leaves from window. Mohini, Veena and Nivedita come to Ronita.
Navin thinks women should be in Sangeet, she has come here. Prerna sees Anurag tensed. Shivani goes to Ronita. She says I have seen her somewhere. Anurag asks doctor why didn’t you reach. Doctor says I am on the way. Anurag says I think someone has tried to kill Ronita, thanks, come fast. Anurag sees Prerna. She asks what happened, you are scaring me. He says don’t do this marriage, I am scared for you, you will leave this city after marriage then… She asks what happened. He says Ronita was from this city, she has gone to London after marriage, you have seen what her husband has done. She says but I am marrying Navin. He says Ronita’s husband tried to kill her, she met with an accident and now he tried to attack her here. She asks what are you saying. He says don’t do this marriage with Navin, please. She says how is this connected? He says Ronita’s marriage happened the same way, understand, I don’t want you to go through the same situation. She says calm down, this won’t happen, I am marrying Navin, not Pradeep Basu. He says situation is same. She says people are different, I am helpless. He asks what is it, why are you helpless, look at me, finally say it, you trust me right. She recalls Mohini’s words. Waiter drops the tray. Prerna turns away. Anurag asks her to say. She says nothing. He says not again, tell me. She goes. He says waiter dropped glass at this timing. They come to see Ronita. 

Nivedita asks why did you bring this lady home, you aren’t related to her. Navin thinks Anurag has become a problem for me. Mohini says this isn’t right, I know someone tried to kill Ronita, Shivani has seen that car. Shivani says yes, I have seen that car, I couldn’t see that man, but I noted that car number. He says that’s great, what’s the number. Mohini says enough, don’t get into this, you are not a common man, don’t waste your time. Prerna says its not his mistake, its my mistake.  Shivani thinks its called power of love, Prerna is lying to save Anurag. Nivedita thinks Anurag claims that there is nothing between them. Mohini says you aren’t bahu of this house to decide who will come here. She scolds Prerna. She asks them to come downstairs and attend the function. Navin gets thankful to Mohini. Moloy asks how is she now? Anurag says I have called doctor, she is unconscious. Moloy says security didn’t see any stranger coming in. Mohini says I won’t let Navin’s function spoil, come with me Prerna, we have to do some rasam, Paro will be here, she will inform us if anything happens. Navin thinks Ronita can get conscious, she can say I am Pradeep. Shivani sees some shoes and stops Anurag to show him. Anurag stops Prerna and goes to see. Navin thinks why did they get mute suddenly, Anurag is coming towards me.

Precap: Anurag says is Navin Pradeep. He checks Navin’s room. He gets Navin’s passport and gets shocked. 

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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