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Rhea says shall I press it? Prachi says I will make you massage my feet and asks her to send water for now. She says don’t forget to send my Ranbir to my room. Rhea goes out and falls. Ranbir helps her and holds her. Prachi looks at them. Ranbir says you would have asked Niti to bring it. Rhea asks when are you coming to sleep. He asks what do you mean? Rhea says we are married now and husband and wife sleep together. Prachi calls Rhea and comes to them. She handovers her jewellery box to her and says you have 1000 flaws, but you have one quality still and obeys elders. She says I asked her to send my husband to my room. Ranbir says she didn’t tell me. Rhea says I wanted him to. Prachi says Ranbir didn’t get any message, but I shall tell. She says Rhea is my illegal sautan. Rhea asks her to stop it. Prachi says you have gone behind Ranbir. Ranbir says you are getting confused Prachi. Prachi says I want to show what is Rhea’s status in this house. She asks her to be in er limits, else I will call NGO and complain against you. She asks her to stop acting and stop testing her patience. She says you have no right on Ranbir. Ranbir says I have right on myself and will decide. Prachi holds his hand and says I left from your house, but not from your life that you got ready to marry Rhea. She says that marriage was illegal and says I can tell him with my right that you can’t sleep in my sautan’s room. Rhea asks how dare you say this. Prachi asks shall I get tattoo on my hand, that my husband is mine? Ranbir says I will not sleep in your room, Prachi. Prachi asks did I ask you, and says until I am here, you will sleep in other guest room, and will not sleep with legal or illegal wife. She says dispute is going on, until it settles down, you will sleep there. Rhea says you can’t say this after the divorce. Prachi says husband and wife are talking. Ranbir says I will be in guest room. Prachi says that’s like a good husband, who obeys his wife. She tells Rhea that no jewellery is important than the husband, but you shall sleep with this jewellery to get peaceful sleep. She says good night Ranbir and goes to her room.

Rhea says Prachi can’t do this. Ranbir says she can do this, as we have given her this right. Rhea ask you are taking her side even now. Ranbir says I am on truth side and she is also on truth side. He goes to sleep in other guest room. Rhea says what the hell, Ranbir and Prachi can’t talk to me like this. She says Prachi got her grah pravesh on my marriage day.

Pallavi recalls Prachi’s words that Ranbir is married to her, and she will rule in the house. Vikram comes to Pallavi and asks her not to think much. Pallavi says past has returned, she is back. She says she had snatched Ranbir three years back, but when Ranbir came to us finally and Rhea became our bahu, she came to snatch our happiness. She says she has insulted us infront of everyone and she told that Rhea married Ranbir by cheat and had forged her signatutre. She says she has made sure that Ranbir don’t like Rhea and get angry with her. Vikram says it was our mistake, to get the marriage done without divorce with Prachi. Pallavi says divorce is done. Vikram asks her not to act infront of him and says if divorce had happened, then Prachi would have been in jail and then Rhea would be rightful wife of Ranbir. He says if I was on your place, then would have taken Ranbir’s signature and then Prachi would have signed.

Shaina asks Rhea why she is not staying with Ranbir? Rhea says Prachi asked Ranbir not to stay with me. Shaina ask why didn’t you fight with her. Rhea says so that NGO people comes here. She tells that she will snatch Prachi’s happiness and says all Kohli family is with me, and says how can her govt will be made. Saina says she will claim her rights. Rhea says he married me and accepted me as his wife.

Prachi looks at his pic and tells that she don’t want to look at him. She asks how can he marry Rhea? He thinks if Mummy and Rhea are right that Prachi came to take revenge. He thinks she has chosen this day to take revenge. Prachi says your smile, close it, I am getting very angry on you and asks him to move from her sight. He hears sound from Prachi’s room and thinks she wants to trouble me. He stops himself from knocking on her room. Prachi is hitting hammer on the wall. Ranbir thinks she didn’t get successful, as I haven’t gone there. He again hears the sound and goes to her room through the window. He asks what are you doing? Prachi asks what are you doing in my room. Ranbir says I am trying to sleep and you are disturbing me. Prachi says your photo is disturbing me. She says she has problem with his smile in the pic and says you are laughing at me. He smiles and says you had brought this frame and told me that your day passes seeing it, and says it is tragedy that you are moving it. Prachi says you have kicked me out from your heart and life. She asks did you celebrate? He asks her not to keep his stuff here and there, and says I will get it when you leave.

Ranbir tell Prachi that he will not get his stuff when she is gone. He then says if she can stay if she wants, and says you can do anything. Prachi says you can’t say this. Ranbir ask did I ask you to leave from this house. Prachi says you have said. A fb is shown. She tells that it was order for me to leave, when you have ended your relation with me. He asks when did I ask you? She tries to take out the frame and hits hammer on the nail, but hits hammer on her hand accidentally. Ranbir gets concerned for her and brings medicine box. She asks what are you doing? He says I don’t want you to wake up for this medicine box, and says then my sleep will be disturbed. She says I have to take care of myself, so that I can take care of my loved ones. Pallavi looks at Ranbir and Prachi from the window as he applies ointment on her hand. Prachi asks did you notice change in me? He says no change, you are same. Prachi says she has become stronger and doesn’t get affected by any pain. Ranbir says I do care. He says there is a change, you are mental, who cares about someone’s photo. She says I have problem with your smile. He says I will give the solution and covers his photo frame with the cloth. He says now you can’t see me nor my face, all Ranbir is not infront of you. She says yes, you are not infront of me. He says there was a light in your smile before and now there is a irritation and defeat in your smiles. He says you are scared and looking defeated. Prachi says history is witness, I took the wound on my heart and these eyes saw which this world is afraid is see. She says she got betrayal instead of love, and that’s why she thought to match her steps with others, else betrayal people might go ahead and I will be left behind. He walks towards her and tells that you will stop yourself from loving me, but how you will stop your heart beat which is telling me your heart condition. He says you hate me so much, then why did you come to me. Prachi says you don’t matter to me. Ranbir says why you was separating Rhea and me. Prachi says I wanted to trouble Rhea and you. Ranbir says but you was worried yourself and your eyes were filled with jealousy. She says I won’t let that happen, what you wants. Ranbir says whatever I do, I will do. You can trouble me, but I will be ready to give you an answer. He says he is an extremist. Prachi says I know you and your limits. She says I don’t know what limit I have crossed to come here. He says lets see, if you will cross your limits, or if I make a new limit infront of you. Prachi says this will be enjoyable. Ranbir says very much.

Pallavi thinks don’t know why Prachi came? She thinks if she came to trap Ranbir and thinks before she shows her colors, Rhea and Ranbir have to take their married life ahead. Prachi breaks the decoration in her room and feels pain in her tummy. She cries and says I am sorry my baby. Ranbir wakes up hearing her. Prachi says I am sorry and takes Ranbir’s name. Ranbir comes out to her door and keeps his hand on the door. Prachi also keeps her hand on the door. Song Main Kamli ban….plays…..She says everything is fine. Ranbir sits outside the door. Prachi sits inside the room, near the door.
Rhea wakes up and thinks she will not get sleep here, she shall go to her room and sleep. Ranbir thinks if I am angry with Prachi or not. He thinks she is showing so much attitude to me, and thinks to control her emotions, show her anger and don’t be good to her. Prachi thinks why am I getting weak for Ranbir. She says I had come here for my baby, but Ranbir wants to be someone’s husband. Ranbir says just the judgement will happen. Rhea comes there and finds Ranbir sitting down near the door. She asks what happened? Ranbir says I was tying my shoe laces. Rhea says you are not wearing shoes. Ranbir says he came here while dreaming and was tying shoe lace in his dream. Prachi comes out and asks what you both are doing here? She ask them to go and sleep. Ranbir goes. Rhea says since you came, how can my night be good. She asks her not to snatch her happiness from her. She says she is now married to Ranbir. Prachi says the happiness which you have snatched from me. Rhea says I will make sure that you will leave the house from here. Prachi says you want me to do what you say. Rhea says I asked you to sacrifice your love for Mom and Dad. Prachi says then Ranbir married me. She says you have blackmailed me, but I have won. She says you people have thrown me out from here, but I have returned. She says the start will be with you, and asks her to pack her bags, as it is enough of her stay in others’ house. Rhea says you seems to be in dream. Prachi says you will be kicked out from here in three days. She says it is your decision, how will you stay here for three days? Rhea says my roots are stronger here, and gives her three days to leave. Prachi says you can’t even touch me, I am the only daughter inlaw of this house and is very stronger. She says I have made lakshman rekha for myself and nobody can kick me out. She closes the door. Rhea think Prachi has changed, I have to change my game plan, tomorrow will be mine.

Rhea wakes up and thinks today is the new morning, I will make everyone believe that I am the good bahu, and everyone will praise me, so that Prachi leaves from here. Someone knocks on the door. Prachi wakes up and gets up. Ranbir comes inside. She says you, this is my room. Ranbir says this is my room. Prachi says I have taken the room, as I know that if someone is snatching your rights, you shall get it back.
Prachi tell Ranbir that she has taken this room as she knows that if someone snatches your rights, then you shall snatch your right back. Ranbir says I don’t have time to talk, I am already late. He says early morning, your and mine. Prachi asks him to stop and says you can’t use my washroom. Ranbir says you can’t stop me from using my washroom and tells that this is not a company and my room. He gives proofs that this is his room and shows the photo frame, shoes and clothes in the cupboard. He says this watch, perfume etc are all mine. He says this room was decorated for the suhaag raat whose marriage had happened. He then asks her to let him take bath here. Prachi says ok, I will use washroom first. She says she gets ready by this time. Ranbir goes inside the bathroom. Prachi says this is my bathroom, you can’t use it.

Rhea asks Niti to make Poha, scrambled eggs for Ranbir. Pallavi comes there. Rhea asks her to bless her. Pallavi asks her to make Sheera and says nobody can stop me from giving blessings to you. She says we will wait for the sheera. Rhea says I will make best sheera. Pallavi goes. 

Precap: Prachi falls in Ranbir’s embrace and he holds her. Prachi asks Rhea to come out of kitchen and see a different world outside. Rhea asks what is she talking about? Prachi says he might not want to add salt in your sweet, and says Ranbir took me in his embrace before you came. Ranbir looks on tensed. Prachi tells Rhea that Ranbir took her in his embrace, before she had come. Rhea tells Ranbir that Prachi wants to become between them. Ranbir says she wants to trouble you and you are getting troubled. Rhea asks Prachi to leave from this house. Prachi says I will go, but can assume the happiness which you can get after I leave, and I will not let you have any moment of happiness until I am alive.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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