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Anuj/AK’s assistant inform him that architect informed that he will finalize hotel design only after finalizing a land for the hotel. AK ask him to fix his meeting with legal team. Assistant says work has started on license formalities and walk away. 

Anu ask Devika to leave if she is done as she is tired now. Devika says she is afraid and should remember how she fought with the society and came here; she wanted to make an identity for herself and show her worth to her children and in-laws and should do so; she should explain to Baa and if her son doesn’t agree, she should warn him to be within his limits. Anu says its easy for Devika as she doesn’t have to answer anyone. Devika says even she has many questions, but she can not live if she doesn’t give them a befitting reply; its a question of women who are talented like her and can not get out of the house to prove themselves, she will be an inspiration for such women; if she didn’t have the courage, then why did she go to AK’s office and pitch in women empowerment idea; she has Bapuji and Samar’s support, what about other women who needs support; Anu is ready to help; when she she has started running, she shouldn’t stop and fight; the problem is not AK, the problem is her ex mother inlaw and ex-husband’s ego and its their problem, not hers; its enough after 26 years. She gives her contract papers and says women get betrayed 100 times, but get only one chance. She then walk away saying she is also working with AK, the rest is up to her; she call Samar and says she did her part, it's up to Anu now; she think Anu should think of herself at least professionally. Anu looking at contract papers remembers Devika, Vanraj, Baa, Toshu’s words and keeps them back. Vanraj watch her from his cafeteria and think he knows she is not that courageous to sign the papers. 

Devika visit AK’s office and fumes its a waste to befriend stupid people. He ask what did he do? She says Anu as usual is adamant and unexplainable. He ask if she said no? She ask him to speak to her once. He says he will not as men usually control women and he will not make that mistake; if this is Anu’s decision, then he will honor her decision. He recite shayari. 

Anu is unable to concentrate on her dance class. Bapuji search for something. 

Baa ask him what is he searching for, let her help him. He angrily says its waste to talk to her. She blame Anu that she ruined her son’s hardwork, he is still on her side. He walk away fuming. She says things were getting normal after much difficulty, Anu ruined it. Kavya says when she said same, Baa shut her mouth; now she also accept that there is more than friendship between Anu and AK. Baa warn her to shut up and think she will not let Anu ruin her family’s peace.

After dance classes, Anu walk towards home holding contract papers. 

GK sees AK sad and ask what is wrong? AK says he think he made a mistake returning to India; he wrongly hoped so much; he wanted to see Anu moving ahead in life, but he was wrong; Devika warned him, but he had false hope after seeing Anu after 26 years. 

Anu message Devika to send AK’s phone number and address. 

AK continue venting out his anger. He opens door hearing door bell and receives sweet box from courier boy. GK says he will get even good news with sweets. AK tastes it smiling. 
At Shah house, Kinjal serves rasgullas to family. Baa ask who brought them. Anu enters and says she brought them, she pick pen from Vanraj’s pocket, sign the contract papers, and says she decided to go ahead with the partnership. Vanraj shout how dare she to take this decision? Anu warn him to lower his voice as she is not his wife to get afraid of him. He threatens her that she will not work with AK. She says they both are here, he can dare to try to stop her. He try to snatch papers, but she pulls them away. Baa ask her to take decisions thinking of others. Anu says she thought of others her whole life; she made kitchen as her house for Baa’s sake, went 10 steps behind for Mr Shah, pleaded with Rakhi for Toshu’s happiness, and forgot herself for family’s sake; she entered this house 26 years ago as Anupama and was left as Toshu’s mother; Baa is asking her to think of others; its okay if mother sacrifices and wife sacrifices herself, but not okay if a woman think of herself. Baa ask if she think she didn’t do anything wrong? Anu says she did wrong to herself and ask if her daughter doesn’t have a right to live life and continues. Vanraj with grinning face says her old crying started again. Anu says even his taunts are old; Baa performed aarti and performed garba even with knee pain when his cafe was opened, even she is Baa’s daughter and why can’t she be happy? Baa adamantly says she will not work with AK. Anu ask her why not? Vanraj yells she is so shameless and wants to prove herself as heroine. Anu says she is the heroine of her story and will always be. Bapuji, Mamaji, Samar, and Kinjal clap and praise her. Baa says she doesn’t know what is in AK’s mind. Anu says she doesn’t want to know and what is in her mind is important for her; only her wish, her thinking matters to her.

Bapuji warns Kavya when she try to humiliate Anu. Anu says when an opponent is shameless, she needs to give a befitting reply; she ask Kavya if she saw AK and her, then how can she think something can happen between them; she herself said AK is fit and handsome and look like Toshu’s elder brother. Kavya says AK is handsome. Anu says though she is the heroine in her life, she is a mother and MIL and AK look like a film star; maybe he had crush on her in college, but its 26 years ago, and when a pickle doesn’t stay for 26 years, how will thinking stay same; she can’t understand how they get such weird thinking. Kavya shouts she can do anything she wants but can not do this partnership when V denied once. Anu warns her to keep quiet and asks why can’t they accept that she is also worthy and talented which Anuj saw in her? Vanraj says AK is just favoring her. She says outsider’s favor is better than family member’s taunts and she is happy that she will help women in need. He says she should think what he is seeking in return. Anu ask if he is having an affair being already married or roaming with girlfriend being 3 children’s father or is jealous of seeing his ex-wife’s success; maybe they must have understand what AK is in 2-3 meetings, but Baa knows her since 26 years and doesn’t she trust her? Vanraj shout no. Anu says she trusts herself and her decision is she will accept AK’s partnership. Kavya shout if she can’t see them. Anu says no, she is seeing only her goal and will reach it at any cost. He says she will fall down after 2 steps. Anu says people who walk fall down and not one who sit at home, she would be happy even to lose. Vanraj taunt she got wings after meeting her old crush. Anu reply to see her flying and not her feathers. He says he will not let her fly. She ask him to try and fail and tells Bapuji that she will visit AK’s office tomorrow. Bapuji praise her and says his blessings are with her. Kinjal says her best wishes her with her. Samar says he is always beside his rockstar. Anu walk away leaving Vanraj burning in jealousy.
Anu return to her room and cry remembering Baa and Vanraj’s words. Kinjal and Samar try to console her. Anu says there are no stages in a women’s life, she has to fight the same battle repeatedly and can’t tolerate such shameless allegations on her and pointing at AK after he did so much good for them; when they couldn’t see her goodness since 26 years, how will they notice AK’s goodness; she lived here as wife, mother, and daughter inlaw since 26 years and didn’t break anyone’s trust; loving someone is Kanhaji’s blessings, but when there is nothing in her life, why are they humiliating her; anyways, she will not give up and will fight whether she succeeds or not. Kinjal says they will support her. Samar says AK is a nice guy, he is too classy for all this nonsense, and they are with her.

Vanraj exercise to vent out his anger. Kavya shout he is exercising here instead of retaliating outside and worry that if Anu becomes her boss, she will take all the revenge at once and they will look around like losers at her. 

Anu iron her sari and select her bag for tomorrow and think its a new beginning tomorrow and prays for Kanhaji’s help, says she will work so hard that AK doesn’t regret his decision. She then goes to bed thinking she need to wake up and finish house work first and then go to AK’s office, she will not hide away from any of her responsibilities.

AK smiles looking at his and Anu’s dancing pics and then looking at his old rose writes down in diary with a background song Bahut Khoobsurat Ghazal Likraha Hoon, imagining all the recent meetings with her. GK taunts him and says he has already read his diary but couldn’t understand it, he is studying Anu’s idea there and AK is writing down his diary here. AK says he wants GK’s expertise as he wants to execute the idea once Anu says yes. GK jokes if there is a competition of hiding feelings, AK would get platinum medal. AK says that is a talent of one-sided lovers, Anu considers him as a businessman and there is nothing in his heart for her, he want to keep her trust or else his heart will break. GK ask if his heart says Anu will come tomorrow. He says time will answer this question. GK goes to sleep while AK continue thinking.

The next morning, Anu and Kinjal serve breakfast to family. Baa ask Kavya to serve her breakfast and thank her. Toshu also ignore Anu. Anu informs Baa that she submitted bhog to Kanhaji and prepared evening bhog and snack also. Baa taunt that she did a big favor on her. Kavya start next and ask Anu not to bother about family as she will handle it. Kinjal give her a befitting reply. Kavya taunt Anu next for wearing sari to meet AK instead of any formal dress. Anu reply sari is Indian woman’s formal dress. Kavya continues yelling. Vanraj starts next and shouts hearing Anu’s befitting reply. Samar warns to behave with his mother. Toshu backs Vanraj. Their argument starts. Vanraj shouts at Samar. Bapuji shouts at Vanraj in reply. Baa blames Anu for all the problems.

Precap: AK welcomes Anu in his office. Anu says she knows there is nothing in his heart, but she wants to clear that though she is not a wife now, she is a mother, daughter, and MIL and will only have a professional relationship with him and shakes hands saying let’s rock partner. GK ask AK what is is wrong if Anu’s family celebrates Ganesh Chaturti with them like they celebrated Janmashtami. Vanraj orders family that nobody will visit AK’s festival celebration. AK tells GK that either Vanraj doesn’t like Anu’s success or his friendship with Anu; if something happens where Anu cannot handle things, he won’t be able to control himself. Kavya suggests Vanraj to vent out his anger on Anu as Anuj may be dangerous for them.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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