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Guddan says to AJ only 25 minutes are left we have to hurry up. He says I know how to do my work . Dadi says my AJ and Guddan will win. Host says only 15 minutes are left. AJ says put half spoon of salt only.. Guddan says I am not a chef. Only three minutes are left. Kishor says Durga AJ has magic in his hands. we can’t win against him. AJ and Guddan put it on plate. The time is up.

Perv is in the temple. Revati comes there in bridal. Kaushaliya comes and says you look so pretty please sit. Perv says you are going to be my wife. Pandit ji starts the mantra.

AJ says why are you not being confident. The judge checks all the dishes. He announces that the winner is Guddan. Guddan says yayy I won. She is about to hug AJ. He says are you crazy? Judge says you did that in very short time. He says runner ups are Durga and Kishor. Good work everyone.

Dadi says they both won. Bhushan says they had to. AJ and Guddan take the cheque and trophi. Photograpger asks them to come close to pose. She says smile a bit it doesn’t cost anything. She says you won because of me. He says yeah right. People congratulate Guddan. A woman says she is your MIL after all. Dadi hug Guddan. She gives kichri to everyone. Dadi says she is so happy. AJ says for the money. Dadi says she is such a nice girl. Guddan says to Durga take some. I made it in 25 minutes. Durga says I don’t want it. Guddan says but look at this cheque. Guddan says mother is always special to kids and so was mine to me. She sent her prayers for me.

Pandit ji asks Revati and Perv to stand up. Guddan looks around for Revati. Rawat comes. He takes the khichri from her. He says you are running away from the truth. She says right now I just won. He says my eyes are always on you. Guddan says I am trying. Guddan sees AJ coming. Rawat says never forget it.

Rawat leaves. Guddan says don’t do anything like that. Never harm my family. He says then find proofs that I asked you for. You have to do that for your family. Guddan is worried. She collides with AJ. She holds him. He says you won.. You can at least learn to walk. Here is our one lac. She says wow. Guddan is happy. She says let me count it. He says you think I will steal it? SHe says I can’t trust anyone. Guddan says here are you 20k. I am Guddan. I keep my deals. He says without me it would have been impossible. She says I hired you.

Guddan is flying a kite. The kid wins from her. AJ says a kid is winning from. She says my kite is acting up. He helps her with flying the kite. They win together. AJ’s hand gets cut a little.
Revati is at the mandap.

Pandit ji says stand up. He says the girl has a problem? Kaushliya says no no.. She asks Revati to stand up She says you are fulfilling my dream. Guddan’s kite is falling she runs to save it and messes everything. Guddan comes outside the temple. She follows her kite and comes to the temple. Perv says what is Guddan doing here. Guddan finds her kite. She sees the temple but Perv and Kaushliya hide along with Revati behind a pillar. She says pandit ji you were doing mantra. He says it was a wedding. Guddan says where are bride and groom? Why are you so worried? He says I don’t know where they went. Guddan says anyway. I have my kite I am going. She leaves. Pandit ji gives prasad to young sister. Elder sister gives her prasad to her sister too. Revati is hidden. Guddan comes to those girls and says I have a little sister like her. I love her more than anything. She tells me everything about her life. Revati is in tears. Guddan prays for Revati. Perv says why is she not going? Revati recalls their moments together. Guddan says chutki you are world best sister. Guddan leaves. Revati is in tears. She recalls what Guddan said. Kaushliya says Revati come out. Guddan is gone. She comes out. She says didn’t you hear what she said? I don’t want to get married without her. Kaushliya says what are you saying.. Revati says I can’t do all this. I am sorry but I can’t marry you Perv. He says how can you do this.. Revati run. He says she wont agree because she loves her sister. Perv says I will make Revati hate Guddan.

Guddan is dancing in her room. AJ comes and says what are you doing here. You are an MIL. She says I don’t need to prove that I am an MIL. Look at this cheque I won beating your DILs and all other women. She gives him the money. Se says here is your share. Keep this kite too. This will remind you if Guddan can hire you she can do anything. AJ says are you crazy. She says I will place the kite on this wall. She says this kite will remind you that our relationship is temporary. After that I will leave this house.

Guddan comes downstairs. She reads in a magazine about another contest. Everyone hears AJ’s buzer and run to AJ’s room. Guddan blared that buzzer. Durga says why did you use it?? She says to call you. Saru says but this is AJ’s. Guddan says ou are my DIl and I am your MIL. She says tomorrow is 26th Jan. We will go to amusement part to celebrate ot.

Someone is planning to blast the amusement park. Guddan says it will be fun. All DILs say no. Guddan says Guddan says after this buzzer everything is an order. You have to come. Perv comes in. She says Perv you have to come to. He says in heart you see how I marry your sister tomorrow. AJ comes. Dadi says we will go. Durga says Guddan has decided for us that we will go to amusement tomorrow. Dadi says yu can’t say no AJ. She leaves. Guddan says I was confused. This buzzer blared. He takes the buzzer from her. He says this isn’t a joke. You need to earn that kind of respect. This isn’t for your amusement park announcements, she says sorry. He says keep it where you picked it from. She says I don’t remmeber. He takes it from her.
Durga stops Guddan adn says what do you want to prove? I am not coming with you. Guddans says I just want the family to be together and happy. Durga shows her the keys. She says rule this house. Dadi says come with me. She is your MIL. You two can do so much for this house. Solve your problem. durga says how. Dadi says I don’t know. She locks them in the kitchen and says you two will only come out when you solve your problems.

Guddan sits in the kitchen. She says I shouldn’t be scared. She looks at Durga. She says should I talk? Guddan says should I tell dadi that we are sorted. She says you are like this green chili. I can’t talk to you. Tell me everything you want to say. Wont you? I have to get out of here. Please say something. Guddan says have this milk. Guddan says you keep saying I can’t do anything. See I am pouring water in the glass. It didn’t spill. Durga breaks all that Guddan is dazed.

Kaushaliy says to Revati I made this kachori for you. Revati says aren’t you mad at me? Kaushaliya says I was a bit but its okay. Guddan is living so happily in her house and you are here doing all this sacrifice for her? Why?

Dadi says they aren’t coming out.

A terrorist says everyone would be blasted in the party.

Durga says Guddan you are far away from being good at anything. I will show you your way. You are like this fire that only wants to destroy everything in this house.

Dadi says why are they not coming out.

The terrorist plants the bomb.

Durga says you are good for nothing. Guddan says I will try to fix it. Durga says you can’t ever fix anything. Dadi opens the door. Guddan says dadi Durga said you can fix it. Dadi smiles. She says Guddan is so nice please always help her.

Kaishliya says to Revati I know you love your sister. But no one loves a kid more than their own mother.

The festival starts. Guddan and family come there.. Guddan comes there with a black bag. She says why did I keep so many things. AJ sees her. He says you.. Better not mess anything here. The kidnapper sees Guddan’s bag and replaces it.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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