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Vanraj asks Anu what are she and Samar hiding. Anu says a lot is happening, but for now if Samar and Nandini need his help, he should stand with them without any question as a father. Anuj remembers Devika’s words that Anu is great and hence unhappy most of the time, he should keep her happy; he thinks he shouldn’t do this to himself and accept right and wrong. Anu tries to leave home for cooking competition when she sees climate changing and hopes rain doesn’t spoil cooking competition and Anuj doesn’t incur losses. Neighbors Sarla and Vimla walk in and yell at Anu that because of her, their bahus are demanding to participate in competition and work after that. Anu asks what is wrong in that, every woman deserves dreaming. They warn Baa that their family life shouldn’t be affected because of Anu or else whole society will bycott them and will not invite them for any functions. Baa tells Anu that Sarla is right and she should stop all this. Anu says she will not and not let even a loser lose competition. Vanraj with Kavya walks in and asks Baa to let Anu do what she wants to. Kavya says she is also joining AK’s company, so Baa shouldn’t interfere. Vanraj with a smile wishes Anu all the best followed by Kavya. Anu thanks them, takes Baa’s blessings, and leaves. Kavya asks Baa to maintain her calm and goes to prepare coffee. Baa asks Vanraj why is he also supporting Anu, Kavya is supporting her for job though. He says Anu will do whatever she thinks and nobody an stop her. She says he accepted defeat. He says its okay if his children are happy with him accepting defeat; anyways both Anu and Kavya are working for Anuj and until Anuj stays away from their house and personal lives and respects Anu and Kavya, they shouldn’t bother. She says she bothers though and seeing climatic change says its good as Anu has organized cooking competition in open. Bapuji passes by and hears their conversation.

Anu organizes cooking competition in her dance school and thanks Kanhaji for solving her problem, she also thanks Bapuji for letting her organize competition in karkhana. Anuj says she is right and hopes Vanraj doesn’t create any problem. Anu says Bapuji assured he will handle Vanraj and feels emotional thinking if competition was canceled, many women’s dreams would have shattered. Anuj says he has made transport arrangement to bring women here. At home, Baa asks Bapuji why he allowed competition in karkhana. Bapuji says its his wish and tells Vanraj that he had to permit due to rain. Vanraj says its okay and he will not visit cafeteria until competition ends. Bapuji says he doesn’t need any drama neither here nor there. Baa yells that today Anuj barged into karkhana today and soon will barge into their house. Samar excitedly shows his payment to Baa and Bapuji. Bapuji blesses him to succeed well in life. Baa asks if he got so much money to dance in just 1 event. Kavya says they pay handsome money, its because of Anuj’s support. Samar says there were many big people in the event and gave him many more events, thanks to Anuj, but he will move ahead independently like mummy. Vanraj wishes him all the best. Samar thanks him and says he and mummy will perform during next event as per Anuj’s idea; people have seen siblings, brothers, and MIL-DIL dancing but will see mother daughter dancing for the first time. Baa yells if they will dance in Anuj’s party. Vanraj says they will also watch mother-son’s performance and walks away smiling. Kavya thinks V is not reacting, but boiling with anger within; let her see till when he can control his anger.
Anu gets nervous seeing only 2 women attending competition. Devika and Anuj ask her to relax as its till 1 p.m. Anu hopes remaining competitors reach soon. Anuj asks her to learn patience from him and let things happen at their own pace, she should just focus on her dream, etc. Anu remembers Vanraj humiliating her before but now supporting her and thanks Anuj. Anuj points at door. Anu gets happy seeing women entering. Anuj says its impossible that her plans fail, she is a rockstar as Samar says. Anu happy greets competitors and interacts with them. On the other side, Samar reads Nandini’s letter that she is going without informing him as she cannot risk his life via Rohan and feels she is doing right. Bapuji with Kinjal and GK enters competition venue and gets emotional seeing Anu interacting with women. GK jokes old people are so emotional. Vimla’s bahu and other women praise Anu that she is her inspiration, she taught them to dream and get out of their nest, her in-laws degraded them, but Anu gave them a good platform to show their talent, etc. Anuj seeing that gets happy. Devika says Vanraj always stopped Anu, but Anuj became her charioteer. Anu cries emotionally followed by Anuj. Anu tells women that she was standing where they are standing now, she had come to sasural from maika and spent years cutting onion, earlier it was her and family and then only family and she was bounded to only kitchen, its story of all women since 1000s of years and she needs to write her own story and her name on life’s page, women can do multiple tasks and hence they show Devimaa having multiple hands, they should give whole time to family and keep one moment for themselves, etc.

Anupama gives an energetic speech to cooking competition contestants that they should fine tune their talent, do whatever it takes to improve themselves and fulfill their dreams, she and Anuj’s company are there for their help, etc. Anuj claps followed by everyone. Anu says Anuj deserves claps without whom she wouldn’t have reached here, her friend devika because of whom she wouldn’t have got out of house, her Bapuji who always encouraged her. Contestants thank them. Anu says she read a shayari that a true man is one who respects a woman. Anuj cheers them up and says let us start. Vanraj watches them live via CCTV recording on his mobile. Kavya thinks her is calm and his anger will burst soon.
Samar runs towards karkhana holding Nandini’s letter. Anuj says they need to make contestants comfortable by encouraging them. She asks how. He dances with her on Sang Mere Bol Hadippa.. song. Kinjal, Devika, Bapuji, and GK join them. Samar reaches karkhana. Anu notices him and asks what happened. He shows her Nandini’s letter and explains. Anu assures him not to worry, they will find Nandini. Anuj hearing them says they will find Nandini and leaves with Samar asking Anu to take care of compeititon. Anu calls Vanraj who is busy with grocery vendor and disconnects call saying he will call her back. She thinks of informing Bapuji, but stops seeing him busy helping contestants. Samar panics before getting into car. Anuj comforts him describing his own experience when he lost his love and says he and whole family are with him and the will find Nandini at any cost.

Competition time ends. Bapuji asks Anu to call Anuj to judge contestants. Anu says he got some important work and went out. Bapuji asks if everything is alright. Anu says yes and thinks she needs to judge competition alone in Anuj’s absence. She tastes dishes nervously. GK asks Bapuji why Anu looks tensed. Bapuji says he doesn’t know. Devika announces that results will be announced in sometime. Anu gets Anuj’s message assuring her not to worry about Nandini. Anuj tells Samar that he need not worry as his men are searching Nandini.

At home, Kavya notices Rohan’s name still in her friend list. Vanraj asks who is Rohan. Anu enters saying Nandini’s ex. Vanraj asks if Nandini has ex. Anu says she will explain it later and describes whole story. Vanraj questions again. Bapuji says let us discuss about it later and find Nandini first. Vanraj calls Samar, but Anuj picks call and says they are still searching Nandini. Vanraj gets angry and says he need not go as Samar has found another father figure. Anu says she already told him to support Nandini and Samar unconditionally whenever they need him. Vanraj continues arguing.

Samar and Anuj find Nandini unconscious on road. Anuj messages Vanraj that Nandini is found. Vanraj fumes that Anuj is not picking his call and just messaged. Kavya asks if Anuj is his girlfriend to pick call, its important that her niece is found. Anu backs her. Kinjal thanks god and says Anuj is a nice guy, he earlier brought Samar home and now Nandini. Baa comments even rickshawala brings them home, that doesn’t mean the will perform his aarti. Bapuji says why not if he helps them. Samar and Anuj bring Nandini home. Family rushes to her concerned. Anu feeds her water and asks why did she do this. Nandini says Rohan doesn’t understand, so she thought of this step. Kavya asks why she is a dilapidated state. Nandini says Rohan tried to kidnap her in his car, she ran away and fell unconscious on road.

Vanraj shouts at Anu and blames her for this situation and says if she had informed him earlier, children wouldn’t have been in this situation. Anuj gets angry, but controls himself. Anu says she tried to inform him today. He shouts she didn’t before. Samar says he and Nandini had stopped mummy from informing him. Vanraj says he made his father a stranger and gave his place to someone else. Anuj says its not Samar’s mistake. Vanraj says its their family issue and he shouldn’t interfere. Anuj apologizes. Nandini says its her mistake that she didn’t inform family about Rohan fearing their reaction, especially Baa’s. Samar says mummy shouldn’t be blamed for their mistake. Bapuji asks Anuj to have a seat. Samar hugs Anuj and thanks him. Anu asks him to think again before helping as he made endless favors that thank you is a small word for it.

Precap: Anu tells family that they will end Mahishasur tomorrow on dussehra who has come as Rohan this time. Rohan and Samar fight. Anu senses it. Samar buys lehanga for Anu and asks Nandini to give it to her. Anu wears lehanga. Anuj’s letter for her falls down. Vanraj reads it and stands fuming.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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