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Police walk to Ahlawat’s mansion. Security guard stop them says nobody is allowed to get in after this point. Inspector ask his constable to connect home number. A person picks up phone says Abhay Rana speaking. Officer says Jai Hind Sir. Abhay Rana says to officer don’t you dare get inside the house I request you, I know Meet Ahlawat since I was kid he cannot do this, till the time I didn’t get the stay order for him please corporate. Officer says but I have to follow order. Abhay Rana says I know law is same for everyone, I’m being a minister not using my power I’m requesting you for two hours to prove Meet Ahlawat innocent I assure you Meet Ahlawat will not go out of this house till that time you and your team can wait outside, my nephew is innocent if I’m unable to prove his innocence in two hours then I’ll resign from my seat. Officer says okay you have two hours we won’t be active till that time. Abhay says thank you and disconnects call.

Meet in her training taking class. Officer tells everyone about the class and ask them to complete the task and try to find out the killer. Meet is thinking how did Meet Ahlawat get caught in this situation, how can I go and meet him? Officer says last time team completed this challenge in 10 minutes so let’s see who will win this case and break the record. Meet think if I solve this case them everyone will be happy for me and may be allow me to go and meet Meet Ahlawat. Officer ask who will solve this case? Meet and two other students says I’ll do it. Officer says to boy okay you will solve this. Meet says to him on what basis did you select him? Officer says it was a random choice is there any problem? She says yes it’s not a lottery that you can choose there should be a way to select. 

Officer says do you mean any chit or something. Boy says no don’t take any risk, she gave the idea and she might give us expired energy pills. Officer ask him to keep quiet. Meet says last record was 10 minutes so you can ask everyone how much time they require and whoever says they can solve this case in less time give them a chance. Officer says okay and ask someone how much time you will take one 9 minutes other one says 8minutes 30seconds, other one says 8 minutes. Meet says I’ll solve it in 7 minutes, he ask are you sure? She says yes I can do it. 

Officer says okay this case is in your hands now solve it in 7 minutes or I’ll fail you in this test. Meet says okay. Officer ask everyone to stand aside and give clues to Meet. Meet start examining and analysis the crime scene. One of the boy make fun of her condition. Meet find the weapon and complete the case. She explain the case to the officer. Officer and everyone applaud her. Officer praise her and says I’m happy for her she solved the case in 7 minutes. Meet thinks this is right time to ask for holiday and he might say yes for holiday. Officer says she proved that she is a brilliant student so as a reward she will assist me so from now own she will assist me. Girl says how lucky she is. Meet says now I can not ask for holiday I thought of going out but he made me his assistant.

Teacher says Meet has proved that she is a brilliant student so she will be assisting me. Meet says now what I’ll do, I thought that I’ll ask him for holiday but now things have changed. Teacher says to Meet I’m sure you are happy now go and bring physical chart of everyone then I’ll tell you what you have to do and everyone leaves. Meet thinks now how will I help Meet Ahlawat, she shouts and fall down. Teacher ask her what happen? Meet says my leg is paining I think I twisted my bone and shouts in pain. Teacher ask students to help her to get up and ask someone to call doctor. 

Meet says no need of doctor he will check my leg, give me medicine and will take bed rest of at least one week and will ruin my training, I’ll also ruin the opportunity of assisting you, what if you require assistance and I’m on bed rest, no sir. Teacher says do you have any other option because you are in pain. Meet says Nandu Ram is a doctor of 105 year old who is near my house, he can cure any bone with his hammer. Teacher says do you believe in him? Meet says don’t worry when I’ll be back after seeing him you can ask me take a round of our ground. Teacher says okay you can go for your check up but you have to reach here before 7 in the evening okay meet says yes sir. Everyone leaves. Meet walk out of class and twist her leg says finally my Dadi’s remedy came to work, she pray to god and says I made excuse so that I can go and save Meet Ahlawat, please forgive me for that and leaves.

Babita is with her brother says it’s only you who can save Meet Ahlawat I don’t understand who did this. Abhay Rana says good thing is that you remember me and called me and more best thing is that you still remember that we use to have tea in same cup, don’t worry have faith in me, I have good people in my investigation team they will solve the case. Ram walk to them says I believe everything will come infront but I want to know why you want to do this and put your carrier at stake. Meet Ahlawat outside door listening to everything. Abhay Rana says because of some misunderstanding few years back we have differences between us, my relation with this family and my sister got finished, today I got an opportunity to start that relation again, Meet Ahlawat is also my son. Ram says I know but. Abhay says I’ll answer your every question but now I have to call many people to save Meet Ahlawat excuse me and he leaves.

Tej and Meet outside Ahlawat’s Pharmaceuticals. Tej says to Meet so you came out of your police academy are you sure there won’t be any problem? Meet says there won’t be any problem and I have earned this half-day, Meet Ahlawat is important right now so tell me how did this happen? Tej says I don’t understand Meet Ahlawat checked the consignment personally and loaded too he had signature on Challan. Meet says so you believe everything was fine? Tej says I look after quality check also and from our end there was not any problem. Meet says when truck left consignment was correct and the medicine which reached were expire date, something must have happen on the way, might be trucks have changed. Tej says no every truck is installed with tracking device so that we can get to know about the route and this truck followed the same path is there is no diversion near the sellers godown he was late by 2-3 minutes, I don’t understand how they will change things in 2-3 minutes, I’m worried about Meet Ahlawat a lot how can he go to jail, we have to do something I can not see him go to jail. Meet says yes we have less time to find out the truth, can you take me to the path truck follows. He says yes and they leave.

Abhay Rana on phone says good do fast and disconnect call. Rana says to Meet Ahlawat no need to worry I’m here. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t know how to thank you, you are taking a big risk because of me. Rana says I’m your uncle and you are my family, if some danger come to family then I’m ready to put my life at stake, go now.

Tej and Meet are in the market. Meet walks to a juice vendor says I need your help. Vendor says I’m busy. Tej says come let’s go somewhere and go to pan shop. Meet says to him I need your help. Pan vendor increase the volume of songs and start talking on phone. Meet and Tej go from there and walks to few people who are eating food. Meet says listen I need everyone’s help two days back a truck went from this path of Ahlawat’s Pharmaceuticals near about this time, so I want to know something different happen here. Tej says I don’t think anybody would help here let’s go somewhere else. 

Meet looks at everyone she walks to juice vendor make sound from his utensils to gather everyone’s attention and says listen to me carefully I’m talking about the truck which was carrying medicines for poor people and someone change the medicine of that truck with the expire one and if this practice continues then this may keep harming people. Everyone gets up walks to Meet. Meet says there are chances that next time you may be the victim so please help us if you know anything and help us in this kind of work. A boy says yes I remember few days back corporation people came to spray medicine with motor pump which created lot of smoke. Other man says yes they were creating so much smoke that it became difficult to see on other side of smoke and which created a lot of traffic jam. Meet says to Tej I think medicine are changed here which make it delay for 3 minutes and she thank everyone and ask vendor to give them lemon water because of heat and give him money. She says to Tej medicine are somewhere here at the distance of 3 minutes set the timer and we will check.

Tej and Meet come near a lake says over here our timer will reset for 3 minutes. Meet says here, something can be here. Tej says it’s time waste let’s go. Meet says there must be something let’s look and start looking for any clue. Tej says to her we are wasting our time we must go to mamaji he will help us out to save Meet Ahlawat. Meet says let’s find clue something should be here and pray to god.
Babita says to Rana my Meet Ahlawat will be save. Rana says I’m trying my best. Babita says I’m scared because police gave us 2hrs and only 15 minutes are left. Rana says I understand. Police officer enter Ahlawat’s mansion. Everyone in hall. Babita walk to Meet Ahlawat and says to police I won’t let you take him there is some misunderstand, I won’t let you arrest him. Rana walks to inspector says what happen I asked for 2 hours and still 15 minutes are left don’t you believe me. Inspector says of course we do, we are not here to arrest Meet Ahlawat, it’s proven that Meet Ahlawat is not involved in this conspiracy he is innocent. Everyone is so happy. Babita hug Meet Ahlawat and Rana and thanks him, I don’t know what your intelligence team did, I just know that my decision for asking for you to help was right thank you so much. Rana says my team did not reverted me till now. Inspector says Minister sir is right his men didn’t do anything. Babita ask then who did it? 

Meet and Tej walk in. Tej and Meet greet Rana. Inspector says the efforts of your daughter in law proved that your son is innocent. Masum says but how did she prove it? Meet says with the help if Tej and explain how she figured out. (Flashback Meet stumble and fall down and the rock fall inside the river and they both hear a metallic sound. They both walk down to river and see a wrapper of medicine and calls Tej says look at this is it's from our factory. Tej says yes it’s of our company and I remember the batch consignment. Meet says this means our medicine are somewhere here, did your hear that sounds this mean our box is inside the river, we need to talk to fisherman. Tej talk to them says can you help us to find our box of medicine. They both dive in river says something is here but it’s heavy. Meet looks at the crane she take help of crane to bring out the box out of the river. Tej check the box and says this is same consignment we did it… Meet Ahlawat says somebody change the box in screen of smoke. Meet says to him 3 minutes are more then enough to commit a crime and this crime was done with planning. Raj says without our driver knowing this is not possible. Meet says our driver is also involved in this that’s why he ran away when police called him and I know he did this job on someone’s instructions.

In 3 minutes they changed the whole medicine and hid them in water with water tight container and everything was done with planning. Raj says but without knowing our driver this is impossible. Meet says he is also involved that’s why he ran away when police called him. Inspector says don’t worry our people are looking for him we will get to know the culprit when he will be caught for now we are leaving. Abhay Rana thank them. Ram says because of Meet our Meet Ahlawat was saved. 

Ragini says yes you are right and says to Babita you were sad that our Meet won’t be able to keep fast for our Meet Ahlawat now see our Meet saved our son and prove him innocent. Babita thank Meet and see Meet Ahlawat name in her hand says Mehendi. Meet says this is sketch pen if I ask them for mehendi they will ask me to take two rounds of the ground so I worked with this. Tej says even she kept fast also. Babita hug her and says see Masum she know how to take care of responsibility of both sides being in academy she kept fast for my son and says you are not saying anything. Meet Ahlawat no I don’t want to say anything, she doesn’t give value to any words she is not worth for any live and walk away. Babita says what happen to him. Meet says I’ll see him.
Meet Ahlawat in his room. Meet enter to talk to him but he keeps ignoring her. Meet sing song for him. Meet Ahlawat join her. Meet says if you don't tell me why you are sad then how will I make things normal with my boyfriend. Meet Ahlawat says why should I tell you when you don’t value what I say, I asked you not to leave academy and come here, you take my everything for granted when I’ll be dead. Meet keep her hand on his mouth and says I dare you to say this one more time. Meet Ahlawat says if you are police officer so you will do anything. 

Meet says god has given you ears use them properly, I didn’t run away from academy I took half day and tell him the story how she came out. Meet Ahlawat says really and pray to God she is going to be a police officer give her some brain and ask her to stop using these tricks. Meet says I have joined police academy not a behavioural academy afterall work is been done then what is the matter if it’s right or wrong way. Meet Ahlawat says this means you will never learn. Meet says no now you have to work with this girlfriend. He ask when you have to report to academy. Meet says let them catch that driver then I’ll leave. He says they are doing their work they will find him if they took time so you will be here. Meet says understood, I’m hungry since morning kept fast for you saved you from going to jail and you are taking my class. Meet Ahlawat stop her and ask where are you going. Meet says I’m going to the academy only then you will be happy. Meet Ahlawat pick her up in his arms and take her.

Everyone in hall. Abhay Rana says I’m happy that everything is normal now I should leave please allow me. Babita says wait let me call Meet and Meet Ahlawat and take there name. Meet Ahlawat walks to them with Meet in his arm’s. Masum think oh god in this house drama never finishes. Babita says to Meet Ahlawat keep her down and ask Meet to get down and take blessings of uncle. Meet Ahlawat thanks and says I’m so sorry I’m not keeping her down she has kept fast for me. 

Meet whispers what are you doing Meet Ahlawat keep me down. He says don’t worry he is my uncle he understand things. Abhay Rana says no issues I just want you to be happy. Meet says sorry and greet him. Abhay says to Babita I’m impressed with your daughter in la w, she will surely achieve a big thing in her police job and nobody will be save from her no matter how smart he is and says now I should leave. Raj says sure and keep visiting me and your sister will feel good.

Meet Ahlawat take Meet in garden and make her sit. Meet says it’s time to leave. Meet Ahlawat says 15 seconds are still left. They both spend a quality time with each other. Meet Ahlawat make fun of her.

Ram sits in his car and says all what I did to make them apart, I switched material of my company, made a police case, brought rage in people, police was about to catch Meet Ahlawat but she ruined everything, she spoiled my mood.

Meet Ahlawat says so your 15 seconds are over and give her water to open her fast. Meet drinks it and say now please give me something to eat I'm hungry and ask him to give jalebi. Meet Ahlawat says okay close your eyes and give her bitter groud to eat. Meet make faces and says this is not jalebi and start chasing him. Meet says okay wait and see her name on his hand. She ask why did you write my name. Meet Ahlawat explain the ritual to her. She says you kept fast for me. He says yes and how fast will know which Meet kept it. She give him water to drink and give jalebi to eat. They both eat jalebi.

Ram says I think now we will be caught. Abhay Rana is sitting beside him and says Meet saved her husband but she won’t know that we are the real murder of her father.

Meet Ahlawat drop Meet at academy. Meet says I’ll leave and keep your ears open I ca nnot get half-day daily. Meet Ahlawat thank her and aays I understood one thing the day when you will become the officer your father’s murderer days will be numbered you will find them from hell, till that time take care of yourself and do call me, he leaves.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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