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Anuj tells Kavya that she can take time till tomorrow and inform him. She accept his condition and promises that there won’t be any problem because of V. Anuj warn that Vanraj saw Anuj during bhoomi pujan and if he try to come here and create drama, he will find Anuj Kapadia here. She says okay Anuj. He says its sir for her, his first name is for his friends and partners and not for employees. She says sorry sir. He shakes hands saying welcome onboard Mrs Shah. She says thank you sir. He says she should thank Anupama instead who gave her this job.

At home, Baa sees someone in the kitchen and find Pakhi there. Pakhi says she is preparing cake. Baa surprised says she ask recipe even to set ice, now want to prepare cake. Pakhi says she came first in half yearly exam and touching Baa’s feet says since mummy is busy at work and papa is stressed, she thought of preparing cake and surprising them in the evening; people think teenagers stress, but she wants to change their thinking; everyone seem stressed or sad in their house, so she want to cheer them up. Baa says they both will prepare cake and join her.

Kavya walk to Anu. Anu congratulates her. Kavya thank her. Anu ask to thank Anuj instead. Kavya says she would have rejected her forgetting their bitter past. Anu says she remembers everything and thought how it feels when they don’t get what they deserve, so she decided that Kavya should get what she deserves; people want women to fight as sautans, but women should understand to walk holding each other’s hands instead of pulling each other’s legs to succeed in life; they should remember each other not as friends but as colleagues. Kavya thank her. Anu says whenever she get frustrated on Kavya, she will remember a day when she used to visit her home as Mr Shah’s friend and didn’t insult her until truth was out and gave respect which one woman gives to other, she even fought with Mr Shah once for her; Kavya is similar to all women, but should try not to destroy so many women’s dreams. Kavya nod yes and shakes hands with her. Anuj seeing them think his respect for Anu has increased manifold and hopes Vanraj doesn’t create any problem or else he knows how to protect his business partner.

Bapuji informs Baa that chef Vinod called and informed him that Vanraj removed him from job. Baa blames Vinod instead. Bapuji says Vanraj’s is at fault and is unable to control his anger. Baa blames Bapuji that he didn’t make Vanraj wear pear ring on Panditji’s advice, what is Vanraj’s mistake in it? Bapuji ask when she can see a needle in dust from a distance, why can’t she see her son’s mistake; cafe’s business depends on chef and Vanraj ruined his cafe business. Baa blames Anu next. Bapuji ask how is Anu involved in it? Baa says Anu is troubling Vanraj. Bapuji says she is right, if Anu created drama during Vanraj’s bhoomi pujan, Anu and her mother taunt poor Vanraj the whole day and find out mistakes; she and her son do this instead, a woman is another woman’s enemy; Vanraj dug his own grave and now should both cook and run cafe as Anu who used to get him out of troubles always is not with him. Baa get worried that Vanraj will break down if his cafe is closed; she remember earlier incident of Vanraj’s frustration and gets worried for him.

Pakhi prepares cake and tells Baa they should surprise mummy and papa. Kinjal sees Nandini tensed and ask the reason. Nandini inform her that Samar fell down while performing an aerial act but is safe, he feels someone purposefully manipulated his strings and not a technical issue. Kinjal ask if Rohan did that? Nandini says he doesn’t know about Samar’s Delhi visit. Kinjal says maybe its a technical issue itself and ask her not to worry. Pakhi says she prepared cake, but Toshu and Samare are missing; she then happily hug Kinjal and Nandini. Vanraj walk down. Anu and Kavya return home. Pakhi holding her parents’ hand inform family that she came first in half yearly exam and prepared cake for celebration. Anu prays for Pakhi’s success. Mamaji jokes. Vanraj ask Pakhi what gift she need? She jokes she needs smartphone, laptop, and Goa trip. Anu act as scolding her. She cuts cake and feeds it to family. Anu signals its very tasty. Kavya ask Pakhi to go to her room as she needs to talk something important with elders. Pakhi agree.

Anuj informs Devika about hiring Kavya and explain the whole incident. Devika react and says Anu has mahanta/greatness syndrome, but he is sensible and should have avoided future dramas and himself spread landmines in his office which will explode on someone for sure. He says he loves Anupama. She sarcastically says she didn’t know about it. He says it gives him both happiness and pain seeing Anu around him, but he didn’t offer partnership to Anu because of that; he explain to her that it would be injustice to deny work to women whose husbands are groggy and ill mannered like Vanraj. He says he learn new things from Anupama each day, he learnt today that its easy to fall down and making others fall, but its difficult to help others to get up. She says they are forgetting Kavya’s true nature due to their greatness, she says Kavya doesn’t need anyone’s help to create drama. He says she is there to support him. She says one great friend is enough and ask him to protect Anu from Kavya and the whole world. 
Vanraj rudely ask Kavya where she had been? She says Anuj’s office seeking for job and is joining Anu’s team as project marketing head. Vanraj ask if she will work for a man who insulted her husband, she will work under Anupama forgetting about her husband’s self-respect? Kavya says they will lose self-respect if they take loan and soon will do so if she doesn’t start working, she deserve a job and issue should end here. Vanraj shout if she found only Anu in the whole world as her boss? Kavya says sadly yes, she pleaded at alot of places for work but didn’t get any, she is getting a decent package. He says she wanted to run a cafe. She says he didn’t allow her. He says its not a package but insult as Anuj is Anupama’s puppet, she should have begged others instead of Anu.

Vanraj tell Kavya that Anuj gave her job to disparage him. Kavya laugh and ask if he think Anuj has to spend so much to disparage him, he just has to pass by him. Vanraj shout. Kavya says why would a person with a business empire think of him 24/7, even she doesn’t think of him 24/7; he really need to see a doctor. Vanraj angrily hit vase and start bleeding. Kavya ask if he is crazy. Baa says he is bleeding. Anu put his hand in water mug and says if he does this, he will prove Kavya right. Kavya try to tie handkerchief on his hand. Vanraj pull his hand back and ask her to tie it to Anuj as he has ruined his life. Anu ask why he always blames others for his mistakes, how is his life ruined when Anuj gave his wife a good job? Kavya ask him to stop playing the victim card and think everyone are conspiring against him. Anu says he should take responsibility of himself, Kavya did right by joining Anuj. He says they both became one team now and warn Kavya to stay away from him. Kavya ask Anu to give him first aid. Anu ask him to sit calmly and hold his hand to first aid it. He push her shouting not to touch him. She is about to fall, but Kavya hold her. Pakhi notice that and fall down from stairs. Family rush to her concerned. Anu and Vanraj check her and thank god that she is uninjured. Pakhi says her heart is injured and it's paining, how can they continue to fight and not get tired; even Baa, Bapuji, Mamaji, and Kinjal are not tired of fighting; she is tired of seeing family members fighting every day and it hurt most when her parents fight. Vanraj says she shouldn’t use these words. She ask he uses demeaning words for mummy; he is her hero who monitors her TV channels, friends, etc., to stop her from learning bad, but they both are teaching her wrong and are fighting before divorce and even after that. She ask Anu to understand papa that he is feeling indiscriminate but is not bad. She then asks Vanraj not to interfere in mummy’s life when she doesn’t interfere in his life. She then confronts Baa and cry that she is tired of all these fights and asks parents divorce when they feel troubled, what shall a kid do when he/she is troubled because of parents, etc. Kavya think drama continues in this house always, thank god that she got a job and can stay away from house for at least 10 hours. Anu and Vanraj apologize to Pakhi and say everything is entangled and they will try to detangle it and will try to set off their years of burden. Pakhi says she knows, they should try at least. They both nod yes. She says let us take a selfie and click selfie with them. She then says they promised her to try and this picture is a remainder for them. Anu walk to garden crying.
Anuj notices Pakhi’s selfie on social media and remembers her words that she loves her papa and family too and can not see them separating. 

Vanraj walk to Anu and says Pakhi was right that their house has changed, he used to get angry on himself whenever he used to fight, but hearing Pakhi, he feel ashamed of himself. 

Bapuji ask Baa if they used to fight similarly when they got married, a lot changed between them, they have to change now as their environment at their house is spoiling, they will fight with problems from hereon and not dear ones. 

Anu says situation has gone beyond right and wrong and its about their children now, they got selfish and she just wanted to succeed. He says he wanted to stop her. She says she fought for self-respect. He says he fought for humiliation. She calls him Sweetie’s papa. He asks what did she say? She reminds him that Samar and Pakhi used to fight whenever she used to call him Sweetie’s papa, they are no one to each other but parents to their children; he need to understand that nobody is his enemy and if he feel pain, even their children will feel pain, so she can not think bad for him; they are living under same room for Baa, Bapuji, and children and if they continue to fight, there is no use of it; she knows he get angry, but why does he vent out his anger on his work; he set up a cafeteria with hard work and want to ruin it with his anger; he can let Kavya work with Dholakia but not her and Anuj; he shouldn’t bother even if she is wrong as she has moved on and he shouldn’t expect anything from their broken relationship; Toshu is staying away because of their fight and even Sweetie is tired of it, they should end all this before other family members also get tired of their fight. He nod yes. She says he should try not to fight and she will try to keep her mouth shut as her children’s happiness is most important to her; she is heading ahead not to defeat him or win over him and they both are like railway lines which walk together maintaining a distance, etc. Vanraj returns to his room and seeing Kavya sleeping feel guilty. 

Anu walk to Pakhi’s room and pampers her while she is asleep. 

The next day, Anu walk to Anuj and with teary eyes apologize to him saying something happened last night. He ask if its related to Pakhi as he saw their picture on social media. She says she want to move ahead but not compromising on her children’s happiness, so she can not work for him.

Precap: Anu and Vanraj pamper Pakhi. Nandini informs Anu that if she doesn’t return to USA, Rohan will kill Samar. During cooking competition, Anu encourages contestant with her speech. Later she with Anuj, Kinjal, and Nandini dances on Dil Bole Hadippa…song and stops noticing someone.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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