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Baa thinks Anu will prepare rakhi and she will prepare sweets. She then thinks she is a saas/MIL and should prepare sweet with her bahu/DIL. She calls Kavya. Kavya asks if she called her and why she is so sweet today. Baa after much talk says they both will prepare sweets for rakshabandhan. Kavya denies and walks away. Nandini then sees Anu making rakhi out of a thread and chats with her. Anu asks her to check with Samar if her business loan amount is transferred in her account. Nandini asks her to relax as money will be transferred. Anu thinks there won’t be any nazar/evil eyes on her family. Samar returns tensed and inorms her that money is disbursed from bank but not transferred into her account. Anu walks to Vanraj’s cafe. Vanraj gets a call that his cafe chef Vinod met with an accident and rushes to hospital. Anu panics thinking how can she make such a big mistake. Samar calms her down. She asks him to call Bapuji. He tries and informs that Bapuji’s phone is switched off. She vomits in tension and he serves her water. He then asks what will they do now. She says hiding truth is like lying, they need to inform everyone whatever the consequences are.
Baa forces Kavya to prepare laddu with her and taunts her. Vanraj returns home. Kavya asks if he is fine. He informs that their cafe chef Vinod met with an accident, but he is fine now. Kavya says Anu should come home soon to prepare laddus. Baa asks her to continue her work. Kavya asks Vanraj about loan. He says he forgot to ask her in Vinod’s tension and will find out once she returns home. Anu with Samar and Nandini returns home shattered and stands seeing Vanraj and Baa laughing. Vanraj calls her in and asks if loan formalities finished. Toshu and Kinjal also gather. Vanraj seeing Anu tensed asks if everything is fine. Baa, Toshu, and Kinjal call her. Vanraj asks if she fought with someone and ask Samar and Nandini. Nandini says even she doesn’t know. Kavya asks if there is any problem in loan. Anu informs that money is disbursed from bank but didn’t reach her account. Kavya shouts where did the money go then. Vanraj says sometimes it takes time due to technical reason. Anu says she is being frauded, she took loan to clear her 20 lakhs property tax and bank disbursed the loan which didn’t reach her account, now they have debt of 40 lakhs. Toshu asks what happened. Anu says those who met her as bank executives were fraud, she didn’t have Bapuji or Vanraj to guide her and she was tensed regarding Kinjal. Baa asks how did it exactly happened. She explains that she gave her bank account details and all her personal documents to them. Baa asks if she took receipt from them. Anu says they told they will email. Kavya shouts how can she be so careless.

Vanraj shouts at Anu that she put a huge burden on them and ruined their lives. Kavya shouts that she hates her, but she she put 40 lakhs burden on her own children. She continues yelling at Anu that her one mistake ruined the whole family. Vanraj yells that Anu knows to cook and dance, but doesn’t know paper work, then why didn’t she wait for them. Samar says Bapuji and Vanraj were not present. He says she should have waited and wouldn’t have died. He says he insisted mummy to sign the documents, how will she know executives were frauds. Kavya yells he will support his mother for all her foolish acts, he should have checked the papers instead. He says its his mistake. Kavya says he will take all his mother’s blame on himself. He says mummy almost got a panic attack in academy. Vanraj says he will get a heart attack for sure, how will they manage 40 lakhs, Baa is in shock and Bapuji will also be in shock if hears about it. Toshu says mummy should have called him at least. Kinjal says would he have really come. Kavya continues yelling loudly at Anu followed by Vanraj. Samar asks why they are shouting at mummy and if its their mistake if there is a robbery at home. Vanraj shouts nobody opens the door and invites thieves. Anu apologizes him. He shouts municipal corporation will not accept her sorry, they need to pay tax first and then loan or else their karkhana will be sealed and they would have to sell momos on road. Anu says she made a mistake and will correct it. Vanraj shouts only she has to as she set the fire and should set it off; he has 50% share in karkhana and decided to pay 50% property tax, but she made a mistake and alone will pay for it. He continues humiliating unbearably.

Kavya warns Anupama that its impossible for her this time, she will make sure she and V will not drown with Anu this time. Baa says though Anu’s intention was right, she destroyed them all. Anu cries remembering Vanraj’s words. Samar consoles her and says he made a mistake. Kinjal says anyone can make a mistake. Anu says its her mistake and she will fix it. Kinjal, Toshu, and Nandini say they all together will fix it. Samar continues consoling Anu and says he realized why she was afraid when he went missing in childhood, he will try something. Kavya on the other side tells Vanraj that Anu has to pay 20 lakhs loan as she made a mistake and continues yelling at Anu. Vanraj says he spoke a lot outside in anger, but now with calm mind he realized his mistake. She warns not to think with calm mind. Vanraj says Anu took up loan responsibility alone, it doesn’t mean she take up even this responsibility alone.
Toshu continues blaming Anu. Kinjal says mummy made a mistake unknowingly, they should clear the glass pieces after the glass is broken instead of fighting. He says let mummy clear the debt alone, he wants to slap Samar for being careless, etc. Kinjal asks not to blame mummy if he cannot help and go to his house instead. He says he doesn’t want to be part of this drama. She says problem will look like a drama for him.

Kavya continues blaming Anu and says let her pay the loan alone. Vanraj says Anu is very kind hearted and took all the responsibility on her, she would have taken 10 lakhs loan instead, Anu doesn’t know anything and Samar is a kid, so he should have been there when Anu asked him to. Kavya says he stop thinking about her after he left her. He says Anu is his friend and always helped him in his every problem, her only problem is being kind to everyone and thinks everyone is like her and hence gets duped repeated. Kavya yells that he will be jobless anyways and should pay whole loan alone above that by steal or dacoity. He says he doesn’t know, but he will do something.

Samar continues consoling Anu and giving her an example says she is a fighter and fought with a tumor, this problem is nothing. Anu cries that her fear has taken over her mind and she feels angry on herself that her family is in trouble because of her. Samar says because of them both and they both will fight and get the family out of this problem.

Baa gets a panic attack next and thinks she should not inform Bapuji or else he will die in shock. Kinjal rushes to her. Baa asks if she can sell her kidney to repay loan, she will call hospital and find out. Kinjal stops her and scolds her not to think too much, thinks of calling Vanraj to handle Baa and rushes to Vanraj’s house. Kavya asks what happened. Kinjal says Baa is acting weird and asks her to send papa/Vanraj soon. Kavya hopes Baa doesn’t get a heart attack. Nandini worried calls Samar to find out situation at home. Samar walks to her. She asks about Anu. He says she is in fear. She says everything will be fine. Baa’s condition deteriorates and she gets short of breath. Vanraj worried gives her BP medicine and calms her down. Baa says Bapuji called and informed that he arranged 1.25 lakhs, he doesn’t know that they need to pay 40 lakhs now instead of 20 lakhs, he will get a heart attack if hears that. Vanraj consoles her again.

Anu rushes to Baa and panics more seeing Baa’s condition. Kavya brutally humiliates her again and shouts to arrange 40 lakhs rs alone if she really cares for her family, etc. Anu gets short of breath. Then in kitchen, Kavya then continues yelling and blaming Anu in front of Kinjal. Kinjal asks her to stop her blame game and go from here. Kavya warns her to behave with her MIL. Kinjal says she should be doing same and handle Baa and family, instead she is busy here blaming mummy. Kavya stands fuming. Outside house, Samar continues feeling guilty, and Kinjal consoles her. Baa walks out of house senselessly remembering Vanraj and Kavya’s bitter words and blames. Samar and Nandini don’t notice her. Samar then goes to Anu’s room and thinks she is asleep. Kinjal asks if mummy is awake as she didn’t have food yet. He says let her rest and asks her to take up family’s responsibility like mummy. Anu goes to a park and sitting on park bench prays god to help her. Power returns. She thanks god, runs to Rakhi’s house, and knocks door. Rakhi opens door and notices her condition. Anu says she needs to talk something important.

Precap: Anu pleads Rakhi for help. Rakhi says she will pay 40 lakhs instead and needs something in return. Anu asks her condition. She informs and asks if she accepts it. akhi visits Shah house. Anu gets tensed. Rakhi assures she will not discuss about their deal. Vanraj tells Anu that he found out how she arranged 20 lakhs.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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