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Kavya warns Rakhi to stop insulting her husband. Rakhi taunts that a phatichar/broke husband’s jobless wife is speaking, all are jobless here. Baa says they work in a cafeteria. Kavya warns how dare she is to compared her with Shah family. Rakhi says Shah seniors have excuse of being illiterate, Kavya doesn’t even have that. Kavya challenges that she will get very high-profile job. Rakhi says she is busy all the time grooming her eyebrows and should earn some money by grooming locality ladies’ eyebrows. Kavya asks why everyone are behind her eyebrows. Bapuji asks Kavya and Vanraj not to fight on festival day. Kavya says Rakhi is fighting. Bapuji then asks Rakhi to stop fighting. Rakhi says phatichars are unfit to fight with her. Sanjay warns her that he will not tolerate his in-laws’ insult. Rakhi asks if she should personally insult him. Dolly warns her to shut up and asks Vanraj what is going on. Rakhi mimics her. Vanraj shouts to shut up and says he was tolerating her due to festival and will not tolerate her anymore, she should get out of his house. She asks his house? He says his, Anupama, and Dolly’s house. Rakhi says its also her house. Vanraj asks what rubbish. Anu requests Rakhi to stop. Rakhia asks Anu to explain everyone that this is also her house.

Vanraj looks at Anu and asks what is mannerless Rakhi saying, what did she do. Rakhi says they needed money to get out of income tax, bank fraud, and many more problems, hence she gave money to Anu and mortgaged her share of house in exchange. Camera zooms on each family member’s shocked face. Rakhi says Anu had visited her house begging for money and remembers Anu asking what she needs in return and she telling she needs her pride, her house, as she is part owner of that house. Anu says she cannot give her house share as it belongs to Baa Bapuji. Rakhi says she will not lend money then. Anu pleads to take revenge in some other way and not this way. Rakhi threatens to either give her house share or cancel the deal. Out of flashback, she thinks her 1 attack is equal to Shah family’s multiple attacks.

Vanraj shouts at Anu how dare she is, he knew she is dumb and was fooled by fraud bank people, Rakhi is a bigger fraud and she ruined their family’s dignity, etc. Bapuji asks Vanraj not to blame his daughter. Baa backs Vanraj and she Anu ruined even his dignity. Kavya using an opportunity humiliates Anu. Kinjal asks Anu why did she take Rakhi’s help. Toshu blames her next. Vanraj asks them all not to corner his daughter. Vanraj asks who gave her right to sell their house, she disrespected Bapuji’s blessings. Bapuji says she took his permission and goes into flashback where Anu calls him from Rakhi’s landline and informs him about Rakhi’s condition and he agrees. Vanraj says she could have used some other way. Bapuji asks why didn’t others take that way and blaming Anu instead; Karkhana would have closed in a day, Anu would have conducted her dance classes online, but Vanraj would have to shut his cafe. Baa shouts Anu sold their house. Bapuji says she mortgaged the house and didn’t sell it. Rakhi says she lent money and is their most dearest one. Kinjal asks Rakhi why did she do that. Rakhi says she needed something as collateral, so took house share. Kinjal says she did wrong. Rakhi warns that she is also staying in her house.
Vanraj asks Rakhi to return property papers and take back her money. Rakhi fixes her nameplate on door throwing away Anu’s nameplate and says she was an uninvited guest in this house, but now she can stay here. She performs her nameplate’s aarti and taunts Vanraj that their relationship is more strong now as they are housemates now. Vanraj says he shared his son with this woman, but cannot share his father’s blessings with her. He removes his nameplate. Rakhi taunts him to share even his and his sister’s share. Vanraj walks to Anju and says she returned the pain he gave her for 25 years in just 1 day with interest, she destroyed him, he will not stay in a house where this woman/Rakhi will visit and hence he is leaving this house. Rakhi taunts him not to change his decision. Anu pleads. He shouts he will not forget his insult because of her forever and walks to his room. Rakhi says oops sorry, she didn’t want to inform but couldn’t stop and taunts that she doesn’t get destroyed but destroys others.

Bapuji picks Anupama’s nameplate and exchanges it with Rakhi’s nameplate and tells Rakhi that house is mortgaged and not sold yet and if they fail to repay her loan, he himself will fix the nameplate. She snatches nameplate from him saying she would do this herself and getting into car thinks this house snatched her daughter from her, she will forced them so much that Anu herself will bring Kinjal to her. Driver moves car but brakes suddenly. Rakhi shouts but then gets out of car seeing Kinjal standing and asks her if she is fine. Kinjal says much happened till today and she used to keep quiet thinking her mom is fun loving, but she crossed her limits and tried to burn her house; every girl wants her maika and sasural nearby so that she doesn’t have to run around, but she brought her maika in her sasural and humiliated her. Rakhi says Anu sought help from her and she lent her help. Kinjal says mummy came to her thinking her as dear one, but she demanded property papers and made even hear a stranger. Rakhi says whatever she did is for her. Kinjal says she wants her to shift from her family, but neither she will nor she will let Toshu shift and will stay on road but not in Rakhi’s penthouse. Rakhi asks why she is so fond of family, what did it give her. Rakhi says her problem is she finds profit and loss in everything, even a best businessman will lose if he/she brings business in family, and if she continues this, she will lose her daughter forever. Rakhi thinks she is doing all this for her and all her words sounds good theoretically but not practically; once she has to stay on road or pay rent, she will run to her and seek penthouse keys.

Sanjay sees Dolly angry and asks what happened. Dolly asks if she is not this house’s maika and why her family is treating her like a stranger; she considered bhabhi as her sister, but she considered her a stranger and didn’t even call her once. Sanjay signals Bapuji hearing their conversation. Vanraj packs his clothes and asks Kavya to pack her clothes too as they are shifting. Kavya says if he leaves, Anu will sell even his property share and will send his parents and children on road. Kinjal stands sadly on terrace. Samar walks to her and says he couldn’t hear her and her mother’s conversation but understood that a damad/SIL will always be a SIL, but a DIL will become daughter easily and accept the family, he feels proud that Kinjal became like mummy and is completely accepted the family. Bapuji apologizes Dolly for not talking to her before mortgaging the house as even she has a share in this house. Dolly says she is not fighting for brick and mortar, but to be part of their family and share their happiness and sorrows; they didn’t even share their problems with her, she wants to hug and console mummy and support bhabhi. Vanraj asks Kavya how can Anu sell his property share. She says Anu will convince Bapuji easily and will let his parents and children on road, then they would be on road selling momos, if his ego is bigger than his family.

Samar tells Kinjal that he doesn’t know house politics, but seeing daily soaps with Baa, he understood that saas bahu are always at war, but she and mummy changed whole grammar. Kinjal says every girl wishes she doesn’t have to choose between her parents and in-laws, she had a perfect life with perfect childhood, perfect love marriage, and didn’t even get weight or pimple issues; she has only one issue of her maika hating her sasural and now has to handle Toshu’s tantrums. Samar jokes why did she marry khadoos. Kinjal says whole family is tensed, they need to support mummy and handle the situation. Sanjay tells Bapuji that Anu considers him as brother and ties rakhi to him, but when she got into trouble, she sought her samdhan’s help instead of brother’s. Bapuji says his anger is valid, they made a mistake and couldn’t inform him. He pampers Dolly and says she gets angry like her mother but is mature like her father, thank you for understanding him.
Nandini gets a call from a known old number and gets tensed. Anu writes 40000 lakhs loan on a cardboard. Toshu says mummy did wrong by seeking mom’s help without thinking about Dolly bua. Kinjal says he need worry as Sanjay phupa will handle Dolly bua. Bapuji walks to Anu. Anu cries that she cannot draw a smiley on cardbord. Bapuji consoles her and asks not to blame herself. Vanraj with Kavya walks in. Bapuji asks if he should all taxi. Vanraj says he is not leaving house; he was leaving house because of Anu and will not leave because of her as she may get the family on road; he feels he did right by torturing her for 25 years and confining her between 4 walls, she invited problems on them once she is out of house, earlier they had 20 lakhs burden and she invited 20 lakhs burden more. Anu replies that he is talking as if she wrote a letter and invited problem, she made a big mistake unknowingly and didn’t go to thugs herself, she accepts she made a mistake, sometimes they get a cut even with paper, she is dying each moment, nobody prays to get a problem. Vanraj says he would have been conned. She asks if he has any x-ray machine to detect frauds, frauds were acting as true bank professionals with bank ID card; he had invested in his friend Hitesh’s doubling money in 2 months scheme a few years ago and lost 8000 rs. He says how could he know that the scheme was fraud. She asks how could she know that they were fraud, when it can happen to him, why can’t it happen to her.

Vanraj remembers Samar’s words that a common man is not well equipped to understand a sophisticated crime. Anu says she made a mistake unknowingly, he can get angry, but not blame as if she invited frauds. Bapuji says most people are conned in the world; when men are conned, they excuse saying fraud was very intelligent, but when women are conned, they call her dumb. Anu says it was difficult even for her to seek Rakhi’s help, but he told the other day that she made a mistake and should pay herself; she would have paid for her mistake anyways; she thought a lot and found only 1 way, though it was wrong; they only look at the destiny in trouble; his house is mortgaged, but her dignity and pride are mortgaged; he made many mistakes and she is paying for it; he wants everyone to forgive his mistakes, but wants nobody to support her if she makes a mistake; she has learnt to walk alone by god’s help and will apologize when she corrects her mistake; if he cannot support her, he shouldn’t trouble her at least. Kavya yells if she knows she made a mistake, why she is acting like a bechari/innocent and helpless. Anu says if she had to act bechari, she would have thrown all the burden on Mr Shah and Bapuji and brushed off her hands; she stopped acting bechari when she left Vanraj; when she made a mistake, she will take its responsibility. Kavya says mistakes are punished. Anu says she will repay Rakhi’s loan and will bring back papers, then she will leave this house forever.

Precap: Vanraj informs Anu that a company wants to buy their karkhana for 5 crores. She asks who is its owner. He says some Anuj Kapadia. Kavya gives 20 lakhs cheque to Rakhi and throws away her nameplate. Vanraj says she should have given the cheque tomorrow. Kavya says she doesn’t want to delay to kick Rakhi out of their house. Rakhi warns that she will not spare them if the cheque bounces even by mistake. Kavya and Vanraj reach Kapadia’s office where Kapadia leaves them a message without meeting them.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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