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The Episode starts with Nandini packing her bag. She says I am going from here, you enjoy your freedom. Darsh ask how did you think this. She asks what happened at the hospital. He says nothing, I was worried that the goons are still free. She says I was scared, I thought if you liked any nurse in the hospital. Shobit asks Nandini to see a cradle. Nandini says I have no experience, sorry. Rajvi says what’s the need to buy a new cradle, I have kept the cradles of your childhood, baby will sleep in your cradle, Shobit, you can go and check, Nandini and Darsh’s child will sleep in Darsh’s cradle. She says I have made gond laddoos for Charmy, you also eat it Nandini. Charmy looks on. Nandini says its nice. Charmy gets angry.

Nandini and Vini see Darsh’s childhood clothes and toys. Vini gets a picture to her. They laugh. Vini runs to Darsh. Nandini sees the cradle and prays to get a child. Darsh asks what will I tell Nandini, how shall I snatch her smile. Vini says look what I got. She shows Darsh’s crying pic. Rajvi smiles. Vini asks did he use to cry a lot. Rajvi nods. Vini asks what happened, you didn’t get angry today. Rajvi asks all okay. Nandini and Shobit get Darsh’s cradle. Darsh thinks how shall I tell you the truth, all the hopes and dreams will shatter. Rajvi says I have many memories with this. She sings a lullaby. Rajvi says first Shobit’s child will come and then your child, I will not go to office, I will handle the kids. Nandini imagines their daughter. Darsh says her name will be Darshini. Vini asks who is more naughty, Darsh or Shobit. Rajvi says Darsh was naughty and irritated also, Shobit was happy baby, he used to smile always. Shobit asks really. Nandini says that’s why I named Darsh a problem, he would have troubled you a lot when you had him in your womb. Rajvi says no one has a son like my Darsh, he is my best son, we will go now, get ready for the party.

Jinal asks Charmy to write happy birthday Nandini on the cake. Charmy ruins the cake. She says I was writing the name, but my hand slipped, can you make it again. Jinal says its fine, I will make a better cake. Charmy goes. She receives Nandini’s medical reports. She checks. She gets shocked. She says that’s why Darsh’s mood is bad, this year Nandini’s birthday will be very special.

Nandini celebrates her birthday. Rajvi says you know what wish to make. Nandini smiles. Charmy wishes Nandini and presents the gift. She says you got Darsh’s cradle from the storeoom, I got it polished and made it new, this will be the perfect gift. Everyone smiles. Nandini sees the cradle. She asks what’s these hospital reports, its mine, what is it doing here. Charmy says it came in the morning, I kept it somewhere else. Darsh thinks this truth can’t come out. He takes the reports. He says everything is normal. Shobit says I spoke to doctor, he said Nandini is fit to dance. Everyone laughs. Shobit says I want everyone on the dance floor, come. They go. Nandini sees Darsh trashing the report. She thinks why did he throw my report. He goes. Nandini checks the report. Charmy smiles. She asks Nandini to come, everyone is waiting. Nandini says tell me what’s written, I don’t understand medical language, it appears bad. Charmy asks what, how can this happen. Nandini asks what happened. Charmy says no, nothing. Nandini asks what’s written, tell me. Charmy says I can’t say. Nandini says please tell me. Charmy says you can never conceive a child. Nandini gets shocked. Parul shouts how did this fire catch up. Nandini runs to see. Charmy recalls burning the cradle. Everyone gets shocked. Nandini goes to put off the fire by her hands. Darsh stops her and asks what are you doing, its just a cradle. She shouts my motherhood dream is burning. She cries. The fire is put off. Rajvi asks why are you saying this. Nandini shows the reports. She says Darsh didn’t want me to see this, sorry, I can’t fulfill your wish, I can never conceive a child. Everyone gets shocked. Charmy smiles.
Nandini ask why did you hide this from me, you are celebrating my birthday, why shall I celebrate happiness. Darsh says come on, don’t think so, I have you with me, you have me, isn’t this happiness enough for us, I m sorry, I was waiting for the right chance to tell you, I know you wanted to become a mother, its fine if Lord didn’t write a child in our fate, when I lost my eyesight, I had learnt to stay happy, then you came in my life as a light, can’t we just love each other, this is just a medical report, miracles do happen in life, above all, you have Vini, what else do we want. Nandini cries and runs. Rajvi gets angry on Lord and goes. Charmy smiles. Vipul stops Rajvi. Rajvi says Lord has to answer me, Darsh and Nandini are undergoing this pain. He says I know you are disturbed, no need to hurt yourself. She shouts and says I will ask these questions to Lord, I have seen Chetan and Parul in this pain, a woman feels incomplete without a child, you won’t understand what a woman feels on taking her child for the first time, when I held my Darsh in my lap for the first time. She stops saying. He says we have to become their support, we have to be strong, come home. Darsh comes to Nandini. Nandini recalls Charmy’s words. Darsh makes Nandini sit. He applies the ointment to her hand. He says I can’t stay away from you, I didn’t say that to keep your heart, I have you and that’s enough for me. She goes. He cries. She gets a cupcake. She asks him to come. He says that’s my girl. She hugs him. She says just you can complete me, I have no identity without you, you said miracles can happen, I will wait for that miracle. She shows the drawing. She says I made this when dad left me and Bansuri, I made my heart strong, thinking I have to stay alone all my life, but I didn’t expect you will come in my life, it wasn’t less than a miracle, another miracle can also happen. He says yes. She says I will keep this hope in my heart. He says come, we will cut the tasty cake. He sings the birthday song. She blows the candle. They eat the cupcake. Vini comes and says not fair, I didn’t eat the cake. Nandini says this cake is for you, have it. Darsh says its enough for me if I handle both of you, who wants a bigger family. He hugs them.

Darsh calls manager and says make a cabin ready for Nandini, she will come to office with me. Rajvi and Vipul come to him. He says problems come in life, do we stop living, I decided that Nandini will join me in office, her mind will be diverted, I know becoming parents is an imp part of life, but there are other things also, I m fine. He goes. Rajvi cries.
Its morning, Vini and Jinal play hide and seek. Vini hide in Charmy’s room. Charmy listens to a song and smiles. She thinks Rajvi was dreaming of Nandini and Darsh’s child, when she knows that Nandini was never conceive, then it will be a big drama. Shobit comes and says we got next month date to register the marriage. Charmy asks what, but why suddenly, I mean why are you in hurry to marry, we didn’t find Gunjan’s body. He ask why do you get Gunjan in between, till when shall I wait for Gunjan, I am not dying to marry you, I am just worried for our child, you used to call me spineless, I want to take this responsibility, you are questioning me, you aren’t helpless to stay here, you can go, I have a right on the baby, I won’t let you snatch that. He leaves. Vini says Charmy always shouts on Shobit. Charmy says what happened to him. She calls someone. She says I am frustrated, I don’t want to stay with Shobit, give me my D, I want to get rid of them. Vini says who is this D. 

Chetan comes to Nandini. He asks her why are you repairing the cradle, it won’t be like before. Nandini says don’t say this, this isn’t just a baby, it was Darsh and my dream, I will not leave hope. He says its good, but don’t lose happiness, I saw Parul crying in loneliness, I don’t want to see you going through the same sorrow. He goes. She cry. She sees a lady’s picture there. She says whose picture is this, its burnt?

Precap: Nandini asks whose pic is this. Vipul asks what will we tell kids if they question us. Darsh asks Rajvi why did she hide this from him. Rajvi worries.

Unspoken Bond Air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 5pm

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