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Prachi says I don’t care where to throw it? She says she is done with today’s drama and says their lie can’t stand by her, and asks her to accept her defeat. She says just like I have destroyed your fake papers, I will wipe off your illegitimate relation with my husband. She asks her to get habitual to defeat, as Prachi Ranbir Kohli came in your life and says everything will happen, whatever has not happened. Dida smiles and appreciates her in her heart. Ranbir thinks she is too good and she is right, she doesn’t need my help, she can do anything alone.

Rhea comes to Prachi and says wow, what a performance, it was good entertainment, burning the papers and then picking the ashes and blowing it. She says the talk was big, that Judge will not accept the papers, and tells that these papers were genuine and raised a question mark on you. She says you was trying to expose my lose, but your expression and anger were telling it is not true, and says if these papers are not important, then you wouldn’t have burnt. She says you burnt it, as it was raising questions on your identity. She says what you said that these papers will not survive, and tells that you are on Survival mode. She says you need some strength 'and that;s why did this. She says you have lost the test series and says tour of Kohli house is over. She says you can be kicked out for signing these papers. She says I don’t need fake confidence, I get confidence from this family. She says there was not original papers, but Xerox copy. She ask what do you think that I will roam with the papers, on which I got your sign by cheat. She says it is kept safely in the locker, and says you can’t even see or touch it, with anyone’s help too. She blows on the ashes and says it is your dreams ashes, which you burnt it. She says you was not going from here, and asks her not to call NGO woman, as they will help her, as she is ghar wali and you are bahar wali. She says you haven’t signed on just admittance papers, but also on divorce papers, even if Ranbir don’t sign on the latter. She says Buji and Ranbir are with me. Ranbir nods his head. Prachi thinks he might got egoistic as she refused for his help. Rhea asks if she will go by herself or after thrown out of the house. She says I will speak to my lawyer and goes. She goes and looks at the papers, and says Prachi did a big mistake by signing on these papers, and can’t stand infront of me. Shahana keeps eye on her. Rhea says it is like my marriage certificate and I feel peace. She says Prachis life is locked here, which will open on my sayings. Shahana hides. Rhea thinks she will not tell anyone about these papers and doesn’t want anyone to see it.

Prachi comes to her room and finds Shahana sitting. Shahana tells that she had gone out through the window, but the main gate was closed. She tells that she saw how she was fighting and burnt the papers. She says something went in her eyes, and left from there. She says then saw Rhea keeping the papers in the locker. Prachi thinks of Rhea’s words.

Ranbir tells that this is not right, I don’t know how Prachi signed and tells that Rhea will stoop low to defeat her. He says if I help Prachi, then I will lose my family. Dida says but you will get Prachi. Ranbir says Prachi herself don’t want my support. He says she tells me clearly always, but I get happy as she is near me, we are in the same house but we are not together. He says if she don’t love me, then it ok, but I will not force her to love me. Dida says she loves you a lot, but doesn’t express it. He says she is hiding something else from me, and also her feelings. He says until she tells me what is in her heart, you will not tell her about my feelings. Dida says it will be too late then. Ranbir says she shall decide, what she wants to do. He asks her to promise that she will not tell anything to Prachi. Dida promises him that she will not tell whatever they talked, but she will express her feelings to her. Ranbir says I am getting late for office.
Shahana ask Prachi what idea she got? Prachi says she had got it, but forgotten. She says Rhea spiked my drink and took my signatures. She knew that I can change her plan, she had given me the photo copy smartly and not the original papers, and says it was a conspiracy. Shahana asks what to do now? Dida says even you shall cheat and defeat her. Shahana says even you? Dida says I want to reunite Prachi and Ranbir. Shahana says even I want same. Prachi says I came here to get my rights. Dida asks how will you get your rights, until you get your husband. She asks did you want his wealth, property or name? Prachi says no, and says I don’t want his love and name. Dida says she likes when she says that she is Ranbir’s wife. Prachi says I can’t say that after signing the admittance papers. Shahana tells that they shall get the papers from Rhea’s locker. Dida asks how? Shahana says she has an idea and says just like Rhea spiked Prachi’s drink, we shall spiked her drink and take keys from her. Dida asks if you are from hoshiarpur and asks do you think Rhea will drink something from our hands. She says she gave the photo copy to Prachi cleverly. Shahana asks Prachi to do something. Prachi says she shall get the papers even if she has to burn the house. Dida and Shahana ask her not to burn the house. Dida says she has an idea to make Rhea plead infront of you. They asks what? Dida says you can’t do this? Shahana asks her to say this. Dida says she will think of another idea. Prachi says why did you tell about the idea then? Shahana asks her to share her idea else they will reject her next idea. Dida asks her to say sorry and says I know you will reject it, as idea is filmy and unique. Shahana says it will work then. Dida asks if both are ready, and says Kohli house shall have raid. Prachi asks raid. She says raid happens for black money and our companies do dealing in white money. Shahana says we want white papers. Prachi asks do you want to say that we will get the papers in raid. Dida says you both shall do the raid and shall go to Rhea’s room and steal the papers. Shahana says we don’t have qualification. Dida says you need moustache and turban and tells that you will come indisguise of men. 

Vikram cancels his meeting and tells Pallavi that he has a feeling that they are doing the mistake. Pallavi asks why you are thinking like this. Vikram says the way Rhea took Prachi’s signaturs on the papers? Pallavi says you are thinking Rhea wrong. Vikram says I shall go to office and says what seems to be right till yesterday, seems wrong today. He says I am not in a right frame to think and shall go to office. He goes. Aaliya comes to Pallavi.
Shahana tells that Rhea might be thinking that you will attack her from front, but we will attack her from behind. Prachi asks what are you saying? Dida asks her to think and says sometimes Shahana talks wisely. Prachi says how we will go to Rhea’s room, Dad and Ranbir are literate about raid, and knows about the laws. Dida says this raid will happen when Ranbir and Vikram go to office, and says if anyone stops you then I will handle everyone.

Aaliya asks what happened to Vikram? Pallavi says when I got married, I knew that everyone is good at heart, but are emotional. He says Vikram has started to see flaws in Rhea. Aaliya says Rhea has no flaws in her. Pallavi says Vikram thinks that Rhea did wrong by taking signatures on the papers. Aaliya says he seems absolutely fine when everything was happening outside. Pallavi says these things happen with emotional papers and tells that they shall do everything fast and shall throw Prachi out, before Ranbir changes his mind due to Vikram. Aaliya says we still have time and tells that Rhea went to pack Prachi’s bags. Pallavi asks Aaliya to stay in the house, until Prachi is here. Aaliya says Prachi will be outside tomorrow morning. Rhea comes there and asks shall I join the meeting. She asks Dida not to meet Prachi much, and says you will miss her when she goes from here. Dida asks why she will go? Rhea says whoever comes shall leave. She does Prachi’s packing and says just memories are left, which you shall take in heart. She is about to take her stuff out. Prachi holds her hand and asks her to leave her bag. Rhea says you have become lazy, and says I have done my packing to shift to Ranbir’s room. Prachi says this is my house, and I will not leave. Rhea says I think you will leave after the court orders. She asks Shahana to stay there for a day, and live it. Rhea tells Dida that she will let her meet Prachi outside the house, and not in the house. She asks them to continue with the farewell party. Shahana says I will break her teeth. Prachi says first we will break her ego and tells Dida that they shall work on her plan. Dida says you have to wait for Ranbir to go to office.

Prachi asks Shahana why did she wait to have food with her. Prachi says she came late due to the baby. She gets emotional. Shahana goes to get water. Prachi recalls Ranbir’s words. Ranbir comes here and sees Prachi sad. Galliyan song plays…..He takes out his handkerchief and tries to wipe her tears. She stops him. She wipes tears with her pallu. Ranbir asks can I know the reason for your sadness. She nods no. He says I just want to know. She says she is confused and don’t know what she wants. Ranbir asks her to talk to him. Prachi says I meant to say….that I have confusion about what I wants, but I know clearly what I don’t want, I am very clear about that. He asks what you don’t want? Prachi says I don’t want you to show sympathy and wipe my tears, and infact I don’t like you.

Prachi tell Ranbir that she don’t want him and don’t want to talk to him. Ranbir says you hate me so much. Prachi says I know you just pretend to be concerned. Ranbir asks her to go and do whatever she wants, tells that he will not come infront of her again. Shahana hears them as they go separate ways. Prachi goes to the room. Shahana asks why did you do this? Ranbir think I didn’t do anything, and wanted to ask the reason for your sadness. Prachi says my pain and anger is given by Ranbir. Shahana says he tried to help you. Prachi says if he wanted to support me, then why did he hold Rhea’s hand. Ranbir says you asked me not to support you, ok I will not do. I will say it is night/day if you say. Shahana says I know you are in tension. Prachi says my social status is married, but I am alone in real life. She says my baby has no identity, this is my life’s truth. She says I want Ranbir to know about the baby and be with him, but can’t tell him anything as he is married to Rhea now. She says Ranbir has tied the knot between us, and that is Rhea. She says my life’s truth forces me to bend down. She says I am not just a wife, but a mother who is capable to protect her baby. She says I can forgive my husband, but not my baby’s father. She says she had come to inform him, but saw him getting married. She says I will not give him a chance, just like he hurt me, he might hurt my baby too. Shahana asks then why are you staying here? Prachi says I told you my life’s truth. She says I came to take revenge from Ranbir, and to punish Rhea. She says I won’t let Rhea’s home set up and will throw her out from here. Shahana says you are not alone. Prachi says today was Rhea’s day, tomorrow it will be mine.

Precap: Prachi says Rhea wants to throw me out from here, today was her day and tomorrow will be mine, she says she won’t let Rhea set up her house. Shahana and Prachi come there indisguise of IT officers. Rhea, Pallavi and Vikram get shocked. Dida tells Aaliya and Rhea that IT raid was her idea. Vikram looks at Prachi, as her beard comes out. Prachi says we got what we wanted and is about to leave with Shahana. Rhea asks them to stop.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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