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Saraswati gives 15,000 to the worker. He says it is 15, you promised 20. She says you made a mistake. There should have been more strings. Lakshmi says to cook the color should look pretty. Add some red color. Cook says a lot of color can ruin the taste. She says better not Argue with me. Do what you are asked to. Dadi ask lakshmi is everything ready? Women ask Saraswati this will insult the whole family and AJ. Third daughter in law comes and says you have heard right. We think about other people here too. We will look everywhere in the city and find our mother in law.

A woman runs after Rahul. Guddan says don’t worry I will stop him. Shopkeeper says Guddan you can’t do it. She says I am Guddan and I can. She trip. Guddan run after Rahul (dog) and messes everything in the street. People are angry everywhere. The dog comes in front of a bus. She picks him. Guddhan returns him to the woman. She says how did this happen in the street? She says chachi I told you, I can. Never say Guddan you can’t. She leaves.

Guddan’s father says we miss you Gudan’s mom. You left us too soon. I feel like you will come to me and say.. A woman says I am not dead. His wife Kaushaliya says its me. Raiti bakes a cake. Kaushaliya says she got order from a big house. Dad says teach Guddan too. Kaushaliya says she will learn she is a kid only. He says people defame step mothers for no reason. Someone should look at you.

AJ comes home.

Guddan comes home. She says to Kaushaliya I saved a puppy’s life. Raiti says deliver this cake on time please. Guddan says I will. Kaushaliya says Guddan you can’t. She gets angry.

Everyone wishes AJ birthday. He checks the food and says to the cook this saucepan is burned. Get. dadi says its okay. Go and cook again. She says they are your staff. They will leave. He says people are here to test our restaurant. We can’t compromise of our quality and taste. There is no room for shortcomings in my life.
Guddan comes with the cake. The third daughter in law says you are 45 minutes late. This is AJ’s case. Guddan says what does it matter if its Aj or ABC. Kausaliya says sorry we will decorate the cake.

AJ says who are all these women? Third daughter in law says we are looking for your life partner. Lakshmi says you shouldn’t live alone. Saraswati says we have called the best families here. Dadi says give me a daughter in law and thes girls a mother in law. Lakshmi says yes please give us a mother in law. He says wow. You think a lot about me. Now lets see, who thinks about me like you three do.

AJ says thank you for coming to my birthday. Marriage is made on 7 promises. I will take seven promises right now. After that whoever is okay with this proposal can come forward. He says my wife to be will be like a robot and her remote will be with me. I will make her boring like me. I will treat her like a servant and show piece outside. I would ask her for her age. If I marry in this age I would need time to live it too. She will have a place in my home but not my heart or room. I will make her strong to protect herself from world and me. And I wont take the seventh promise. Because living and dying together is rubbish. My first wife left me too early too. Whoever wants to live their remaining life with me come forward. He says being with me is like walking on pieces of glass. So come forward after thinking twice.

AJ misbehaves with Kaushaliya. Guddan smashes the cake on his face and leaves. Kaushaliya brings Guddan in and slaps her. She says if you can’t handle your feet then at least learn to control your tongue. Come to that room. Guddan says mummy pease don’t take me to that room. Guddan says mummy please don’t turn the ligths on. She says you have to face the truth. Kausaliya turns the lights on. It has pictures of Guddan’s mother everywhere. She says open your eyes and see. Kaushaliya says to her mother’s picture I always spoiled your daughter. You know how talented my daughter is. She made such a good cake. And Guddan ruined it. Kaushaliya says see these notes. All mistakes that you did. If you were my daughter you won't have been this dumb. See all these notes where you wrote sorry. Enough Guddan. She says write your mistake and apologize to your mother. Guddan writes.

Saraswati says all this drama had to happen on his birthday. Lakshmi says we were thinking to find a wife for Aj but that cake seller ruined everything. Saraswati says but we were ignored because of that. The eldest daughter in law says it wont be easy to find a life partner for him and a mother in law for us.

AJ comes and cooks. They all say sorry AJ. AJ says when I celebrated my birthday with Antara cake wasn’t delivered. She made halwa for me. It was her favorite. She really loved me. that’s why we always make halwa on my birthday but that didn’t happen today. You three forgot your old mother in law in search of the new one. Saru says we made a mistake. Don’t worry we will cook. He says it was a mistake and sorry can fix mistakes. But what you are thinking for me is a sin. and sin isn’t rectified by a sorry. Antara just left my world not my heart. You three care so much about your will and happiness. You three can leave me alone.

Kaushaliya says paste it on the wall. Guddan places it on the wall. Kaushaliya says you have made so many mistakes. They are all stuck on my head. Your biggest mistake.. Your mother’s death. She died because of you. How will you get pardon for that? If you wanted you could save your mother but you didn’t. People are right. Guddan you can’t. So I make you write this every day. She leaves.

Guddan looks at her mother’s picture and says I am sorry. I am tired of saying sorry mummy. She says I heard humans make mistakes. She says tell me how to learn from my mistakes. She says I can’t take this anymore ma. Raiti comes in. She says you can do anything. You made a mistake like everyone does. You will come in the house when you shout and say you can do everything.

All the daughter in laws are walking outside. They step on something and fall from the hill. Saru and Lakshmi are hanging. Guddan sees them and says give me your hand. Saru says you.. I don’t think she can. Lakshmi says you can’t save us go and find someone else. Guddan stop there.

AJ says to dadi you should have stopped them. But you took their side and did all this. She says you are angry at them and they are angry at their husbands. I know you wont give Antara’s place to anyone. You are mad because I supported them. I can’t take care of you like I could in childhood. You are alone. This empty home is a burden. There is nothing wrong with marrying again. He says I can’t do this. You used to understand me in childhood but I don’t think you do anymore. She says I still understand you and there is nothing wrong with marriage. They all worry for you. You do it wrong.

Guddan says never say I can’t do it. Lakshmi says she is right. We can at least take a chance. Guddan says give me your hand. Guddan pulls them up.

AJ says this won't ever happen Antara. He recall Guddan and says I hate that girl. 

Didi says what you did in party we never thought we would forgive you but the way you saved our life thank you. Lakshmi says look at this banana peel. We slipped because of it. People aren’t taught anything by their parents. Guddan says don’t talk about my parents. I would have done this unintentionally. Saru says you threw it here. Didi says we knew the first time we met you how careless you are. Saru says you can’t do anything. Never show us your face again. Guddan says I saved your life. They leave.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Fridays At 7pm

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