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A hotel staff comes there and asks her if she’s fine. Sushma called her and asked to check on her. Prachi says, I am fine.

Prachi thinks about Ranbir and says, it was so easy for Ranbir to remove her from his life and move on, but it’s so difficult for her to move on. He ended the relation, but what about love? Love never ends. She cries saying, why you are not with me, Ranbir? We took vows to live with each other, but today we are not together. I wish I could say to you that I will not go anywhere leaving you. I was angry because you doubted my love. It’s been one month, but time has stopped for me. You are living there without me and I am slowly dying here without you. Other side, Ranbir gets chest pain. Shiv asks him why he has kept his hand on his chest? Ranbir recalls him telling Prachi that when she doesn’t talk to him, he feels the pain in his heart. He tells Shiv to start the presentation. Shiv starts the presentation, but Ranbir is not able to focus. He keeps thinking about Prachi and moments they spent together. He takes out his frustration on his staff. In his frustration, he takes Prachi’s name that she made him realize that… He leaves the room. Shiv wonders Prachi?

Sushma comes to Prachi. Prachi says, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have behaved like that there. You brought me for Maa’s dream project and I reacted like that seeing Sid. Sushma asks did you really have an affair with Sid? Prachi says no. Sushma says, then why did you run away from there? It seemed like you were scared to face Sid. Prachi says, I was scared to face my past. Sushma says, girls have to fight in every phase of their lives. I am glad that Pragya has taught you how to fight. It’s good that you left that house because that fight was about your identity.
Sushma asks Prachi did you really have an affair with Sid? Prachi says no. Sushma says, then why did you run away from there? It seemed like you were scared to face Sid. Prachi says, I was scared to face my past. Sushma says, girls have to fight in every phase of their lives. I am glad that Pragya has taught you how to fight. It’s good that you left that house because that fight was about your identity.

Sushma ask Prachi to look at her, and says it is good that you left that home, as the fight is about your identity. She asks why did she run away from there, else people will doubt that the accusation was right. She says Sid is also going through the same pain as you. Prachi says when Sid came infront of me, I recalled the day when I…Sushma asks her not to be scared of past and says future haven’t come still. She asks her to strengthen herself and says I spoke to Sid and asked how he can be so positive after whatever happened with him. A fb is shown. Sid says I took time to understand and kick out negativity in my life, and tells that whoever doesn’t want me to be happy, I keep them at a distance. He says Rhea, Ranbir, Vikram and Pallavi don’t exist for him, and tells that he has sent divorce papers. Sushma asks him to meet Prachi and says I want to make her positive like you. She is still living in past, and I want her to forget past and move on. She asks Prachi to meet Sid over coffee. Prachi says why not, he was my friend. Sushma says he is your friend even now and says he is in our hotel’s cafeteria. Prachi thanks her and goes.

Ranbir comes home. Rhea says hi Ranbir. Ranbir goes to the room. Shiv comes and gives the bag to her. She asks what happened to him. Shiv says presentation was going on, and asks who is Prachi? He says he took her name and got upset. Rhea says she was Servant of the house and thought herself as Maharani. She takes his bag and asks him to leave. She thinks he is again thinking about Prachi and thinks curse and eclipse don’t go. She thinks what to do with her.

Prachi comes to meet Sid in the cafeteria. Sid says I can’t believe that I am meeting you. Prachi says I am sorry. Sid says sorry was never between us. Rhea’s friend sees Sid with Prachi and thinks where is Rhea? She then calls Rhea. Rhea picks the call and says I am little occupied and says will call you later. Her friend asks if she is in Bangalore? Rhea says why she will be in Bangalore. Her friend says Sid was pulling chair for the girl and tells that she will make a video call to her. Sid tells Prachi that Ranbir made us meet and then separated us and even broke marriage with you. Rhea thinks who can be this girl. The friend shows the video to Rhea. Rhea asks her to be there and says I want to show this to someone else too. She goes to Ranbir. Ranbir asks what happened? Rhea plays her emotional card and hugs Pallavi, and cries. Pallavi asks what happened? Pallavi asks what happened? Prachi reminisces the days when they used to stay in rented house. She says it was all good, but someone bad sight was fell on it. He asks her not to cry and wipes her tears. The friend says the scene is interesting. Ranbir watches the video and gets angry. Rhea says Sid and Prachi are together, I told that there is something between them. She says this was going on between us, and says they are holding each other hands’ now and might announce that they are happy together. She says they are shameless to make their relation public, after ruining our lives. She sheds fake tears and smiles. Prachi wipes her tears and says Ranbir has thrown me out, but I couldn’t separate myself from him, I still love him. She cries and says excuse me. He holds her hand and says you are running away. Sid wipes her tears and asks her to accept the truth. He says we are still friends. They sit on their chairs. Ranbir is still looking at the video. Rhea says they will not let us live peacefully and says our house mourning is still not over, and they are romancing as if some romantic movie is going on. She asks what is left to be seen. Ranbir recalls Sid’s words and breaks the phone angrily.

Rhea says you have taken out your anger and grabs his collar asking if he can just take out his frustration. She asks where to take out my frustration, and says even I was betrayed. She says my husband and sister betrayed me and says you are responsible for my destruction. She says you helped Sid in Bangalore so that we can get married, then I came here and I saw you here. She says I controlled myself somehow and then saw Prachi and Sid’s affair and told you, but you ignored me. She says whenever I got pain, betrayal etc, you was with me, but never stepped in front to wipe my tears. She says who are you to me and says why am I staying here? She says nobody is here for me, everything is ruined, and there is no reason to live. She says my own sister betrayed me, I am dying daily. She says why don’t I die? She says I can’t live here. Pallavi sends Ranbir to see her. Rhea’s friend thinks to go to her and informs her mother.
Sid asks Prachi not to cry and says when you cry, your loved ones too cry. He says even I went through the same case, and says everything was perfect. He says I saw my kriya karam infront of my eyes, I got hurt much and the other day I was out of it. Prachi asks what did you do? He says you have to forget Ranbir and move on forgetting him. Prachi says it is not that easy and says you are talking like badi maa. He says I am practical. Prachi says I thought you love Rhea and says relation can end, but not love as it stays in heart and if you feel that you can forget it, then you never had loved. She says why are you forgetting her and moving on and says she is my sister. Sid says she don’t deserve to be called as your sister and says infact she is your enemy. He says Vikram, Pallavi, Rhea and Ranbir are not like they pretend and says today I will tell you the truth.

Vikram and Dida hear Rhea and Ranbir. Pallavi says you have to stop yourself, it is not good for you. Rhea says wrong thing have happened with me, and says I trust Dad, Ranbir and Prachi, everyone betrayed me. She says Dad told that he will get me married to you, but he left. She says my real sister married you and then have affair with my husband. Ranbir says don’t say anything to her. Rhea says you shall feel ashamed.

Rhea tell Ranbir that the girl who did wrong with me, you can’t hear anything against her. She says first she snatched my dad and then you. She says then she snatched my husband too and ruined my everything. She says you made yourself busy in business and asks what I shall do, where will I go? She says you didn’t think about me. She says you are selfish and due to you, my life is getting ruined. She says I thought that I will make a new start, but what did I get? She says I am mad to think that and says my friends are better than you all. She says you people don’t see my pain and asks why am I staying here, and says everyone is betraying me, not just Sid and Prachi. She says Mom and Dad are in coma, and you all are in confusion, Prachi is in Sid’s embrace, then why I am here in this world. She says I shall not live and closes the door. They ask her to open the door. Rhea smiles and closes her ears. Dida says if you do something then family will be in problem. Rhea says you are still thinking about family. She asks them to go from there. Vikram and Pallavi insist her to listen. Rhea says I will commit suicide with the knife kept in my room.

Pallavi says I swear, I will do everything fine. Rhea smiles and sees Ranbir coming to the window and knocking on it. She silently open the window a bit. He tries to open and it opens. She pretends to shed fake tears and threatens to cut her wrist. Pallavi comes to the window and says don’t do this. She says I always thought good about you. Rhea says you people made my life as joke. Ranbir asks why are you doing this for someone who is not important for you and says don’t take your life. Rhea says why shall I hear you, when you don’t want to listen to me. She asks him to hear. Ranbir says keep the knife away, just for me. Vikram tries to break the door and hurts himself. Pallavi says if Rhea commit suicide, then we will go to jail. She says we will all pay for it and tells about someone’s family. Rhea smirks. Pallavi asks her to open the door. Dida asks her to talk good. Pallavi blames Ranbir and says if you had heard me that day, then this wouldn’t have happen. A fb is shown, Pallavi asks Ranbir to marry Rhea. Ranbir refuses. Pallavi says don’t give a chance to Sid and Prachi to ruin your life. Ranbir says I will not give them chance and want to tell her, that my life got better after she went. He says he don’t want to marry anyone. Fb ends. Pallavi says you told that Prachi didn’t mean to you and says if you don’t want to marry, then that means, you still have soft corner for Prachi. Ranbir says I don’t want to marry, as I don’t believe on marriage. Rhea opens the door and says I trust marriage, and heard that the girl goes out on the arthi. She says you will either lift my doli or arthi after my death. She says either marry me or just let me die. Ranbir is shocked.

Sid says the truth which I know, you shall also know Prachi. Prachi says I don’t want to hear, the way you are telling against them. She is about to go. Sid says why you didn’t tell me before, that before your marriage with Ranbir, Rhea and Ranbir was about to get married. Prachi says when we came from Bangalore, Mummy refused to let me enter and I thought everything is cleared. Sid says may be my question was wrong and says why didn’t you tell me that Ranbir left Rhea on the mandap and went to marry you against his family’s will. He says the matter was that, he left Rhea and married you. He says Rhea attempted suicide due to this, and then Vikram Chacha and your Dad never met, after whatever happened with Rhea. He says your dad started hating you and your mom and dad got separated etc. He says you didn’t tell me this. Prachi says I didn’t know that you was unaware about it. She says when I met you and Rhea after your marriage, I didn’t want to interfere in your happily married life. Sid says happy marriage and says Rhea’s behavior was strange always. He says that day I called you from the hospital and then we went to the hotel room, then suddenly smoke came in the room, and the door was locked. He says then you saw someone. Prachi says then we fell unconscious. Sid says we fell on the floor unconscious. He says when we gained consciousness, we were on the bed and Rhea and Ranbir was in front of us. He says the smoke might have come by mistake, but how can we be found on the bed together. He says it was not accidental and says you tried to explain that it was a misunderstanding, but it was a conspiracy. He says whatever was shown, was staged. He says when you went out of the hotel, I went to CCTV room, but couldn’t get any evidence, and saw someone keeping eye on us. He says it was a plan to show our legitimate relation as illegitimate. He says Kohli family wanted to get rid of us and that’s why opted this way. He says I was like their son, but not their son, and you was their bahu, but not their choice. He says I handled myself as I came to know as it was a conspiracy. He says you didn’t meet Ranbir after that, but I met Rhea to clear her the matter. I knew that she was meeting her Bangalore friend and met her in the hotel lobby.

Flashback is shown, Sid tells Rhea that he just loves her and doesn’t have any affair with Prachi. Rhea asks him not to be chipku. Sid says when we went to the hotel room. Rhea says then suddenly smoke came and you fell unconscious. She tells that she didn’t want to marry you, and wanted to divorce him, but dropped the idea when she sees Kohlis, as she wanted to stay with them. Sid says what about your sister? Rhea says she is my enemy and snatched my everything from me, but can’t snatch my destiny. She says Pallavi aunty liked me from the start and wanted me to become her bahu. She says we were about to get married, but Prachi blackmailed Ranbir and he left me on the mandap to marry Prachi. She says didn’t you notice why Pallavi aunty used to scold Prachi and used to praise me. She says I was her choice, and she wanted me to marry Ranbir. She says nobody used to like her, one day Pallavi aunty talked to us, and made a plan to get rid of Prachi. She says Vikram and Ranbir was there. She says that lady was Pallavi aunty, who got the gas leaked and then Ranbir made you both lied down on the bed, and then you know. Fb ends.

Prachi says Ranbir’s pain was genuine, and it was not any drama. Sid says Rhea said that it was drama. Fb again, Rhea says it was planned by plan and pretend as if we got pain of life. She says Ranbir said all those things so that Prachi shall feel the pain. She says else she wouldn’t have leave the house. She says Pallavi aunty wanted Ranbir and I to marry, as we love each other. She says we used you and even you have to leave the house. She asks him to start the life again and asks if he will sign on the divorce papers, or will see Ranbir and her together. Fb ends. Sid says then I understood why Rhea behaves sweetly when Ranbir was around. He says I saw them closer, but was blinded by Rhea’s love like you.

Precap: Prachi gets vomiting and asks for medicine box. The hotel staff congratulates Prachi and says you are pregnant. Ranbir asks Rhea if she will marry him. Rhea says yes and hugs him. Prachi tells Sid, I didn’t faint because you told me about Ranbir’s marriage. I fainted because I am pregnant. Sushma hears it. Dadi tells Rhea, the day you fall, you will get hurt heavily and that day, you can have haldi applied along with mehendi. It will act as medicine on your wound. Rhea answers back saying let me get married once, then we will find out who gets hurt.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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