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The Episode starts with Rajvi asking Darsh to meet Dr. Bhanushali, he will find a solution, he is very good, take Nandini there. Darsh says we should give time to Nandini, she shouldn’t feel that we are disappointed and finding solutions, it should be her decision. Nandini comes and says I want to meet the doctor, I am ready for the treatment, I don’t want to leave the hope. Rajvi says that’s the spirit. Nandini says I saw this picture in storeroom, who is she, I didn’t see her before. Vipul asks Rajvi to show the pic. Dada ji comes and says she is Toral. Darsh asks who. Dada ji says your nanny. Darsh asks did I had any nanny. Dada ji says yes, Rajvi was not well after your birth, we kept Toral to look after you for some time. Darsh says okay. He asks Nandini to get ready and come with him to office. They leave. Vipul asks how did Nandini get this pic, what will we tell the children. Dada ji says Rajvi didn’t let anyone know about Toral. Shobit says I don’t know D, who told this to you. Vini recalls Charmy’s words. He gets commissioner’s call. He asks what, we have to find them. He goes.

Darsh and Nandini are at the office. He asks how do you like your new cabin. He says I m struggling with new ideas, I want you to help me, I got the family here, they will see you working and smile. She says the most imp person isn’t here. She keeps Darsh’s pic. She says frame this pic, it should be on my desk by morning. He thinks we have to support each other, to complete ourselves. She says this is office, only work, no romance. He gets a call. She gets sad.
Rajvi burns Toral’s pic. She says they will ask about Toral again. Chetan says how did they know, I never told about her to Parul since my marriage. Vipul says we got worried with this mention, we will go there and get relieved if everything is fine. Darsh calls him and says we are getting late for meeting. Vipul says I got stuck in factory work, you and Nandini handle it. Rajvi calls out Vipul. Darsh and Nandini come home. He asks did you think its a small thing that you can hide it from me. Rajvi asks what did I hide from you. He says pharmacy guy said he delivered your anxiety medicines today, you didn’t take medicines since two days, what is this. Nandini says don’t take it light. Rajvi worries and thinks if my fear gets true. Vipul says Toral has run away four months back, they are cheaters, they didn’t inform us. Chetan says don’t worry, we will find her. Bansuri comes and greets them. She asks you here. Vipul says we had an urgent meeting, is everything fine. She says yes. Chetan asks her to take care of herself. They leave. Rajvi takes medicines. Darsh asks her to take rest. Charmy comes and says Mrs. Patel called and told that she wants to feature me in an article, I refused to her. Rajvi asks her to stay away from Mrs. Patel. Nandini says let Charmy do it if she wants. Rajvi says as you wish. Charmy asks will you stay with me during the photoshoot. Nandini nods.

Darsh says they will discuss about motherhood, I don’t want you to get disturbed. Nandini says sit, rub your hands until it get warm, touch on my cheek now. He asks why. She says I m proving that I didn’t melt by your warm hands, I m not a wax doll that my heart will break if I hear about motherhood. He asks what’s the need to help, you always invite problems. She says you always scold me. She acts upset and smiles. Jinal says this new dress is for Charmy. Vini asks what about Nandini. Jinal says magazine selected just Charmy for photoshoot. Vini says its just for Charmy, nothing for Nandini, but Nandini is also special. Charmy goes for the photoshoot. She asks Nandini to make her hair proper. She asks her to get juice. Mrs. Patel smiles. Vini looks on.

Vini says Nandini’s photoshoot should also happen, Charmy is making Nandini work, I have to do something. Mrs. Patel says I want happy pics. She taunts Nandini. She says I heard a news, you can’t conceive, so sad. Nandini says its more sad that you forgot the difference between someone’s sorrow and entertainment. She goes crying. Darsh sees Nandini. He says I had told you not to go there, you got upset, Charmy isn’t a little girl that she can’t manage. Akash comes to call her. Darsh says Jinal will help you out. Akash says there are some changes, Nandini has to come, Nandini will also get featured, editor has called Mrs. Patel and said you will also feature, you have a little girl, you made her your daughter, you are also unique. Nandini asks who told this to him. Vini says I called him and told him everything. Darsh and Nandini smile. Nandini hugs Vini. Vini asks her to get ready. Nandini, Darsh and Vini also go for the photoshoot. Charmy gets angered. She goes. Mrs. Patel comes to her. Charmy says no use to join hands with you. Mrs. Patel says sorry, editor called me. Charmy says I want to defeat Nandini. Mrs. Patel says I want to ruin entire Rawal family, none can stop us. Charmy says I want Darsh, I don’t care how you defame the family.

Rajvi think of Toral. Vipul comes home. She goes to him. Darsh asks what happened, is there any tension. Vipul says no, I wasn’t receiving her calls. Bansuri asks Nandini not to worry, she will conceive surely. Nandini says yes. Bansuri says Parul told about Kuldevi puja at home, you do the puja, everything will get fine. Nandini says yes, Rajvi also wants me to do it. Bansuri says I met Vipul and Chetan in the other village, they said they have come for a meeting. Nandini says okay. She thinks what meeting did they had there.

Vipul says Chetan and I were at the factory, Chetan is still there. Nandini thinks why is he lying. Nandini says I will be doing the puja. Rajvi asks Charmy to sit in the puja as well, Parul will explain her everything. Rajvi goes after Vipul. She asks where is Toral. He says I don’t know, she has run away four months back. She asks what, we have to find her. He says we have no answers to tell them, don’t react like this. She says yes, I m afraid to answer them. He asks how did the weather change suddenly, it seems like a storm is coming. She says storm might come in our lives.

Nandini and Vini have a talk. Vini says I have to ask about Charmy. Charmy gets dizzy. Nandini runs to help. Charmy says I was going to fall down. Nandini says I will drop you to the room. Charmy asks can I stay in your room until my pregnancy, I have a problem climbing the stairs, I got habitual to stay in that room. She says I knew it, you won’t say no, thanks a lot. Nandini looks at her. Vini says I remember it, you were telling on phone, someone give me my D, what’s D, we were playing hide and seek, I was hiding behind the chair that day. Charmy worries. She says D means a medicine for morning sickness, why were you hearing my talks. Nandini says bad manners, say sorry. Vini says sorry. Charmy says I will shift my things. She goes. Nandini thinks I didn’t even say yes, how shall I say no to her.

Rajvi worries seeing the pic frame falling down and breaking. She says its our family pic, I am not getting a good feeling, I feel restless. Vipul consoles her. He asks her to calm down. She cries and says I can’t sit in peace unless we find her, if she comes home, then my family will break. Darsh asks how did you say yes and give our room to Charmy. Nandini says I didn’t say yes to her. They argue. She says I didn’t say yes, she thought I said yes, its strange, she just got our room in the entire house. He says maybe its hormonal changes in the pregnancy, she talks strangely, you invite troubles in your life. She says like you. He gets Shobit’s message. He says he managed another room for Charmy on the ground floor. She says you were scolding me for no reason. She goes to sleep.

Charmy scolds Shobit. She says I find comfort in Darsh’s room. He says it will be inconvenient for Darsh and Nandini. She asks so what, no one worries for me. Parul comes. Shobit leaves. Parul asks is everything fine. Charmy says yes, just some argument, what’s this. Parul says I will tell about kuldevi puja, you apply uptan, have a bath, you have to get the idol soil home and make an idol, you have to do its puja. Charmy says I understand. Parul gives her the uptan bowls and goes. Charmy says this uptan is for Nandini, its good Parul left it here. She adds something. She says I will not lose to her always, she can’t do this puja. Parul comes and says I forgot Nandini’s bowl here, thanks. She takes the bowl and goes. Charmy smiles.
Its morning, Darsh is with Nandini. She says I have to apply uptan. He says you spoiled my sleep, you have to compensate for it now. She asks him to file the court case. He doesn’t give the uptan. She goes. Charmy comes and keeps the uptan bowl there. Vini looks on. Charmy thinks Nandini didn’t apply the uptan till now. She goes to get the towel. Vini sees the bowls. She says Nandini should get this golden bowl. She swaps the plates. Nandini thank Shobit. She asks will Charmy feel bad. He says not at all. She gets some high heels and says I will show Darsh now, he makes fun of my height. Charmy takes the wrong bowl and apply the uptan. She screams my face is burning. Shobit and Nandini come. They ask how can this happen. Charmy thinks how did the bowls change. Charmy says take me to room fast. Shobit takes her. Darsh asks Nandini to apply uptan. She shows her heels. She thinks he should ask how did my height got more now. She says you can’t joke on my height now. He asks why. He smiles seeing her heels. He asks her to say it. She says you didn’t notice, I have worn heels. He says oh, you have worn heels, your height is so less that heels didn’t create a difference, maybe I am still sleeping. She pushes him into the pool angrily. They fall inside the pool. They have an eyelock.

Precap: Nandini goes to get the idol soil. She sees someone there and asks who are you, what are you doing here. Nandini brings Toral home. Rajvi and Vipul get shocked. Rajvi thinks did Darsh and Nandini got to know the truth. Toral comes home. Everyone gets shocked. Rajvi thinks did Darsh and Nandini got to know the truth.

Unspoken Bond Air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 5pm

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