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The Episode starts with everyone seeing the shoes. Anurag says these aren’t my shoes. Prerna asks whose shoes are these then? Navin hides and thinks Anurag and Prerna have ruined my planning, I never had to hide this way. Mohini says this person had left already. Navin thinks I will stay here for some time and then enter the room to go back to the function. Mohini ask Moloy to make security tight. She ask Anurag to come, Paro will check on Ronita. Navin think I need to kill Ronita. Mohini ask Prerna to come for rasam. Navin thinks Pari can’t get tricked easily, I can go in when they get in. Everyone goes. Anurag recalls Navin’s shoes. He thinks Navin had worn these shoes. He goes to balcony to check. Navin hides. He says the entire place is soiled, weather is bad, make sure you shut the window, thanks. Paro shuts the window. Navin falls down in the mud. He says this happened because of Anurag. Anurag says Paro, take care of Ronita, inform me if there is any problem. Navin says just Madhuri can get me out of this mess. Madhuri thinks strange, where did the entire family go, where is Navin, don’t know what happened. Navin talks to her on the phone and calls her for help. He asks her to get shoes and some water. She agrees. Mohini asks Prerna to do all the rituals herself. Anurag says I have to ask Navin. He thinks to tell Prerna about Navin’s shoes. Madhuri goes to help Navin and asks what happened, did you kill Ronita? Navin says Ronita didn’t die. She says I have told you to control your temper, don’t say such negative things. He says I was strangulating Ronita, she would have been dead, they saw my shoes, I stood in the balcony and slipped, I fell in the mud, I am having a terrible feeling this time, we will be gone. She says its matter of three days, I will manage everything, make sure Ronita doesn’t get conscious, go inside, Mohini is waiting, be strong, you can’t give up now, else Anurag will be suspicious. He says its because of him, we should kill Anurag before Ronita, he has made it personal. Nivedita says we should start the rituals. 
Anurag goes to Prerna. She says this is rasam. He says I know, you don’t want me to be around you. She says no, I mean I want you to be around me. He says really. She asks did I do anything. He says no, I am kidding. They stumble and step in the red color water. He holds her while she talks holding the garlands plate. They leave foot prints. He says I feel that you want me to be around, you have become silent now, you talk so much sometimes and I get worried, and then you get silent sometimes, this weird behavior isn’t okay. She says you have a problem both ways, I must have some good qualities, you just don’t like me. He says yes, that’s true, I just don’t like you, because what I feel for you is more than liking. Ye kya hua…plays…. He says its a strong feeling, I can’t give it a name until I am sure what it is. She says Mohini is waiting, I have to take this plate to temple. He says come, I will be with you always. Veena ask Shivani to tell Mohini that Prerna has come, now she can do the next rasam, where groom and bride walk together towards temple, they always stay together. Shivani smiles and shows the red footprints. Veena gets shocked and asks Shivani to stop Anurag and Prerna, else it will be a big issue. Shivani stops them and says you did this rasam together. She explains about the importance of rasam done by couples. She asks them to keep the plate and complete the rasam. Anurag and Prerna keep the plate in the temple. They turn and see the foot prints. Mohini comes. Anurag says sorry. Mohini says maybe you don’t know about this rasam, its okay. She asks servant to clean this. She says I told Veena about this rasam. She gets angry. Navin comes. She asks where were you? She asks Shivani to call Veena. She says Prerna, pandit will explain the rasam to you. Anurag sees Navin’s different shoes and thinks he changed his shoes so that no one find out.

Madhuri thinks Paro is here, it means Ronita is alone, its right time to kill her. She goes to Ronita and takes a pillow to suffocate her. She gets shocked seeing Moloy. He says I have understood why you have closed the door, to satisfy your greed, you shouldn’t follow the wrong path. She thinks he is sharp minded person, he understood my motive, how shall I leave from here.

Madhuri says sorry, I did this for love. Moloy says I don’t see any love here, stop, go from here, I am just of Mohini, no need to see future with me. She think oh God, he is thinking I love him. He laugh and says you got insulted now, and you are lying to cover it now, tell me why did you shut the door. She says you caught me, I fell in love with you. He says no, I am just for Mohini, you shouldn’t be here for longer, just go. She think I got spared. She goes.

Pandit asks Mohini to give the red clothed plate to Veena. He guides Veena for rituals. Anurag thinks Navin has hidden a lot. He gets some button and goes to pick it. He sees Navin’s shoes. Navin asks are you taking my blessings. Anurag thinks this mud on his shoes, its outside. Navin says my blessings are always with you, you are Mohini’s son. Anurag says you will need the blessings this time. He think of Navin’s shoes. He think Navin was hiding outside the window, Navin and Pradeep are different names, but person is same, how shall I confirm my doubt. Navin think did Ronita tell him my truth, why do I think that he got proof against me.

Prerna think Navin’s sight makes me feel uncomfortable, how shall I stay with him, I feel this comfort with Anurag. 

Anurag think she need my support and ignores me completely sometimes, what does she think about me. Prerna think why do I always need Anurag, I feel I will be away from him. He think I have a lot to do right now, if she can ignore me, I can ignore her too. They collide. He says hurry up, I have work. He goes. She says what happened to him all of a sudden, he is ignoring me. He says I have to check Navin’s room, I will get something. He checks Navin’s cupboard. He gets Prerna’s picture and takes it. He gets a box and thinks there is something. He gets Navin’s passports and reads two names, Navin and Pradeep. He gets shocked. He says so Navin is Pradeep, now nobody can save him. 

Madhuri tells Navin about Moloy’s misunderstanding. 
Rajesh comes to Moloy. Moloy says I have an important work. He asks Navin to come with him for an important talk. He asks Rajesh to be here, he is part of the family. He says Navin, Madhuri needs a partner, she is young and beautiful, she tried to entice me today. He asks Rajesh to think like a woman, Madhuri really did this. Navin says its not possible, you have a misunderstanding. Moloy says she has shut the room, what else can she do there, Ronita was unconscious there. Navin says maybe you are right. Moloy says I will announce to find a match for Madhuri, I won’t be able to control myself if she stares at me every day. Rajesh takes him. Moloy says I wanted to spoil Navin’s happiness, I succeeded. They laugh. Prerna call Anurag. She says you look happy, did Ronita get conscious. He says no, I went to her room too, she is unconscious, I have found what I was searching for, I am very happy. She asks did you get the one you were searching for. He says yes, you are possessive about me. She says no. He says it shows on your face, its okay, I am just like you in this matter, carbon copy, if I need anything, I want it completely, if I want you then I want you, I mean I want you as a friend and you want me too. She asks what, as a friend. Ye kya hua…plays… He says I am very happy, finally I have found something I have been waiting for, everyone will know about it soon, I got a way to get you out of this trap, unless we dance, the party looks incomplete. She says its my sangeet, not a party. He says its a party, dance is a best way to express happiness, I m a better dancer than Navin. He calls Sid and asks him to play his fav song.

Anurag and Prerna dance on Sholon se….plays…. Anupam compliments Anurag’s dancing skills. Nivedita says I can’t watch them together. Moloy says I have taught them. Rajesh laughs. Tapur says I find them cute together. Navin looks on. Mohini says don’t be shocked, its modern dance, Prerna knows all this, its common in rich families. Madhuri thinks I feel Anurag is celebrating victory, which would mean our game got over, we have to stay alert.

Precap: Anurag asks Ronita to share her story. Ronita says this shouldn’t be done with anyone else, everyone should know my story. He says your ex-husband is in this house, everyone should know about your story. Prerna says I don’t have any feelings for Navin, I feel strange. Veena says we will go to village house. Prerna says you can’t leave this house. 

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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