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Anuj Kapadia/AK smile looking at Anu’s given halwa box. GK ask what is he looking at and taunt singing Chupana Bhi Nahi aata.. song. He then ask what is he thinking? AK says Anu is like his mother who immensely love her children and family and even after divorce she is staying in that house for her children. GK says only a woman can do that. AK says Anu hasn’t realized her true potential yet and can do a lot. GK says he is there for her. AK says a woman doesn’t need a man’s help to succeed and is self-sufficient. GK says she need support though and he is there for her. AK says he has one-sided track. GK sing jab ladka stupid hai to jeeke kya karenge..

The next morning, Vanraj ask Samar if he is fine? Samar nod yes and walk away. He then ask Anu if she spoke to Samar last night? Anu says yes. Kavya excitedly inform V that she took AK’s number via Devika, they should wear formal for the meeting and ask Anu to join them. Anu says she doesn’t want to. Vanraj says let it be as she doesn’t have any work there. Kavya insist saying she is needed there and remind AK’s words. Anu says she has work. Kavya says she will call AK and fix a meeting now. Bapuji and Kinjal sense Kavya’s wicked intentions.

At AK’s office, he apply perfume for meeting with Anu. GK taunts again singing Chupana Bhi Nahi Aata. AK get receptionist’s call and ask her to send guests in. AK takes out Anu’s halwa box and says women don’t want to lose their utensils. GK joke to fill it with love and return it. Kavya touch up her makeup to meet AK. Vanraj ask her to stop overacting in front of Anuj and call him as Mr Kapadia instead of AK as this is his office. Employee inform them that boss is calling them in. They enter and seeing AK sitting on sofa Kavya ask who is sitting on boss’ seat? GK turn. Kavya says she must say he is too cool to let a domestic maid on his seat. 

AK get angry and warn her that she must have not paid attention when he introduced Gopi kaka last time, he is his friend, philosopher, father, mother, guardian, and everything. She says she forgot. He says he forget people who forget Gopi kaka. GK calm him down. AK ask her to take GK’s blessings, and Kavya nervously greet GK. Vanraj apologize to AK. AK says it's okay, lets get to the point. Anu knocks door and ask if she can come in? AK get happy seeing her. Anu says she is late as her hired auto broke down midway. AK says its okay, have a seat. She greet Jai Sri Krishna to GK and AK. 

AK get a call and goes aside. Vanraj taunt Anu if her pride was decreasing if she was accompanying them? AK get angry hearing that, but GK calm him down. Anu reply his pride may have decrease and increase like moon, not hers, she came here on Bapuji and Kinjal’s insistence. She goes into flashback where Bapuji insist her that she has lived a life and has ideas. Anu says she doesn’t know how to present it. Kinjal says she should tell her idea, she will make a presentation. Out of flashback, Anu says if Vanraj is feeling bad, she will go. Kavya ask her to stay. AK rejoin the meeting. peon serve tea to guest and hot chocolate milk for AK. GK him signal that it's time for milk.

Baa fume hearing Anu visiting AK’s office. Bapuji says she herself doesn’t know why she is angry, she can tolerate Vanraj’s affair and not Anu’s friendship with AK; they should upgrade their thinking like mobile or else the world will move far ahead and she will be far behind. 

Back in AK’s office, he ask to start her meeting. Kavya excitedly says she has many ideas and walk near him to show him her presentation. AK says she can sit and discuss. She says a successful business need ideas and money, she has ideas and he has money. Vanraj says our ideas. AK says he hasn’t agreed yet. She says he will after seeing her presentation. 

On the other side, Samar look at Nandini’s house. Bapuji walk to him and says one shouldn’t forget 2 things in life. Samar ask what? Bapuji says love and another he forgot, they forget everything in front of love and says his mother got everything but not love, he got love and should respect it, and continue explaining the importance of love in life.
Vanraj says he plans a multicuisine restaurant and a Gujrati restaurant. AK says interesting, it showed Vanraj’s experience in this whole presentation. Vanraj says thank you. 

Samar sees Nandini teaching students and remembers Anu’s advice not to lose the love he got and remember Nandini’s helping nature. 
Kavya says thank you to AK for giving them a chance to discuss their ideas, he should inform his decision to them. AK says he hasn't heard Anu’s idea and joke he will start shayari if she doesn’t start. GK says he frightens people with his shayari. Anu laugh. AK says he is waiting for Anu. GK says since 26 years. Vanraj hear him and ask if he said something? GK says nothing.

Anupama find it difficult to open her laptop. AK help her and says if she is not comfortable, she can discuss her idea with him verbally. Anu says her daughter inlaw Kinjal has worked hard on the presentation, she open the presentation, and says she doesn’t know much about hotel. Kavya in bit to humiliate her says hotel is a place where people sit and have food. Anu says she knows about food; people do remember hotel’s interior decoration but good food and people who prepare the food. Kavya says we call them chefs and good chefs are not easy to find. Anu says mother is the best chef. 

Kavya murmurs her theplagiri started and says mother doesn’t have to face criticism, but chef has to face criticism and much more. Anu says even mother faces criticism by world’s biggest critic, her saas/MIL; customer may spare chef, but mother inlaw doesn’t spare her daughter inlaw; women has to face a lot of criticism from her children and especially her husband, but she continues working without any complaint; many women are left on their own by her family, but are still best cook; hence if AK give them job, he will give them respect and opportunity which their own family didn’t. Vanraj remember all the wrong doings he did with Anu. 

Anu says during bidayi/farewell, women leave their pride at home, but if he gives them job, they will work hard and will make his hotel very successful. AK think even his mother used to speak similarly and look at GK. Kavya yells they are here to discuss business and not emotions. Anu says even she is talking about business; housewives can be paid much less than chefs if they are trained. AK says even money will be spent. Anu says when they can spend money on interior decoration, why not on their training; he can open bank accounts for them and transfer salary directly into their accounts. Kavya says if AK had to do charity, he would have done it to NGO. AK ask AK? 

Kavya says he is AK. AK ask Anu to continue. Anu ask which food is most like in the world? Kavya says Chinese, Vanraj says continental. Anu says neither of these, world’s tastiest and consumed food is maa ke haath ka khana/mother’s prepared food; if he can organize one day in his hotel for maa ke haath ka khana/mother’s prepared food, even they kept same theme in Mr Shah’s restaurant. AK says all cuisines are one side and mother’s food is on the other side. 

Anu says there will be many who serve food addressing him as sir, but he won’t find anyone serving him calling beta/son and he doesn’t have to spend money on training for that as mamta/motherhood comes from the heart. She finally says that's all. AK says their ideas are unique; Mr Shah’s idea is very practical, well researched, grounded and Anu’s idea is very emotional and may not be applicable practically, so he needs time to think about both ideas. Kavya excitedly says of course he can take his own time. Vanraj thank him for taking time out to meet them and walk out of his cabin with Kavya.

AK stop Anu. She says yes. He ask her to be casual and not make him feel old. She says she will try. He says he return her box. She happily thank him. He says it was important as women can leave anything but not her box. Anu repeat. He says even his mother used to say same and ask if she can prepare halwa again? She says she will send it via Samar and shake box. AK says maa taught him not to return empty box and ask her to check what is inside. She opens and gets excited seeing aam papad and imlie goli. He remind her that she and Devika used to buy it outside college. 

Anu says she forgot about it. He says he didn’t and recites a shayari meaning he remembers everything. She says GK is right that he confuses people with his shayari and thank him for giving her sweeter memories sweeter than halwa. He says he has a lot of memories. She ask imlie goli and aam papad? He says memories. She thank him for the meeting and says she will not feel bad if he reject her idea and walk away asking him to reheat his hot chocolate and drink it. He stand looking at her while door closes.

Samar in dance academy apologize to Nandini in his unique style with sorry all around his shirt and singing Tumse Hi Tumse Hi.. song and dancing with her emotionally. She hug emotionally and forgives him. 

Anu walk out of AK’s cabin and ask Kavya and Vanraj if they didn’t go yet? Kavya says they thought she didn’t come with them, they can drop her home. Vanraj jealously ask what was AK saying alone in the cabin. She says he wanted to return her box. He asks if box was kept in a locker? She walk away ignoring him. 

Samar apologize to Nandini for misunderstanding her. She apologize for not informing him. He says he LOLs to her. She says she knows she has a past. He stop her and says mummy explained his mistake, even he could have a past, they both will sort out Rohan named problem. She hug him emotionally again.

Kavya while returning home says AK is a very practical businessman, he will sacrifice his life for friendship, but not compromise on his business. Anu says that is good. She enjoy imlie goli and get happy. Vanraj gets more jealous seeing that. 
GK ask AK what he think? AK says Anu’s idea is good to hear, but may not be possible practically; he need to discuss it with his team. GK ask if he will say no? AK says its should be his decision, but decisions would be core team’s; he never thought a situation would come where he has to say no to Anu, but. 

Anu reach home. Vanraj says for the first time he saw someone enjoying imlie/tamarind so much. She gives him one and ask to have it in front of mirror and see someone having it in anger for the first time. He angrily throw it away. 

AK’s team after hearing his idea says both ideas are good. AK says he needs to discuss it with marketing department and send them. GK feed him multivitamin. AK ask why this? GK says to protect his eyesight. AK says old age has sent friend request. GK ask him not to accept it if he want to and says he liked Anu’s idea and even Anu. He smile.
At Shah house, Baa ask Vanraj and Kavya how was the meeting? Kavya boast that AK will not reject her proposal as it was very good. Baa scold her not to always self-praise herself and let Vanraj speak. Kavya says even Anu had come with most stupidest idea, AK listened to it as a friend or else would have kicked her out. Vanraj says though AK is her friend, she should have discussed it with them first. Anu says when someone made an Aeroplane, people would have laughed at him; people don’t value unique ideas and then repent; she will leave it on Kanhaji.

Precap: Vanraj burns in jealousy seeing Anu serving food to AK. Rakhi taunts him that even he was served like this before, Anu planned very high, will their friendship move ahead?Toshu insult AK and order him to leave. AK challenge that he will neither buy their karkhana nor let anyone buy it.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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