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Dida thinks where is Ranbir, he had told that he will bring Prachi. Ranbir asks Shahana to sit on the back seat, as the car will not shake much and the baby will be save. Prachi comes and sits with Shahana. Ranbir says you became a good sister, I will become a good driver. He drives the car and tells Shahana that she is not glowing in pregnancy like Prachi. He teases Prachi indirectly for showing the attitude. Shahana asks him to drive carefully and don’t look in the mirror and talk. She says take left. He says I will be taking you to our house, and says until Sarita behen returns, Prachi will take care of you. He says tomorrow is lohri, we will celebrate. Shahana says I don’t have clothes with me. Ranbir says driver will bring your clothes, or you can just ask Prachi. He says else I will bring clothes for you. He asks Shahana to smile, as she is pregnant. He then recalls the lady’s words and gets worried for Shahana.

Pallavi asks Vikram not to touch Rhea’s surprise and gives his gift to him. She then gives gift to Dida and Neeti. She shows parandi to Rhea, and says ladies wear this while doing gidda during lohri. Aaliya says Pallavi tied all these parandas on my hair. Vikram says I will accept if you try it again. He says he is happy. Pallavi says it is Rhea’s first lohri after marriage with Ranbir and says it will be special. She explains the function. Pallavi and Vikram ask Dida to sing Sundar mundarye…song. Vikram and Pallavi dance as Dida sings. Vikram says the newly weds will get many blessings. Pallavi says we had taken 7 rounds on lohri day. Vikram says our bond is unbreakable. Rhea says Mummy, Ranbir haven’t come till now. He had said that he is coming. Dida asks if you haven’t told her. Rhea asks if there is something. Aaliya says I was about to tell you, then I went for shopping.

Ranbir stops the car and asks Shahana to get down. He helps her get down, and tells that he loves kids. He says he had three dreams, one is to marry Prachi, second his start up and the third one is……Suddenly he feels pain in his head and gets blurred flashback of his conversation with Prachi. Prachi asks if he is fine. Ranbir says I am getting a fb as if I told you about my three dreams, I had paper in my hand. Prachi recollects and says you told about this before, it is all nonsense. She asks Shahana to come inside. Ranbir shouts asking Prachi to stop. He asks what did you say just now? He asks her to say it to his face and asks what did you say? Prachi says I said you told me about this nonsense before. Ranbir asks do you think my dreams are nonsense. She says it needs hardwork to achieve the dreams. Ranbir says it was achievement for me to marry you, and says how can you be stone hearted? He says you don’t have a heart. Prachi says I had a heart, which was broken badly by you. She asks didn’t you know about it? Ranbir says even I can complain and more than you, but I am not like you, in my past. Prachi says you are afraid and knows that you have done a mistake. He asks why she is blinded and wanted to stay in the past. He says I will not love you and will not care for you. She says I am not dying for your love and care. He says nobody can love this Prachi in this world.
Rhea asks what is it, that you wanted to tell me, but didn’t tell you. Pallavi says Ranbir had gone to office after meeting. Aaliya says I don’t want to spoil your mood. Rhea asks if I shall celebrate the festival alone, and says it is unfair. She says we shall have dinner, as Ranbir will return. She tells Neeti that she will help her and goes. Pallavi says I talked to Mishra ji and he told that Prachi’s bail will not happen today and tomorrow, I wish two days goes on peacefully. She says I don’t want Rhea to see Prachi’s face. Dida says if Ranbir comes and tells that he had gone to PS for Prachi, then if Rhea will not feel bad. Pallavi says why to upset Rhea? Dida asks Pallavi not to treat Rhea like a child. Pallavi says if Rhea’s mood gets upset, then it will affect tomorrow’s function. Dida says you should have think about this before getting Prachi arrested. She says nobody is thinking about Prachi. Pallavi asks Vikram to make his mother understand and says I can’t keep everyone happy here. Dida says you shall not think about keeping everyone happy. Aaliya thinks why Vikram is not supporting Pallavi and gets worried thinking what will happen when Prachi returns.

Ranbir tell Prachi that nobody can love her in this world as she don’t have a heart or feelings, and she has just hatred to give. He says you have become stone from top to toe and says it seems like I am hitting my head on the stone. Prachi says enough. Shahana asks Ranbir to talk to her later. Ranbir says whenever I talk to you nicely, you shows me attitude and talks to me badly. Prachi says you deserve this treatment and says I don’t want your love, care and concern and says this is all show off. Ranbir says ok, I will go away from you, that you will not see me or my love. He goes inside the house. Prachi walks behind him. Shahana says Prachi couldn’t forgive him and he couldn’t understand her. She thinks I am pregnant between their fight, and asks God to handle these mad lovers. Ranbir comes home. Pallavi asks him to sit. Ranbir says I need some rest. Rhea says it is really wonderful that you came back home on time. Ranbir asks if you are happy to see me at home, and says your happiness will turn sorrowful by tomorrow, and I will not be Ranbir for you. She asks what are you saying? Prachi and Shahana get inside. Rhea gets shocked and says Prachi. Ranbir asks where is the happiness, which you had seeing me, it was fake. He asks if he didn’t mean to anyone in the house. Prachi asks him to talk to her, as he has problem with her. Ranbir says I will not talk to you. He says I will fight with Rhea first. He asks Rhea, why did she marry him? Aaliya says why you are asking strange things from her. Ranbir says you are calling my question strange and asks if other things are normal. Pallavi asks what happened? Ranbir says I am angry, everyone has become members of this fight club. He says you want to fight and need my support, but I don’t want to support anyone. Prachi says you haven’t supported me. Ranbir says you have stopped talking to me.

Shahana comes there. Ranbir asks her to go inside, as this drama will go on for long. Rhea asks why she will stay here? Ranbir says because I am saying, and I have some identity in this house. He says Sarita ji is not in Delhi, so Shahana will stay here. He tells Prachi that she don’t need his support. Shahana says you are over reacting. Ranbir says I left my work for Prachi and she…Rhea asks if you have bailed her out and says I am angry about this. Ranbir asks where was that happiness which was on your face? He tells Dida that the house work on both sister’s mood swings. He tells that the weather will change with their mood. Vikram says it is enough. Ranbir asks why Prachi and Rhea want to take revenge from each other, why? He says I don’t want to stay here, and says I don’t get two moments of peace here. He says Rhea wants her married life, and Prachi wants her rights, and asks did anyone ask what I want? Pallavi says Ranbir. Ranbir says you don’t care for me, and just care about Rhea. He says you don’t have your own perspective and believes whatever Rhea is doing is right. And whoever likes Prachi, thinks she is right. He asks did I fight with anyone, due to my frustration. He says I always think about this house alone, and says Mahabharat ended in 18 days, but this house fight is not ending. He says Prachi wanted to ruin Rhea’s marriage functions, which I totally understand. He says Rhea spiked her drinks and took her signatures. He says Prachi feigned fake raid in the house to get the papers, and says Rhea filed case against her. He asks Rhea why did she file case against Prachi. He asks why did you call Police? He says house fights shall be resolved in the house and asks everyone why they didn’t stop Rhea? He says if bahu beti is found in lock up then house respect is ruined, and tells Rhea that she has ruined his house respect and nobody is telling her that she is wrong. He says you have ruined this house respect, not only Prachi, but all the house is ruined, and asks why did these understanding family members haven’t done anything. He says you should have called me and informed about Prachi’s arrest. He says why nobody helped Prachi even once. Prachi says I don’t need anyone’s help. Ranbir says I am not talking to you and asks her to be quiet. He folds his hand and asks everyone to let the house be the house. Vikram asks where are you going? Ranbir says to get some fresh air as there is hatred in the house. He asks Dida to make arrangements for Shahana’s stay, else both sisters will get a chance to fight again. Dida asks Shahana to come with her and asks Prachi to rest. Rhea asks Pallavi and Vikram, what Ranbir was trying to say. Pallavi asks her to understand what he wanted to say. Vikram says Ranbir was right, we have done wrong with Prachi, by getting her arrested and then not bailing her out. He says shame on us, Pallavi. Rhea asks if you will say the same. Pallavi says respect is ruined, if you or Prachi are involved. Rhea thinks to prove that she is Ranbir’s only wife.
Shahana asks Dida to close the door and gets happy, telling that Ranbir scolded everyone today. Dida says but he was worried. Shahana says he is grinded between them and tells that even Prachi scolded him a lot. Dida says husband and fight go on, but they unite in the end. She asks Shahana to do something. Shahana tells that they love each other, but there is a wall between them. Dida asks what? Shahana recalls Prachi’s words and says the wall is not strong and will break. Dida says I want their happiness and togetherness. Shahana says they are together, but there is a wall, misunderstanding and Rhea’s inauspicious presence between them. She says soon Prachi and Ranbir will unite. Dida hugs her happily.

Prachi comes to her room and thinks of Ranbir’s words. Rhea comes there and says don’t fly in air, as Ranbir spoke against me. Prachi says you called Ranbir as your husband, and the same Ranbir bailed me out and brought me back in this room. Rhea says you are still thinking about this room, and says you can take 10 rooms more and says it doesn’t matter to me, as he is not staying with you. Prachi says I don’t want to stay with him. Rhea says you don’t want to stay with him and not letting me stay with him. She says it is difficult to understand her. Prachi says I understood what you wanted.

Rhea ask Prachi what does she wants, and says you don’t want to live with Ranbir and not letting me live with him. She asks what do you know? Prachi says everyone knows what you wanted to do, and says you shouldn’t have called the Police. Rhea says you had stolen and what do you think that I will let you go. Prachi says you knew what I wanted and says you have ruined family’s respect. Rhea says I just wanted my win and says I knew what you wanted to steal and says what do you think that I will handover my future in your hand, and got you arrested. Prachi says I am standing infront of you, and this is my win, Ranbir bailed me out. She says Ranbir was going out of India for an important work, but just as he came to know about my arrest, he came back and bailed me out, as he loves me still and his heart beats for me still. Rhea says Ranbir freed you out, due to family respect and he doesn’t love you, he was just fulfilling his duty. She says you are thrown out of his heart and will be out from his life too. She says tomorrow is my first lohri and asks her to see Ranbir becoming hers again. She asks her to accept the truth that Ranbir is just mine, and advices her to leave before lohri, and don’t way that she didn’t warn her. She goes.

Prachi keeps hand on her tummy and asks baby not to get angry. She says your Papa got so much happy thinking Shahana Maasi is pregnant and says how he will be happy, if he comes to know about you. She says she thought to tell him the truth, and recalled how my parents separated. She says I couldn’t tell Ranbir about his life’s biggest happiness and says sorry.

Precap: Shahana asks Prachi to tell Ranbir about his baby. Prachi says I will tell now itself. Later Vikram blesses Prachi and wishes her happy lohri, when she touches his feet. Prachi gets emotional. Pallavi looks on shocked.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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