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Ranbir get inside bathroom in Prachi's room and think to take bath fast before Prachi comes there. Prachi comes to the bathroom and asks what are you doing in my bathroom. He says I didn’t come here to fight with you, and tells that he has important meeting today. Prachi says you should have taken bath in guest room bathroom. He says there is a problem, and there is no shampoo and soap there. She gives him all his stuff and asks him to go. Ranbir says you are troubling me and says I will take bath here, and says you go or not, I don’t care. Prachi says she is not shameless like him. he says you can’t afford to see me. She tries to go and finds the door locked. Ranbir says you can’t bear my sweetness. He says you are like honey bee, who is sweet, but bites to make the body swell. They argue. Ranbir asks her to go yaar. She says don’t call me yaar. She recalls and a fb is shown. Ranbir comes to open the door, but finds the door locked.

Rhea talks to the decorator and gets angry on the Servant. Saina calls Rhea and asks what does she need? Rhea says she don’t need anything and asks her to come fast. The decorator asks where to keep the flowers. Rhea asks if I have to tell everything then why I have hired you. She asks Niti to tell them. She asks the decorator to think that it is his house party and do the decoration. Prachi and Ranbir argue in the bathroom. Ranbir asks her to open the door. Prachi says bathroom door is like you, once stuck can’t open. Rhea comes there and calls Prachi. Prachi says I am here. 

Rhea asks where is Ranbir? Prachi is about to say, but Ranbir keeps hand on her mouth. Rhea goes. Prachi says Ranbir is here with me. Ranbir says she has gone. He asks why did you come, you was better outside. She says from your life too, and says now I will not go. She knocks on the door and asks rhea to open the door. Pallavi hears them and comes near the door. She tries to open the door and says it is locked. She asks why are you doing inside. 
Ranbir says it is my washroom, what I will do inside. Prachi says just give him some intelligence, when we can’t share the life, we can’t share the room and bathroom. Pallavi says I can’t stand by her and goes to call the carpenter. She asks the decorator if he knows carpenter’s work. He says yes. She asks Rhea where was she? Rhea tells that she went to make breakfast for Ranbir for sometime.

Pallavi says Prachi is cooking khichdi with Ranbir and says you shall be careful as sautan is at home. Rhea says I am sautan. Pallavi says what are you saying? Rhea says I am gharwali and she is baharwali. Pallavi says Prachi is locked with Ranbir in the bathroom and says God knows if it is locked by itself or if she has done this. They call the decorator/carpenter there. 
He asks for the tools. Rhea asks how did it get closed? Ranbir says Rhea. She scolds him and asks why did you go there. He says Prachi came after me. Rhea says she might have done this intentionally. She doubts them. Prachi tries to open the door and feels suffocated. She says she can’t bear to be with him here. Ranbir asks if she can’t bear him. Prachi vomits. Ranbir gets worried for her and asks if she is fine? She asks him not to worry. He asks her to have breath and rotates the cloth to give her some air. 

Prachi recalls and a fb is shown. Ranbir asks her to give him good news and says he always dreams to have the baby. He says I will distribute our love to our kids. Prachi says I didn’t get proper sleep and that’s why I vomit. She asks him to rotate the file so that she can get some air. He asks her to promise that she will tell him, when she gets pregnant, and if she don’t tell then he will die. fb ends. Prachi gets emotional. He asks do you want to tell me something. Prachi tries to tell him, just then carpenter opens the door and gets inside. Rhea and Pallavi get inside. Ranbir asks Prachi not to be scared and tell him, what she was saying? Prachi asks Rhea if she wanted to see what she wanted, and asks if she will still say that Ranbir is her husband. She says Ranbir was not fighting with her, but caring for her and says you couldn’t throw me out of the bathroom, how you will throw me out of his life. Prachi tell Rhea that she can’t throw her out of bathroom, how she can throw her out of life. She smiles and goes from there. 

Rhea looks angrily at Ranbir. Prachi comes to her room and gets emotional. She thinks Rhea shall have doubt that Ranbir is mine always, she will fight with him and his mind will be distracted. She says Ranbir shall not figure out about my pregnancy and will be busy in replying to Rhea’s jealous questions. She recalls Ranbir’s care and concern for her, and thinks I shouldn’t have done this, Rhea will scold him. She thinks I don’t have any option left. Ranbir asks why you both are looking at me like this. Pallavi asks what you was doing in Prachi’s bathroom. He says it is my bathroom and not of Prachi. Pallavi says this room and the stuff here is of Prachi. Ranbir asks if Prachi says that I am hers, then will you believe her. 

Rhea says yes, we will believe her as you are proving her right. She says you was caring for Prachi inside. Ranbir says it is not like that and says we were locked and trying to get inside. Rhea says why you haven’t told me that you are inside. Pallavi says you are legally wedded to her and asks him to give respect to his and Rhea’s relation. Ranbir says I was not doing anything wrong. Pallavi says I don’t want to explain to you, and says you are under one roof with two wives. He says I stay alone. Pallavi says you have to make one woman go away from your life, and that is Prachi. She says I had told, you shall decide. Prachi hears her. Rhea says even I can show the right on you and tell people that you have proposed me and I married you without knowing you was not divorced with Prachi. She blackmails him. Prachi thinks Rhea is selfish to blackmail him, and thinks both are same. Ranbir says I was standing there and automatically taken care of her. 

Rhea says she don’t want to trust him, but shall accept for now. She goes. Prachi gets inside the room. He asks Prachi, why did you tell Rhea that I have taken care of you. She says you have taken care of me. He says I don’t want to be grinded between both sisters. She says you brought the other between us. He says your plan will not be successful next time. Prachi says your Rhea doesn’t trust you even a bit. He says both sisters are like each other and don’t trust me. He says you said that you have changed and says don’t change so much that there is no difference between Rhea and you. He asks if you will make fun of my feelings to hurt me. She says to know the feelings, one needs to have a heart, which you don’t have. He says the pain is in your eyes, and the feelings are the one which you feel when you are near me. He asks her to unburden her pain to lower her heart. Song plays……teri galliyan…. He goes out. Prachi thinks anyone will think that you are a good guy, but now I am believing my eyes.

Rhea asks Niti what does she mean, that the snacks are not ready. She says you should have talked to caterer. Niti says Pallavi Madam or Dida used to call caterer. Rhea says this party is for me, and you want me to talk to caterer. She asks her to get caterer’s number from Dida. Prachi comes to Rhea and asks what color dress, shall I wear, so that Ranbir likes. Rhea says you are asking me and says you are like college stupid girl and asks her to go and do the work. 

Prachi asks did you understand now, that when I was busy in house work, you was busy in hair, make up and all the clever tricks. She says you wanted to make image infront of Mummy and spoil my image. She says you have taken advantage of Mummy’s love for you. She says I knew that it was your work, that I got hurt on Janmasthami day. She says I ignored it for our relation. She says you wanted to stoop me infront of the family members, and I wanted to save my family’s respect. She says my foot was bleeding, but I didn’t open my mouth else you would have been exposed. She says due to you, my house will be affected. She says now that I have burnt that worry and says I will lower you infront of everyone, guests and family. She says today you will know how I felt, when you lowered my respect. She says now my stuggles goes to you and says your stupid things, hair, make up etc. Rhea tries to go and falls on her. 

Prachi gets emotional. Rhea says just leave and let me do my work. Prachi says I am going, I have to get ready so that Ranbir like me, when I come like a show stopper, and he will see you serving the snacks. Prachi thinks if caterer don’t come then Pallavi and Ranbir’s respect will be ruined. She goes to Pallavi and asks did you give party responsibility to Rhea. Pallavi says yes. Prachi says she is not responsible like me. Pallavi asks what do you want to say. Prachi gets a call and goes. She thinks Mummy shall know about the blunder, so that she can help Rhea. Pallavi goes to kitchen. Niti tells Rhea that Dida doesn’t have the number. She says shall I ask Pallavi Maam? Rhea says no. 

Pallavi hears her and asks what is wrong? Rhea says everything is fine. Pallavi says Prachi told that I shouldn’t have given party arrangements to you. Niti tells the problem. Rhea blames Niti. Pallavi says it is not Niti’s mistake, but your mistake. She says it is my mistake that I gave you this responsibility. She tells that I will talk to caterer and says I will ask him to serve frozen deserts first. She scolds Rhea to take up the responsibility. Niti asks Rhea to thanks Prachi for saving them. Rhea asks her to go and calls her good for nothing. 

Rhea thinks you shared this with Mummy intentionally and is doing this since I got married to Ranbir. She says you are doing personal attacks on me, and I am just defending. She says after this, you can’t withstand infront of me. She calls Lawyer and asks her to send Lawyer’s number. Then they meet the lawyer. Lawyer gives her papers. Rhea reads and asks what is the name of the paper? The lawyer tells the name and says once Prachi signs on it, Ranbir and Prachi don’t need the divorce to get separate. He says there will be no relation, that’s why divorce is not needed. 

Aaliya asks Rhea to read the papers. Rhea says you have read and it is enough. Lawyer asks her to read page no. 5. Rhea reads that I, Prachi Kohli admit that I was never married to Ranbir, that Pandit who got our marriage date was fake, and I gave him money so that Ranbir thinks that we are married. She reads, all my claims that I am married to Ranbir is all fake, and now I am ending my fake marriage with Ranbir after his marriage with my sister Rhea. She says Ranbir feels that our marriage was real, so for his satisfactions, I am signing on the divorce papers, but these papers are enough. Rhea appreciates lawyer. Aaliya says this is brahmastra against Prachi. Rhea says we shall use it against Prachi in the party, and I will attack her and you shall hold her. She says Prachi herself will leave the house.

Prachi get ready in her room for the party. Rhea comes there. Prachi asks if caterer problem is solved or did you get rid of her responsibility? Rhea says I have raised question on your identity, this house, and your relation with Ranbir. Prachi says it seems kitchen smoke went in your mind. Rhea taunts her for having relation with Siddharth. Prachi asks her to mind her tongue. Rhea says I will limit you with my hands and tells that she don’t want to tell her, but thought to tell her, and says you have been warned, you challenged me that you will throw me out in 3 days, and then I remember that I challenged you to throw you out before that and thought to tell the date and time to you. 

Prachi says when your time is bad, give some time to yours, so that God show some good time to you. Rhea says I am not going to be good to you. Prachi says you have never been good to me, your mask has moved. Rhea asks her not to come to the party and says Ranbir will not look at you, as Mummy will introduce me as his real wife. She says when Ranbir holds my hand and introduce me to the guests, will you not feel odd and says kabab me haddi. Prachi says I will stand where my place is there, and says everyone will look at you. 

Precap: Dida tells Pallavi that if she makes the party as Rhea and Ranbir’s reception party, then Prachi won’t feel good and do some drama. Pallavi says let her do and says she came to trouble us, we will trouble her. She announces that husbands will be blinded and will search their wives in the crowd.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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